I am writing this in the dark – by candle light, just like Samuel Peeps used to do. Would you believe he isn't in our crummy 8-volume encyclopaedia (2nd hand "New Book of Knowledge)?

About an hour ago all the lights went out together and it went v. quiet, apart from the dog of course! My mother shouted for my father to mend the fuse, and he used all the fuel in his lighter before someone (me) pointed out that there were no lights outside either; the street was in darkness. Mother said, no it wasn't, all the passing cars have their lights on. Honestly, some people just don't understand the world they live in. Fortunately, Mr Lucas from next door came round to see if we were OK. He explained to my mother that we were in a blackout – the electricity had gone for the whole area.

My father found a torch, but the battery in it had gone nasty. I got out my torch, the one I use to read in bed late at night, but that doesn't give much light and the battery only lasted for a few minutes, just long enough for my mother to find the candles left over from the three-day week. And I've been asking for new batteries for weeks; perhaps they'll not be so stingy in future!

My mother said it would be a good idea if somebody made a clockwork torch which had no batteries and just needed winding up. I think that was meant to be a joke, but my father took it seriously and said he supposed he would be the one who would have to do all the winding. I pointed out that they would soon loose the key and then we would be no better off.

Anyway, they are listening to the tinny little portable radio downstairs, and I am in my room writing away. This must be my longest day's entry ever. Amazing what the lack of distraction will do!

The lights just came on – I'm off to watch some TV before bed.