My heels clicked against the floor. I was getting closer and closer to that door, my heartbeat escalated. I had been met in secret about a political agreement to a senator nomine. In America everyone loved politics because it was dirty, ruthless, and unexpected, they loved politics more than their movies because this is real.

I opened the door and found only two women, a woman who was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long brown hair that went straight to her elbow and her skin was a beautiful dark caramel color, she looked part Native American. She wore a white button up shirt and black slacks. Her feet had plain black five-inch high heels. She looked me up and down with color changing eyes.

The woman next to her was taller and way more curvy than the slim brunette. This woman was an African American and once I looked into her eyes I saw that the dark brown had hints of gold in them. She had a light blue silk blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt that ended above her knees. Her hair was maybe an inch below her shoulder and extremely curly. She was bustier than the first girl who looked to be a c-cup maybe and had, in nice terms, a white girl butt. But this girl had big breasts and a big butt.

"Miss. Chase" the first woman stated in what I thought could be a question but more clarification that I was Annabeth Chase, which I was.

"Yes" I told them. The second woman studied my body language. I knew this from my training, when I was eighteen I had enlisted in the Marines and a few years later I was called back to the states. My last few years I had spent as an architect in New York City.

"You're 26, live in a apartment in Queens, alone, you work as an architect and make a considerable rent, you were in the Marine core before you were discharged. Your full name is Annabeth Katherine Chase and you haven't ever been arrested and the most trouble you've been in is being friends with a girl who has gone to jail numerous times. You were awarded the purple heart for being shot in the leg after saving your fellow Marines from being taken prisoner. You are a well respected, smart, wise, beautiful, and innocent girl. You will do just fine" the first woman spoke the facts. I nodded.

"Good, you will be moved into your new apartment with senator nomine Percy Jackson, who you will marry on the twenty second of April, 2014, next year. You will go out on public outings with Mr. Jackson whenever it is needed and stay at your new home the rest of the time and only go out to see friends, family, shopping or doing your own charity work which we were informed you love to do, got it?" the first woman told me like my life was planned out for me.

"Now, you move in right now, Hazel will show you to your new home and your old was sold this morning, we moved all of your things" the lady finished and the second woman, Hazel, led me out and we walked along the streets of the city until we got to a very nice building and went to the top floor. In there were three people, the first lady I had met, Hazel said her name was Piper and an extremely handsome man who was talking with another guy who looked like he belonged in a graveyard, he had dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark suit.

"Ahem" Hazel interrupted and everyone's head snapped towards me. I finally saw the handsome mans eyes and they were gorgeous. They were the color of sea foam, the most beautiful color I had seen, ever. His dark hair was cut short against his head and when he smiled he had smile lines on both sides of his face. He was tall and somewhat muscular from what I could see and had the kindest smile.

"This is Annabeth Chase, your soon to be wife" Piper took my arm and wrapped it around hers before somehow looping ours together without even wrinkling Percy's suit.

"You two have the rest of the day to get to know each other and make this work… we hope" Hazel smiled brightly and took the pale man's arm and walked out with Piper.

"I'm so sorry you were roped into this" he smiled at me and led me to two sleek couches. He sat on one and I the other.

"I'm sorry, but what exactly is this about, I'm going to just marry a man I don't know?" I asked. Percy laughed and leaned forwards across the coffee table.

"You were chosen based on your qualities to be my wife so I can win this election and hopefully win presidency next year, please don't back out of this Annabeth, I need you to marry me" he pleaded. I looked at him astonished.

"I-I-" I stuttered until Percy touched my hand and I jumped and pulled away on instinct.

"I'll give you time to think about it" he gave a sort of half smile. "But for now we should get to know each other… so Annabeth, tell me about yourself" he smiled at me again.

"I was born in Olympia, Oregon on June 12th-" I started. He shook his head.

"No, I already know that stuff, what do you like to do?"

"I like to design buildings, I like to make things that will last forever and generations of children will be able to see it and I know they won't think of me when they see it but I feel like they would" I launched into explanation about my work but never really talked about my hobbies like he wanted me to, he seemed interested in my work, it was nice to talk to him even though I didn't know him and would be marring him in a year for some reason I was picked and can't back out because if I do, I have a feeling I'll regret it for a long time.

"I was in the Navy actually for four years, joined when I was eighteen" Percy smiled at me. I gave him a small smile back.

"I was a Marine for a while, funny" I told him.

"So, what do you do?" Percy asked me awkwardly. I raised my eyebrows.

"I thought you guys knew everything about me, I mean Hazel knew the last time I went to the bathroom" I laughed at the end shortly.

"Yeah, I guess so, sorry, stupid question, I uh, what did you want to- um- do?" he rubbed the back of his head. I found this quite cute.

"I have no clue, what are you usually doing? I mean you must be busy, you're running for congress, then I assume you'll be great and two years from now you'll be the democratic nomine for president" I said what I was thinking, finally.

"Good thing they moved the age limit down to 25, right?" he laughed. I smiled and stood up. I smoothed out my dress and looked around the apartment.

"The thing is though, pretty much every marriage out there for people in politics are political marriages, so what we have to do to set you apart is make our relationship look like there's no one else we'd rather be with, that will make sure you get majority of the votes" I informed him.

"So that's a yes, you will marry me?" he asked. I smiled.

"If you hurt me in anyway I will come out and tell everyone and have you taken out of office, other than you have to treat me well, I think I can make this work" I nodded.

"For now, they've never seen you, Piper planned it all out for us, we met a year ago when you were in a rush to get to work and bumped into me, your phone fell out of your pocket and into my case and I called your friend, Thalia, Piper told me about her and she's on board, she thought I was a crazy guy who had kidnapped you but we cleared it all up and she gave me your address. The next day I met you at your apartment and I gave you your phone back but not before writing your number down and it took me a few tries but you agreed to go on a date with me two weeks after we had met and since you thought it wouldn't be anything huge you didn't want anyone knowing because you didn't want to be in the spotlight, but now that we're getting married, you're coming out tomorrow to a charity outing for the children's hospital" Percy explained. I hung on to his every word to make sure I got it all.

"Okay, good" I smiled at him.

"Good" he smiled back and we went separate ways to different bedrooms.


I woke up the next morning with my curly blonde hair all over my face in a nest and the shirt I slept in twisted around my body, no to mention I had my sweatpants' legs twisted around also. I looked around at my surroundings.

I was in the guest room at Percy's apartment. The bed on which I rested upon was a queen size from what I saw and had white sheets and all that. My comfy clothes were nowhere to be seen, just fancy choices and the only comfy things I had were what I was wearing. There was a big mirror across from me and I saw through the strands of my blonde hair my grey eyes. I sighed and got out of bed and into the kitchen after pulling my fingers through my hair a few times until it was combed and wasn't frizzy.

I looked in his fridge and found barley anything. I looked and found an old box of cereal and some spices and stuff that weren't used. I managed to find some eggs that weren't expired and found that the stove worked. I made some scrambled eggs and deep inside the pantry was a toaster that I plugged in and made toast with.

It seemed Percy was already gone, even though it was six in the morning, but you know, the world never sleeps. I stood in the kitchen quietly and munched on my toast before washing my dish and fork and put them back where I found them. I then went to the bathroom and took my shower. Once I had washed and blow dried my hair and washed off the stink that replaced the fresh smell on my skin I found Piper and Hazel in my room looking through my clothes.

"This one is to conservative" Piper said to a simple light blue dress that went below my knee and had an open back.

"Conservative?" Hazel squeaked. "She isn't going to sing happy birthday to JFK Piper"

"Well, she should show some more cleavage, she's got breasts, why not let the world no that instead of hiding them behind a dress that goes up to her chin" Piper argued.

"It doesn't go to her chin, it goes a good two inches below her collar bone, you're overdramatic, she should be sweat yet sexy, not naughty and ruin every chance Percy has at congress" Hazel retorted sternly. Piper made a face and Hazel returned it.

"I agree with Hazel on this, I'm sorry Piper, I think I shouldn't show much skin, I'd rather not be declared a tramp on my first day" I told them. Hazel smiled and Piper gave me a look but I saw she was trying not to smile.

It took us two hours to find a dress for a thing that was nine hours away. We finally picked out a dress that was a floral, perfect for late spring with a white base and lightly colored flowers against it, it went just above my knees and had sleeves that just covered my shoulders and not my arms. The waist up was tight around my body and the rest bloomed out like a flower did, just not as wide. We picked a pair of skin tone heels and they kept my hair curled after crushing it a little bit.

I was brushing on some light pink eye shadow and mascara for a little bit. I then put chapstick on and put some light pink blush on my cheeks. I was soon ready for the charity event. Piper and Hazel had makeup and dresses on within an hour while it took me a good six.

Percy was home at four to get ready and had the guy I saw yesterday, Nico with him and behind Nico was a Latino man with curly dark hair and a devious glint in his eyes. I later found his name to be Leo.

"Annabeth, you clean up well" Nico's voice came next to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Excited for your first day on the 'job'?" He laughed. I smiled back at that.

"Nervous, actually" I responded and we both laughed. After some talk I found out Nico and Hazel were half-siblings and good friends, they were both 23 and had the same dad, who Nico claimed was a bit of a man slut.

"Taking my date away from me?" Percy sneaked up next to me and I jumped a bit.

"No, I'm taking her away from you" he grinned at Percy who smiled back. I had just found out from the conversation I just had that Nico was bi-sexual and used to have a crush on Percy when they were in high school so they joked around about it a lot.

"Well, it seems it's about time and Annabeth, may I have the honor of taking thee hand and ask thee to be on thy best of behavior" he bowed. I laughed and curtsied.

"Yes thy may take thee hand and have thee promise from thy deepest of thy heart" I said back. We were soon off. The night went of without a hitch, if you don't count what happened after we got home.

So I hope you guys will want to stay tuned and follow along in my stories experience. I have always been into history and politics, so I hope you enjoy my story of Percabeth's political marriage.

Love you guys!
