Chapter 1: The Revival
A/N: The reason why this story is called Heart of Lordship is because of this thinking knowledge: just when you think it's over, think again. This is my first ever fanfiction, a continuation of the Watership Down TV series. I do not own Watership Down or the Watership Down TV series, and I respect Richard Adam's copyrights. Enjoy this fanfiction.
It was a beautiful, sunny day on the high hills of Watership Down. The birds were chirping, wind blowing, and the sun shining to its maximum. A couple days after Woundwort and his Darkhaven minions were swept away to the Shadowlands, we find Fiver sleeping on the soft grass still. Hazel was concerned because he never had slept that long before.
Fiver was imagining himself hopping through a forest. He must have hopped thousands of miles, and then he found a garden full of delicious flayrah. There was flayrah everywhere he looked, and then he just jumped into the ground, eating and eating lettuce and carrots. He was drowning in flayrah, and he was gobbling on the delicious carrots.
"Oh Frith! Thank you for taking me to this wonderful place! I will never leave this place again!" Fiver said happily. Fiver then saw Hazel and the rest of his friends coming toward him.
"Good find, brother! I knew your fierce warrior skills would help!" Hazel said as he nuzzled his brother, then the rest of Fiver's friends started eating flayrah. They finished eating after a few minutes. They all huddled in a circle and just talked about their futures in Watership Down.
Then the dreadful, scary part kicked in. Eight rabbits hopped toward the group, armed with very long claws.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in," one of them said, a vicious smile on his face as he sharpened his claws. Fiver and the others were scared at this, backing away several steps, crouching down.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Hazel asked as Bigwig growled, ready to pounce and attack the mysterious visitors. Fiver remembered one of the rabbits, but he could not put his paw on it.
"I don't answer those questions, shut up! KILL THEM ALL EXCEPT THAT ONE. I'LL KILL HIM MYSELF!" the rabbit said. He appeared to be the leader, judging by his large size and a mark on his head. He pointed to Fiver, indicating he wanted to deal with Fiver personally. Then the two groups clashed, both clawing and killing each other. Hazel and his friends were killed. Fiver was now all alone with the enemies.
"Nooooooooo! Hazel!" Fiver cried as he fell to the ground on his haunches. The enemy rabbit then came up to him.
"Tell me where your warren is and you shall not suffer," the leader said seriously, raising his sharp claws to kill the young seer. Fiver then bolted off, running the opposite direction, with the rabbits behind him. After a few minutes of running, Fiver ran into a fence. He scrabbled at it a few seconds but could not climb it. He was cornered by the enemies.
"I said, tell me where your warren is, but I already know." the leader said with a dirty smile as a few more rabbits came up, and then they all swiped their long, razor-sharp claws at Fiver, causing blood to ooze out of his neck.
Fiver woke up screaming and breathing heavily. He saw his brother Hazel and Bigwig running up.
"Fiver! What's wrong? What happened?" Hazel questioned as Fiver stood up on his haunches, Bigwig helping him up.
"Yea, Fiver, what happened? We could hear you screaming all the way from outside," Bigwig grumbled, irritated.
"I had the worst dream anyone could ever have in their lifetime," Fiver answered, about to cry. A cold tear slid down his face.
"What was that dream?" Hazel asked solicitously.
"OK, so I was walking in a forest for hrair miles, and I came across a huge garden with plentiful flayrah. I was enjoying the time of my life when you and the rest of us got to the garden, eating flayrah for hours. We then all sat in a circle and started talking." Fiver paused, trying to remember what happened in the dream.
"Alright, go on," Hazel said to Fiver, curious as to what the horror was. Bigwig got concerned as well.
"Then hrair elil came up to us. You and the group clashed, fighting, but you failed, and I was the only one left. The leader and his friend wanted to deal with me personally. The leader's friend looked so familiar, but I could not remember what his name was," Fiver continued as more tears fell down his face, the tears becoming hotter every minute, the saltiness were increasing.
"What did he do to you?" Hazel and Bigwig asked in unison, their eye brows going up questioningly.
"He then wanted me to tell the location of Watership Down, but I refused and bolted away. They caught me though, and then three of the elil swiped their claws across my face and neck, and that was it." Fiver answered. He then lunged for Hazel and buried his head into his chest and just cried.
"Its all right, Brother. At least it was just a dream," Hazel reassured Fiver, nuzzling his ear comfortingly. Afterwards, Hazel and Bigwig had some other matters to take care of: the celebration of Woundwort's defeat. Before they started to head to the Honeycomb, they wanted to follow Fiver for a bit to see why he'd been acting a bit strange lately.
"Alright, Bigwig. We will follow him and stay out of his sight. I'm getting Primrose and Blackberry: they've got to see if we find anything strange, alright?" Hazel ordered Bigwig as he was about to get Primrose and Blackberry.
"Alright, Hazel," Bigwig said as he waited for Hazel to come back with Primrose and Blackberry. Then they started trailing Fiver.
It was strange indeed. After trailing him for a few minutes, they discovered Fiver near Silverweed's grave. He crouched down and prayed for a few minutes.
"What is he doing?" Blackberry asked, turning her head to one side.
"Maybe he's doing his daily ritual for Silverweed, spending time with him?" Hazel asked, confused as well.
"Now that sounds ridiculous, Hazel," Bigwig said arrogantly though he was also confused. He scratched his mane as if trying to find the correct answer.
"Maybe he's just trying to reach Silverweed by visiting his grave, using his mind to link with Silverweed's, and then seeing what Silverweed sees in the afterlife," Primrose replied, appearing relaxed and peaceful, looking down on the soft grass, feeling her answer was right. But then things got stranger. Fiver started digging at the area where Silverweed's body was.
"What in dear Frith is he doing now?" Hazel whispered loudly as his mouth dropped in pure shock.
"I don't know! He might be going insane!" Primrose and Blackberry both said in unison.
"Wait a minute, look! He's... he's... he's using magic! Look!" Bigwig whispered loudly. Everyone twitched in shock. They never knew Fiver had the power of magic. Sure enough, Bigwig was right. After Fiver was done digging, he lifted Silverweed's body out of the earth and then started chanting magic words. They could faintly hear what Fiver was chanting:
"I call upon you Frith today
To make the darkness go away!
I give to you my greatest offering
Will you revive my friend and accept this proffering!" Fiver cried as he set down a golden carrot that he found in a bush next to the grave. The golden carrot shimmered for a second and was suddenly replaced by what looked like a heart.
"What in dear Frith is that?" Bigwig said as his jaw dropped in awe.
"It must be Silverweed's heart. By Fiver giving Frith the offering, that golden carrot, in exchange for his heart, Fiver is trying to revive him," Blackberry answered, examining the exchange from far away.
"Fiver is trying to revive our friend?" Hazel asked, shocked.
"You are right, the world's greatest offering for another life," Blackberry replied, then they focused back on Fiver. Fiver was holding the heart in the air, light shining on it. Then Fiver inserted the heart into Silverweed, as light shone on the dead rabbit's body. Then the light disappeared, and Silverweed woke up. Hazel and the group started to get closer to Fiver without being in his sight.
"What happened?" Silverweed spoke as he coughed a bit, and then he stood upright. Silverweed was in his youth, like he was when Fiver met him.
"Silverweed, you're alive!" Fiver cried as he then nuzzled Silverweed.
"Yes, I am," Silverweed said happily as a tear fell down his face as he nuzzled Fiver back. He was smiling, glad to be alive once more. After a few minutes, they hopped back from each other.
Then Hazel accidentally revealed his presence by stepping on a branch, which made a crack loud enough that Fiver heard. Fiver turned around and saw Hazel and his friends.
"What are you guys doing here?" Fiver asked.
"We were spying on you. We wanted to know why you were acting all strange lately," Hazel replied, a bit embarrassed that Fiver had caught them.
"You do know I knew you were spying on me, don't you?" Fiver asked, making Hazel even more embarrassed.
"How did you know?" Hazel asked, a bit confused.
"I have ears like a hawk and eyes like a tiger," Fiver replied.
Then Hazel and the group noticed Silverweed beside Fiver. Everyone got immediately excited and everyone but Fiver nuzzled Silverweed, glad that he was back again.
"It's good to have you back, Silverweed," Hazel and Bigwig said happily, their ears perked up.
"I'm glad to be back as well," Silverweed replied, they huddled together for a while, and then all of them left to be on their way to the Honeycomb, eager to share to the others that Silverweed was alive.
A/N: Please review, I would greatly appreciate any reviews. I don't mind if it's a bad review or not, it's just a way to improve the revising and editing process of any story. Don't be scared to leave criticism or non-criticism. Feel free to send me ideas for upcoming chapters.
Next time on Heart Of Lordship:
"It does feel good," Fiver said happily as he devoured his carrot, which made both of them laugh. After a few minutes of eating, they talked about their speech. After a few minutes of that, they were wanting to go back to the Honeycomb. Fiver started running to the Honeycomb, with Silverweed behind him. Fiver then tripped on a log and fell down the hill, rolling and screaming as he went tumbling down the hill.
"Fiver!" Silverweed bellowed, concerned for his friend. Then things took a turn for the worst. Fiver got to the bottom of the hill, only to land on hedgehogs.
"OUCHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHH!" Fiver screamed as he landed on the spiky hedgehogs.