...I am really sorry about the short chapter in such a large amount of time.

College has been busy and I had a couple of jobs to do over christmas so finding the inspiration/ motivation as well as the time to write this story without getting distracted by plot bunnies for Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! one shots has been pretty tough. Luckily, I think I now have a vague idea where I wanna take this story so I'll try my best to finish it!

Okay! Warnings: swearing, OOCness and some violence.


"...You have got to be kidding me..." Alfred muttered. Did Alfie do something to him again? He was supposed to be sleeping for hours! Unless Lukas was lying...

He looked to see a panic stricken Norway standing in the crowd.

Nope, he had definitely intended to make England sleep for around half a day or until he had finally gotten to grips with things.

But Arthur seemed fine.

What the hell was going on?

"Erm...Hey!" The Brit in front of him turned around, dark green eyes blinked with confusion.

"What do you want, twat?"

"You...Are England, right?"

"...Pardon?" America knew that he probably sounded like what England would call 'a complete twit' but he still pressed on.

"You're not all crazy and laughing and stuff anymore. Speaking of which, what happened to you?" The Brit in front of him raised an eyebrow.

"America, I have absolutely no clue what you are on about. All I remember is waking up from an enchantment of peaceful dreams," he aimed a dirty look at Norway and Romania.

"Wasn't me!" The Romanian of the two said maybe a little bit quicker than he should have. Norway was as white as a sheet.

"But how did you-?"

"Yes, yes, I'll yell at you later," Arthur was not in the mood to face Norway at the moment. "Right now, shouldn't you all be busy dealing with that?"

He pointed at the fences.

It seemed like the loud arguments had attracted some unwelcome attention...


America was about to reach for his pistol when...


A large black glow surrounded the fences, causing all the corpses to stumble back a couple of steps. But that was it.

Arthur's eyes widened.

"What the...?" He was beginning to sway slightly.

"IGGY!" Alfred grabbed his crush's shoulders in an attempt to hold him steady. Norway shook his head.

"This is why I used the enchantment. He's getting weaker both with his magic and his body."

"But the enchantment didn't work! It even faded!" Romania exclaimed. "Seriously, what the heck is going on?"

"Erm, guys?" Canada raised his hand sheepishly. "They're coming back."

"Oh for the love of-! Right, everyone step away from the fences." Switzerland ordered. "If you can use a gun or anything which goes long distance get over here."

"You're going to shoot?" 2P Lichtenstein laughed. "You're just gonna bring down the fences with your lousy aim!"

"Yeah? Well at least it's better than slashing the whole thing down with an axe!" Vash spat back. "Bullets will make smaller breakages making it harder for them to get in." Lilli smiled.

"And since we are not near the fences, we can get away if we need to, right big brother?" Her double rolled her eyes.

"Ugh! Now I hope the zombies eat me!"

"Then go on then, that'll give us all some time!" 2P Russia said before shrinking away from Lillian's deadly glare.

Everyone stepped back apart from Vash, Lilli, Lillian, Natalya, Vald and Luciano, the Italian and Belarusian with their throwing knives at the ready. 2P Switzerland raised his hand.

"Erm, Lill? Do you want me to be your backup?"

"Nein. But you can be my back off," the girl hissed. Her double's eyes widened.

"Why are you always so mean to your brother?"

"None of your bee's wax, princess," the 2P sneered, causing Belarus to snarl.

"Watch it, or we'll happily go through with that little plan you suggested earlier."

"Now, now. Fight now, bitch later!" Romania chuckled, Vash, however was trying to keep his cool.

"Yes, well thanks for that. Try and use more appropriate wording next time."

"No prob, but no promises," the Romanian said cheerfully before pointing at the metal. He closed one eye to get a better aim and then.


A bolt of red lightning left his fingertip, soaring through the air and one of the gaps in the failing fence. Ending it's journey by frying a zombie to ash. The spell was so strong that some of the target's nearby companions crumped to the floor also.

"Wooooo! High score!" Romania joked before his legs began to wobble slightly. Vash gave him a concerned look.

"I think you've done enough. We'll deal with what's left." It was safe to say that Romania's little party trick had left only about two thirds of the enemy still standing.

The others took that as their cue to go wild.

The lack of noise worried America slightly whilst he escorted England back to his tent before the Brit fainted again.

But then he remembered the existence of silencers.

The second Norway's attention had left him, he had picked up Arthur and ran. He knew it was probably kinda cowardly to run away from danger but sometimes heroes had to put the best interest of the person they wanted to protect the most first.

And like hell was he letting Lukas 'take care' of England again.

He could feel Arthur struggling in his hold still but at least he had stopped the profanities.

"Can't you just see that I'm trying to help?" Sighed the American. "If you get some rest then Norway won't have to do the sleep-thingy again."

"I'll just blow it off like last time." The Brit snapped. "I don't need either of you bloody babysitting me twenty four seven or anyone else for that matter." Alfred sighed.

"Iggy, I swear one day you're gonna be the death of me."

"Not if all the crap you eat beats me to it."

Another sigh.

"I'm just worried about you, y'know? We all are. For a while back there, we thought you were dead. And then seeing you acting so crazy-"


The word was uttered in what was barely a whisper but it still made Alfred stop dead in his tracks.


"Don't make me repeat it again, git." England sulked. "And I can walk on my own two feet, you know."

America disagreed with that but let England down anyway to avoid another hissy fit. The blond gave a small nod of gratitude.

"I don't know what you mean when you said I was acting crazy or as to why I awoke from the enchantment prematurely. The only reason I can think of however is the fact that I am using too much magic and that my body cannot cope with that in the situation the world is in at the moment." He lowered his eyes in pure anger towards himself.

"My bloody low magic tolerance doesn't help matters at all."

"Iggy," America hugged him. "It isn't your fault and you know that."

"...Or is it?" A familiar and-in Alfred's opinion-unwelcome voice reached their ear drums only seconds before 2P America appeared before them. Sky blue eyes narrowed as the 1P snarled at his counter part.

"Can't you just fuck off already and go and annoy someone else?"

"Is that really how you treat the person who saved your ass from being mauled to death by your own citizens?" Alfie let out a shallow laugh. "Wow, and you treat me like I'm an ass hole!?"

"Oh bollocks, not again," England sighed, beginning to rub his temples.

"Look, can you just let me kill you later?" America said. "As you can see, I'm trying to stop England's health deteriorating anymore after your crazy little joyride made him lose his sanity."

Alfie let out a low whistle.

"Woah, you used a couple of words with more than two syllables in that sentence. Aren't you smart?"

"Hey! I bet you're as bright as your shades!"

"Watch it, non-magic user. Or I'll scorch you till you're nice and crisp and feed you to the corpses!"

"Oh yeah? Well-"

"Knock it off, the pair of you!" England yelled, casting a quick enchantment which caused both Americas to receive an extremely painful headache for a couple of seconds before fading as quick as it came on.

"I've had just about enough of this senseless arguing! Our friends are out there risking their bloody lives and-Ugh!"

"Arthur!" Alfred's eyes widened as the Brit's body was suddenly bathed in a green light and then England went limp, falling to the ground near Alfred's feet.

"England? ENGLAND?"

"Don't bother." Alfie said, coming closer to inspect the unconscious Arthur. "Shit, that looks bad!"

"Stay away from him," Alfred snapped, scooping the smaller nation back into his arms and stepping away cautiously, but his double merely smirked, raising his hand and muttering something under his breath.

Soon, England's body was slowly drifting out of America's arms and floating towards 2P America.

Alfred reached for his gun but Alfie merely raised an eyebrow.

"Nations only lose their immunity after being bitten, remember? And do you really want to let him fall?" The 1P lowered the gun slowly as his double inspected Arthur.

"Just as I thought. I can be of assistance here. All he needs is a fusion: his powers and mine."

"Dude, there's no way Norway will allow that!" America tightened the grip on his gun. "Let him go, we'll take care of him without your help."

"Tch." The 2P shrugged, sending England floating back to Alfred and walking away. "I'll ask again once he conscious and your little bunch of goodie-goodies aren't around to shelter him."

"Like Iggy would fall for any of the bull you tell him!" America yelled at his rival's back before taking England back to his tent to rest, mentally scolding himself for already doubting what he had just said.

"I think...That's the last of them..." Liechtenstein panted as she fell to the ground in exhaustion, her older brother narrowed his eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, big brother, thanks for asking."

"Weak," Lillian snorted, causing Belarus to glare at her.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, I'm not sure about you guys but all that zombie-killing sure gave me an appetite!" Romania announced. It was obvious he was just trying to stop the upcoming argument, watching corpses being reduced to, well, corpses wasn't the best way to make someone hungry.

But of course, not everyone read between the lines.

"Ve! I can always cook up some pasta!" Feliciano yelled out cheerfully, waving his hands about in the air. Germany face palmed.

"Italy, you Dummkopf. Who would want to eat pasta in the middle of the apocalypse?"

"...Actually..." All eyes were on Hungary as she spoke for the first time in hours. "Pasta would be nice right now..."

Several nations nodded as Prussia placed a reassuring arm around the Hungarian's shoulder.

"We'll need our strength for the next step, and it'd be nice to have a bit of normality for a while..." Elizabeta's words were barely heard but she was right.

Everyone sitting down to eat Italy's pasta had been a normal occurrence during world meetings. It had never failed to put a stop to the bickerings and sooth stressed nations so why not now?

Ludwig looked at the pained expressions on the other 1P nation's faces and sighed.

"Ja, I guess we could do with some pasta." A couple of weary cheers rippled through the group. Spain frowned.

"But they refuse to share their supplies fairly," he gestured towards the 2P Italian who just sneered at him in return.

"Don't worry!" Italy grinned, opening his bag and taking out a rather large variety of ingredients. I hid these in my bag when Germany wasn't looking!"

A stoney silence filled the air. Romano face palmed.




"I'll help cook, aru." China sighed turning to Japan. "Kiku? Would you like to join me?"

"..." Japan wouldn't even look China in the face. The older nation smiled sadly.

"Come on over later if you feel up for it." The other nation nodded slowly but Yao wasn't sure if he was really listening.

The two groups eventually parted towards separate sides of the camp with the only interaction amongst the First and Second Players being Natalya and Lillian shouting abuse at each other.

Nobody noticed the minor changes in the fences where they had shot zombies through just mere minutes ago as the returning fog had reduced them to mere outlines.

Nobody noticed that one or two of the 'perfect shots' had actually grazed the fence's metal wiring, causing some of it thin chords to snap...

...And make the holes just a little bit bigger...

I am so sorry about the ending and the lack off 2Pness in this chapter, the whole Italy thing though was kinda something I thought was pretty funny and heartwarming in such a gloomy story so...Yeah!

NEXT TIME: England's got a seriously risky decision to make.

Once again, I'm sorry if this chapter was a disappointment after such a large amount of time but I hope it was still enjoyable.

Until next time...HAPPY NEW YEAR!