Hey guys. No, I'm not dead, but life has been really tough. I know I have a bad habit of disappearing off the face of the Earth for months at a time and I am sooooo sorry. Summer work is kicking my ass. I don't want to go into any details, but I am hoping I can write as often as I used to. I had new chapters finished, but I was away for too long and the chapters were deleted. I hope this is okay. I'm so sorry. T.T

I hope I'm not too rusty. I'm going to start a writing session now.

Bubbles cried into her hands and buried her face in her knees. She could hear the chaos around her. The girls were all panicking and had fallen silent as the boys entered the auditorium. Of all people it just had to be them. Boomer's ears picked up on her sniffles,

"Bubbles? Are you in here? Are you hurt?" The flashlights came closer to the girls.

Blossom, Buttercup, and Robin began searching even harder. They were on their hands and knees trying to find each other's glasses.

"Are you in here?" The boys could finally see the girls from the distance. They began making their way closer to them. The girls kept their heads down and their eyes glued to the floor. Bubbles remained in the same position with her face in her hands. Boomer ran up to Bubbles and wrapped his arms around her, while the other boys tried helping the other girls up.

"Bubbles, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Bubbles shook her head no. Boomer let out a breath of relief and grabbed her elbow, to try and help her up. Bubbles shook her head and remained on the floor, sniffling.

Blossom and the others tried their best to keep their faces hidden away from the guys and looked around.

"C-can you guys help us find our glasses and phones? They're around here somewhere, but it's too dark for us to see." The boys nodded and began shining their flashlights on the floor.

Butch went into the rows and found a green cased iPhone assumed it was Buttercup's. He walked over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, I found your phone." Buttercup didn't look up and snatched it out of his hands. Butch scoffed.

"You're welcome, Butterbutt." Buttercup ignored him and turned on her flash. She quickly found her glasses under a seat and placed them on her face. She turned to face Butch and thanked him.

Buttercup quickly found Blossom and Robin's glasses and handed it to them. The girls felt the weight lift on their chests. Soon enough, Brick and Mitch had found Robin and Blossom's phones.

Boomer squatted next to Bubbles and rubbed her back. A few feet away he could see a pair of blue glasses. He quickly grabbed them and handed them to her. Bubbles grabbed them and buried her head into her knees.

He sighed and began looking for her cell phone. When he returned to her, her glasses were on, but tears continued to stream down her face. Bubbles reached for her phone from his hand and Boomer watched as her hand shook furiously. As soon as their hands met, he closed his hand around hers and pulled her up against him.

Bubbles didn't move. Her shaking was much more visible. Boomer wrapped his arms around her smaller body and swayed back and forth to comfort her. After a minute, everyone had gathered. Boomer let go of a much calmer Bubbles, but she gripped onto his shirt tightly. Buttercup went over to her sister and offered the girl a hand to hold. Bubbles let go and grabbed her hand.

Brick crossed his arms and looked at them

"Do you girls have anything to say?" Buttercup rose a brow and interlaced her fingers with Bubble's

"Like what?" Butch rolled his eyes

"Like how the hell did you guys even end up in here in the first place."

"Somebody was obviously pulling a prank on us. What else is there to it?" Butch rose a brow and shined his light to something near the stage. It was something black with one green lens and one lens on the floor. The girls stared at the object and felt a shiver go down their spines.

Buttercup looked at her knuckles, which were swollen and red. Her entire hand felt numb. Butch went over and picked up the object. That was the mysterious item that Buttercup had hit.

"Someone went out of their way to use expensive night vision goggles for a prank?" Buttercup gulped and turned back to Butch,

"H-how the heck are we supposed to know? There are a bunch of rich kids at this school who don't care about what they do with money." Robin put a hand on Buttercup

" We don't have to explain anything to you anyway." Blossom grabbed Bubble's other hand and began making her way to the door.

"Let's just go back into homeroom and then go home." The girls left and the boys followed not so long later. Butch elbowed Mitch,

"Weren't they being a little too evasive? We were just trying to help." Mitch shrugged,

"For all they know, we could have been the ones who did this to them. We were the first to find them." Butch rolled his eyes,

"We KNOW that it wasn't us, so they need to relax a little. Don't you guys think they were acting weird?"

"Yeah. They wouldn't even look us in the eyes and they were all defensive."

"And did you hear Buttercup?" The other three boys shook their heads and looked at Butch. Mitch rose a brow

"What? Did she say something weird?"

"I don't know. It's not what she said, It's how she said it. She stuttered and she ain't the type to stutter." Boomer shook his head and sighed.

"Maybe she was just shocked. I mean, poor Bubbles was scared out of her mind."

The boys made it to the homeroom and were immediately blinded by 20 flashlights. Soon enough they were surrounded by girls. The Powerpunks pushed their way to them and hugged them tightly. Berserk kissed Brick's cheek and he froze. Did she just do what he thought she did?

"Oh my god! Mitch! I was so worried!"

"Butch! Where did you guys go!"

"I was so scared Boomie!" Did they really just forget what happened in the cafeteria? The boys peeled them off and moved them to the side. They caught the attention of the Homeroom teacher, who then checked off their names. The girls watched from their corner in silence. They were still trying to process what had happened a few minutes before. Robin rubbed Bubble's back and looked at Blossom sitting across from her.

"Who do you think did it?" Blossom looked around the room, eyeing everyone carefully. No one was looking at them weird. Some boys were messing around with each other to pass time. Some were on their phones texting or calling their parents. Blossom shook her head and turned back to her sisters.

"Not anyone in homeroom." Bubbles tapped her nails on her desk and looked down

"Do you think they suspect?" Her sisters turned their heads slightly towards the boys. The Powerpunks wouldn't leave their side, but it didn't seem like they cared. They were in their own little world. Brick turned his head as though he knew someone was looking at him and they quickly looked away. Blossom slipped her hands under her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"Let's hope not." She took a deep breath in, but kept her hands on her face.

"Did you call mom yet?" Just as she asked Robin's phone rang. Robin looked at the caller I.D and held it up.

"Speaking of the devil."

"Hey mom...yup...we're okay..oh...okay... yeah sure, we're fine... don't worry... yup...bye... love you." Robin hung up her phone and sighed.

Just as she finished the homeroom teacher got up from her desk and walked out into the hall where other teachers were. After a few minutes she came back in.

"Students settle down please. I have an update. As you can tell, the entire school is out of power at the moment. Teachers all have the class plans and lessons on their computers so there is no way for school to continue until power returns." A bunch of students cheered and whistled only to be hushed and she continued

"We can't dismiss everyone yet due to the unexpected blackout, so you'll have to stay in school until we can get transportation." At that moment, all of the students groaned and complained. The teacher hushed them for what seemed like the millionth time.

"If you have driven to school by car yourself and are 18, you can sign out after you call your parents and inform them. Your parents will also be able to pick you up. If you decide to leave, it will be your responsibility and the school will not be held responsible. Understand?"

The students whispered and complained to themselves. Not everyone had the privilege of having someone drive them home from school at the moment. Others pulled out their phones and called home.

Some of the older students got up, signed the sheet and left with the guidance of a teacher waiting in the hall with other students. Buttercup rose a brow at Robin,

"Is mom coming? Is anyone coming?" Robin sighed and shook her head

"She's talking to a fashion designer about possibly letting us model her next line, dad's busy speaking at some college right now, and Hannes is stuck in some major traffic back at his hometown."

"So nothing?" Robin nodded.

"Mom said she just finished, but it will take some time to get here due to traffic."

The class still had a good 3/4 of the students left, including the Rowdyruff boys. Everyone was still waiting for their parents. The rest waited for the buses.

The teachers kept contact with one another through walkie talkies. Everyone was bored out of their minds. Many of the kids were napping, like Buttercup. Occasionally lightening flashed followed by a loud boom and everyone jumped. Robin Bubbles use her headphones and had the girl put her head down. Blossom smoothed Bubbles' hair and rubbed her back soothingly as the storm continued.

They were probably in the room for not even 20 minutes when the walkie talkie went off. Apparently it was not safe in the classrooms due to occasional flying objects hitting the windows from the wind. The only place where power seemed to return was the gym. Before they knew it, they were all moved into the gym. The only downside was that the air conditioning unit was off and the entire school was in one area.

Teachers did a head count and seated the students on the bleachers. The girls sat near the corner of the bleachers and were greatly relieved that no one chose to sit near them. A group had sat at the very top earlier, but left right after the girls came. Everyone who sat in the area left when they came. Some daring teens even went under the bleachers only to get caught by teachers.

The boys on the other hand were in a bit of trouble. From all over the gym people wanted their attention. Guys were trying to be cool with them and were acting like they were best friends while girls called for them to sit with them. The entire gym was in a frenzy. Buttercup sat behind Blossom at the very top. She leaned on the metal railing that kept students from falling off and sighed

"And this is why we come here disguised." Robin nodded

"They have no privacy. They better hope no one figures out where they live." Blossom rose a brow at the girls

"We may have privacy, but look at where it got us." Bubbles elbowed Blossom and shushed her sisters who weren't paying attention. They turned front and realized something was off. Everyone was looking at them! Coming up the stairs to them was no other than the Rowdyruff boys. Oh great. Center of attention. Again. The teachers had ordered them to sit near the girls. Blossom eyed her sisters as the boys got closer and whispered

"Let's move." The girls nodded, but then froze and looked up behind Blossom. Blossom felt a hand on her shoulder and felt the glares intensify tenfold. He leaned down and whispered into her ear

"Please... don't leave" Blossom didn't turn around. She knew who it was. She looked at her sisters and stood up. They all moved down a few rows and settled down there.

From not too far away they could hear girls talking.

"Did you see that? She just ignored him! Who do they think they are?"

"They even got up and left like they all had a deadly disease! Rude." It wasn't really a disease, but it was definitely deadly. Soon enough rather than talking about the storm, the hot topic of the gym was the girls.

"Who are they?"

"The Uranium sisters. They're upperclassmen, but I heard that they are on the bottom of the foodchain. Complete losers."

"Yeah. Apparently they tried something happened between them and the Punks." The boys looked at the freshmen talking and down at the girls. That caught their attention. Betray the Powerpunks? Brick elbowed Mitch and he rolled his eyes

"Bro, I hate dealing with freshmen." He got up anyway and went to the girls

"What happened between them?" The girls nearly jumped out of their seats. They looked at Mitch and smiled sweetly. Mitch rolled his eyes at the acting, but waited patiently for the answer. A young girl looked around and then to others to see if they were listening. They weren't. She turned back to Mitch and spoke in a volume that only he and her friends could hear.

"From what I know, they knew that the Powerpunks were super big fans of the Powerpuff girls and purposely gave the Powerpunks bad advice and it cost them from meeting the PPGs."


"Yeah. There was this really big contest and where a group could win back stage passes and tickets to a concert and special time with the PPGs. This was before they met Princess and slightly before they got rich." Mitch crossed his arms and looked down at the girls.

"Okay? I still don't get what they did wrong?" The girl winked at him and leaned flirtatiously

"I wasn't done yet. The Uraniums said that they had no interest in the backstage passes and gave the Plutoniums some ideas for the contest, but they didn't win. Apparently it was unoriginal, or something like that. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Point is that they didn't get the passes."

"That wasn't their fault." The girl rose a brow and wagged a finger. Her friends giggled as she continued

"Oh but that's what you think. The Plutoniums didn't win, but went to the concert anyway. And at the end of the concert guess who they spotted behind the metal railings and muscle bound body guards?"

"The Uraniums?"

"Wearing backstage passes and chatting away with THE Christina Utonium like they knew each other. They had to be one of the groups that won the contest. They must have sabotaged the Plutoniums. They're snakes."

Mitch just couldn't believe that they would sabotage. Him and the guys may not be on goo terms with them at the moment, but he knew that they weren't bad people. They were too good for that. He silently thanked the girls and turned around. He noticed that the girls were gone and walked over back to his seat.