Chasing the light

Luke ducked low as his father sliced at him with his lightsaber. Sensing what his father was going to do Luke rolled and came up bringing his lightsaber upwards to block his father's. The clashing of lightsabers became faster, Luke struggled to pick up speed. Knowing he had reached the limit of his speed but knowing his father could go faster still he flipped high into the air and landed a few metres away from Vader.

From this distance Luke once again found himself examining his father. Vader was dressed in sith clothing, though Luke himself kept insisting to his father that they were really jedi clothes except they were black.

It had been three months since Luke had healed his father through the force, and in those three months his father seemed to be gaining all the power he had once had but lost when he had been injured.

Whenever Vader wasn't in private he still dressed in his Vader suit this way no one knew that his father was uninjured. The emperor didn't even know, he had felt a disturbance in the force but didn't have a clue what it had meant much to Vader's amusement.

Advancing on his father Luke swung his lightsaber towards the chest while Vader easily dodged it and force jumped so when he landed he was positioned behind Luke. Grabbing his son he held his lightsaber to Luke's throat.

"You're dead" Vader announced.

Luke frowned "I want a rematch!"

Smirking Vader shook his head "no rematch, it was fair. Face it son...I'm just better than you" Vader said smirk growing while releasing his son and deactivating his lightsaber.

Luke sighed and put his lightsaber away.

Luke and his father were on Coruscant in their home, and to Luke's surprise his father hadn't had to go off planet yet. Apparently the emperor wanted Vader to teach Luke about politics and Vader had been surprised to see Luke pick it up rather quickly but he had instantly realized that he shouldn't be that surprised especially since Luke's mother had been a queen and then a senator.

Speaking of the emperor Vader had discovered several weeks ago that he had been responsible for the jedi that had tried to kill his son. Of course Vader had also realized that the emperor had lied to him all those years ago when he'd said that Vader had killed both his wife and his child. Just these two things were good enough reasons for him to kill the emperor and then of course if the emperor ever found out about his lack of injuries then both himself and Luke would be in danger.


Vader turned when he heard Luke "yes son?"

"You still owe me a rematch." Luke grinned when he saw his father roll his eyes. Luke found himself looking at his father's eyes often, at this moment they were a dazzling blue, identical to his own. There were times though that yellow flecks would appear but that was only when is father became angry.

Since Luke had healed his father there had been a question constantly pounding at him...what was his father? Jedi or Sith.


A hooded, cloaked figure jumped out of his ship. He had just arrived on Coruscant after a year of research and tracking and watching the news. He had finally gotten the answers he had been searching for. He had found him, he was on this planet. Obi wan kenobi had found Luke Skywalker.


Luke was currently in his bedroom sprawled out on his bed reading comics. He trained a lot these days and so he rarely had any time to relax. He never did restart school, it was easier, Luke could avoid the media more and it always amused him when they couldn't find anything out about him.

As Luke finished his comic and reached for the next one he sensed a disturbance in the force. Frowning Luke narrowed his eyes in concentration. Not getting anywhere he sighed in frustration, he reached out with the force once more but this time closing his eyes. Stretching with the force out of the building he was in and then going further and further. He sensed a presence, familiar somehow. It was definitely a person who had access to the force. Getting a closer look at the presence he saw that it was very bright. A jedi?

A confused expression crossed Luke's face, why did this person seem so familiar?

As Luke lay on his bed propped up by his pillows he focused on identifying this person.

He stayed in that position for several minutes until his his eyes widened in shock and realization.

Ben Kenobi!


Vader had been talking to the emperor when he had felt the disturbance in the force, only he hadn't been able to identify what it was since he had been focusing on the emperor. Apparently the emperor hadn't even felt the disturbance in the force which confused Vader even more. By the time Vader had finished talking with the emperor the disturbance had gone and he couldn't find it.

So Vader was now in his sith robes fixing his beloved ships. So when his son came barging in he was underneath a ship completely out of view.

"Father" Luke shouted as he burst through the hangar doors. He stopped abruptly seeing no one in the room but sensing his father's presence through the force – which was supposed to be in this room.

"Father? Hello" Luke smirked then said "dad if you don't answer me then I'll get into one of your ships and crash it...I'll probably die but there you go."

Vader inhaled sharply then brought himself into view then said very seriously "son you shouldn't use those kind of threats against your own father."

Luke looked down at the floor feeling guilty, he knew how much his father cared for him.

Vader continued "seriously you know how many hours of hard work I've spent on these ships? To have you go and crash one of them..." Vader shuddered "I couldn't bear to lose one of these ships."

Luke's gaze shot up from the floor to his father, then he proceeded to give his father a long hard glare.

Feeling the corners of his lips twitch Vader pretended to look confused, "did I say something wrong?"

"Fine if that's what you think of me I'll be off." Luke knowing his father was once again teasing him spun and started to walk away exaggerating every movement.

Vader raised an eyebrow at the dramatics "leaving already son?"

Luke ignored him then said "you know, things to do, places to see. It wasn't even that important just something to do with the disturbance in the force."

Vader tilted his head "you felt that disturbance?"

Luke grinned in answer.

Vader rolled his eyes.

"I even know who caused it..." Luke stated.

Striding over to his son Vader said "how were you able to do that?"

"I recognized the force presence. It took me a while to remember who had that presence cause I haven't seen him for a little over a year." Luke admitted.

Vader eyed his son curiously "who was it?"

Luke didn't hesitate "Ben Kenobi he lived on Tatooine, however I think you know him as Obi wan Kenobi."

Vader stared at his son for a few moments "Obi wan..." Vader felt anger run through him but there was something else too, another emotion, one that Vader couldn't name.


Luke sensed the anger his father was feeling but there was something else to that his father was feeling. Was his father...happy? Luke raised an eyebrow in disbelief.


Vader refocused on his son who was now wearing an expression of disbelief "is he on Coruscant?"

Luke nodded once.

Vader thought for a moment "the only reason I can see for him being here is you."

"Me?" Luke asked confused "Why?"

"He was probably on Tatooine in the first place to watch over you, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one who took you there."

For a moment Luke thought his father was too angry to finish but then Vader carried on.

"So when you disappeared and your uncle and aunt were found dead he probably had no idea where you went. He needed to find you so he could turn you into a jedi and use you against me."

Luke's eyes slowly filled with anger as he took in what he had just been told. "It won't happen father." Luke stated.

Vader shot his son a questioning look.

"I won't be used against you. I won't turn against you father, I promise.