Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original character

Note: So this is it - the final chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it! I do have a sequel planned which will be an AU of season 6, and I think that one is gonna be cool considering I have some plans for Kae there but we'll see - I had to totally rewrite the ending on this chapter so now I have to rework the sequel just a tad. Oh well. Chapter one of that will be up as soon as possible.

Anyway, I want to say thank you to everyone that reviewed, favorited, story alerted - you get the idea. You're all awesome!

And I hope y'all enjoy this final chapter!

Chapter 34:

Kae perched herself on the top of an old headstone and looked around the graveyard that was Stull Cemetery. Lucifer stood a few feet away from her, waiting for Michael to meet him. He hadn'r said why it had to be Stull, and she hadn't asked.

It didn't take long for Michael to show up.

"It's good to see you Michael." Lucifer said.

"You too," Michael replied. "It's been too long."

Kae tuned them out after that, knowing this wasn't going to be some happy family reunion. The two were supposed to fucking kill each other for crying out loud. She did3

It was the sound of music that caught her attention, and a large amount of dread began to fill her as she saw the Impala drive through the cemetery gates, Def Leopard's Rock of Ages blaring loudly out the rolled down windows.

When it parked and the engine cut, Dean got out of the car and leaned against the open door.

"Howdy boys," he greeted the two. "am I interrupting something?"

Kae held her breath as she watched Dean approach Lucifer. She wanted to scream at him to get back into the Impala, drive away and never look back, but even if she did, she knew he wouldn't leave.

"Hey. We need to talk." he said.

Lucifer sighed.

"Dean." he said exasperatedly. "Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."

Stupid. Yes. Kae thought, wrapping her arms around herself tightly. Get out of here you idiot - it's not Sam anymore. Please -

"I'm not talking to you." Dean said flatly. "I'm talking to Sam."

"You're no longer the vessel, Dean," said Michael before Lucifer could respond. "You got no right to be here."

Dean studied him for a moment before speaking.

"Adam, if you're in there somewhere I am so sorry." he said.

"Adam isn't home right now," Michael retorted.

Dean shrugged.

"Well, then you're next on my list buttercup," he said, "but right now I need five minutes with him." he gestured to Lucifer.

"You little maggot." snarled Michael, taking a step forward. "You are no longer a part of the story!"

"Hey, ass-butt!"

Kae nearly choked as she tried to stifle her laughter at the name Cas had come up with. She hadn't even noticed him and Bobby arrive. Cas threw what she deemed correctly to be a molotov cocktail at the other angel and Michael began to scream as he burst into flames and disappeared.

"Ass-butt?" Dean said incredulously.

Cas shrugged.

"He'll be back - and upset - but you got your five minutes." he told Dean.

Lucifer was staring at Cas.

"Castiel," he said, his tone deadly. "Did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?"

Cas looked at him and shook his head.

"Uh...no." he said nervously.

"Nobody dicks with Michael but me." Lucifer said angrily, and with a snap of his fingers, Cas exploded in a big, bloody mess.

"Sammy," Dean said hesitantly, looking away from where Cas had stood mere seconds ago and back at Lucifer. "can you hear me?"

Kae inhaled sharply as she watched Lucifer turn to Dean.

"You know, I tried to be nice," he snapped. "for Sammy's sake." he grabbed Dean by the lapels of his jacket, "but you...are such a pain...in my ass." he pushed Dean down onto the ground hard before rounding on Kae. "You know what to do."

Kae didn't move. She stared at Lucifer horrifed.

"Kill him." Lucifer ordered.

Before she could do anything, a gun shot shattered the silence between them. Kae saw Bobby pointing the Colt at Lucifer. As he turned, Kae saw the bullet wound in his back, and Bobby shot Lucifer again, this time in the chest.

Lucifer regarded him for a moment before twisting his hand in mid-air, breaking Bobby's neck.

"No!" Kae screamed, and she wasn't the only one. Dean had cried out too as he watched what Lucifer had done and Bobby's body fall to the ground.

Lucifer looked at Kae.

"Yes." he snarled. He stalked over to her, grabbed her arm and pulled her over to where Dean lay. "Now finish this. I'm not asking you. I'm ordering you."

Kae stared down at Dean and tears began to fill her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said thickly.

"I know," he replied quietly.

Kae took a deep breath and closed her eyes before concentrating and making a long sweeping motion with her arm. When she opened her eyes, she saw Dean's body slam into a headstone fifteen feet from where she stood. He barely had time to recover before she blasted him ten feet in the air, and then sent him flying into the entrance gate.

She blasted him into the Impala, sending him through the windshield, and waited to see if he'd get up. When he didn't, she began to cry.

Lucifer burst into laughter as she fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Dean was - wait. Her sobbing came to an abrupt halt as she saw Dean struggle to crawl out of the car. Lucifer's face darkened and he strode over to Kae, striking her hard across the face.

"I guess if you want something done, you have to do it yourself," he muttered before making his way over to Dean.

Kae's eyes widened and she got slowly to her feet as Lucifer pulled Dean swiftly from the wreckage of the windshield.

"No!" Kae screamed.

Lucifer smiled cruelly at her.

"Yes," he snarled before punching Dean hard in the face. He

"Sammy?" Dean managed to choke out, blood dribbling down his chin. "Are you in there?"

"Oh he's in here alright," Lucifer told him, "and he's gonna feel the snap of your bones." He punched Dean in the face again. "Every last one." he glanced at Kae briefly before resuming hitting Dean. "Are you watching, Princess? It's okay - you'll see him again when you die. But as of this moment?" he hit Dean again. "You're my bitch - permanently."

He hit Dean until his face was a bloody mess. Kae wanted to blast Lucifer into the deepest pit of hell, but she knew she couldn't. It wouldn't work. She watched Lucifer raise his fist for what she knew would be the death blow, but then he froze.

It seemed like ages passed before he moved again, and stumbled backward, away from Dean.

It was Sam.

Kae stared at the younger Winchester in shock. She saw him reach into his pocket for the rings, and then throw them down in the grass. The shock seemed to wear off briefly then, and she ran over to Dean before helping him off of the Impala.

The two collapsed on the ground in front of the car, Kae clinging to Dean as the two watched Sam speak the incantation that made the keys work. A large circle of earth suddenly sank away into a gaping black hole.

Sam looked briefly at Kae and Dean and nodded. All Dean could do was stare at his brother, and Kae managed a week nod.


Kae tore her eyes away from Sam to see that Michael had returned, but the angel took no notice of her or Dean.

"It's not gonna end this way!" he yelled over the roar of the wind. "Step back!"

"You're gonna have to make me!" Sam yelled back.

"I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now! It's my destiny!"

Sam glanced at Kae and Dean one more time before closing his eyes and spreading his arms out. Michael lunged at him and grabbed onto his arm, but Sam grabbed him and pulled backward, causing the two of them to fall into the Cage.

In a flash the ground was back to looking like it had never been disturbed in the first place, and the rings lay in the grass, glowing bright gold.

Dean managed to get up on his knees and crawl over to where the rings lay. He picked them up and stared silently at them.

Kae hesitated, but then joined him, wrapping her arm gently around his shoulders. He didn't cry, but she saw a single tear make its way down his cheek. They sat there in silence for who knew how long.

There was a sudden flutter of wings and when the two looked up, they saw Cas standing next to Dean. The angel didn't speak, but placed two fingers on the hunter's forehead. When he removed it, Dean had been completely healed.

"Cas?" Kae managed to get out as she stared up at him in shock. "You're alive?"

He looked over at her.

"I'm better than that," he replied as he stepped over to her and helped her to her feet. Then he crossed the distance between them and Bobby's body before kneeling down next to it and touching Bobby's neck.

Kae watched in awe as the old hunter sat up and stared at Cas. He looked as stunned as she felt.

"Cas are you God?" she asked.

He smiled slightly at her.

"That's a nice compliment...but no." he replied. "Although I do believe he brought me back. New and improved."

Kae nodded, and looked over at Dean. He was staring silently at the rings in his hand.

Later that night, after saying good-bye to Bobby, and a conversation with Cas that ended up with Dean yelling and the angel leaving them, Dean drove them out to a motel in Kansas City. The two got into bed without a word to each other.

Kae slept until at least noon the next day and woke to find Dean gone, a note left on the small table in the room.

On a food run - back soon

- Dean

She decided that instead of sitting around waiting for him to come back, she would go ahead and shower. The hot water felt wonderful on her body, and helped her relax. She was almost able to forget what had happened the day before.


As she was stepping out of the shower, she heard the door of their room open and close. Dean was back.

"Be out in a second!" she called, reaching for a towel and wrapping it around herself after she'd rung the excess water out of her hair. Once she'd dried off, she got dressed, throwing a plain purple v-neck tee over her head and pulling a pair of dark wash jeans on.

"Hey," she said, pushing the door of the bathroom open and making her way over to the table where Dean sat. He didn't say a word. "Dean -"

"He's...It worked." Dean said tonelessly. "It worked, and he's gone. Sam's gone."

"I know." she said softly. "Dean, I -"

"Don't," Dean's voice cracked. "Just...don't."

"Then don't you shut me out," she said softly. "We need to figure out what to do next."

"Well I'm not ready for 'next'."

"Neither am I," she responded, sinking down into the chair next to him. "But...it's 'next'. Whether we like it or not." she paused. "So what do we do?"

"What do you want to do?" he asked, finally looking up at her.

Kae hesitated, recalling the conversation she'd overheard on the trip to Detroit.

"If she...wants it with you, you go and you - you have barbecues, and go to football games. You go live some normal, apple-pie life. Promise me."

"I think I could use a break from angels and demons...and all that," she said hesitantly. "A long term break."

He was silent for a moment.

"Me too." he reached for her hand and she took it.

"You think we could try that?" she asked. "Together?"

Dean sighed.

"Don't see why not." he attempted to smile. "Could be interesting."

She laughed weakly and squeezed his hand.

"Yeah. Could be." she agreed. "Definitely."


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