"Don't you dare!" Natasha screeched, veil flying behind her head, as she was running after the Jotunn-born Asgardian at full speed, "Don't you fucking dare! Come back here, you little.."

Loki didn't hear the rest as he slipped in through the closing doors of the elevator, coming face to face with the agitated groom.

"How is she?" he asked, with the face of a puppy in terror.

"Angered and vengeful, as usual. Apparently she believes that I magicked her dress into a smaller size."

"Did you?"

"Of course not!" he managed to get his face look offended. "After all the trouble I went through to make you accept the fact that I'm actually trustworthy?"

"Half the time."

"Half the time, yes. Though that thing with Doom doesn't matter."

"Back onto the question. Did you use magic to transform her dress?" Loki fidgeted a bit.

He hated when he was caught.

"Okay, I did. But I have a question of my own; have you been hiding here the whole day, Barton?" Clint shivered slightly; as it always woke not exactly pleasant memories, they haven't been calling each other by their family names or titles since...

Well. Since his foiled attempt to take over the Earth.

After that a few rather offensive names passed between the two, before they eventually agreed that it was making cooperation impossible.

Loki knew that the archer didn't forgive him, and never will. It'd have been also hypocritical to ask him that.

But as the re-adopted brother of Thor and an important source of information concerning extraterrestial life forms, Stark accepted him into the fold and Clint had to go with it. Even if he did warn them that like a scorpion, he cannot help being who he is and there is the risk that he'll eventually "go bad" again (as Pepper phrased it, being present during the whole ordeal).

They didn't care.

I'm much more of a loose cannon than you are, Banner smiled back then, So I have no idea why are you looking that surprised; we are a team of misfits and lost creatures, as you pointed out three years ago. You fit just right in.

"No?" the blonde said finally. Loki's mouth quirked.

"You are aware of the fact that she'll soon be your wife, yes?"


"And you do know that it means that mostly you'll stay together when not on a mission, and you'll be exposed to all her moods?"

Clint looked at him, wide-eyed as the realisation hit him.

"Oh my God."

"Thank you, but just a demigod, really."

The vows were exchanged along with the rings.

Thor saw Rhodey smirk as he lifted two fingers when the two at the altar kissed.

The sign.

"Ecxuse me," he murmured as he passed Coulson (who apparently wasn't killed by Loki. Only almost.). He saw as his brother, standing in the back of the crowd took his leave as well much to the dismay of those standing next to him.

"Jarvis," he spoke into the comm. "We are ready if you are."

"I'm always ready, Sir."

"Spoken like a true warrior."

"Thank you, Sir."

"If you two are quite finished," Loki piped in, "We might get to work."

Everything had to work with clock-wise precisity.

Suddenly Jane and Natasha appeared out of nowhere, glowing with excitement.

Thor had rarely seen the spy in such state, but it definitely fit her.

"They are coming. You have half a minute."

The lightning struck as Tony and Pepper exited the tent.

For a moment it appeared to be glowing green, much to the delight of the crowd.

As the light faded, the wedding march found themselves face to face with fifty-five Iron Man armours, and one, mainly silver and red, marked "Rescue".

They took off one by one, positioning themselves above the guests who alltogether made a sound of awe as they all started glowing. with strange blue-ish power. It soon expanded further than the armour, creating a cupola of energy.

Everything went dark.

Then, stars started flickering in the distance as soft music was playing.

"You could have just played Star Wars," the brothers heard Tony whisper as the picture passed a nebula, though he didn't take his eyes off, afraid that he'll miss a moment of it. "I'll get back at you for corrupting JARVIS' coding, though."

"Just be silent, you fool," Pepper murmured, leaning against him.

Tears glistened in her eyes.

The night wasn't even at its end and Volstagg was already wasted to the dismay of his wife who quickly took him by his ear and pulled him outside after he gave her a loud (and wet) kiss on the cheek after she went to get him as his third dance with the newly wed woman ended.

Loki smirked into his goblet as he saw the human guests, all garbed in Asgardian clothes while the Asgardians did just the exact opposite, some quite comfortable, others...

Not so much.

For example, Thor's childhood tutor of literature just fell over the long skirt of the Midgardian gown.

Somebody hopped down onto the seat next to him, metal clinging.

"Hey, Rudolf."


The mechanic grinned at the sight of a blushing Steve as Fandrall's current paramour was feeling up his muscles.

"Would you look at that..."

"I'm looking."

"You know, it has to be said. Your people know how to throw a party," he took a long sip of ale. Loki smiled.

"Milleniums of experience, my friend."

The crowd suddenly fell silent as Thor rose from his seat, asking for a word.

"You've all come here today to celebrate as Midgard and Asgard joins powers in myself and my beloved," there had been some clapping at that, "And I feel like I owe some apologies and thanks to all of you," he turned to the SHIELD's leader, "First of all, Director Fury and Phil Coulson I am sorry that our first impressions weren't the best, but I am happy that things turned out the way they did. I hope we can continue on fighting together."

"Anytime, Thor," Coulson replied with a smile.

"The Warriors Three and the Lady Sif," the prince continued, turning slightly as he spoke, "No one can wish for more loyal companions in battle, friends in peacetime and patient persons when dealing with somebody like me with my temper."

"Oh, come on, Thor, you're not that bad," Volstagg yelled peering in through the curtains. Fandrall laughed.

"Indeed. He is worse."

Laughter erupted which Thor waited to end with a smile on his face.

"The Avengers," he said once the noise died, "The ones who had shown all the Realms that Earth is not without protection and the ones that dare to harm any of her inhabitants have to deal with the consequences and big, green, angry creatures."

Loki felt as if there had been an underlying message to that. Directed at him.

"Darcy and Erik. Thank you for keeping Jane alive all those times she rushed into danger in the name of science."

"Thor!" Jane hissed playfully, swatting him on the arm.

"And my brother," the blonde said, lifting his goblet, "Without whom none of us would be here on this day. His intentions might have not been good in the beginning nor his methods, but none can deny the fact that if not for him none of us would be here on this day. If not for him, the Avengers would have never been and all our battles would have demanded greater sacrifices. If not for him, we wouldn't have even known that Thanos yet lives. Thank you. Thank you all."

Yes, it was Tony and Pepper who got the sofa-space-journey, not Jane and Thor. Because Loki knows that those two needs it more to get their minds off things.