(Author's note: Hi this is a thing some friends and I came up with there are 4 of us so we hope to give you a chapter every week.

Edit- HI! My name is Konjiki No Yami and I'll be the first one to type the chapter for this week. And, since my dearest friend forgot to tell you. We're going in rotations. We have two newbies so go easy on them, kay? However, feel free to give all of us a few pointers here and there.

The order:

Konjiki No Yami


WaterFairyJuvia (New)

MajesticFluffyUnicorn (New)

Henrik Isen's stomach lurched in every direction and he suddenly regretted eating breakfast. He shakily held up the long, bronze candle holder with the cream colored candle sitting steadily on it. Palms sweating, he used his other hand to pick up the ornamental jewelry box. Henrik took a deep breath through his nose and slowly exhaled through his mouth. He stared into the mirror and he saw a terrified twenty-one year old, looking absolutely ridiculous holding a candle and jewelry box. He nearly dropped them when a soft knock was heard on his door.

"Oh, Annette, you scared me." Henrik said, hastily putting down the two objects and wiping his palms on his pants. His loving wife let out a giggle and seemingly glided over to her husband. She looped her arm around his and gently placed her head on his shoulder, staring with him into the mirror.

"I'm sure anything could scare you right now." Annette teased. She playfully poked his arm and they both laughed. When the laughing died down, her face grew serious. "Are you nervous?"

"No. I'm terrified."

"Oh, man up! You're about to be king! All you have to do is stand in front of an enormous crowd and try not to make a fool of yourself!" Her teasing started up again.

"Thanks for the encouragement, sweetie." Henrik murmured.

One Year Later

"Henrik, I think we should have a romantic getaway." Annette sighed. Her husband nearly did a double take. She pretended not to notice and placed her head on his shoulder. "In fact, we didn't even have a honeymoon!"

"Because it was too close to coronation!" Henrik replied, flushing.

"Exactly! We need to have a honeymoon! I want children!" She exclaimed, her blue-grey eyes bulging out at him with excitement.


The queen smiled sheepishly and batted her eyelashes.

Henrik breathed out a long sigh and admitted defeat. "I guess it's okay if we take a small vacation..."

Annette let out an unladylike squeal of delight and threw her arms around his neck. He smiled endearingly and placed a light kiss in her hair.

Annette dashed off the ship and breathed in the fresh air. "Oh, how lovely! The kingdom of Corona!" She twirled around in happiness, her gown swishing after her. Henrik shook his head and smiled. "You can be such a child sometimes."

"Oh, hush." She pouted and skipped ahead.

"Annette, wait!" Henrik dashed after her and they began to explore the Corona market. It was bustling with people. The villagers were extremely friendly and they even began to dance. Annette twirled and twirled and twirled until—

"Oof!" She danced right into someone. The hooded figure was withered and haggard. The only thing that you could see was his long, bony fingers.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" She put her hands on the person's shoulders and steadied them. The old man looked up and smiled. His teeth were missing.

"Thank you, young miss. I shall return your kindness by giving you a fortune telling. Come, come." The man took Annette's smooth hand into his wrinkly one. Annette scanned the crown for Henrik. "But—my husband."

"Annette!" Henrik jogged towards them, dodging people left and right. "What's the matter? Who is this?" His auburn eyes darted frantically between the two. The older man tutted but didn't say anything else.

"Oh, there you are! This nice little man says he's going to tell my fortune." Annette cheerfully replied. The king looked doubtful but followed them quietly. The old man's place smelled heavily of incense. There were dramatic purple curtains that hung proudly at the doorway. Henrik wrinkled his nose.

"Sit." He ordered. They began to seat themselves but the man grabbed Annette's hand and peered at it. His cold finger traced her palm. "I see a horrible storm. It will test the power of love and family. Be wary." Henrik snorted, but Annette's face morphed into concern and worry.

"Stop scaring my wife with your gibberish." Henrik wrapped his arms protectively around her. The old man's eyes narrowed and he grinned wickedly.

"As the winter gale bids farewell, and the frost leaves on flurried feet. The curse will recede into Hell when Blizzard and Frost finally meet."

Annette gasped and covered her face.

"That is enough." Henrik stood up, rage morphing onto his face. "Stop being ridiculous."

The old man scowled hideously. "You dare call me ridiculous? You dare ridicule me? You will be taught the cost of ignorance. I lay a curse upon your first-born. She shall be a child of ice."

"No! Please—no. Tell me what the prophecy means." Annette cried and grabbed the old man's wrists.

"Annette!" Henrik exclaimed, outraged.

The man gave them another toothless grin.


Then he was gone.

Two Years Later

"Whoa!" Jack Frost, a snowy haired boy shrieked as the magical portal threw him face-first into the snow. He quickly got to his feet but the portal was gone. He groaned and rubbed his temples. "I hate Bunny."

He looked around to see where he had landed this time. Oh my Guardians. Where was he? Had be been tossed through time? His icy eyes fell onto the palace that towered above everything else. He arched an eyebrow in interest as the wind picked up around his bare feet.

"Wind, take me to the palace!" He called as he shot up in the air and headed for the palace.