Hey guys. So this chapter is finally done! I was a bit busy and I was also re-thinking my structure for the story. That's why the chapter took longer to get made.
So… Not much of anything to say…
Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
"Okay then. I'll give everyone on day to get ready to launch!" Bulma said "Tomorrow, here, at the same time, I want everyone here to see the lift-off!" she shrank the ship down to a capsule again.
Seventh Universe, Earth – West City
Bulma stared at her STAR ship capsule before trying to go to sleep. The next day, they would be going onto unexplored waters… Completely different Universes… To track a rogue God of Destruction… They'd need to be really careful.
She wondered if the ship had enough to make a living out of…
The Console Room was nice and big. Other than the hexagonal black table at the middle, the walls were painted in a mat blue, while the floor was a silverfish grey. The hexagonal table hid a holographic command prompt, which Bulma herself would handle. Other than the table, the only other objects in the room were 10 chairs with safety belts on them, while another chair was positioned around the table, and was free to move anywhere around the table. This was the chair on which Bulma would handle the controls.
The Console Room had a doorway to the main corridor of the ship. The door itself slid sideways, while the corridor continued the blue and silver motif of the Console Room. The corridor had 4 doorways on each side, while a ladder leading down was at the very end.
The 4 doorways on the left were all for the bedrooms. 3 of the bedrooms were for two people while the last one was made for 3 people. Other than that, the bedrooms were all the same, with basic beds, drawer chests, and wardrobes.
The 4 doorways on the right were for the kitchen, infirmary, bathroom, and the special room for the Super Saiyan God to supply the ship with energy. The latter was the closest to the Console Room.
The Super Saiyan God room had a chamber inside, and a ladder leading down to the engine room.
The bathroom was standard, while the infirmary was an extended room with 9 beds. It was equipped with basic healing kits, as well as one of those medical machines used by Vegeta back when he was part of Frieza's army. Bulma managed to do it thanks to Whis' help. The kitchen was a bright orange, complete with a table for 9 and a counter behind which there were all of the kitchen tools: cook, fridge, microwave, etc.
The ladder at the end of the corridor led to two other floors in the ship. The closest one was the one with the indoor farm. A huge crop field was built inside the ship, as well as a special place to grow Senzus.
The lowest floor of the ship was the Training Gravity Room. The largest room in the ship by far, the training room was similar to the Gravity Room on which Vegeta constantly trained, except of course for the fact that it was a lot bigger. The circular ceiling resembled a dome covered in white, while the floor was red and there was a pillar the center of the room, which also acted as the control unit of the room.
Bulma couldn't possibly think of anything that could be missing, but she was also feeling uneasy…
Seventh Universe, Earth – Kami's Temple
"Okay! Ready to go?" Bulma said as she opened the STAR capsule.
"Yeah!" Goku said.
"Videl…" Satan said "Are you really going to be alright?"
"Relax, papa. I'm with Gohan-kun and all the other strong people." Videl replied "I'll be fine."
"What about my Pan-chan?"
"She'll be fine as well." Videl said "Relax, papa. Everything will be fine!"
"Hmm… You!" Satan turned to Gohan "You better protect Videl and Pan-chan! Do you hear?"
Gohan nodded "I will. Even if it costs me my life." he said, seriously.
"O- okay then…" Satan said.
"Goku!" Krillin said.
"Goku, you better go and beat that God of Destruction's ass!" Krillin said "I won't forgive you if you don't!"
Goku nodded "I'll be sure to defeat him for you."
Krillin extended his fist forward. Goku smiled and bumped fists with Krillin.
"Piccolo-san, have a good trip!" Dende said.
"Hmph! Don't worry, I'll be back in no time!" Piccolo said.
"Well then, let's go!" Bulma said as she entered the ship, followed by the others.
"By the way, Chichi… You still didn't tell me what's in that bag you brought." Goku said as they walked to the ship.
"I ain't telling you." Chichi said.
Seeing Bulma and the others entering the ship and the door closing, Krillin and the others looked on as the ship slowly faded into nothingness, like a light bulb flickering out of energy.
"Well… I guess they're gone now…" Krillin said.
"Okay, make yourselves comfortable." Bulma said as she tapped a few controls in the holographic interface "We should appear in a new Universe soon."
"Well, this sure is quiet here… I thought it'd be a bit more… bumpy." Goku said as he entered the Console Room from the corridor, having been inside the special room to power the ship "Oh, my Super Saiyan God ran out…"
"It's the form's time limit." Vegeta said "So what now, Bulma? Do we just wait?"
"Well, yes…!" Bulma said "It can take up from a few minutes to a few hours…."
"What are we going to do then?" Trunks said "We can't just sit here for hours without doing anything!"
"Trunks, you have to be patient." Bulma said.
"I don't like being patient! Patience is for wimps!" Trunks said "Goten! Let's go down to the training room!"
"Yes!" Goten replied, before the two boys ran off to the corridor.
"Wait, you two!" Bulma shouted "Those two… always a nightmare…"
"Hmph!" Piccolo walked after the two boys "I guess I can teach a thing or two to Gotenks…"
"Just… don't break the ship." Bulma asked.
Piccolo didn't reply and walked into the ship's main corridor.
Gravity Room
"Come at me, Goten!" Trunks said as he took a stance.
"Here I go, Trunks-kun!" Goten said as he dashed at Trunks.
Goten threw a punch at Trunks, but he jumped back to avoid it. Goten jumped forward to catch up and threw another punch, which was parried before Trunks threw a punch of his own. Goten blocked it with his forearm before attempting a kick at Trunks' legs, but the young Saiyan jumped up to dodge it. Trunks took the advantage from the 'high-ground' and punched down on Goten, hitting him on his cheek. Goten staggered behing.
"The first hit is mine!" Trunks said, cheering.
"I won't lose!" Goten said as he dashed at Trunks again and tried to sweep his legs, but Trunks jumped back. Goten then unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks at Trunks, pushing him back. Goten increased the intensity with each passing second, making it more difficult for Trunks to block the attacks.
"Haa!" Goten punched Trunks in the face successfully.
"Ow ow ow…" Trunks rubbed his cheek "Not bad, Goten."
"Hehe… I told you I wouldn't lose!" Goten said "Not even to you!"
"Hmm…" Trunks smirked "Then how about we take this a little more seriously?"
"I agree!" Goten replied. The two kids went Super Saiyan.
"Here I go, Goten! No holding back!" Trunks shouted.
"I say the same to you!" Goten shouted back "Haah!"
The two kids dashed at each other before being stopped right in their tracks by Piccolo, who was grabbing their wrists.
"As I expected, you two are fighting each other…" Piccolo sighed "You're doing it all wrong."
He let go of the two kids, who jumped back and looked at him.
"What do you mean we're doing it wrong?" Trunks said.
"Why did you interrupt our fight, Piccolo-san?" Goten said.
"Hmph! Already 13 and 14 but still 7-year old kids." Piccolo said "You brats saw how powerful Beerus was, right?"
"Y… Yeah…" Trunks said.
"He took care of our fusion in seconds…" Goten completed.
"And yet, that fusion is your greatest weapon." Piccolo said "Do you understand what this means?"
The two kids looked at him with a questioning look and didn't respond.
"It means that you need to perfect your fusion. Make the result stronger." Piccolo said "In other words, Gotenks needs to become stronger by himself, not you two."
"So you're saying that we need to train as Gotenks?" Trunks asked.
"Exactly." Piccolo said "Now go ahead and fuse. I'll be your sparring partner."
"Eh? Are you sure?" Trunks asked.
"Yes, I'm sure." Piccolo said.
"Isn't our fusion a bit too strong for you?" Goten said.
"Just go and fuse already!" Piccolo ordered.
"Yes, sir!" Goten and Trunks shouted as they hastily took their starting positions for the Fusion Dance "Fusion, HA!"
A column of light erupted as the two kids fused together, from the intense light emerged Gotenks in his Super Saiyan form "Paparapa! It's Gotenks!"
Piccolo readied himself.
"Oi, Piccolo-san! You really sure you want to do this?" Gotenks asked "I really don't want to hurt you, you know?"
"I'm sure. Come at me." Piccolo said.
"Okay! Don't say I didn't warn you!" Gotenks said as he dashed at Piccolo "Haa!"
Gotenks went in for a punch, but was instead elbowed on his back, which sent him flying forward. Stopping himself, he looked back at Piccolo, trying to understand what had just happened.
"What's wrong, Gotenks?" Piccolo said "You're awfully slow today…"
"N- Nonsense! Gotenks-sama never slows down!" Gotenks shouted as he charged at Piccolo again. He threw a punch at the Namekian, but it was blocked effortlessly "EH?" Gotenks tried to pull his hand back, but Piccolo had grabbed his hand.
Piccolo made no sound and simply punched Gotenks in the face, sending him staggering behind.
"OUCH! That HURTS!" Gotenks shouted as he grabbed his face. A tear of pain was making its way out of his eyes.
"A battler has no time to complain about the pain he is feeling!" Piccolo shouted.
"Piccolo-san, you're the worst!" Gotenks said.
"That may be true. After all, I used to be the King of Demons." Piccolo said "Here I go!"
"Ah! Wait, I'm not ready yet!" Gotenks pleaded.
"A battler has no time to ask for time!" Piccolo shouted as he charged in and punched Gotenks upward into the air.
"Ngh!" Gotenks stabilized himself in mid-air and looked down to see Piccolo flying up at him "Bastard, you'll see!"
"Hyaa!" Piccolo went for another punch at Gotenks' face.
But what happened was a huge explosion that engulfed the whole room and sent both Piccolo and Gotenks flying.
Console Room
The ship suddenly started shaking and losing balance.
"Aaahh!" Chichi shouted as she held onto one of the chairs in the room "What's happening!"
"I don't know!" Bulma said as she tapped some controls on the control table "This shouldn't be happening!"
"Kyaah!" Videl fell down with Pan on her arms, but a flying Gohan caught her.
"Bulma-san! Can't you find a way to stop it?" Gohan shouted.
"But… these readings…!" Bulma said "It's coming from inside the ship!"
"What do you mean it's coming from inside?" Vegeta said.
"I don't kno- Ah!" Bulma held onto the control table as the ship started shaking very violently "Oh no!"
"What's wrong?" Vegeta approached Bulma and caught her before she could fall.
"We're emerging in another Universe!" Bulma said "We're entering the wrong way because of the previous shaking!"
"Brace yourselves!" Goku shouted as he caught a falling Chichi.
The three Saiyans kept levitating to avoid any trembling from the ship. Until it suddenly stopped and they all went crashing against one of the walls due to the momentum. Thankfully they managed to keep everyone from harm.
The room was turned sideways. The wall was now the floor, while the ceiling and floor were now walls.
"Can you walk?" Vegeta asked.
"Ugh… yes…" Bulma said as she stood up "I guess all that's left is going out…" she pressed a few holographic buttons on the table that was now sideways and the door opened.
"You guys go on ahead." Gohan said "I'll go warn Piccolo-san and the others." He entered the corridor.
"Okay." Chichi said, before approaching Videl "Videl-san, are you alright?"
"Yes. Gohan-kun shielded us from impact." Videl said, as she held Pan on her arms "Do you want to hold her?"
"If you don't mind…" Chichi slowly took Pan onto her arms "How could she sleep through all of that?"
"I… have no idea…" Videl said.
"It kind of reminds me when Goku-sa would take Gohan for a flight on the Kinto-un (Flying Nimbus)." Chichi said "It was like Gohan had never left the bed."
"Yeah… Gohan was really peaceful as a baby, wasn't he?" Goku said.
They came out of the ship, and looked outside.
The sky was a pale bright purple, they seemed to be on a rock desert, where the rocks were almost red. The desert extended for kilometres before a mountain that was covered in what appeared to be yellow grass.
Bulma looked at the scenery "Well, it has a bit more variety than Namek."
Vegeta softly kicked the ground "This dirt resembles the one from the desert areas on Planet Vegeta."
"Really? I though Planet Vegeta was just made up of cities and the like." Bulma said.
"Not exactly. We conquered the planet before the Tuffles could technologize the whole thing." Vegeta said "Those deserts are what's left of the old Planet Plant."
"Hmm… That's interesting, care to tell me more?" Bulma asked.
"You wouldn't really want to know…" Vegeta said.
Gohan came out of the ship, followed by Piccolo who was holding Trunks and Goten by their collars. He threw the two boys to the ground "Do it."
Trunks and Goten kneeled down and bowed to the others "We're sincerely sorry!"
"Eh?" Bulma said "What happened?"
"When I was sparring with Gotenks, he had the brilliant idea of using his Ghost technique just as my punch connected." Piccolo said "That caused the explosion that first destabilized the ship."
"What? So that's what it was?" Bulma said "That's why it was saying that it came from inside!"
"Hey, you two, you shouldn't be using such dangerous tricks inside the ship!" Chichi scolded.
"Is the training room damaged?" Vegeta asked.
"No. The explosion wasn't big enough to destroy anything inside the room." Piccolo said.
"Phew… You two, you need to learn how to control yourselves!" Bulma said "You could've blown up the whole ship!" she walked over to the ship and pressed a button, it shrank down to a capsule "I'll think of what to do with you when we get back to our Universe, Trunks." she put the STAR capsule in her bag and took out another capsule. She threw it, and a family plane emerged "Let's go."
- Universe, Hakaishin Realm
He stood up in a flash, as if he had remembered something very important. He looked around his palace. The room was almost empty, except for his servant. The circular arena-like room extended up to the heights, as numerous 'stands' and connecting corridors were built all around the room.
The redish walls towered above them, as they could see a contrasting green sky, with a sun peering its way down the huge wall.
"Is something bothering you, Dizees-sama?" the servant asked.
"Yes… I feel a presence… A strange presence…" Dizees said "The presence of an outsider…"
"Outsider? What do you mean?"
"Gods of Destruction are given the power to sense that which does not belong to their Universe." Dizees said "That is exactly what I have felt just now."
"Do you want me to do something about it?" the servant asked.
"Hmm… certainly the presence of outsiders without authorization is a problem." Dizees pondered "Bring them to me, Cuu."
"Yes, sir."
"They are on…" Dizees concentrated "Planet Irlant, it should take you a few minutes to get there."
"Right away sir." Cuu said.
- Universe, Irlant
"What's with this planet?" Bulma said as she piloted the ship "Is it uninhabited or something?"
"It seems that way." Vegeta said.
"By the way, Bulma." Goku said "How are we gonna track the Gods of Destruction?"
"First, you can get off your fighting horse because we will avoid unnecessary combat." Bulma said "No buts, I've had it with you Saiyans putting others at risk because you want a good fight."
Vegeta and Goku didn't reply.
"Second, the only God of Destruction we have to track is that rogue God that Alien-san mentioned." Bulma said "But we have no way of tracking him. Instead, we're going to try and get information on him from the other Gods of Destruction we find."
"Isn't that the same as what Kakarot was asking you? Tracking the other Gods of Destruction?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes and no." Bulma replied "Gods of Destruction can sense when people who don't belong to their Universe appear."
"Wait, does that mean…?" Goku said.
"The God of Destruction will come to us?" Vegeta completed.
"If we're lucky, yes." Bulma said.
"Hmm… It seems this trip is going to be longer than I thought, then." Piccolo said as he looked out of the window "Or maybe not."
"Look!" Piccolo pointed outside, there was a shiny dot rapidly approaching the plane.
"What's that?" Goku looked.
"Take cover!" Piccolo shouted, as the figure got closer and closer, before it hit the plane head on.
The plane exploded as Goku carried Chichi and Pan away, while Trunks carried his mother and Gohan carried Videl. They all gently landed on the yellow grass of the plain field and looked up.
There was a man hovering above them. Despite having crashed into a plane at high-speed, he was unscathed. He had blue hair that reached his upper back, tied up in a ponytail. His eyes were a fierce red, while his skin was toned. He was wearing what appeared to be a tight blue jumpsuit under a beige cloak. He was wielding a red lance.
Pan started crying on Chichi's lap. She tried to calm the baby down "There… there…" she said as she rocked her side to side and caressed her face "Is that the God of Destruction?" Chichi asked.
"No… I can sense his Ki…" Goku said "If he were a God of Destruction I wouldn't be able to sense it."
"Then how could he attack us so fast?" Bulma said "The ones with the ability to sense outsiders are the Gods of Destruction!"
"That doesn't mean they have to come personally." Piccolo said "They might just send someone to do it for them."
The man slowly descended until he landed gracefully on the ground. He stabbed his lance on the ground "I ask of you, what is your business in the Fifth Universe?"
And that was it!
A mysterious man appears! What are his intentions?
Well, I wish I had anything to say about why I made the chapter like this but... I can't really say anything... I put in a description of the STAR ship, had Gotenks be reckless so we sould have a bit of drama in the entrance to the new universe and introduced a new God of Destruction.
One thing I will mention, though, is how I intend to assert that Gods of Destruction aren't inherently evil. Some of them just happen to be evil, others just do what they have to do in order to keep the balance in their Universe.
Anyway, see you next chapter!