If reading "M" rated is not your thing turn back now! This takes place after Colin and Kate get back to the precinct after the British Ball. Colin's doesn't last long and this is totally Caskett. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

The night hadn't gone quite how she had wanted it to. The beautiful floor length black dress she wore, had been bought with Castle in mind. Seeing it while shopping she had imagined herself wearing it at a benefit or benefit function with him. The smile she had imagined on his face when he'd first set eyes on her had been priceless. She'd dreamed about the way his body would feel molded against hers as they danced. How he'd painstakingly remove it from her body, and make passionate love to her against the wall, not wanting to waste a precious second getting to her bed.

Instead, she had worn it to accompany Inspector Colin Hunt to an undercover op. at the British Ambassador's Ball. When she had entered the bullpen she had gotten a brief glimpse of the old Castle. He had looked at her like she was precious, something to be treasured. Her heart had nearly exploded, before she saw his eyes cloud over, and the new Castle with a blonde bimbo on each arm return. His eyes were cold, his voice no longer held any warmth, his smile forced and rigid while around her, and she didn't understand why.

She mentally chastised herself. This is why she didn't let people in. Why her walls had been so insurmountably high. She was flawed, tainted, no one would willingly stay with the real Kate. So she stopped letting them in. She gave them only what she could afford to lose, and nothing more. Tonight though, for an brief moment she had seen that look of love in his eyes and she craved it with every bit of her being, walls be damned.

Colin had been a perfect gentleman. He had held her close as they danced. Made small talk and complimented her, made her feel special, but it wasn't who she wanted.

After they had been escorted out of the British Consulate's Ball, they had returned, exhausted but excited to an almost deserted 12th precinct. They quickly got the paperwork needed to process the case completed and had officer Hastings deliver it to CSU for prints. Colin stood patiently by her desk.

"So Detective Beckett, can I interest a beautiful lady like yourself in a cocktail and an evening out on the town? You're already dressed, quite gorgeously I may add, it's a shame to waste it." He pulls her up out of her chair and pulls her up flush against him. He fondles a lose curl and places it behind her ear.

Neither of them notice a rather rumpled police consultant watching the proceeding between the slats of the break room blinds. His anger slowly boiling within him, as he watches this outsider touch her hair and bring her body against him.

"It's late Inspector and I have an early morning tomorrow." She can't meet his eyes, doesn't want him to see what she's barely able to hide anymore.

"Does this have to do with the charming Mr. Castle, detective?" He whispers close to her ear, sending chills though her body. He's handsome, smart and fun to be around, but he isn't, Castle.

"It's complicated." She answers as she steps away from him. "Have a good night?"

Colin cups her chin and angles her face towards him. He brushes his lips against her forehead, then softly across her lips. Before stepping back and reaches for his coat.

"He's a stupid man, Kate. If he doesn't see what he has, then he doesn't deserve you." He turns and starts towards the elevator.

"Castle's a good man, Colin. Don't judge him, it's me who doesn't deserve him. Good night Inspector see you tomorrow?"

The elevator door slide closed behind him, she drops into her chair and puts her face in her hands, hiding behind her hair. She sits there in the silence as she tries to compose herself.

In the break room, Castle seethes with anger and jealousy. For almost four years he has been there. Bringing her coffee, getting her lunch, bouncing theory, showing her how much he cares, and what does he get? Absolutely nothing. Mr. British agent shows up and he touches her, dances with her, plays with her hair, kisses her, all while in her precious precinct. How stupid he has been, to think he ever had a chance with her.

At that moment Beckett looks up and spots someone in the break room. She stands up and walks into the room, only to be met with a very rumpled, angry Castle. He had gone to the Old Haunt with the boys, and had thrown back quite a few. Then decided he would come here to make sure she got home ok. Or at least that is what he told himself.

"What are you doing here, Castle? You smell like a distillery, have you been drinking?" In the time she's known him she's never seen him drunk.

"What's it to you, detective. You're all dressed up in that sexy gown, having Inspector Gadget there ogle you and paw you like horny puppy. What I did all evening is not your concern."

He watches as his words hit their mark, and he sees the hurt in her eyes. She turns quickly away from him, trying not to show how much his words affect her.

"I'm sorry. I thought we were friends, partners, and that we made sure that the other was always ok. I'll leave you alone." She walks past him to the coffee maker to make her own coffee.

That's when Castle sees the dress from behind. The low cut of the back, the way it hugs her slender hips and shapely ass. A low growl escapes him as his anger flares again.

"Look Castle, you're in no shape to get yourself home. You definitely don't want Alexis to see you like this. Come back to my place, we'll get some coffee into you, and you can tell me what's been eating at you lately." She waits on him, convinced he's going to turn her down.

"It's your funeral detective, but you don't get to lecture me, if you don't like what you hear. I'm done being the nice guy." He picks up his coat and shoves his arms through the sleeves. Suddenly, she misses how not even a week ago he would hold her coat out for her and bring her coffee in the morning. Funny how suddenly such little things can mean so much.

"Come on Castle. It's been a long day." They walk to the car in silence. Castle doesn't even try to talk her into letting him drive. He sits still staring out the windows and brooding in silence the entire ride.

Once inside her apartment, she quickly heads to the coffee machine and gets it going.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'm starving and going to reheat some Chinese. You want some?" She asks trying to get him to say anything at this point. His only response was to shrug his shoulders and grunt.

Castle spots notes from the case on the coffee table in Colin's handwriting along with two dessert plates? His anger boils again at the thought of the Inspector being here alone with her. Images of his hands mapping her body while Kate writhes under him fuel his anger.

She's about to tell him she's going to go change when she suddenly feels him as he comes up behind her. His warm breath cascading across her bare shoulders, he's so close. His large writers hands settle on the counter on either side of her. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, his closeness affecting her immediately.

She tries to steady her voice, but it come out breathy. "What do you want, Castle."

His voice is low and deep, nothing more than a growl, when he finally speaks.

"Did you dance with him, Beckett? Did you let "his" body brush up against yours. Did his hands roam the back of that sinful dress. I don't have to ask, if he kissed you? I got to see that with my own eyes at the precinct."

He steps further into her space. His chest now snugly against her back, his hips cradled against her ass, and his erection firmly between her cheeks. When he speaks again his lips touch the back of her neck, and her head drops forward as she tries to cool her bodies response.

"Castle," she moans before she can catch herself, and the sound of his name on her lips breaks him.

His teeth skim the column of her neck, as she throws her head back against his shoulder, exposing it to him. He bites the rim of her ear with just the right amount of pressure, before lathing it with his tongue. Kate's fingers claw around rim of the counter in a futile attempt to keep her knees from buckling, the pressure of his body against her, keeping her upright.

"For years I've been waiting for you to see me. Every man that walks in that damn precinct is good enough for the almighty Detective Beckett, but not me! I don't even get a second look. Demming, Dr. Motorcycle Boy, Sorenson, Inspector Collin, they can all get in your precious bed, but me I can't even hold the mighty detectives hand, unless it's a life or death situation."

He rocks his hips roughly against her. His hands land on her hips and push her against him, the alcohol fueling his need. She can feel his thick erection firmly against her ass, his long thick fingers splay across her stomach, swaying her against him. His thumbs barely brushing against the underside of her breasts causing her nipples to pebble against the soft fabric of the dress.

She grinds up against him shamelessly. God she wants him anyway she can get him. "Oh God Castle." She moans and then bites her bottom lip. "Fuck."

She's not ready for this, but her body's betraying her.

"If this had been 4 years ago, I would do exactly that, fuck you senseless, Detective." He growls as he tries to control himself. God what this woman does to him.

She turns in his arms and faces him, he grinds his erection right against where she needs it most. Her legs buckle for an instant, then she reaches for his face and hungrily kisses him. He taste like fine scotch and a slice of heaven to her.

"If you won't make love to me Castle, then have the decency to fuck the hell out of me tonight." She growls as she devours his lips and begins the process of unbuttoning his shirt. Her hands roam his bare chest, her teeth nip at his pebbled nipples and suck on his pulse points. She wants to run her tongue over every inch of his delicious body.

Her fingers dip under the waistband of his jeans, before she starts removing them.

He has her out of the dress before she knows what's happening. A dress like that can't have the unsightly lines of undergarments, so she stands gloriously naked in her kitchen as the dress pools around her feet.

"Your fucking gorgeous, Detective." He growls threw his teeth as he draws her pebbled nipple between his teeth and sucks hard. His other hand spreads her lips and dips in, brushing hard against her swollen clit. "Your soaked, Beckett. Inspector Collin get you hot and horny?"

He doesn't see it coming. The slap makes his head spin and his anger flare. "I didn't sleep with him, I'm not the one sleeping with every un-complicated Bimbo he comes across, when he said he loved me!"

She's totally naked, other than the five inch healed shoes on her feet in the middle of her kitchen when, his eyes meet hers and the stark realization of her words hits both of them.

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