UPDATE(Mar 12, 2015): I am currently in consideration of doing a re-mastering of this story if you will. A re write, if the demand is high enough. I would stay true to it, and Post the re write on the Anniversary of this story, which is coming in a few weeks. Let me know your thoughts in a review, or PM. Have a wonderful day! I may also work on the Vani story arc if the demand is high enough.

Hey guys, Zack1187 here, bringing you a frozen story. Ive been captivated by the movie, so i had to get this out there, for my favorite character in it, Elsa the Queen of Snow. Ive also been hard at work at Hollywood Hearts, a story im cowriting with a friend of mine. We are making the musical they preform at the school, Frozen. So if you like Frozen, this isnt the only thing I'm working with Frozen on the site. If that makes sense. Anyway I hope you enjoy, and Yes it is OCXElsa. Anyway, i present to you, Frozen. Warmth of Love. Also send in recommendations for the final chapters of the story.

Copyright Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Frozen or the original plot the story is based around. I only own my Ocs. And some plot aspects, such as changes from the original movie.

"Aren't you excited?" Zack asks his angry looking friend Toni. Zack is wearing fancy dark blue noble clothes. Toni is wearing fancy dark red noble clothes.

"Why the Fuck did I have to come? Why didn't you take May?" Toni asks as she follows Zack off of a boat.

"You need to get out more." Zack answers simply. "And I still can believe you aren't wearing a dress." Zack says, Toni glares at him.

"I don't do dresses. They're too girly." Toni answers.

"But you are a girl Toni." Zack says as he navigates through a crowd of people, all coming to see the queens coronation. But Zack had another reason, reconnection, with some of his oldest friends. Anna and Elsa.

"Gee, I had not a fucking clue. I just hate dresses okay?" Toni responds, Zack shrugs.

"Toni. Please be on your best behavior, we're going to a coronation of royalty. Don't embarrass me." Zack says to her, she glares at him.

"You act like I'm a child. Or untrustworthy..." Toni says, Zack looks at her and raises and eyebrow. She sighs. "Forget about that already! It was an accident." Zack shrugs as the gates open. And an old friend rushes past him, too preoccupied by singing to notice him, typical Anna. He considered following her, but then looked up and saw Elsa looking down on them from the balcony. A smile came across his face.

"Elsa..." Zack says, Toni looks at him, and smirks.

"Someone's got a crush on the queen eh?" Toni mocks. Zack doesn't respond, only stares up at his old friend. He thinks for a moment that as she's looking down, she recognises him, but then he realises how unlikely that is. Everyone enters the castle and files into the church for the coronation. Zack sits in the front row, next to Toni. A frantic looking Anna enters the room, and breathes a sigh of relief that she's not late.

She stands to the side in front of Zack's row, she recognises him almost immediately, she can only wave, because Queen Elsa has started down the aisle, when she reaches the front of the room she reaches for the Royal Scepter, and sphere. When she stops, takes her gloves off and then she proceeds to actually take them. She has a worried look on her face, and Zack notices frost appearing on the sphere and scepter. He frowns. She still doesn't have complete control over her powers. He could tell the way she hastily puts the gloves back on. Then she walks out first, Anna stays back, until Zack gets up.

"Hi... uh, you are Zack right? If you're not, then you look exactly like him, or would look, gorgeous, wait, what?" Anna gets a confused look on her face, and Zack wraps his arm around her.

"Oh, still the same rambling Anna I remember." Zack says happily, as they walk out, Toni following behind. They enter the ball room.

"Oh, I think I gotta be up there... Come up when the dance starts. You can surprise Elsa." Anna says before rushing off, Zack nods, and Toni stares after Anna.

"Someone's got a crush on the princess huh?" Zack mocks her, Toni turns to glare at him.

"I do not." She says rather unconvincingly, Zakc just smiles fondly. As Elsa comes out to look upon the crowd. Anna is then placed beside her. Zack decides to go up now. Toni follows close behind him. He arrives alongside this short man, who is introduced as The Duke of WeaselTown, much to his discomfort, he corrects the servant, and Elsa tells him to dance with her sister, which he does, only then when Anna is dragged off does Zack step forward and bow to Elsa.

"Queen Elsa. It's me, Zack." Zack introduces himself, Elsa's eyes widen.

"Zack... It's wonderful to see you again." Elsa says, regaining her regal nature, Zack sighs.

"Toni, could you give us a minute?" Zack asks, Toni nods then leaves to find some food. Zack looks at Elsa. "I remember you know." Zack says.

"What? What do you mean?" She has a panicked look in her eyes.

"About... Well, the snow, and ice..." Zack whispers, Elsa sighs. "You don't have to worry. I would never reveal your secret." Zack says.

"Zack... Thank you." Elsa says, and gives Zack a small smile. Zack smiles back at her, and holds out his hand.

"So, a dance... Please?" Zack says, Elsa shakes her head.

"I don't really dance..." Elsa responds, Zack shakes his head.

"Neither do I. Come on!" Zack exclaims as he grabs Elsa's hand, and her glove slips off. She gets a panicked look in her eyes once again.

"Zack, give me my glove!" Elsa says, Zack nods and returns her glove, she hastily puts it back on. "I'm sorry, but I think you should go now..." Elsa says, Zack frowns.

"Elsa... You can't keep freezing people out. People love and care about you. Please don't push me away." Zack says, Elsa looks at the ground, Anna returns and grabs her pained foot.

"Ow. What's going on here?" Anna asks, Elsa looks at her.

"Nothing at all Anna." Elsa explains. Anna looks at Zack for an explanation. He just shakes his head, and walks away. Elsa stares after him and frowns.

"What's wrong? Did you two have a fight or what? He was really excited to see you..." Anna explains, Elsa sighs with regret.

"Its fine Anna. Don't worry about it." Elsa says.

"But, I was hoping you two would be like you were... When we were little, he would always play with us, and you and him used to do everything together..." Anna says, Elsa sighs.

"Anna, please... I know what happened... It doesn't matter anyway, the gates are going to be closed again soon. He couldn't stay..." Elsa explains, Anna gets a sad look in her eyes.

"Well, why not?" She reaches out to her sister, who turns away.

"He just can't." Elsa says, Anna frowns, and feels her eyes starting to tear up.

"Excuse me..." Anna says, before she walks away, Elsa looks at her as she recalls Zack's words. Meanwhile said person was trying to find his friend.

"Toni, where the hell did you go?" Zack asks, more to himself then anything. He sees a slender body in dark red noble clothes. He approaches her, and taps her on the shoulder. Toni turns around, and laughs.

"Hi, Zack..." Toni says, Zack looks at her confused.

"Hi... What we're you doing?" Zack asks, Toni just smiles.

"Nothing. Eating." Toni answers, Zack just shakes his head and decided to forget about it.

"Anyway... We're leaving. Come on." Zack says, grabbing Toni's arm and dragging her away.

"Why? I thought you were talking to you friends..." Toni asks, Zack doesn't answer, and he doesn't stop. Until he sees Anna walking arm in arm with a content look on her face, with a man. Anna sees Zack and immediately runs and hugs him.

"Anna?" Zack asks, Anna looks up at him.

"I'm sorry about Elsa. I know she's happy to see you, but... I don't know... She just shuts everyone out I guess." Anna says, with a bit of anger, Zack smiles at her, and pats her head like he used to when they were kids.

"Its fine Anna. Who's this?" Zack asks, and Anna immediately returns to the man.

"This is Prince Hans, of the Southern Isles. Were engaged!" She exclaims happily. Zack blinks for a few seconds confused. Toni frowns.

"Um... Cool, but didn't you just meet?" Zack asks, Anna nods. "When's the wedding?" Zack asks. He wanted to support his friend.

"We haven't worked everything out yet... We still need a few days to plan the ceremony... Could you actually come with us, were going to ask for Elsa's blessing, cause you know she is the Queen... Anyway, since she loves you, you could come with us? I mean if you support us, she should too!" Anna says, Zack blinks a few times to comprehend everything she just said then nods.

"Sure. It would be rude to leave without saying goodbye..." Zack says then follows Anna, and Hans back to the castle. When they arrive everything starts to go bad.

"Elsa! I mean, Queen Elsa, I would like to present to you, Prince Hans, of the Southern Isles. And we would like your blessing, of our marriage!" Anna says happily alongside Hans. Elsa blinks for a moment then speaks.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused... What?" Elsa asks.

"Were engaged!" Anna squeals happily, Elsa looks at her concerned.

"Anna, could I talk to you?" She looks at Hans, Zack, and Toni. "Alone?"

"No, whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us." Anna says, holding Hans arm. Elsa retains her regal manner.

"Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." Elsa answers. Anna looks at her saddened.

"You can if it's true love!" Anna defends, Elsa doesn't lose a bit of her poise.

"Anna, what do you know about true love?" Elsa asks, Anna looks at her offended.

"More then you, all you know is how to shut people out!" Anna says, Elsa looks at her shocked, and looks to Zack, before frowning.

"You ask for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Elsa says while beginning to walk away.

"Your majesty, if I may attempt to ease your-" Hans starts but is cut off by Elsa.

"No. You may not, and I'd appreciate it if you left." Elsa looks at a guard. "The party's over, shut the gates." The guard goes off to do her bidding, Anna grabs Elsa's hand, pulling her glove off like Zack did, but she doesn't give it back. "Give me my glove!" Elsa says in a panic.

"Elsa, please, I can't live like this!" Anna says, Elsa looks at her, heartbroken at what she knows she must do, to protect Anna.

"Then leave..." Elsa turns and walks away. Anna looks at her, almost in tears, and angry.

"What did I ever do to you?" Anna asks, Elsa doesn't stop walking as everyone in the room focuses on them.

"Enough, Anna." Elsa says, almost to the door.

"Anna, stop." Zack says grabbing her shoulder, Anna shrugs him off.

"No. Why did you shut us out, why do you shut the world out, what are you so afraid of?" Anna asks, Elsa feels the anger inside her rise. And she turns around, accidentally creating a barrier of ice spikes.

"I said enough!" Elsa shouts. Zack frowns and rushes around the spikes. He recognized the look in her eyes. She was about to run. He had to get to her before then. She sees him coming and panics, she runs out the door. Zack is right after her.

"Elsa!" He sees her in the courtyard, The Duke, and his goons are right behind Zack, but aren't fast enough and fall when Elsa accidentally freezes the stairs, she runs again, and Zack chases after her, he grabs her arm.

"Zack, let me go... Please." Elsa begs. Zack shakes his head.

"No Elsa. I'm not letting you go, I just got you back..." Zack says, Elsa turns to look at him. She knows he won't let go of her, so she sighs. She missed him too much, so she made a last second decision.

"Then come with me. And, we can be like we used too." Elsa says, Zack thinks for a moment, then looms back, Anna and Hans were approaching. Then he looks back to Elsa, and nods. Zack lets Elsa lead them across the fjord as it freezes underneath her, Zack had gotten used to running on ice from his childhood when he would chase Elsa across ponds.

They don't look back, the two just keep running, off of the fjords and up the mountains. When Elsa stops she takes a breath, Zack looks at her, and smiles, she returns his smile. Then lets go of his hand and steps forward. She begins to sing.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight. Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I'm the queen." Her voice is timid, Zack just stands back watching her, and listening to her melodious voice.

"The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried. Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. Well, now they know." She grabs her glove and throws it off, as she begins to form snow, and ice from her fingers. Zack follows her as she slowly walks forward.

"Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door. I don't care. What they're going to say. Let the storm rage on,. The cold never bothered me anyway." She un-clips her cape as she begins to walk at a faster pace, Zack follows, and he notices she happened to make a snowman.

"It's funny how some distance. Makes everything seem small. And the fears that once controlled me. Can't get to me at all." She begins to run as she forms the beginning of a staircase out of snow.

"It's time to see what I can do. To test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free." She steps on the snow staircase and it turns to ice underneath her, Zack is intrigued by what she plans to do.

"Let it go, let it go. I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go, let it go. You'll never see me cry." She runs while forming the staircase underneath her, Zack follows her up, amazed she can do such a thing with her powers.

"Here I stand. And here I'll stay. Let the storm rage on." She stomps the ground and a giant snowflake forms underneath her, as Zack reaches her position he arrives just in time to have the snowflake raising off the ground and forming something big. An ice palace perhaps, Zack thinks. As walls form around the two of them, Elsa is dancing near the center, Zack just watches her.

"My power flurries through the air into the ground. My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast. I'm never going back,The past is in the past." She grabs her crown and throws it across the palace, Zack watches as she lets her hair down, and makes a new ice dress with her powers. She begins to strut forward, Zack just stands there, captivated by her beauty.

"Let it go, let it go. And I'll rise like the break of dawn. Let it go, let it perfect girl is gone." She reaches the balcony and the sun shines on her.

"Here I stand. In the light of day. Let the storm rage on, The cold never bothered me anyway." She turns and with a wave of her hand shuts the balcony door, Zack just stands there staring at her dumbly. She smiles at him.

"Whoa... What was that Elsa?" Zack asks. She walks toward him, and looks down at her hands.

"I don't know, I guess I just had to get it all out there, and Let go of my old life, all my life... I've been trapped in my room, forced by my parents to hide my powers, and never see what I was really capable of. What do you think?" Elsa asks, Zack looks her up and down.

"Beautiful, and so is the palace, it is a palace isn't it?" Zack asks, Elsa smiles at him.

"Yes. And thank you for the compliment. I'm so happy you decided to come with me. I was afraid of being all alone, but now that you're here, everything will be fine." Elsa says, smiling at Zack.

"I like the dress by the way, it suits you better." Zack says. Elsa looks down and smiles.

"Thank you, would you like me to make you a new set of clothes too? We could be the rulers of our lives, no more hiding, and no more running." Elsa says, standing right in front of Zack.

"Sure. That would be cool..." Zack says, chuckling, Elsa raises her eyebrow at him.

"Really? Did you mean to do that?" Elsa asks, Zack shakes his head.

"Accidental. Now, make me some sweet ice clothes!" Zack says excited. Elsa smiles and waves her hands, ice, and snow magic swirl around Zack, replacing his current clothes with an icey version of them, light blue, and snowflakes on them, shining like Elsa's dress, Zack looks down at them and smiles.

"How's that?" Elsa asks, Zack smiles and hugs her.

"Perfect, now... I have a big question..." Zack says, Elsa raises her eyebrow.

"Ask away." Elsa says, Zack smiles at her.

"Can I kiss you? I want to start something with you, remember when we were kids. We were to be married when we were of age. But then... The incident happened." Zack says, Elsa nods sadly at the memory. "So, can I kiss you?" Zack asks, he looks at her worried, she just smiles and pulls him close, and kisses him. When she pulls away, she smiles at him.

"How was that?" Elsa asks, Zack smiles at her.

"Everything I've ever dreamed of... Elsa, I'm so glad we're together again, but what about Anna. You know she'll try and find us." Zack says. Elsa frowns.

"I know. I'll just tell her to go back to Arendelle. She deserves to be happy. With the gates open, and without me to hurt her." Elsa says, Zack gets a disheartened look in his eyes.

"Elsa, you won't hurt her. You would never do that. I know you, regardless of the past. You were a kid then, you have a better grasp of your powers now. You didn't hurt me, and I've been with you this whole time we've been here. That's got to mean something." Zack explains, Elsa thinks his words over, then kisses him again, smiling.

"You always made me feel better Zack. Even when we were kids, and it was something stupid." Elsa says.

"Elsa, I had the time of my life with you back then, I loved taking care of you, and I'll always be here for you. I'm never leaving you again." Zack says, smiling at her, Elsa nods and leans her head on his chest.

"I'm sleepy... Will you carry me to bed please?" Elsa asks, in a sweet voice, Zack smiles and sweeps her up bridal style.

"Sure, but where is it?" Zack asks, Elsa blushes, she forgot that only she knew what she made all these rooms for.

"On this floor, through that door and down the hall." Elsa points to the door to her left. Zack walks through the door she points to, and down the hall, until he reaches the room, with an extravagant ice themed bed, with a large snowflake held up by pillars of small, interconnected snowflakes, and icey curtains draped from it.

"Damn Elsa. You sure make some cool stuff." Zack says, and he looks down at Elsa who just nods sleepily, Zack smiles at her as he sets her down on the bed and crawls in next to her, he wraps his arms around her, and soon finds himself in a blissful sleep for the first time in years.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. As of now, i do not know when the next chapter will be up. It may be a while, or in a few days, it depends on several factors. School, and whatnot might interfere with the writing. If you guys enjoyed it, or if you found that it was a horrendous piece of sub human shit destined to rot in eternal hell fire for all of time let me know in a review. Till next time guys.