Hey guys! It's meee the author of this probably pointless story :D Finally decided to write a fanfic for this pairing because I just couldn't hold in my feelings for these two! I mean come on, they're completely and utterly adorable. Here's the first chapter, hope you like it and hope I make you ship it too;)

This is dedicated to my shipping buddies Allonsy_Elize and iHiddles love you love time guyss aaaaay

Wednesday. It was a Wednesday and Clara Oswald was waiting. For most people, Wednesdays were dull, that sluggish mid-week point that everyone wished they could avoid. To Clara, they were everything. But then, Clara wasn't like most people. Most people didn't spend their Wednesdays with a madman sporting a big chin and a bowtie in a blue box. That eccentric man that meant so much to her, it brought a smile to her face to think about him. He had granted her her biggest wish, to see the stars. His friendship meant the world to her. For him, she waited. She would always wait. She took another swift glance at the clock, wondering vaguely where her Doctor was, or if he'd even come at all. She'd already baked two soufflés- Well, attempted to bake them, while she waited. She reached out to close the window she had left ajar to let out the aroma of burnt cooking. She stopped as something blue and box-like caught her eye outside and leapt up from her perch on the windowsill at the familiar noise of the Tardis materialising outside, a sudden thrill coursing through her. Rushing down the flights of stairs from her apartment she hurried out to where the blue phone box was waiting as it always was every Wednesday. He was never late. Well, almost never. Actually, she thought to herself with an inward laugh, he was totally and utterly unreliable, but that was one of the best things about travelling with him. You never knew what to expect. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she threw open the Tardis doors and hopped into the ship. She had a good feeling about today.

"Happy Wednesday, Doc," She called out enthusiastically, skipping over to her best friend and hugging him.

"Clara!" He exclaimed, hugging her back and releasing her quickly to bounce around the Tardis console, sonic screwdriver in hand. "You don't know how pleased I am to see you! Almost didn't get here on time you know, chased by a stray Vinvocci, nasty little thing, how was I supposed to know those plants were sacred on their planet.." The eccentric alien trailed off, distracted by the various buttons and levers in front of him. She shook her head lightly in amusement.

"Honestly, Doctor, sometimes you're just as bad as the kids I teach."

"You wipe that smirk off your face right now, Oswald! We're going on an adventure that will knock your fez off!"

She rolled her eyes, knowing their adventure would more than likely end up with the her and the Doctor running for their lives. At least she was never bored. She watched the Doctor bounce energetically around the control room. She'd always been fascinated about how he managed to fly the ship. All the controls and buttons and levers made absolutely no sense to her. She'd always wanted to have a go but considering how the Tardis seemed to hate her, she figured that wouldn't end very well. Or start very well for that matter. She clutched part of the Tardis wall for support as they began to move. She was used to the rocky journeys by now. She was just about to ask the Doctor where they were going when a loud screeching noise emmitting from the Tardis startled her. She automatically let go of the wall and covered her ears, stumbling over to where the Doctor was frantically covering one ear with one hand and waving his sonic screwdriver around at the console with the other.

"Doctor, what's going on!" She yelled, struggling to be heard above the grating noise. She hated it, it reminded her of nails scraping down a chalk board although at the same time it was so different to that. She shuddered, willing it to stop. Surprisingly it did. She let her arms fall to her sides with a relieved gasp.

"What the bloody hell was that!"

The Doctor wasn't listening to her. He was muttering to himsell and checking and rechecking the Tardis scanners.

"We're picking up a signal!" He yelled, working the controls of the ship faster than she'd ever witnessed before. "A distress signal, I think! I don't know, it's-"

He was cut off as the Tardis lurched and he stumbled backwards, catching himself just before he fell. Clara wasn't so lucky. She wasn't expecting the sudden bumping and lurching they were currently experiencing and went flying across the room and onto the floor. Dammit, she thought with an exasperated sigh. Were they crashing? Surely not. But she couldn't think of anything else it could be. Rides in the Tardis were never exactly smooth but they were never this bad. This was, in her slightly exaggerated opinion, possibly life threatening. She decided to stay on the floor, it was safer for everyone that way.

"Alright, Clara?" The Doctor called from somewhere above her. She let out an aggitated grunt in reply. She heard the Doctor's voice continuing talking from somewhere out of her line of sight. "Hang on, I'm trying to trace it, I think it's..."

He fell silent. Clara felt fear shoot through her. There was a loud, powerful booming sound coming from.. From the Tardis? No it wasn't from the Tardis. She couldn't place it. She could just hear it. A loud booming sound, once, twice.. Four times and then a pause. It repeated and repeated, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.. She dragged herself up off the ground and clutched onto the console for dear life, eyes roaming around the room until she found the Doctor. The colour had drained from his face. He was grasping the side of the console with such force his knuckles had gone white. She couldn't identitfy the expression on his face. Was it.. Fear? Confusion? Seeing him like this filled her with dread. She trusted the Doctor with her life, but when he was frightened of something, she knew that something was very wrong.

"Doctor, what's going on? What's that noise?"

She almost thought he wasn't going to respond. To her it seemed to take an age for him to slowly lift his head to look at her and form the words, "It's.. It's a distress signal. And I think.." He paused, a series of emotions flitting across his face, fear, confusion, wonder, excitment, hope, "I think it's coming from Gallifrey."


"We could find it, Clara!"

Clara watched as the Doctor began to pilot the Tardis with a newfound energy, her mind reeling at the Doctor's words.

"We could find Gallifrey!" He looked up at her with an expression of joy and hope. "It's still out there, Clara, it wasn't destroyed. I think that's what I'm supposed to do now.. I'm supposed to find Gallifrey!"

Clara wasn't sure how to feel about this but she smiled. "Let's get you home then, Doc."

The Doctor beamed at her. There it shone bright in his eyes.. Hope.

Clara snapped out of her reverie, shaking away the memory that she had almost forgotten about and looked at the Doctor. She could see the hope in his eyes that she had seen that day. The hope she had seen become diminished ever so slowly as time went on and they began to wonder if finding the Doctor's home planet was a hopeless task. He had been so determined to find his home planet ever since he spoke to the previous incarnation of himself who told him that there was a chance he could still recover it. Clara had put her all into helping him, giving her friend the support he needed. She knew how much this meant to him, she also knew that if she was in his place she would want a friend to help her too. The task was hopeless but Clara was not one to be deterred by a seemingly impossible situation and neither was the Doctor. But after a while, it had seemed like her Doctor had started to give up. Her best friend, the strongest man she knew, with his kind eyes and odd dress sense, always optimistic, always the one to tell her to, "Look on the bright side, Clara! The glass is half empty, I mean full, that's what you humans say isn't it?" She had watched the hope in his eyes turn to hopelessness, and it hurt her to see that he was beginning to think he'd never find his home again, the place where his childhood resided. In turn, Clara's hope also began to diminish bit by bit. She had begun to think that Gallifrey really was lost.

She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again, not knowing what to say. Could this signal really be coming from Gallifrey? It was supposed to be trapped inside a time-lock, how was that even possible?

The Tardis lurched again and she let out a yell as she struggled to stay upright.

"Hold on, Clara!" The Doctor shouted above the roaring of the drumming noise which seemed to be getting louder and closer. "The signal is pulling us towards it source! Nearly there!"

Clara didn't know how much more of this she could take. She wasn't sure how much the Tardis could take either. The whooshing of the machine was becoming strained and sparks were emmitting from it. A huge crash sent Clara tumbling to the floor again and the booming sound stopped. Clara picked herself up from the ground quickly and attempted to get her breathing back to normal. They had landed.

The Doctor walked slowly towards the Tardis doors. He was breathing heavily, a look of wonder and hope on his face. Clara watched him in agonising anticipation as he slowly reached a quivering hand towards the door. He paused.

"Could it really be?" He murmured, more to himself than to her as he grasped the door firmly in his hand and pulled it open.

Pssst, ayy it's me again, that author person who wrote this :) Sooo yay or nay? To continue or to not continue? Doth shall I thoughst continue? Okay okay enough with the Shakespeare, what did you think? :D

Cause see that button there? Right down below that says review? *points* Yep, that's the one! It would bring me great joy if you clicked it;;)