I am really sorry for not updating I had to finish my finals and then I went camping. So I couldn't update for a while. Here is a long chapter to make up for the ones I missed. And don't forget to review and give me some new ideas for future chapters.

Tris's POV:

I wake up with a sore feeling in my arm, and I realize that I had slept on my arm and it fell asleep. I sit up and find Tobias asleep on the cold, hard concrete floor. I look around the room to see if missed anything yesterday that could help us get out of this prison. But sadly I find nothing that could be of use to us, so I just try to go back to sleep because I am still very tired.

When I wake up the second Tobias is doing what I did earlier. Look for a way out. When he sees that I'm awake he gives me a weak smile.

"Have you found anything that might help?" I ask him. All he does is shake his head and look down at the floor.

Just then the door opens and in steps Kayla and Marcus. Tobias and I give them a dirty look, but Kayla just laughs and comes over to me while Marcus stands by the door. She grabs my hurt shoulder and pushes a finger into my bullet wound. I grit my teeth and try not to give off any sound off pain because that's what she wants. "Hello Six. I have a surprise for you, and I think you are going to love it."

She pulls me to my feet and before I am pulled out the steel door I see Tobias shouting at his father to let me go.

Tobias's POV:

Once Tris is out of the door I stand up to face my father but I can't get to close because of the chain attached to my ankle. "You are going to pay for this. Our friends are going to find us you know." I spit in face. He just laughs "your friends will never find you. Not where we are. It was almost impossible to find, and you think your friends will know where you are." He says then laughs again, and turns around and walks out the door.

Little does he know that I have a plan that he will not be able to stop once activated.

Tris's POV:

She brings me into what looks like a mini training room. O no this is not going to end well for me. She tells me we are going to fight, because she wants to prove that she can bet me in a real fight. We get in to the fighting ring that has green mats. We circle each other but I am limping because my side hurts from the gun shot wound.

She punches first and I barley miss it. I try to kick her feet out from under her but she jumps back. She punches again and I'm not fast enough, and she gets me in the gut. I fall over from the pain from the punch. She then repeatedly starts to kick me in the stomach, or anything else that she feels the need to be kicked.

When she finally stop I know that I have at least one cracked rib although I tried to protect my insides, my nose is bleeding, I probably have a black eye, and are going to have bruises all over my body. She pulls me to my feet and drags me to a room that is exactly like I was in the one with Tobias but different because there is a bed and no Tobias.

Kayla lets me go and I fall to the hard floor. "This is where you will stay for however long we want to keep you. It will be easier since Peter left us." She says to me and then leaves. I get up on the bed and all I can think is Peter left?

Tobias's POV:

They never brought Tris back in, and I started to put my plan into action because she may not have much time left.

I lay on my side my back facing the camera so whoever is watching can't see what I am doing, and pull out a small tracker Zeke got for me as a precision in case this might happen. Thank god I still carry it. I turn it on and a little light flashes on and off sending a signal to the receiver.

Let's hope this work. I try to go to sleep and pray that Tris is okay.

Christina's POV:

I'm starting to worry we haven't seen Tris or Four in four days. I decide to go to their apartment and see if they are there. As I walk down the hall to their apartment I run into Zeke. "Hey Zeke, have you seen Four or Tris lately?" I ask him. "No I haven't, mater of fact I was just looking for Four to ask him about something."

"Do want to come with me to their apartment to see if they are there?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I thought Tris was still in the infirmary though?" he asks confusingly.

"I asked the nurse at the front counter and she said that after surgery Tris could go home. But she had to be on bed rest for two days, and since Four brought Tris into the infirmary I haven't heard anything from them." I say arrive at their apartment and we see that the boor was half open.

Zeke and I share a glance then we slowly enter the room. All the drawers were emptied and scattered all over the floor, and no one was home. Uriah comes running in and puts his hands on his knees and tries to catch his breath. "What is it little brother?" Zeke says.

"I was wondering… about Tris…and went to…the hospital…and asked for Tris they …said that she was signed out four days ago. But they don't know who…signed her out." He says through his rasping breaths.

"Do you think someone would have kidnapped them?" I say looking at them. "It's starting to sound that way." Zeke says with a worried look.

"ZEKEdoyoustillhavethereceiverforthetrackeryougotFour?" Uriah says quickly. "Uriah slow down." I say to him. "Do you still have that receiver for the tracker you gave Four?" Uriah says to Zeke much slower. Zeke shoots up "YES I do. Good thinking bro." he says slapping his brother on the back.

"Why did you have a tracker?" I ask them confused. "I knew it was a matter of time before someone tried to kidnap Four or something because I mean come on he's Four." He said laughing a bit. Give it to Zeke to lighten the mood a little no matter the situation.

About an hour latter we find the signal. They are in the old smaller compound that is under the pit. Good thing Uriah and Zeke know how to get down there, because I have no idea. We get some guns and ammo then head our way down to go find our friends.

Tris's POV:

I wake up to shouting and gun shots. All I think is that our friends have found us. I try to get up, the key word tried. I fall down back on the bed because of the pain. I tried again and successfully standup while leaning on the wall.

The door opens I feel a rush of happiness and hope until I see who it is. Kayla. And she looks pissed. "Your little friends ruined everything. Now that our plan has been ruined I'm going to kill you because if I can't have Four, he can't have you." She says to me and points a gun at me.

This is it I'm going to die. She is going to kill me.

I close my eyes and silently thank everyone I ever loved for the life I had. I thank my mom and dad for everything they did for me and Caleb. I thank all my friends for being there and loving me. And finally I thank Tobias for standing up for me, and loving me forever and always.

I open my eyes and take on my fate. I see something move behind Kayla and see Tobias with a gun pointed at Kayla's heart from behind. He fires and hits Kayla but misses her heart and before she passes out she shots at me. She hits me in the shoulder and I blackout before I even hit the ground.

Tobias's POV:

Christina and Zeke burst into the room. They unchain me and explain how they killed Marcus but Kayla got away. "Where is Tris?" Christina asks panicked. "I don't know. They took her then never brought her back." I Say to them. We need to find Tris quickly.

We search every room I turn down a hallway and see a door open I sprint to the door. When I see Tris standing there I feel sad for her because of how bad she looks. But that is short lived as anger rises to the top when I see Kayla has a gun pointed at her. I pull out the gun Zeke gave me and point it at Kayla.

I shoot at Kayla but miss her heart. Before she starts to fall to the ground she shoots at Tris. It all seems to be happening in slow motion, and I can't move fast enough to stop Kayla . I rush to where Tris is laying unconscious on the floor with blood starting pool around her.

I pick her up and sprint as fast as I can to the infirmary. I have one thing on my mind and it is the Tris will be okay. She has to be.

Okay so it might not be as long as you thought but I'm still working on adding more detail, so sorry. Thank, you guys are awesome.