Chapter 1: To Be Really Free

A/N: No, I don't own Harry Potter. Sadly.

Oh well.

Why we can't be
or see who cuts us asunder
like a boor felling a tree

Wonder by Soap&Skin


Surprise is an emotion I don't normally find myself faced with. Living with a twin like Fred, and siblings like the ones I had, you become somewhat desensitized to most things that would be normally surprising.

You can imagine my surprise, then, when I heard that Professor Dumbledore had called for a school wide meeting in the middle of September.

"Wonder what Dumbledore wants us for." Said Lee Jordan as he, Fred, and I approached the Great Hall. I shrugged and grinned at Fred.

"Weird, don't you think? We haven't had a school meeting since it was our first year and McGonagall was trying to figure out who'd been leaving all that catnip in her desk," I said with a smirk.

Of course it had been me and Fred.

Lee suddenly looked a little apprehensive.

"You don't think this is about all the dungbombs I bribed Peeves with, do you?"

"One way to find out," Fred said. He gestured to the doors in front of him, and we slipped into the great hall quietly. We were obviously the last ones in, as the doors closed behind us with an ominous thud. I sat between Fred and Lee, nodding at Oliver Wood across from me.

Suddenly, the room quieted down into a hushed murmur, and then into pure silence when everyone turned their attention to Dumbledore at his place at the podium. I found my mind wavering as Dumbledore said some opening words before the start of our meal, going to the events of the past summer.

The usually cheery halls of Hogwarts had been slowly drifting deeper and deeper into a strange gloom since the escape of Sirius Black; Fred and I had been trying to lighten the mood, although our efforts weren't always appreciated.

Fred nudged me under the table with a grin and a nod at Dumbledore who had once again resumed his spot at the extravagant podium.

"I hope you all have enjoyed your meals tonight," this was met by appreciative claps and noise. Dumbledore waited for it to subside with a patient smile on his face and his hands clasped behind his back, "I'm sure you are wondering why you've been called here tonight, this is indeed the first meeting we've held in quite some time."

He turned his twinkling eyes onto Fred and I and we grinned back.

"However tonight, the subject will be slightly different,"

Lee visibly let out a shaky breath. I rolled my eyes at the back of his dreadlocked head.

"This summer, I began correspondence with Headmistress Walcott of the Goodwin School for the Magical, Headmaster Arnold of Clarke Academy of Magic, Headmistress Harding of Royden University School, and Headmaster Russell at Ann Arbor Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They had all mentioned that it would be a marvelous opportunity for a student of each school to attend Hogwarts for the remainder of the year, as do I. We agreed that a single student from each school would be permitted to join us, and these four students will be arriving in two weeks' time and will be sorted. I expect nothing but courtesy and welcome from everyone here."

Well that was unexpected. I glanced at Fred, and he seemed excited enough about the whole ordeal.


"Are there any questions?" A few hands shot in the air and Dumbledore smiled happily.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" he asked.

"Sir, I was wondering, could you give us any more information on the students?"

"Ah, of course," he pulled a small roll of parchment from his pocket and read off of it, "from Goodwin, we have Max Terrell; Ivy Miller from Clarke; Lenore Hedley will be joining us from Royden; and Ross Cannon from Ann Arbor. All of the students are in their fifth year."

Hermione nodded her head and beamed. She looked excited by the prospect of a fresh face, as did many.

"Miss Clearwater?"

"Sir, how is it possible for American students to attend school here? I'm sure the curriculum is vastly different over there,"

"A very good question, yes, there are a few schools that operate on a similar curriculum, and test using the OWL and NEWT programs. Known as International Schools, most of the major European schools, such as Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, as well as Hogwarts itself, are included on this list. The four schools that our exchange students are coming from are the only International Schools in America."

"Will the students be sorted?" called out a voice.

"Yes, although one will go to each of the houses."

A quiet murmuring broke out at this information, but it quickly died down once Dumbledore called on a sixth year in Slytherin. I got lost in my thoughts again and didn't even notice that the meeting had come to a close until a sharp blow to the back of my head shocked me out of it.

I made a rude gesture to Fred, while Lee ran off in front of us to bother Katie Bell. We shambled along with the crowd headed to Gryffindor tower.

"Hope we get someone decent," said Fred with a smirk.

"You just hope that one of the birds is fit." I said.

"Hey! I resent that! One of the blokes could be a good roommate too,"

"Probably be better than Robbins, anyways."

"I'm not sure how we put up with that prat for so long. He's worse than Percy,"

I threw an incredulous look at Fred and snorted, "No one is worse than Percy,"

"Got a point there, Georgie. Although, you have to at least agree that a fresh bird wouldn't be bad."

"Never said it would," I said grinning.

"Let's hope for your sake that one of them is."

I shrugged and stuffed my hands in my pockets. None of the girls at Hogwarts had ever really kept my interest for long, and I had only dated a handful; they'd all lasted for relatively short periods of time. The vast majority of girls were either incredibly boring or far too wrapped up in themselves to be decent conversationalists.

Although we didn't gain our reputation through my meager dating experience. It was Fred that always snuck off to broom closets. Probably doesn't help that we're identical.

"Fortuna Major" I stated once we reached the portrait of the fat lady. She swung forward, revealing the warm reds and golds of the circular common room.

As I lay in my bed half an hour later, I wondered what the new kids were going to be like.

Would Leah (or was it Lisa? Linda?) Whatever, be some stupid bint?

Would Ross (is that right?) be as annoying as ever living hell?

Would Max be one of those people that was just too nice for their own good?

And would Ivy be someone I wasn't likely to forget?

I wonder…


This has to be one of the most uncomfortable train rides I have ever been on in my entire life. Ever.

Honestly, it's ridiculous how awkward this entire thing is.

When I boarded this painfully red train, I ended up sitting with the other three exchange students. I didn't want to be that girl, you know, the one that doesn't socialize with anyone and reads by herself in a corner.

And now that I'm sitting here with a group of people that couldn't be more different, I seriously wish that I had.

We engaged in small talk for the first 20 minutes, before the boy sitting beside me, Max, dropped to sleep right on my shoulder. And he's snoring. And drooling.


The girl, Lenore, looked nice enough at first; then she opened her mouth.

Every time I said something, she always managed to steer the conversation back to herself.

"So what school are you coming from?"

"Royden, it's so great there! Did you know that Witch Weekly ranked it within the top 10 of all magical boarding schools? My entire family's gone there. It's in California, the weather there is so different from here. "

"I'm from Clarke –"

"Oh, my cousin goes to Clarke! Do you know her? Her name's Jessica Hedley. Actually you probably don't, she's in her first year."

"I do know a Jessica Hedley –"

"You do! Oh she's just a sweetheart, isn't she? She always said I was her favorite cousin."

It continued like this for an hour. An hour.

Gods, just kill me.

Then there was Ross. He was charming. He was smooth, suave, polite…

He was infuriating to be completely honest. Every word that slid out of his mouth was cheap flattery and manipulative. Although it seemed to work on Lenore. The two were deep in conversation about some petty subject, so I was content to look out the window at the passing countryside; well, as best as I could. Max's head was still resting heavily on my shoulder.

I noticed that the sun had begun its rapid descent; the sky turned pink and was streaked with fabulous shades of light purple and orange.

I placed my finger on Max's temple and shoved him off of me, not all so gracefully, and stood up to stretch. The two others stared up at me in confusion as I pulled out a set of plain black robes and threw them on.

"What are you doing?" asked Lenore.

"I'm putting on my robes," – honestly, what does it look like I'm doing – "we'll be at Hogwarts soon."

"Alright," Lenore stood up and pulled on her robes as well, followed by Ross, who hadn't said a word to me since he'd realized that his 'charms' didn't work on me.

I turned to look at Max, who had yet to wake up, and prodded his ankle with my toe.

He blinked blearily up at me, "Wha?"

"You should put on your robes. We'll be at the school soon."

He nodded and put them on before leaning back against the seat with his eyes shut.


With a sigh, I sat down as well and rested my head against the cool glass of the window.

I missed my parents. They'd been so happy when they heard that I'd been selected to go to Hogwarts for the year. I had heard about it all my life, through stories from my mom, and from my friends as well. It was always a secret wish of mine to attend the sprawling school, although I had always thought that it would never be a reality. Europe had its own schools, and so did America.

My sister, Annie, had been out of school for two years now, and loved her job at the American Ministry. All of my family works there, my mother as a secretary to the American Minister, my father as an Obliviator, and Annie as an assistant at the Board of Magical Education. Living in New York definitely has its perks. The Ministry's located there, so it wasn't as magically draining for my family to apparate there as it was for someone living on the West Coast. Floo powder is a huge deal in the U.S.

I also missed Maggie. She's been my best friend for longer than I can even remember, and we've been at Clarke together since we were eleven. We're practically sisters, but we look nothing alike. She's athletic and tall and blond. I'm, well, not.

I cry myself to sleep over the fact that I'll probably never be taller than 5'2.

And I'm a brunette too. I always thought that was so boring. Many times, I've thought about dyeing it an interesting color, but whenever I've voiced this desire to Maggie, she talks me out of it. Actually, when I'd gotten it cut a few years ago, she threatened me and told me never to do it again, before taking me straight to my mother and demanding that she charm it back to its regular length.

I think she has an unhealthy obsession with my hair.

It's probably because hers is ramrod straight. Mine just gets curly and frizzy. She yells at me every time I lament my fly-away hair and how it seemed to ignore my desire for perfect ringlets. All I ever got were messy waves and loose curls.

I heard the train squeal to a stop, and the four of us trooped out of the compartment and into the blustery October air.

We were greeted by a severe looking woman with gray streaked hair pulled into a tight bun and emerald robes that swirled around her.

"Cannon, Hedley, Miller, and Terrell?" she asked.

We all nodded at the older witch.

"I am Professor McGonagall. If you will all follow me please."

She led us to a horseless carriage, and we all climbed in. Without warning, it moved on its own, up the steep mountain towards the most striking castle I have ever seen. The picture of Hogwarts in books absolutely did not do it justice.

Max and I were the only ones that openly gaped at the glittering lights that were present from what appeared to be windows.

The carriage stopped in front of a manicured courtyard, and we stepped out and made their way to the large double doors. Something bubbled unpleasantly in my stomach. I felt my heart pound erratically in my chest and I twisted my fingers together. A nervous habit I picked up from my sister.

We were lead into an impressive Entrance Hall.

"I will tell them of your arrival. Wait here. I'll be right back." She stepped into the Great Hall and a roar of noise filtered out.

The group stood around awkwardly awaiting the return of the stern woman. Oh shit, we're about to get sorted!

I had heard about the four houses of Hogwarts, but I had no idea where I'd be placed.

Well, it probably wouldn't be Slytherin. I mean, have you met me? I wouldn't last a day with those people. I began to pace a bit. The other three seemed content to just watch my progress back and forth across the waiting room.

"They're ready for you."

I very nearly jumped out of my skin. With a startled shriek, my foot suddenly caught itself on the uneven bit of stone I had been successfully avoiding during my pacing.

I laid a hand on my chest and caught my breath best I could. McGonagall and the rest of the exchange students just stood there. Lenore and Ross with looks of contempt on their faces, and McGonagall and Max with mild amusement.

Well, then.

I let out a shaky laugh and hoisted myself up off the ground.

"Sorry about that, I startle easy sometimes."

McGonagall offered me a small smile and turned away from us to throw open the doors dramatically.

The sea of faces that stared at us was unnerving. Lenore drank up all the attention of course. She tossed her silky, sandy blonde hair and waved her tanned hand in a way she must've thought was endearing – which it wasn't.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and followed Max up to the front of the room. McGonagall was waiting there with a small piece of parchment and one of the dirtiest hats I have ever seen in my entire life.

Do they expect me to that on? I grimaced, then became aware of the height difference between me and my fellow exchange students.

Great. Even that bitch Lenore is taller than I am.

Why do good things happen to terrible people?

In all my grumbling, I managed to miss when McGonagall had called Ross forward and asked him to put on the hat. I came to just as the brim ripped wide open like a mouth and called out, "SLYTHERIN!"

So that's how it worked.

"Hedley, Lenore,"

She sauntered up to the stool and sat down primly. Her piercing blue eyes roved the hall and caught someone that she proceeded to wink at.

I once again struggled to not roll my eyes. I had a feeling I would be doing a lot of that with her around.


Wait, what? Lenore did not strike me as intelligent. At all.

It was probably all an act, now that I thought about it.

"Miller, Ivy."

Oh god, here we go.

Just put one foot in front of the other and sit down. It's not that hard.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the battered and dirty stool as McGonagall lowered the equally as battered and dirty hat onto my head.

"Ah, I see, I see. Yes, very interesting indeed. Loyalty and justice; Hufflepuff, perhaps. You would do quite well in Hufflepuff, I can tell."

Is this hat reading my mind?

"Indeed I am."

That is awesome.

"Oh, wait. There is one trait that does overshadow the rest. I know now that the perfect place for you is inGRYFFINDOR!"

That's that, then. I guess I'm a Gryffindor.

I approached the table that was cheering the loudest and dressed in red and gold, and searched for a good spot to sit.

My eyes swept the length of it, seeing an empty little stretch of bench in between a girl with curly, strawberry blond hair, and a good looking boy with broad shoulders.

Taking a seat, I offered a smile to the people sitting around me and turned to watch while 'Max the Drooler' got sorted into 'HUFFLEPUFF!' and a strangely dressed old man with a long white beard, who looked like he had stepped straight out of a storybook, move to stand in front of an ornate podium.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," he said warmly, "I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and I hope you four will enjoy your stay with us. We are all so glad that we have the opportunity to host you. So before I let you all starve, I have two fine words to share with you: Tuck in."

I chuckled at these words. Never before has a phrase made me so excited. I glanced at the table with glee and then with apprehension.

What is all of this stuff? The red-headed boy sitting across from me grinned wickedly.

"Need some help there?" he asked with amusement. I looked up at him and smiled. Finally, a person to explain the weird food.

"Yeah, that would be great."

He blinked and stared at me for a moment.

"Need some help there?" I asked him with a smirk. He laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry, your accent startled me for a moment. I forgot that you lot came from across the pond."

"Oh, I guess that would have surprised me too."

"I'm George," he said, "and this is Fred."

The boy sitting next to him looked up from his large plate that was laden with food and winked at me.



"I'm Ivy."

"So Ivy, what do you need?" he asked.

"Could you tell me what all this is? I don't recognize any of this food." I said in exasperation.

George grinned at me and nodded. He pointed out the different dishes and explained their content, and I finally felt comfortable enough to try some things. The girl I sat next to turned to me with a squeal, having just realized who I was, and introduced herself.

"I'm Lavender, it's great to meet you." she said with a wide smile, "Do you wear make-up? I've always wondered what kind of makeup they have in America. I feel like I've tried every brand on earth."

I smiled, "My aunt Jo actually works for an American make-up brand, Maybelline. Maybe you've heard of it? She sends me samples sometimes,"

"Oh wow! That's brilliant! Parvati, listen to this, her aunt works for a make-up company,"

An Indian girl with her hair in a long, dark plait gasped. I furrowed my brow. It really wasn't that interesting…

"Is she a muggle or something?" asked Lavender.

"Oh, no. She just works there."

Parvati giggled, "She just works alongside the muggles then?"

I nodded, "Yup."

The two of them turned back to their prior conversation. Movement on the other side of the table caught my eye.

George was speaking to a boy with dreadlocks excitedly, and ran his hand through his vivid orange hair. I appraised him appreciatively; he was attractive. I'll give him and his twin that.

I caught a snippet of their conversation after a moment.

"…and Wood says to me, he says, 'you've got to swing the bat this way, Weasley!' So the bloke grabs a hold of my bat and yanks it away from me so fast that he hits himself with it!"

The broad shouldered boy on the other side of me made a noise of indignation, which I probably would have understood had I heard the entire story, but I had more important questions to ask.

"You play Quidditch?" I asked George.

The boy beside me and Fred exchanged glances and grins.

"Yeah, Fred and I are the Gryffindor beaters."

Beaters, oh Merlin. They always have amazing arms.

"Do you play?" asked Fred.

I shook my head. "I wish. I fly fairly well, but I don't have enough hand-eye coordination to play. My best friend is a chaser on the starting team at Clarke, so I get plenty of Quidditch talk from her. I just wish it was a bigger deal over there. I hear Quidditch is huge here." Like soccer. It's not as popular in America as 'football'.

"It is," said George. "Just ask Wood,"


"That would be me," said the boy I was sitting next to, "Nice to officially meet you, I'm Oliver Wood,"

"Captain and keeper of the Gryffindor team," said Fred

"He eats, and breathes Quidditch," said George

"He appreciates a life that's free of narration," snapped Oliver. I laughed, although I felt sort of bad for him. Those two must do this a lot.

The rest of the meal was spent swapping stories about Quidditch. I'm not sure I've ever laughed that hard about anything. I'm also pretty sure that I snorted one or two times, though Fred and George never said a word about it if I did.

I might have also startled quite a few people by my excitement at the sight of desert…


I threw all of the food that looked like it might have had any form of chocolate in it onto my plate and shoveled large bites into my mouth quickly.

"Oh man, this is so good," I moaned a few minutes later around mouthfuls of cake.

Someone snorted nearby and I looked up to see George trying to stifle his laughter.

"Laugh all you want, George, this is still the best damn cake I've had in a while."

"Whatever you say, Miller."

I grinned at him and just continued to eat the slice of cake.

What can I say? A girl's gotta have her chocolate.

A/N: Alright! So in regards to Interlude, I'm sorry if you were keeping up with it and stuff. There was a lot about it that bothered me, and I'm glad I decided to do a rewrite.

Please tell me what you think!