HEY EVERYONE! I'M ALIVE! *dodges tomatoes* I know, I know, I haven't updated any of my stories for months. But... life got in the way. My graes crashed and burned, and I've been working hard to bring them back up, and a girl that I know died in a car crash, along with her younger brother. I also recently got my Learner's Permit, and my parents (mainly my dad, because my mom's been sick) have been teaching me to drive. With all this stuff going on around me, I kinda went into another brief depressed funk. BUT! Reading the reviews you guys have left on my other stories helped me out a lot, along with my new friends.

I want to say tank you right now, to all of you who read my stories. Even if you don't review, just seeing how many views my stories have gotten have really made me feel better. I really appreciate all of you. ^^

This is a (late) contribution to the 10th Dannyversary. I wish I could have put it up on time, but... y'know. Anyway, this will be amulti-chapter story, and hopefully better thought out than my other stories. Sam is 16 in this story, as well as Tucker and Jazz. Danny, well... you'll find out ^^.

### Salem, Massachusetts- 1692, May###

Daniel Jackson Fenton, that was the boy's name. The tall, thin boy, the one with spindly limbs and a childish face. The one with hair as black as midnight and eyes like the sea.

Daniel- or Danny as he was known to family and friends- was mourning. Never had he been this upset, not even when his sister- his childhood friend- was forced to stay behind in England to be married off. They had only moved to this town a few years ago, so it wasn't that much of a surprise when his parents, Margaret and Jackson Fenton, were accused and convicted. Convicted of witchcraft.

His friends Tafari Foley and Lilith Manson stood behind him at the entrance the makeshift cemetery, looking on with sad eyes. The gravestone read the date, that bloody, God-awful date: May 12th, 1692.

None of them noticed a man peering through the gate with barely repressed glee.

### Salem, Massachusetts - 1692, December###

Danny dragged a protesting Lilith onto the frozen lake. "C'mon Lily! It's not that bad."

"Danny, no! Look at the ice! It's extremely thin, it only just froze over yesterday!"

The 16-year-olds continued to argue, but were pushed onto the ice while they were distracted. They toppled over, before turning to find Tafari laughing at them.

Danny grinned, his eyes darting around nervously. He really shouldn't be seen with them, his fiance and her family slave, but they had been his only friends to stand by him after his parents' death.

Danny suddenly noticed that Lilith was on top of him. He blushed a bright red, lightly pushing her off. She blushed as well when she noticed their position, and quickly jumped to her feet.

Tafari laughed again. "I don't understand why you two get so flustered. You're in an arranged marriage anyway."

Lilith scowled. "Tafari, I swear, you had better watch what you say," she growled. Tafari gulped, nodding his head.

Afterwards, the three teens continued to play in the ice and snow, never noticing the man watching them.

### Salem, Massachusetts - 1693, January###

"I'm not a witch!" Danny screamed. He felt the stick prod him forward, towards the noose. He tried to grab the stick, but his hands were tied behind his back. He was pushed closer to the tree where the rope hung. A small wooden ladder was placed beneath the noose, obviously meant to be pulled away once the rope was tight around his neck.

"That's even more proof that you are!" Governor Vlad Masters stepped through the crowd to stand before the teen. Danny growled at him, and the villagers shrunk back. Vlad glared sharply back, before motioning to the villager that was escorting Danny. "Set him up."

The man did as he said. As Danny's head was rested inside of the noose, Vlad smirked and said, "Any last words?"

Danny growled softly. "Actually, yes," he hissed before raising his voice. "Good people of Salem, I am not the witch. Your governor is! I have seen it! He convicted my parents, and now myself, because we found out about him!"

As Danny's speech went on, more and more people were glancing at Vlad with fearful eyes. He started to panic and motioned for the wooden ladder to be removed, but the men ignored him, instead listening intently and fearfully to Danny.

Vlad fumed. He stalked towards Danny, but suddenly tripped on something and fell flat. Danny stared at him with a raised eyebrow, unimpressed. He would have facepalmed if he could.

Vlad stood up grumbling, and the villagers backed away in terror. Only then did Vlad realize that he had briefly turned intangible while falling to avoid injury. His eyes darted to Danny in horror before he growled, lashing a hand outwards towards the teen. A red glow surrounded the ladder, and it started to shake, to move. Danny started gagging as the noose tightened around his neck. Many villagers jumped forward to catch him, but they were too late.

The villagers cries were accompanied by a loud snap that echoed throughout the village as the ladder collapsed.

So... whaddaya think? I'm about halfway through writing the first chapter, so I hope to have it up soon, but I'm not sure exactly when. I may have gotten some historical facts wrong (History was never my favorite subject- couldn't remember all the dates) but I did do some research while writing this. Correct me on anything that I got wrong. Also, I am currently searching for a Beta for this story. Anyone interested? PM me if you are.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you all have a great day (or night, depending on where you live). ^^