The King was in panic, and the low mutterings of Pitch weren't helping. He stood frozen on the bottom of the stair case, listening as the two men who spotted him were coming closer. Surely his creature would have stopped them? He was then proven wrong as the doors swung open, which made his blood run colder. The men cried out aiming their weapons at Jack, but a shadow had suddenly blocked the men's sight, giving Jack time to run away, up the stair case.

The shadow then dispersed and the henchman lost sight of the Ice King…And then spotted him again as Jack hurried up another set of stairs. Their voices, "We got him!" made Jack turn around. His heart was hammering against his chest with fear and he knew that it made Pitch curl a smile with sickening delight.

"N-No, please!" He pleaded and then Jack's eyes then widened as an arrow came shooting towards him. He screwed his eyes shut and held his hands out in front of him. His eyes shot open when he noticed there was no pain, and let out a gasp as the arrow, which was only an inch away from his face, was encased in a frozen spike. His heart twisted as he watched one of the men toss the other another arrow, and the King let out a cry with a shaking voice. "Stay away!" He made ice spike up from the floor, making the men scurry across the room not giving them anytime to shoot.

"Get her!" The King heard, and Jack turned to shoot at the other man with a grunt. His eyes widened, as an unsettling chill ran down his spine, and then narrowed while watching the sharp icicles he blasted, pinning the only henchman who has spoken so far to the wall. Jack's eyes glowed with anger as he let the tip of one frozen spike nip at the struggling man's neck. The King's attention then drifted towards the other as he could see movement in the background, as he turned, Jack swiftly sent a blast of ice towards his new opponent just as the silent henchman was about to shoot him.

The silent henchman rolled away, but that did not deter the King of Burgess. With gritted teeth, he sent a second blast that trapped the man between rows of spiked ice and sent a solid block of ice towards him. With the man sandwiched between the large ice block and the doors that led to the balcony, the silent henchman sucked in a breath as the ice structure gave way and he was rolling onto the thin ice outside.


Astrid couldn't shake the unsettling chill that lay resting on her spine, neither could she shake the strange feeling of someone breathing down her neck. Rubbing her neck, her blue eyes never left the large monster which protected the Ice Palace. Once she saw the opportunity, she struck its leg, cutting it clean with the blade of her axe, and swept past the beast, only to be stopped mid-way on the steps of the slippery stair case by the creature's large paw of ice. With a cry, Astrid's arm stung with the sudden strain of her arm as she hung from the steps of the case. She watched as the creature cried out while it fell into the dark abyss below.

Letting out a ragged breath, the blonde tossed her axe onto the ice and let herself to be pulled up by some of the accompanying men. She wasted no time and ignored their questions of is she was alright and grabbed her weapon, earning silent worry glances from the men. Astrid flickered her eyes towards them, then made haste towards the castle.

The axe-wielding Viking stormed the steps of the castle, letting the cries and grunt of Gothel's men, and the worried gasps from the King lead her. She skidded to a halt and stopped her men from advancing any further when she finally came upon the distressed King.

It was then that Astrid shivered. Time seemed to slow to a complete stop around her, and she found her knees buckling from an unknown pressure. She heaved in air as her chest felt frozen. What's happening? Furrowing her brow, she gripped onto her shirt and breathed in again. It only made it worse. Astrid looked around and bit her lip with worry as everyone in the room was still stuck in time, and then her eyes widened as the room around her became darker and darker…until the only thing she could see were yellow eyes.


"King Jackson!" Astrid cried out, gaining the attention of the angered royal. "Don't be the monster they think you are!" Her words made Jack turn, his icy glare softening with realisation and stopped the power that flowed through his hands while his shoulders sagged.

As the duo shared a glance of understanding and peace, the silent henchman who was still pinned to the wall raised his crossbow towards the King. Still stinging with the truth, only Astrid noticed the movement, and with a subtle quick glance at the ice-made chandelier, the Viking dashed towards the acting henchman and re-positioned the strike in one swift motion, letting the arrow fly towards the hanging decoration. And with a gasp, Jack heard the clean slice of the ice above him and looked up and moved to dash away from the falling object, but failed, as he slipped and slid across the ice floor, hitting his head and losing consciousness.

Astrid then let go of her breath and ordered her men to free and help Gothel's henchmen as she tended to the King. She did not dare let anyone know of her disappointment of the outcome. She kneeled down next to the King's head and caressed his cheek while a wicked smile split her face. "I guess I win our little game, Jack."

She picked the King up without struggle, and as she and her men exited the castle, one man kept to himself that the girl's eyes flickered for a moment. He swore he saw her blue eyes change to a shade of yellow that would sure to give him nightmares.


Sorry for taking so long. Yeah.

I'm pretty sure you guys are bored with this idea by now.

Some people are just getting bothered by Frozen because of its overstock on merch. Haha...

I'm gonna finish this. I sWEAR I WILL. I'm just struggling to get back into writing fics again. sighs.

I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for such a short chapter. ugh.