YEP! Here's the end of this road. Holy shit. I love all of you. Seriously. It took way too long to finish, but this thing is DONE. After the ep, I'll start explaining things.


Princess of Hyrule Zelda, Hero of Legend Link, Twilight Princess Midna, and Bounty Hunter Gareth all stood in the Arbiter's Grounds before the shrine that once held the Mirror of Twilight. Shadow Sorceress Veran and several members of Ordon Village waited several yards away.

"Well, here we are. Once again." Midna said. "Months later. Different circumstances. Same… feel around it."

"Hopefully it ends on a less fatalistic note." Zelda mused.

"Speaking of, is that magic mirror ready to go?" Midna draped an arm around Link. "We've got a kingdom to run." This caused Link to blush furiously.

Gareth reached into his jacket pocket and produced the mirror. "Hmm… Still slightly cracked. Probably not the safest interdimensional gateway."

"Well… that's not good. How are we going to get back?" Midna asked.

"In older times, it was said the Triforce could communicate directly to the Gods. It would grant them one wish. It's how Ganondorf was planning to conquer the world during the era of the Hero of Time." Zelda then glanced at her hand. "It would mean we'd lose our divine markings. Possibly forever."

Link and Gareth both looked at their hands as well.

"The Triforce of Courage." Link spoke. "I was born with this. I didn't even know I had it until recently. It got me through some of the toughest things a person could ever go through. But now…" He grabbed Midna's hand. "I have someone who can do that better than any gift from the gods." It was the Twilight Princess' turn to blush.

Zelda giggled at the adorable sight before turning to Gareth. "And what of you, my guardian? You are the new bearer of the Triforce of Power."

"Hm. You know, with this thing I do feel like I could punch the ground and crack the world in half." The bounty hunter punched at the air. "But it's been used to kill so many people so get this thing out of me before I cut my gods damned hand off."

"It's not inherently evil, Sir Gareth." Zelda explained. "Like a blade, or magic itself its whims are soley based on those who wield it."

"I guess…" Gareth still looked at his hand. "What about you, Zee? You too have had this all your life."

The princess smiled and closed her eyes. "It is not even a question for me. Through this I learned quicker and mastered my magics. But now its calling is for a greater purpose."

The four stood in a circle. Link, Zelda, and Gareth extended their arms so their marked hands touched. A brilliant golden glow burst from the center. Midna and Veran looked away while the others had to shield their eyes. The physical Triforce was now before the heroes. Gareth, Link and Midna stepped back. Zelda reached out and touched the mythical Triforce.

"We have ended the cycle of violence that has plagued our world for generations." Zelda began her prayer. "For the first time, Hyrule can witness the coming of peace eternal. However, we cannot ignore the others burned in the past quests for power. O Goddesses, please forgive our Twili brethren for the actions of their ancestors. My wish is to restore the Mirror of Twilight. Usher in a new era of prosperity with those who exist in the shadow. May we have peace and be an inspiration to the rest of the kingdoms in our world." After Zelda finished her speech, the Triforce rose high into the air, burst into light and seemingly disappeared.

After several seconds of silence, particles began to rise from the surrounding sand. Like snow the gently floated towards the stand that once held the massive mirror. The particles condensed to a singularity and after another burst of light, there was the Mirror of Twilight as if it was never destroyed.

The four smiled. "Please don't break this one." Link said, eliciting a round of laughter from the rest.

"Well, it does look like it's time for us to leave." Veran said to the Villagers, comprised of the kids, Ilia, and Rusl.

"Aww, do you have to go?" Beth asked. "You're so cool!"

"Yeah! That shadow stuff is so awesome!" Talo added. "At least say you'll come visit."

"Oh, well of course I'll come visit! Your village is absolutely wonderful; how could I stay away?" The sorceress then knelt to be eye level to Colin. "And I can't just say goodbye to my young hero forever, can't I?"

Colin blushed slightly. "Oh, I was just doing what was right, Lady Veran. I'm no hero…"

Veran smiled warmly. "And that precisely what makes you one, young Colin." She then gave the young man a quick peck on the cheek. The young Colin's face became as red as a 20-piece rupee.

"Ooooooooooo!" Beth and Talo began to tease. "Colin's got a girlfriend! Colin's got a girlfriend!" The two began to dance around in a circle.

"I do not!" He then ran towards the two and they took off running around the amphitheater.

"Don't stray too far, rascals!" Rusl yelled out. He then walked to Veran. "But honestly, I can't thank you enough for helping to protect my village."

"Think nothing of it, Rusl."

Link walked up to Ilia and Rusl. "And of course, I'll visit when I can."

"You better!" Ilia then ran up and hugged him. She cried softly. "I'll take good care of Epona." Link hugged her back as Rusl then came up to them and put his hand on Link's shoulder.

"Link, you've grown so much these past months. But you're still the same sweet, selfless young man I've known all my life." He then pulled them both into a hug. Link, unable to hold back anymore, quietly began crying alongside them.

A few minutes of composure later and the Mirror projected its portal onto the obsidian pillar. Midna and Zelda hugged tightly. "This time, things are different. The future has never looked brighter." Zelda said.

"We'll work on travel and trade laws as soon as we get back. And you!" Midna pointed to Gareth. "You treat her right, okay?"

"Uh… okay." Gareth blushed trying hard to feign ignorance. Link and Veran joined the princesses and Gareth on the platform.

"Got it all out of you?" Midna asked cheekily. Link was drying his eyes. "We could stay a bit longer. I'm sure Onox hasn't completely run the kingdom into the ground."

"Yeah, I'm ready." He then extended his arm to Gareth. "Thank you. For everything."

Gareth shook it. "Yeah, anytime. Heh, saving the world is something I can get used to doing, but Gods I hope I don't have to do it again soon."

The Twili Royalty ascended the spectral staircase. They turned around and waved goodbye to their friends before teleporting to the Twilight Realm. Zelda and Gareth bid the villagers farewell as they made their way back home. Gareth told them that Zelda need to pray in the presence of the gods, and as the royal bodyguard he couldn't leave her.

"So." The bounty hunter asked. "What now?"

"Well I have one question." Zelda turned around and took his hands into hers. "You know I love you. Do you love me?"

Gareth stuttered. He was utterly speechless. He looked around at the ground, stumbling around words trying to find the right thing to say. Zelda's face fell. "Do… you not? I-I understand that we've not known each other that long and this is very sudden, but-"

"No, it's not that." Gareth took a deep breath, and placed his hand on her cheek. "It's just… how can you put into words how much you love the woman who saved your life and soul?" He couldn't keep his tears from falling.

Neither could the princess. "Well, you know what they say about actions." She then closed the gap between them. They kissed deeply, passionately, and earnestly. As if the world will fall apart if they stopped. Zelda was with someone she wanted to be with. Her future was her own. She would no longer need to be forced to marry some prince who just saw her as a piece of property. Gareth's own future changed forever. He had solidarity. He had a home. He had someone to love who loved him back just as intently.

Their kiss broke, and their foreheads touched. "I love you, Zelda." He whispered.

"And I love you, my Gareth." She smiled and closed her eyes. "I know not what the coming years will throw at us. But I want to face them with you."

"I will." He held her tight. "You are… my light. My… my hope, my…"

"Shh…" She pressed her lips to his again. "You are mine as well… My Gareth."

"My Zelda." He kissed her back. As the sun set behind them. Their new future was theirs for the taking. Together.

^^^^^(One Legend Ends. A New Legend Begins)^^^^^

And that one song from the Twilight movies plays eternally

And that's it. Okay, see ya later.

I WOULDN'T LEAVE YOU ALL HANGING! Holy tits on toast, I love you all! Thank you so so so so so much for being with my while I finally got this damn thing done! It took WAYYYYY to long but it's done now.

I'm going to put a post on my tumblr ( .com) later today after this goes live to explain why this took forever. I will say I have a few sequels to this, I've got an original story a friend's going to help me with while helping them with their story. And I have plotless porn that'll be going in AO3.

So keep a lookout for that. I know this is rushed and very rough draft-y with NO proofreading. But it's out! It's Done! AND THANK YOU ALL TO WHO REVIEWED AND PM'D ME WHEN THEY WERE CONCERNED ABOUT ME.
