Chapter 3 – Neko Natsu
Gomenasai mina, I took so long to update! I promise I will make it up to you with a kawaii NaLu chapter. Hope you enjoy!
She gazed at the cat-boy, getting slightly flustered as she realized how cute he was. He walked over to her and knelt know so their eyes were level. "Yo!" he beamed with a cheerful grin that showed his playful pointed canines, "I'm the Cheshire Cat, or Neko Natsu, whatever you prefer."
She chuckled a bit at the name, then replied, "My name is Alice-Lucy Heartfilia."
"Alice... That's a pretty name."
"Thanks you, but I don't really like it." She stared at the ground shyly.
The rosy haired boy tilted his head then beamed at Alice. "Then how 'bout I call you Lucy?" he asked playfully.
She gazed into his eyes as she felt a blush crawling onto her face. "Sure, if you wish, Natsu."
Natsu smiled then his gaze aborted to her dripping blonde hair and her water logged aqua dress. "Give me your hands," he said holding out his. She was confused. "Just do it, trust me," he grinned again in the cute way he does, then she placed her hands on his. She felt a warm feeling over her body, as though she was if a fire, but it didn't hurt. It was comforting. The fire burned out and he removed his hands.
She touched her hair and stared down at the once soaked dress, which both seemed to be dry. She gaped in awe, "how- how did you do that?"
"It's my magic," he smiled. A frown grew upon her face. "You don't know anything do you?" she shook her head wearily. "Okay, long story short, we are in a wonderland called Fairy Tail, and everyone here has a magical power of some sort. However, in order for anyone else to be let in, they have to have magic as well."
"What are you on about? All we did was follow the white rabbit and her lizard down the rabbit hole," she interrupted.
"Precisely, it takes a mage to know one."
"But then what about me? I don't have magic."
"Yes you do, I can tell. You are a celestial mage."
"What's that," she questioned.
"You got a bunch of keys after coming through the portal, right?" She nodded. "And you saw the people in the portal, didn't you?" Again she nodded. "Well, they are all spirits from the celestial spirit world. You can summon any of them with your keys, but only one at a time for now as it consumes power, until you get stronger. You with me?"
"Kind of."
"Natsu... What power do I have?" asked a now dry blue cat padding through the grass.
"You can fly, right?" The cat nodded. "Then there you go, you have Aera magic," he smiled. "Anyway, getting on to the point, you have two options, first, is that you join Fairy Tail, second, is that you return home. Although, personally, I would prefer it if you stay with me," he bushed a bit, "but I can't force you."
"Natsu, I can't just-"
"It's okay Lucy, you don't have to say now, think about it, but either way, we have to go see the Red Queen of Hearts, so we might as well head there." She nodded silently.
The two of them stood up, but Alice stood on her ankle awkwardly and stumbled, letting out a 'kyaa' as she headed towards the floor. Although, she never did hit the floor, instead she felt herself being enclosed in strong, warm arms. She opened her eyes to see Natsu holding her. "That was close," he sighed as he helped the rosy cheeked mage to her feet.
"Th-thank you," she whispered.
He smirked then put his arm round her shoulders, "Anytime, Lucy."
Just then a bubbling noise came from the water, and a young woman rose up out of the lake and hovered just above the surface. Although she had just appeared out of the lake, she was completely dry. She had short slightly wavy hair and a blue and white hat that sat neatly on her head. She wore a knee length blue and white skirt and an aqua short sleeved t-shirt. On her hands were pale blue silk gloves that almost reached he shoulders. Sweetly, she smiled at Natsu. "Hello Cheshire-Kun."
"Hey Juvia, you alright?"
She nodded then looked at Alice. "Who's that?"
"She's Alice, she is new to this land," replied Natsu.
Juvia smiled. "Alice..." she brought her slender arms up to shoulder height somehow bringing the water with her. "Fight me."
"Ah, Lucy, your first battle of magic."
"But I can't-"
"It's okay, I'm with you." He stood behind her, one hand on her upper left arm, the other guiding her right hand to her keys. She pulled one out and held it out in front of her in both hands. "The words should come to you naturally."
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Kiragei, tou hen que no tobira," her hey shone with an immense light, "Aquarius!" A mermaid with elegant long blue hair and an aqua tail appeared in front of them, also hovering above the surface. She held a silver urn in one hand. Her eyes glowed in a violent way as she glared at Alice.
"Bitch! Why the heck did you summon me?!"
So, how was it? Sorry again for making you wait but it is around the time of my exams so I can't promise anything soon but I will try my best. Oh, and sorry for changing the rating, it's just natural for Aquarius to be like that, I had to. Luv you mina! 3