Hello, fellow fanfiction readers! Can I just say how unbelievably sorry I am for not updating in so long, writers block is a bitch and I've just been so so busy! But I'm back from holidays now and am determined to spend more time and effort on my fanfiction :D
Most of you know me as sherlockedbyben, but a sudden spurt of spontaneous inspiration and a wish for a newer, better, more personalised start has made me change my user name to sociocath. Cause I'm in the Sherlock fandom, he's a sociopath, and my name is Catherine… So Cath… SocioCATH. Geddit, geddit?
ANYWAY. I just thought I'd tell you so you still know who I am. Thank you for reading!
Now lets get started on this chapter!
Happy endings, Clara mused. She had never thought them to be true. God knows she read enough books and endured enough harsh life lessons to realise that there was a difference between the two worlds, to come to terms with the fact that happy endings only ever seemed to exist in fiction. That they were always too good to be true. But this time, just this once, she had allowed herself to hope. She had allowed herself to think that maybe, just maybe, they would all get a happy ending, for now at least. She should've expected that little spark of hope to be abruptly snuffed out.
The flash of light was sudden and unwelcome, harsh on Clara's eyes. The Tardis groaned slightly as it was stopped mid-flight, stopped by someone that wasn't one of them. She squinted at the four new figures now standing near the Tardis console, thinking for a split second that it was some sort of hologram. Her heart sank when she realised who it was, and before she could even open her mouth in an exclamation of surprise and indignance, one of the guards had her arms pinned behind her back in a vice-like grip. She cried out and looked up, past the Doctor who was standing stock still with a look of shock on his face as he was seized by a guard, past the Master who was in the same situation with a tired look of resignation in his eyes.
Clear as day, and definitely no hologram, was Borusa.
The slightly strangled sound came from the right of Clara, and she looked with wide eyes to see the Master staring at Borusa with a look of disgust mingled with horror on his face. He seemed tried, and angry, as if he had known this was going to happen, but had almost allowed himself to hope as well.
Clara drew in a deep breath, not realising she had been holding it for too long and finally recovered her voice.
"He- He can't be here," She choked out, struggling against her capture and glaring at the ancient Time Lord. The shock began to clear from her mind and panic was starting to kick in. "No! No, that's not… That's not…"
She trailed off, resisting the urge to cry it's not fair like a petulant child. She looked to the Master, a pained look in her eyes, and he looked at her, the look in his eyes apologetic.
"President Borusa, please!" The Doctor sprang into action, his face creased with worry, a drastic change from his euphoria just moments ago. He eyed a small circular device in Borusa's other hand, a dark shadow crossing his face. "A one way teleport system," He murmured, crestfallen. He looked up at the ancient Time Lord wearily. "I don't suppose you're planning on giving us second chance?"
Borusa smiled cruelly, and it made Clara uneasy to notice that he still hadn't uttered a word.
"This Tardis belongs to me now," Borusa deadpanned, his gaze threatening. "You belong to me now. And you will be punished for your crimes accordingly."
"Don't sugar-coat it, if you're going to kill us you might as well say it," The Master snapped, glaring at Borusa but making no move to attempt to fight.
Borusa flipped a switch on the Tardis, and Clara knew they were going back to Gallifrey, knew their happy ending was finished. This Tardis flew so smoothly it was almost impossible to tell if it was in flight or not.
"I am sentencing all three of you to death by traditional Gallifreyan means. I would prefer if you do not struggle, as you know, it will be futile," Borusa ignored the Master, acting as if he had not spoken. "We have landed. Come quietly, or don't. It makes no difference to us. The end result will remain the same."
The Doctor snapped, elbowing theTime Lord restraining him for a few brief moments.
"No," He clenched his teeth and jolted forward, grabbing the Tardis console and flipping switches. Clara wriggled against the Time Lord's grip, tears picking her eyes, tears she refused to let fall. She wondered why the Master wasn't fighting. She wondered why the Doctor was staring at Borusa with a look of horror on his face. She wondered why Borusa didn't seemed worried that the Doctor was setting the Tardis into motion to leave Gallifrey once again.
She wondered why the Tardis was dematerialising, and they weren't.
"You can't!" The Doctor yelled, and Clara gasped, looking around herself in horror as the Tardis faded away, revealing the room around them. The circular room they had found themselves in before. They were back where they had started. The Tardis had been set to leave them behind, and they were stranded. Any shred of hope Clara had had was dematerialising quicker than the Tardis had.
"I can, and I have," Borusa made a sweeping motion with his hands and they began to be dragged away, a feeling all too familiar to them. "Lock them away while we prepare for their execution."
"What are you waiting for?" The Master spat as he was dragged away roughly. "Struggling to decide what order to kill us in? Wondering who'll scream loudest? You know what, let's take a vote-"
"Master, stop," Clara choked out, her voice so quiet she wasn't even certain he heard her. She wanted to close her eyes, pretend this wasn't happening. She wanted to know why the hell she felt so numb. It was like she had expected this to happen, and now she was just giving up, letting it play out. No. No, she couldn't.
"No!" She yelled, forcefully this time, digging her heels into the ground and causing the Doctor and the Master to crane their necks to look at her. "Get the hell off me, mate, or my fist will be the last thing you bloody see!"
She struggled and fought to escape the strong grip the guard had on her, but to no avail. She refused to stop squirming all the way, up until she was thrown into a cell after the two other Time Lords, the door slamming shut behind them, signally finality. The cell was different this time, in two ways. For one, it was completely made of strong, Gaillifreyan metal, and it made her feel more trapped than ever. For another thing, she knew they wouldn't be in here for long this time.
Why? Her mind was screaming at her that something wasn't right. Why weren't the Doctor and the Master reacting? Why weren't they fighting back?
She panted, struggling to regain her breath and wondering if her last one was coming sooner than she had expected. The thought made her stomach clench uncomfortably and she rubbed her wrists slowly. The guard had gripped them so hard she was sure he had left marks.
She raised her eyes to the two Time Lords. The Doctor was sitting in one corner, staring at the ground with a look of resignation in his eyes. He was never one to give up, never. This couldn't be right.
"Doctor-" Clara began, but was cut off.
"I'm so sorry, Clara," The Doctor murmured, raising his head to meet her eyes and looking guilt ridden. "This is my fault, I'm so so sorry-"
"This is my fault, and we all know it," The Master snapped, his arms folded as he glared at the Doctor. He looked at Clara for a split second then turned to face the wall, rested his forehead against the cold metal. "It's fine. It's okay. She'll be alright. I got her into this, I'll get her out."
The Doctor stood up abruptly, anger flashing in his eyes before a wave of hopelessness washed across his face.
"You know we're not getting out of here alive, right?" He lowered his voice, as if saying it too loud would hurt more. "Not this time."
"Yes," The Master replied dryly, still not looking at either of them. "Contrary to your belief, I'm not thick."
"We're done for then?" Clara attempted to make her tone sound light, but her voice cracked.
"No," The Master murmured. "You're not."
He took a shaky step forward and drew in a deep breath before turning to the Doctor and cocking his head to the side in a "Well, what can you do" manner.
"I'm sorry, old friend," His tone, though nonchalant, sent a shiver down Clara's spine. "But you'll thank me for this one day."
He raised his hand which was holding a device that neither of them had noticed before and pointed it directly at the Doctor.
"No!" The other man leapt to his feet in sudden desperation, an expression of pure horror swimming in his eyes. "You can't!"
"What's going on?!" Clara yelled, moving to stand in between the two, wishing she understood what this all meant. "What do you think you're doing with that?"
"A one way teleportation device," The Master explained flatly. He shrugged. "Nicked it off Borusa. I'm quick."
"Go on then, Master, tell her what you plan to do with it," The Doctor took a step forward and moved in front of Clara protectively. "Tell her what your grand plan is."
"It can carry two more people and then it's designed to self-combust," The Master continued, his tone dead. "The two of you can get out. Then I'll take care of this."
He pulled out a small, slightly glowing stone that definitely looked alien, turning it over carefully in his hands.
"I've been waiting to use this for a long time now."
"What the hell is that?" Clara spat, almost sensing the dangerous power the small object held.
"It's alive, that's what it is," The Doctor stated gravely. He raised a hand cautiously to the Master, and Clara suddenly realised that he was afraid. Now that she thought about it, she was too. He looked at the Master pleadingly. "Please. I know this situation is bad, but this was our home."
"No, Doctor, I am done," The Master hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously. "They deserve to die, the whole bloody lot of them!"
"You're planning on destroying your whole planet?" Clara whispered, barely able to manage to get the words out. "Master, please… There's another way, there has to be… Right, Doctor? Doctor?"
"The device only takes two people," The Doctor was muttering, seemingly to himself. His expression darkened. "You're not planning on surviving this, are you?"
"No," Clara choked out, trying to push past the Doctor. "No, you bloody idiot don't you dare!"
There were tears in her eyes now, and she didn't care about holding them back anymore.
Before they could argue any further, the door was pulled open and they were met with the sight of President Borusa, surrounded by guards. The Master's whole demeanour seemed to shift, and the look in his eyes was so dangerous that it sent a shiver down Clara's spine.
"Alright, let's get this clear," The Master smiled, not allowing Borusa to get the first word. "We die, or you do. Every single one of you."
He held up the device and the confident expression on Borusa's face evaporated as he realised the severity of the situation.
"Master, think about what you're doing," The ancient Time Lord warned, the fear evident in his eyes, staring at the object.
"Oh I've had plenty of time to think about this," The Master hissed, taking a step forward. "You did this to me, you made me into this!"
"Koschei!" Clara yelled, moving forward but the Doctor held her back.
"Take her," The Master threw the teleportation device to the Doctor. "Take her somewhere safe and don't look back. Please."
"Please, reconsider this," The Doctor whispered, clutching the device in his hand, his free hand holding Clara.
"You know I can't do that," The Master whispered back. His eyes met Clara's. "I'm sorry."
"No," Clara whispered, and she realised the Doctor had made his decision. He was choosing her safety.
And she wasn't going to let him.
"No!" She yelled again, using all her strength to pull away from the Doctor just as he clicked the device into motion. The Master's face fell into one of shock as the Doctor disappeared, leaving Clara behind.
"Are you going to destroy her as well, Master?"
Borusa's tone held a note of seriousness as he approached slowly.
The Master clenched his jaw, looking at Clara with a pained expression. He closed his eyes for a moment.
And threw the stone right at them.
Clara's heart stopped as the Time Lord's yelled and scattered, and before she could fathom what was happening the Master had rushed forward, grabbing the gun nearest to him and opening fire on the group of startled aliens.
"Come on," He grabbed Clara's hand and ran with her, leaving the gun discarded on the floor.
"What was that?" Clara panted as they rounded another corner and darted into a room full of Tardises. The Master immediately let go of her hand and started to rush around the machines at record speed.
"Used a fake," The Master panted, pulling various wires from machine and hissing as they sparked at him. "Knew this would happen. Knew it all. Still got the real one right here. There's still time, I can still do this."
"Master, look at me!" Clara urged in desperation, reaching out to him. He slowed and met her eyes for a second before the sound of running footsteps alerted them to the approach of their enemies.
"You're not really planning on doing this, are you?" Clara whispered hurriedly, trying to even out her breathing. The Master didn't respond.
"You'll die!" She yelled, punching his arm. "I can't let you, I won't let you."
He pulled out a device that he had just wired up, which looked suspiciously like the transportation device he had forced the Doctor to use.
"Please try to understand, Clara," He spoke softly, fervently. "I have to save you. This is the only way I can do it."
"Come with me," Clara whispered, tears blurring her vision for a moment and obscuring the Time Lord's face. The Master took her hands in his, gently pressing the device into her palms.
"I can't," He whispered, shaking his head softly and running his thumb gently over her hand. "You know I can't. I'm so sorry, Clara, I'm so sorry I got you into this."
"Please," Clara choked out. "I can't leave you."
The Master leaned forward and touched his lips to her forehead softly for a brief, painful moment filled with sadness and longing. Clara closed her eyes.
Somewhere along the way, the Time Lord's had burst into the room, and somewhere deep inside Clara, she knew it was all over. And she couldn't take it.
"Goodbye, Clara," The Master whispered, his voice broken. "My Clara."
He gave her hands a small squeeze, activating the device, and the last thing she saw was the Master turning to face his people, the explosive stone glowing in his hand.
And then she was falling.
She couldn't see, couldn't feel couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. The blackness surrounded her for a split second and she landed roughly on the ground. She closed her eyes for a minute and opened them, and all she could see was the sky. The grey, overcast sky.
She was on Earth.
Clara gasped and reached out her fingers, feeling sand underneath her. She felt disorientated, unsure if she had landed in this position or arrived on her feet and tumbled to the ground. She sat up quickly, looking around her as her breath came in quick, short gasps.
"Oh my god," She muttered, everything flooding back to her and panic setting in. What the hell was she doing here, on a beach? Where was the Doctor? The Master… She could feel herself on the verge of hyperventilation.
She stood up abruptly, too quickly, feeling her head spin. She looked around desperately but the beach seemed to be deserted. A sign came into her line of vision, and she squinted to see the faded writing printed on it.
Bad Wolf Bay.
The name sent a haunting shiver down her spine for some reason she couldn't explain, but it rang no bells. She could now put a name to this place, but she still had no idea where she was.
"Where am I," She hissed through the sudden tears that had formed in her eyes, feeling lightheaded as she dropped to her knees with a gasp and fumbled around for the teleportation device. She grabbed it with shaking fingers, the image of the Master's face just before he sent her away fresh in her mind and causing her heart to break. She could shake the thought that he might be… No, he couldn't be.
No no no no no.
The word resounded through her mind over and over as she struggled with the device, shaking it, prodded it, even hitting it off the ground at one point in a futile attempt to get it to work, though she knew she was holding on to a shred of hope that probably didn't even exist.
"Come on," She choked out angrily, shaking the device violently and letting out a small, strangled sob.
"Hitting it like that isn't gunna help."
Clara jumped, having been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't even noticed anyone approach. She looked up to see a blond girl about the same age as herself standing looking down at her with an almost apologetic expression on her face.
"It's dead," She clarified further, her tone matter of fact. "It was a one way system."
"Who are you?" Clara stumbled to her feet, wiping the last few tears away from her eyes. Judging from the girl's accent, she was back in England.
"Doesn't matter, I think I can help you," The girl offered her a small smile, which quickly faded into an expression of sadness. "You've lost someone, 'aven't you? I know what that's like. Maybe… Maybe we can even 'elp each other. What's your name?"
"If I tell you, you have to give me your name," Clara crossed her arms across her chest and glowered, still not sure she trusted this girl who seemed to know so much. The girl grinned with her tongue sticking out between her teeth, seemingly amused.
"Go on then."
"Clara," Clara responded after a moment of hesitation, forcing her tone to sound strong and sure, though that was the opposite of what she felt. "Clara Oswald."
"Come on then, Clara Oswald," The girl smiled, turning and beginning to walk away.
"Hold on, who are you then?" Clara raised her voice to be heard above the wind that was whipping her hair about her face as she jogged to catch up with the stranger. The girl looked behind her with another small smile.
"Rose," She replied, her voice sounding stronger and clearer than Clara's had.
"Rose Tyler."
Ooooooh dramatic! That last bit was so fun to write seriously wow :D
So did you like it? Was it worth the wait? (So sorry about that by the way, swear I'll try not to let it happen again)
Please, feel free to review and let me know what you thought! I'm excited to see yere reactions And thank you so much for sticking with me and this story, even though I'm an idiot who didn't update for ages. I love you guys!