Sorry about the wait everyone but I had some writers block but hopefully I will be able to post these more often.

Grand Queen Snow White. 16 Years of age. Kingdom= The QueensLands

Princess Cinderella Tremaine. 20 Years of age. Kingdom=Havenford, England. Ruled by Queenslands

Princess Aurora Adler. 17 Years of age. Kingdom=Eitra, Germany. Ruled by Queenslands

Princess Ariel Coralsen. 23 Years of age. Melody Coralsen. 7 years of age. Kingdom=Alsted, Denmark. Ruled by Queenslands

Queen Belle Mercier. 19 years of age. Kingdom=Cambria, France. Ruled by Queenslands

Princess Jasmine of Agrabah. 16 Years of age. Kingdom=Agrabah, Arabia. Not ruled by Queenslands

Pocahontas. 18 years of age. Native American Tribe. Not ruled by Queenslands

Fa Mulan. 17 years of age. Does not rule any kingdom. Not ruled by Queenslands

Princess Tiana Alcine. 19 years of age. Kingdom= Entire country of Maldonia. Not ruled by Queenslands

Princess Rapunzel Fitzherbert. 19 years of age. Kingdom=Corona, Germany. Ruled by Queenslands

Princess Merida DunBroch. 18 years of age. Kingdom=DunBroch, Scotland. Ruled by Queenslands

Anna Andreassen. 18 years of age. Kingdom=Arendelle, Norway. Ruled by Queenslands

Elsa Andreassen. 21 years of age. Kingdom=Arendelle, Norway. Ruled by Queenslands

[Grand King Jeffroy Fallican]. 37 years of age. Was Grand king for 20 years. Kingdom=The Queenslands. (Deceased)


Religious chanting filled the large cathedral located at one end of the market square on the island of Omega. Hundreds of people swarmed in after the news of their king being killed along with the hand Oken. Sadden and afraid of their new leader, like sheep they follow the crowd the chapel. A man in his late fifties stood at the front on a stage. Cloaked in a white robe with a heavy white long fur coat over it with a black beard and no hair everyone looked to him, he is the high priest.

"Peace my children" he said loudly so everyone may hear him.

"Our King is dead. And in his place, an evil women claims the throne, the kingdom and us" he said and the crowd remained silent for him beside for some low weeping.

"We are in dark times, evil has taken control of our kingdom, but we can stop it" he cried out.

"She is human, a mere instrument of the evil gods, and we must stop her and have a new ruler" he cried and held out his arms.

"We will enter our land into a new dawn, rid of evil, we will need a new ruler for this new age" the priest said.

The crowd looked around and then an elderly man stood forward and kneeled before the holy man.

"Your holiness, I believe that you should rule us" he said and the crowd whispered in agreement.

The priest was slightly shocked by this. "My children, you believe that I should rule?" he asked them.

They all nodded. "Very well my children, I will smite the darkness from this island and retain faith into the castle. Snow White will pay for praying to the evil gods and for killing our great king" when he said this the crowd cheered for him.


The old priest walked along a wooden hall at the back of the cathedral that worked as a home to the high priest.

"Your holiness" a voice called behind him. He stopped and waited.

Soon a younger priest stood beside him.

"What is it my son?" the old priest asked.

"It's about what you said earlier. Do you mean to take the throne for yourself?"

"I didn't say anything about taking the throne"

"But do you mean to?" the young one asked.

The older priest hesitated for minute before answering. "If that is how it must be, I will hold the throne until a new Grand King is decided".

"And who would that be?" the young priest asked.

"I don't know at this moment, but first we must win the throne before we decided who shall sit it".

"So where do we start" the young one asked.

"I have a friend on the inside, on the council of the false Queen, that is of course if she hasn't decided to change the council, but I doubt she would" the high priest said.

The two kept on walking down the hall and neared the end that went two ways.

"Who is this person on the inside that you know?"

The old priest turned right and started to walk away but said one thing before leaving.

"A man who knows about everything that is going on in the Queenlands".


The old priest was kneeling before a large stone statue of a godly like man.

"I pray to the god of air, the goddess water, the god of fire, the god of earth, the god of light and the goddess of life, and even the god of death and darkness. Darkness has fallen these lands, a women of evil rules over us. I search for your help in these dark times. Please my gods and goddesses, I need your guidance in these times".

If he was expecting an answer he did not receive one but he stayed there for an hour before leaving the temple. It was at the very back of the church as was used by the priest as their own place to pray to the rulers above. In the circular room stood seven large stone statues to symbolise the gods and goddess. The door behind him opened up and in walked a hooded man in brown robes with long black hair.

"His holiness prays to the gods, but do they answer?" the man asked rhetorically

"They have" the priest raised and turned to arrival.

"With the death of Jeffroy and our new Grand Queen Snow White I would say our plan is coming together just as planned, we except for a few minor hiccups. I would of liked it if Sir Oken hadn't died, but sacrifices must be made" the hooded man said then removed his hood.

"I agree Tauros. She doesn't mean to relieve you of any power does she?" the priest asked the master of spies.

"No, and I know she won't. Spy masters are so hard to come by and she must know this" Tauros said as he slowly walked up to the statue of the god of death and darkness.

"Good news indeed. The people mean for me to become a temporary Grand King for when we overthrow Snow" the old man said.

"He's my favourite of the seven" Tauros said looking up at the large stone figure.

"I'm sure he's Snow Whites favourite as well, especially after what you and Jeffroy did to her King"

Tauros turned and looked at the priest. "Do not forget your part in it; you made the Grand King think he would be overthrown and started this series of events that will-"

"Lead to me becoming Grand King, but only temporarily. They'll want to find a rightful one afterwards, maybe half a year or so" the priest said.

"Why's that?" Tauros said then walked into the middle of the room and looked at the statue of the god of light standing in the centre of the three gods lined up along the curved walls.

"You'll be Grand King and they'll forget it's not permanent. You'll be better than the last two rulers and who better to have as the ruler of Omega and the KingsLands than the high priest" the spy master then looked at the priest.

"You have put plenty thought into the plan, but have you forgotten that Arendelle and Corona are in rebellion against us? Alone they aren't much of a threat, but together they may pose a problem"

"I don't forget things like that. My answer is that we have the Tremaines; the largest army in the kingdoms, just under Omegas army. We only need King Thomas and Queen Cinderella Tremaine to come here and swear loyalty to their new Grand Queen" Tauros said then smiled.

"Noble and loyal" the priest said. "The words of the Tremaines" he then also smiled.

"Trust me my friend, we can't lose this even if we tried" Tauros said.