The New Generation: Vongola X

Summary: Sawada Tsukiko, age 24, has officially inherited the Vongola Sin along with the Vongola Famiglia. Just to make matters more complicated, Reborn decides it's finally time for Tsukiko to settle down and find a husband. What happens then? Find out as Reborn tries his hand at playing matchmaker. Adult Fem!Tsuna. ALLx27

Author's Note: I am terribly sorry for the really delayed update. It took me a while to figure things out at school and thesis. But luckily I'm taking up my internship now so I have more time to write! Hurray! I actually had this chapter all typed up a few months ago, but for some reason I wasn't satisfied with it. I ended up making a few tweaks and proof reading it a few months after. Well I'm excited to be able to finally post it!

A special thank you to everyone who favorited, followed, and reviewed. I'm really happy to see people interested in the fanfic! I swear I break into happy giggles whenever I see a notification hahaha! Oh silly me, I know. Anyway, here's the next chapter! Hope you like it :)

Warning: I apologize in advance for the grammatical errors and the slight OOCness XP

Disclaimer: I no own KHR D:

Chapter Six

A loud yawn escaped her lips as Tsukiko stretched her arms outward, her torso bending forward and stretching back much like a cat's. Morning light poured past the heavy curtains. Tsukiko managed to raise herself from the bed and walk to the other end of the room. She gripped each side of the curtain and drew it open, relishing the feeling of the hot sun on her pale skin.

Tsukiko closed her eyes in absolute bliss.

The short reprieve was interrupted when Xanxus opened the door and waltzed in casually. His eyes immediately caught Tsukiko's figure across the room. He took the sight in, her long shapely legs, tight ass, narrow waist, and gifted chest. It was all hard to ignore, considering the woman didn't have an ounce of decency. She was clad in nothing but black lacy underwear and it was damn hard for Xanxus not to look at her figure.

"What are you doing trash?" Xanxus voice came out harder then he wanted. It wasn't his intention to frighten the woman but he was sure off to a good start.

Tsukiko turned, her eyes mirroring mild curiosity. Not fear. Tsukiko continued to surprise Xanxus. He didn't know if it was because of her lack of memories or if she was really this aloof in nature.

"Just...sunbathing?" Tsukiko tilted her head to the side, her big brown eyes blinking at him. Xanxus felt unnerved at those big honest eyes. He felt like she was looking right at his soul.

Xanxus quickly dismissed the thought, donning on a mask of anger, "you either eat now or starve till dinner"

The thought of food depravity quickly got Tsukiko to move. But before she could leave the room, Xanxus grabbed her by the shoulders, easily hauling her back a step.

"Where the hell do you think you're going wearing that?"

"What's wrong with this?"

Xanxus felt...exasperated. He was too lazy to look through the closet of clothes Shamal had brought over for her, so he simply shrugged off his suit's coat and draped it over her shoulders. Damn if he'd let the woman hightail it out of the room wearing nothing but underwear.

Tsukiko felt the warm fabric on her shoulders and smiled, the coat was too big, its ends resting a few inches past her knees. After properly inserting her arms through the sleeves and buttoning up the coat she looked at Xanxus, "Now can I eat?"

Xanxus gritted his teeth and wordlessly nodded. Tsukiko all but sashayed her way around him and through the double doors. Xanxus felt his mouth curve upward. The woman had a nice ass, and he felt satisfied seeing her wear his clothes. Xanxus frowned as soon as the thought crossed his mind. The damn woman was making him insane. She was getting to his head.

A loud crash caught his attention at the end of the hallway. Xanxus grinned. Guess his servants saw her.

Tsukiko took her time munching through a chocolate chip muffin. Each bite sent her taste buds to heaven. On the head of the table, to Tsukiko's right was Xanxus, he was all but devouring the rib eye steak on his plate.

"Good morning" Shamal called from the other end of the dining room. The doctor was wearing something other than his usual doctor's coat today. That somehow eased Tsukiko's nerves, although a part of her still tensed at the sight of him. This did not escape Xanxus' keen senses. But he didn't comment on it, he simply went back to finishing his meal.

Shamal made his way to his patient first, his eyes crinkling at the sides, "You look better today, Tsukiko"

Tsukiko mumbled her thanks through the muffin.

Shamal sighed, but the smile never left his eyes, "May I change your wounds after lunch?"

Tsukiko wordlessly nodded. Xanxus raised an eyebrow. The trash was weary of Shamal but not him. It was a conundrum to both men. Tsukiko used to be cautious around him but ever since she landed in his garden, her personality seemed to take a 180 degree turn.

Xanxus recalled the incident, it happened three days ago. He had received a call from the head housekeeper of his private estate. Said that a brunette had fallen out of the sky. She was asking Xanxus what he wanted her to do with the woman. Xanxus didn't doubt it was the Vongola trash. Especially since her annoying guardians had raised the emergency signal two weeks prior alerting all close family members of an emergency.

But the asshole that he was, he didn't bother telling anyone of his suspicions. Especially not the silver head hotshot that ran the guardians. He didn't even bother to tell the other Varia members. He just walked out and disappeared on them.

Xanxus was considerate enough to call for Shamal and threaten him to shut up and pack up for a trip to his mansion. The dark structure was located in the outskirts of Italy. He didn't tell anyone of the place, not even the Varia.

Tsukiko's continuous fidgeting disturbed Xanxus' thoughts, "stop that"

Tsukiko's movements immediately stopped, her eyes slowly looking up from her wringing hands to his eyes. There was a swirl of emotions there. Xanxus irritably grabbed the gauntlet beside him and drank its contents. He was pissed off that the damn brat wouldn't just remember everything and leave him the hell alone.

He had no intentions of caring for the little Vongola brat. Those were his exact thoughts as he drove to the gates of his estate. Everything changed when he saw her on his bed. She looked like something a tiger dragged in. Most of her body was covered in open wounds. There was so much blood, Xanxus thought she wouldn't make it. She looked fragile and breakable. A surging anger began to creep up on Xanxus until it consumed him completely. He didn't dwell too long on the reason for his anger. He just knew in his gut that whoever had the audacity to attack the Vongola would be paid tenfold...and Xanxus was the man for the job.

The problem was, Tsukiko couldn't remember anything much less identify the culprit.

Shamal told Xanxus to be patient, to wait things out. He said that the shock must have caused her brain to temporarily shut out all of her memories. There didn't seem to be any permanent damage to her brain so it would be best to allow her to come upon her memories on her own. He warned Xanxus not to force it, but to allow the information to naturally come to her. Sounds and sights, he said, were the key. If she saw something familiar, it would hopefully jog her memory.

Xanxus looked at the little Vongola once more, she looked a hell of a lot better compared to three days ago. Bruises and cuts were hidden under carefully bound bandages.

"Tsukiko, how are you feeling today?" Shamal inquired from across the table. Xanxus barely noticed the doctor sit down to his right, exactly across from her.

"Better" Tsukiko answered her eyes carefully watching Shamal's movements

"Do you remember anything?"

Tsukiko shrugged then slowly shook her head.

Xanxus and Shamal shared a look. Xanxus then pushed himself away from the table and Shamal continued to finish his meal. Tsukiko looked from one man to the next wondering what the two thought of the situation. She didn't know why the two men were helping her, for all she knew they could be helping her today and throwing her out tomorrow. But something in her gut told her to trust them, or at least, trust Xanxus. For some reason, she was weary of Shamal.

As if on cue, a maid in black and white uniform hurried towards Xanxus carrying a pitcher of what Tsukiko suspected to be fine wine. The maid filled his glass, bowed quickly and left immediately.

"Let's go Tsukiko, I need to change your bandages before I leave" Shamal said as he placed the table napkin on the plate and spared her an appreciative once over, "Not that I'm complaining"

Shamal chanced a glance at the dark radiating aura beside him. Xanxus was seething and it took all of Shamal's self-restraint to keep his amusement to himself.

Xanxus took his sweet time following Tsukiko and Shamal to her temporary bedchambers. Tsukiko promptly sat down on the bed and Shamal took out his supplies from the suitcase he brought with him. He knelt at her feet and began from there.

"I won't be here till tonight, I'll have to instruct one of the maids to re-bandage her" Shamal said as he worked. First, he checked Tsukiko's ankle working his way to her thighs. The skin was torn to shreds a few days ago, he hoped that his sun flames would prevent the injury from causing a scar, "Should I call one to come up?"

"No" Xanxus grunted the reply, "I'll take care of it"

Shamal's hands dropped to his sides as he turned to Xanxus. Xanxus on the other hand raised an eyebrow and all but dared him to comment.

"Alright then"

It was a grueling task watching Shamal instruct Xanxus, Tsukiko wasn't comfortable seeing two men fussing over her, changing her bandages. She tried to think of better thoughts, better things.

Tsukiko tuned out their voices and turned her thoughts to three days ago. She couldn't remember much, just small tidbits of what happened after she woke up from a daze. She was on the grass and the rain was strong, hard. It pinned her to the ground, all she could do was crawl. Then another memory took her breath away, she was strapped down against a hard surface, unable to move.

Emotions rather than memories flooded into her. The pain, despair, hopelessness. Tsukiko closed her eyes in an attempt to shut out the pain. She was just so…lost.

Shamal and Xanxus noticed the sudden change in Tsukiko. Her head was bent, long auburn curls falling past her shoulders just barely touching her thighs. They couldn't see her face but both hitmen were knowledgeable enough in body language to sense that something was wrong.

"Leave me."

It was barely a whisper but Shamal understood. She needed to be alone. If it was how she would heal then he would give her the space she needed. Xanxus was another story.

"What the-"

Shamal placed a hand on Xanxus' shoulder to silence him before stepping out of the room. Xanxus silently followed. Judging from the way he glared at Shamal, he was absolutely pissed off. Shamal waited for Xanxus to close the doors before facing him.

"What the fuck was that?"

Shamal drew a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. His features marred with concern, "She needs space, Xanxus. Time to heal"

"You told me to wait and I have waited long enough" Xanxus all but roared, "I want those names"

Shamal sent him a chilling glare, "We both want to get the bastards who did this to her, but we will wait until she is physically and mentally stable before we grill her and force her to remember things she obviously doesn't want to remember"

Xanxus was just starting, he was about to give hell for it when a man cleared his throat not too far from where they stood. Xanxus was going to fry whoever interrupted him but paused the minute he saw the black fedora hat and the looming figure standing in front of them.

Reborn was a few inches taller than Xanxus but Xanxus was thicker on the shoulders, his built sturdier. Despite this, Xanxus irritably realized that his body instinctively changed to the defensive.

"Reborn, I should have known" Shamal said with a weary smile, "We couldn't keep her hidden from you for long"

Reborn nodded to Shamal in acknowledgement, he then faced Xanxus, "Why didn't you inform the famiglia that you had found her?"

Xanxus narrowed his eyes but refused to explain. Shamal took the liberty of defending Xanxus' actions, "Reborn, we still don't know who did this to her. We needed to keep her safe until we find the bastards. For all we know it could be a leak from inside"

Reborn looked at Xanxus, silently assessing him.

"Anyway," Shamal said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "We should move our conversation to another place, Tsukiko's still resting"

Reborn wordlessly nodded and the three left to enter the next hallway at the far left. Situated at the end of the hallway was Xanxus' private study. It's where Xanxus spent most of his time in the mansion drinking the days away. Shamal opened the door for both of the men. The study was enormous. Dark heavy curtains adorned each window, the walls lined with bookshelves. Right in front of the double doors was a set of plush red couches, a long oak table and a chair after that, and a glass wall behind it.

Xanxus took his place behind the desk while Shamal and Reborn sat across from each other, each taking up a couch. Shamal tried to relax, choosing to prop his shoes on the black coffee table in front of both couches.

Reborn broke the silence first, "Start from the beginning"

Knowing that Xanxus was in no mood to talk, Shamal took the role. He quickly went through the events three days ago. How the housekeeper found Tsukiko and how Xanxus all but dragged him to the mansion. He also described in excruciating detail each wound he tended to. The entire time Shamal spoke Reborn stood still, his features hidden beneath the signature fedora hat he wore. He kept his killing intent in check but Xanxus knew that the former arcobaleno was seething. Shamal ended the narration with Tsukiko loosing most of her memories, including those she had before she was declared missing.

Reborn broke the silence, "You were right in your decision to keep her here. But you should have informed her guardians about it."

Reborn recalled the panicked phone call he received a week ago from Gokudera Hayato, the Vongola's storm guardian. He was close to begging Reborn to come back to Italy but wouldn't say why. It took Reborn two days to finish his business in the States before managing to fly back to Italy. He was at first, surprised to have seen all the guardians in one room. It was rare for all of them to assemble. Later on he realized the severity of the situation. No wonder. Their boss was missing. Reborn worked a separate investigation. He worked alone while the rest of the guardians worked on another lead. It was hard for the guardians to keep everything under the radar. They didn't want word spreading of their boss' disappearance for fear that Vongola would collapse or worse, another famiglia taking advantage of their vulnerability.

Reborn was pissed off that Xanxus and Shamal kept him out of the loop. But at the same time he was relieved to hear Tsukiko alive and well, even if she did somehow lose a part of herself. The past week was like hell to him. He barely slept and ate, the worst of all was the growing trepidation that Tsukiko was possibly dead.

Shamal was looking at his watch by the time Reborn removed his fedora hat, "I can't stay here any longer. I'll be leaving soon, but I'll be back by tonight"

"Another job?" Reborn asked

Shamal grinned his eyes crinkling at the sides, "Bianchi would kill me if I don't drop by once in a while"

Reborn managed to smirk, it had been so long since he last felt this…light. The entire week felt like an eternity.

"You must be exhausted. I'll ring up a maid to prepare a room for you" Shamal offered since he knew Xanxus wouldn't.

Reborn nodded in gratitude. Soon after Shamal pressed the electronic device impeded in the arm of the couch, the door opened and a maid appeared.

"Hi sweetie, could you escort Reborn to an empty bedroom?" Shamal asked with his signature smile.

The maid nodded, "Understood, Shamal-sama"

"Awww, Shamal is fi-"

Reborn interrupted Shamal's empty flirting as he stood up from the couch, "We aren't through discussing this, Xanxus, you purposely kept this information to yourself"

Xanxus didn't even bother replying. He simply shot the famous hitman a glare and wordlessly stood up to exit his study. The maid quickly moved to the side as Xanxus walked past her. Her eyes were as wide as saucers by the time Reborn reached her side. She had never seen Xanxus that angry before.

Shamal's words roused the temper within Xanxus. Remembering how he saw Tsukiko that night sent him in a rage. It reminded him of how torn the woman was. He marched through the hallway to Tsukiko's chambers. He would get his answers now and kill the bastards tonight. No one messes with the Vongola.

Xanxus entered Tsukiko's bedchambers. He was tired of waiting.

The room was brighter when they left, this time the curtains were drawn and the room was basked in a cold darkness. Hunched on the bed was a figure hidden under the comforters. Xanxus silently locked the door before making his way to the bed. Tsukiko was wide awake when she heard the door lock and Xanxus walk towards her. She felt the bed dip beside her but she didn't dare move. Her face was buried in the pillow her eyes shut tight.

Xanxus looked at the small figure, exasperated. The little thing was going to make things harder for him, but he wasn't discouraged. With a single hand, he tore off the comforter from the bed and grabbed Tsukiko by her chin. She had removed his blazer and didn't bother to wear anything else besides her underwear which pissed him off more.

With extreme patience, Xanxus waited for Tsukiko's eyes to move from the bed to his face. When Xanxus grew impatient, he barked the orders, "Look at me."

His voice was hard enough to send chills through Tsukiko. She slowly looked up into those dark eyes. Tsukiko swallowed the heavy lump in her throat.

"You are going to answer my questions, all of them, do you understand?"

Tsukiko's breathing hitched seeing the anger, the danger radiating from Xanxus' body. He was now hunched over her, his body a few inches from hers, but not quite touching. His left hand was still firmly grasping her chin while his right arm supported his weight. Tsukiko was lying on the bed, unmoving.

"What if I don't know the answer?" Tsukiko asked in a whisper

"Then you will force yourself to remember" Xanxus' voice was a near shout. He didn't care even when Tsukiko cringed.

"Where were you two weeks ago?"

"I-I'm not sure" Tsukiko mumbled her eyes turning to the side

"Don't look away" Xanxus nearly roared increasing the pressure on her chin. Tsukiko winced and tried to swat his hand away. Xanxus effortlessly grabbed her wrists with his right hand and set them above her head. Tsukiko tried struggling but the movement was futile. Xanxus wouldn't budge

"Look at me." Xanxus' voice was as hard as steel. Tsukiko managed to hold his gaze again before he asked, "What do you remember?"

Tsukiko felt the swelling feelings rise to the surface. She pushed them back down with a vengeance. She refused to show her vulnerability. To show him her tears. She looked straight into Xanxus' eyes and glared at him as she bit off the words, "I was locked in a room and strapped to a chair"

Xanxus raised an eyebrow, not at what she said but how she was looking at him. Whatever they did to her, they didn't succeed in breaking her spirit. Xanxus felt pride rush over him. The little Vongola was tough. The fire was still in her eyes, burning and unwavering, "What happened to you then?"

Tsukiko shrugged at an attempt to downplay the situation, "I see incomplete flashes, but I think they were trying to get information out of me"

Ah, Xanxus' thoughts were racing, she was tortured. He knew it the moment he saw her half dead on the bed. Her injuries were long and deep, some had begun to heal but others were fresh. Not even a day's old. They had tortured her for days. Xanxus' vision turned red.

"Who the hell did it?" This time his anger took hold of him and he ended up shouting at her. He regretted it the minute the words left his lips.

"I don't know!" Tsukiko shouted with the same intensity, "Why are you here anyway? Why do you care!?"

Xanxus was thrown off by the question. He didn't have an answer. At first, he thought he was simply protecting Vongola's pride. But now he didn't think it was just that. He looked at the woman beneath him, his gaze travelling from her exposed navel to her chest then slowly to her face. Why did he care?

His gaze was sending chills throughout her body. Tsukiko could feel his eyes moving from her stomach to her chest then to her face. His gaze was like a light caress to her body. She felt herself squirm under his gaze. She looked at him when his eyes settled to her face. He looked as confused as she felt. Then slowly his mouth curved upward. He had a mischievous smile. Tsukiko felt her heart skip a beat.

Xanxus had rugged looks but he couldn't be gorgeous or even handsome, at least not in the usual sense, and it strangely appealed to her. It was like she was seeing him for the first time.

Xanxus leaned in closer.

"What are you doing?" Tsukiko asked breathlessly

He didn't know. But he understood that he was attracted to the woman. He didn't deny this any longer. The trash was attractive. He had taken a lot of women to his bed before, hell he usually preferred bigger curvier women, but something was pulling him towards the little Vongola. It was too strong of a pull to resist.

He groaned. Ah he was going to kiss her.

Tsukiko was startled when his lips crashed into hers. She gasped and Xanxus took advantage, his tongue invading her mouth. Tsukiko tensed, it was a foreign feeling and she wasn't sure what to make of it. Xanxus felt her uncertainty. He released her wrists from above her head and used the free hand to support himself, preventing his weight from entirely crushing her body. Tsukiko quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to distance herself from him even for just a few seconds.

Xanxus felt himself smile in the kiss as he used his free hand to caress her face. Tsukiko felt exhilarated and dazed. She knew she wanted more. Tsukiko pulled Xanxus closer closing any space between them. She returned the kiss with equal fervor. Xanxus' hand traced from her face to her shoulders and down to her back as his lips and teeth teased and pulled at her lips.

Tsukiko felt every sensation as he trailed his hand around her body. She felt goose bumps from where he touched her. When she felt his hand still at the small of her back, she felt strangely disappointed.

Xanxus was the first to pull from the kiss. His eyes searched hers promising himself that any sign of hostility or trepidation and he would pull back and walk away. Instead, he saw passion in her eyes. Her lips were moist and swollen from his kisses. He felt oddly satisfied.

Her breathless whisper caressed him like a feather, "Xanxus?"

He grunted a reply, knowing full well that his voice was lost. He didn't think it would feel that good to kiss her. What more could the little hellion do when they went further? Pictures and thoughts flashed through his head and it sent him nearly over the edge. He quickly disengaged himself from the little hellion. He grabbed her arms and placed it at her sides. Xanxus was still leaning over her on the bed so he moved so that he was at his original sitting position.

But damn if she didn't look hurt when he pulled away from her. Xanxus felt frustrated. Despite his appearance, he knew he couldn't take her then and there. Hell she was injured. Not to mention her guardians and Reborn and the old man would kill him. Xanxus smirked. He wouldn't mind fighting the arcobaleno.

Tsukiko was still breathing heavily when Xanxus disengaged himself from her. The sudden loss of his body sent a pang of sadness in her chest. She didn't complain though, she just propped herself up using both hands and silently watched Xanxus' emotions flash in his eyes. There was confusion, then amusement, and then they were back to their usual coldness. Tsukiko felt disappointed. In the three days she spent with him, she rarely saw Xanxus show any other emotion aside from irritation and anger.

"Damn" Xanxus murmured standing up and grabbing his blazer from the floor. Tsukiko must have tossed it there when she got in bed.

He threw it back at her conveniently concealing the black lacy underwear she wore.

"We aren't done with this" Throwing the words over his shoulder, Xanxus nearly tore off the doorknob and slammed the doors behind him.


Xanxus looked at the figure leaning against the wall a few feet from where he stood, "I'm done talking with you, Arcobaleno"

Reborn smirked but his eyes stayed cold, "Did you find out anything?"

Xanxus grunted his reply before moving past the hitman. Just as he rounded the hallway he heard Reborn whisper, "The next time you do that again, I'm putting a bullet through your head"

Author's note: So here comes Xanxus! I just knew somehow in my head that Xanxus was the first one who could forcibly take Tsuki's kiss hahaha! And as I thought about it, I figured that the only way Tsuki could be with him (in a sense) was to forget everything that transpired between them. Anyway, thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! For the next chapter, I'm thinking of finally pushing through with Mukuro and a bit of Reborn. It will be a challenge but I will try! Hahaha! Till next time!