Hi... uhm I am so so so so so so so sorry that it took so long.
I am sure that a bunch of you probably thought I gave up but I didn't. I have been working on this chapter forever. Always piece by piece and slowly finishing up everything. It took me very long to get everything together and work out every small detail but I finally can say I am happy with what I wrote and feel like I can present it to you all.
One other reason why this took so long is that I started to work. To be honest, I am still a trainee but I am on my way to becomming a qualified IT specialist for application development. Its one step closer to one day maybe program my own little games... but anyway this job takes a lot of time and to be honest after working 8 hours on a PC there isn't much motivation during the week to keep on working on in private at home. I hope you can understand that reason.
So please don't be to mad if updates keep on comming late.
Oh and btw. the chapter is also double so long as usually (21 pages!) as some kind of appology. Its also not betaed... Cause it felt like an jerkish move to disappear for over a year and to suddenly then return only to ask for it to be betaed out of nowhere... but I DID proofread it a donzen of times... but mistakes will still be there and I am sorry for them.
Now a few more words about this chaper will be said in the ending note so...
...please remember I am from Germany and my English is still not the best. Keep in mind please that this is an AU story too, I do not follow the original timeline events from the manga/anime are happening different as well as sooner/later in this story.
Now Read, Enjoy and Review, please.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or else Ace would still be Alive!
Marine? Never!
Chapter 26
Atmos had a hard time not showing how irritated he was right now. He didn't know if the man before him was merely mocking him or reprimanding him like he was some little child. It wasn't helping that he was currently developing a Marco-kind-of-eye-twitch that said first division commander only got when three certain brothers were acting especially stupid or brought their pranking to a whole new level.
It wasn't helping that relatively new members of his division were dropping left and right. No they were not getting knocked out in a fight. They just pass out and apparently the crew from the man before him found it very amusing judging by their chuckling and sniggering. It even looked like they were betting on who was dropping out next! In all honesty, Atmos was ready to try to beat up the man before him but by all means… he wasn't as stupid as certain brothers or sisters of his. Atmos knew not to fight someone when they come in peace wanting to merely talk, even if it annoyed the hell out of him. But most importantly… he knew when his chances of winning were slim and seeing who was before him, he was not telling lies that Atmos alone was not really a match for that man. Even so the whitebeard commander was pretty sure, that he could give this man a good run for his money, even if he couldn't win.
-thud- "Oh! There dropped another one! You own me a barrel beer Yasopp!" If he wouldn't risk a war under yonkos, he would love to punch that red hair right in his smug face. Why was this drunkard of a yonko even on his division ship in the first place? Maybe Ojaji and Marco would forgive him if he gave them a good enough reason. Mocking Whitebeards sons did sound like a good one though…
Before Atmos could even continue thinking up more valid sounding reason the first mate of the Red Hair Pirates hit his own captain over the back of his head, surprising a bunch of the Whitebeard Pirates.
"Captain." More wasn't said as Benn only stared at his red haired captain who pouted but then turned serious as he looked back at Atmos. All amusement from earlier gone and the whitebeard commander tensed at the sudden mood change.
"Why are you here Red Haired Shanks?" Atmos did his best to make his voice sound as emotionless, even and bland as he could yet he knew that the Pirate Captain had heard the curiousness as well as the skeptic.
"I actually wanted to talk to your Captain but well…" Shanks trailed all seriousness forgotten when he scratched his cheek with one finger. "…I heard they aren't anywhere in the New Word or Paradise but the Blues."
The commander said nothing as he nodded only slightly confirming what the red head said his eyes not once going astray from the yonko before him. He didn't know if it was good or bad that this man wanted to talk with his Captain. Good he could already image Marco overreacting and ranting up a storm if he heard of this. "So you want me to give him a message?"
Shanks blink but then smirked. "You could say that I have a message for him but I also want to confirm something."
Atmos eyes narrowed his already tense body tensed even more if possible. It was never good if one yonko searched out another one just to 'confirm' something. The last time that happened… Big Mama had blown up nearly an island with her 'confirming' that Whitebeard had put Fishman Island under his protection and she couldn't get the Fishman Candy as easily as before anymore. Thank god Whitebeard was able to come to some kind of understanding considering the Fishman Candy… or else that crazy woman would have started a war with them over some candy.
"What do you want?" The commander knew he sounded rude but with past experiences he was not going to take chances. Especially not when he knew that three of his brothers would soon arrive and help as back up if this 'talk' would escalate.
"I heard some interesting rumors concerning a certain man..." Shanks started his right hand resting near the hilt of his sword. Atmos eyes glanced at it for a brief moment before his eyes focused back on the man's face, trying to read every expression while looking out for any hint in his body language. "That this man is being hunted down by Whitebeards crew for a while now."
'Blackbeard' Atmos thought instantly his eyes gaining a dangerous glint. "What does that have to do with you Red Haired Shanks?"
The red haired pirate captain eyes narrowed for a split second. Whatever answers the pirate captain was looking for in that man's eyes he had found it. "Nothing really, yet maybe more than I would like to admit."
Nami carefully mended the straw hat in her hands, from the corner of her eyes she could see the owner watching her and bouncing restlessly in his seat on the other boat. The pink marine in training was trying to calm the rubber brain down while the swordsman slept through all the noise.
The navigator shook her head, still unsure why she decided to travel with them for now. Well a deal was a deal and she did get the map of the Grand Line out of it, even if she was still slightly pissed for losing part of her treasure. Her eyes focused back onto the straw hat in her hands. For some reasons it was still hard to believe that for this hat the boy had beaten up Buggy and sent the pirate flying to who knows where. It was only by chance that she of all people had found it squished under some wood pieces.
It was clear as the sky, at the moment, that for this rubber boy the hat meant more than any gold or money she could ever steal. It was almost as important to him like her vil-
Nami stopped her own thoughts shaking her head lightly as she tied up the thread and cut the rest of it off. She lightly tossed the hat over to its owner and Luffy snatched it excitedly out of the air.
"It's fixed!" Luffy said as he poked the place where the holes used to be, happy that his hat was the way it used to be.
"Luffy I don't think you should poke it." Coby quietly commented looking to and fro between the hat and Nami. He still didn't know what he should think about her.
"I only mended the rips so don't put too much stra-" The navigator couldn't even finish her sentence as Luffy let out a surprised yelp when his finger went through his hat. Nami didn't waste any time to poke the rubber boy between his eyes with the needle yelling at him to be more careful with his things and then ripped the hat out of his hands.
Getting out a new thread she went back to repairing it again. She eyed the pink haired boy and the raven one more time before she turned back on fixing the hat while muttering about rubber brained idiots and snoring green heads.
Coby on the other hand only let out a relieved sigh, happy that the orange haired girl at least didn't try to drown Luffy again. The pink haired sat back as he gave up trying to calm down the rubber boy and glanced at the ocean around them, before he looked down at his own hands. His eyes traveled further down were bandages hide away wounds on his arms. One hand reached up to his glasses as his eyes focused on the crack in the glass.
He knew it was only by luck that he had found his way back to his friends. Even if he had been tied up on one of the boats they were going to use to get of the island in a hurry – he still didn't know why they wanted to get away as soon as possible but the yelling in the distance gave him a good idea. But more importantly, he was back with his friends… well if he could call them that. He knew Luffy was his friend but the other two? He wasn't really sure about yet.
One thing he was painfully aware of was the fact that he had lost to those three buggy pirates and had let them take him hostage. Yes it did help him get back to Luffy but it still left a bitter taste in his mouth. It had been Alvida all over again. The only thought that crossed his mind that time was how long it would take for him to be able to follow his dream once more. But then Luffy had appeared – again – at the harbor the three pirates had docked, rescuing him once more.
His hands balled into fist as he stared back at the three, watching how Luffy tried shaking awake Zoro to show him his repaired hat. He had been saved again.
'I need to get stronger' Coby thought. What kind of Marine was he if he couldn't even save himself? There was no way for him to depend on someone like Luffy to always get him out of difficult situations. He needed to be able to fight for himself. The pink haired boy looked up and stared at the straw hatted boy. 'I want to become just as strong as him…'
- It was only a few days later that Coby was once more made aware how much training he still needed. -
"Island!" Luffy yelled and Coby blinked as he sat up a little to get a better view.
"Let's anchor there and try once more find a bigger ship." Nami commented looking ahead suppressing the need to let out a sigh. "We can't keep on sailing like this."
Only minutes later the four pulled the two boats onto the shore. Nami glanced around the shore and looked back at the map in her hands. This was Gecko Island. A small village should be just a little deeper into the island if the map was right.
"Down this way should be a village." Name said out loud looking up from the map at her traveling companions. "We should be able to get supplies there and maybe finally a bigger ship."
"Meat, meat, meat, meat!" Luffy sung giddily, drool already dripping from his mouth slightly.
"I would prefer a good bottle of sake." Zoro commended stretching a little his tiered muscles.
"Can you two think of anything else than food and sake?" She eyed the pink haired marine who nervously fidget with his hands under her gaze.
"I-I-I still n-need my glasses r-repaired…"
The orange haired navigator sighed before turning away. At least he wanted something different that the two blockheads. Good she really was questioning herself more and more the longer she spent her time around them and that rubber brain was supposed to be their captain for crying out loud.
"Someone's here." Zoro warned his and already resting by his swords as his eyes wandered over the rustling leaves of the bushes up on the cliffs. No one noticed the wondering look Luffy sent the swordsman before a curious look replaced it. "Where? Where?"
"W-watch out!" Coby suddenly shrieked as several projectiles were shot at Luffy. But they all missed and landed at his feet. Seemingly be aimed there but in truth dodged with the help of Kenbunshoku Haki.
Out of nowhere pirate flags rose from the bushes waving around like people were holding them, together with the rustling bushes it seemed like Luffy and his friends were surrounded by hundreds of pirates.
Zoro raised an eyebrow at the display. Coby yelped in fear but stood his ground his new resolve still fresh in mind. Nami only stared at the flags blankly yet mixed feeling hiding behind her eyes. Luffy on the other hand had excitement written all over his face as his eyes sparkled with interest and curiosity. "This is awesome!"
The navigator only gave the rubber boy a frustrated and irritated look. She was so close into hitting him over the head as suddenly a figure emerged from the bushes standing proudly high on one of the cliffs and started to laugh at them. "I am the leader of the great nation of pirates that conquered this village! Everyone praises me, the great CAPTAIN USOPP!"
Zoro, Nami and even Coby looked at the boy blankly. In Luffys eyes something like recognition sparkled shortly, his earlier excitement already forgotten. The boy on the cliff continued ignoring the looks that they gave him.
"If you are here to attack this village, let me tell you that you should just save your strength! My eighty-million men will crush you before you can even set so much as one step into the village!"
"Eighty-Million!" Luffy cried out in awe his eyes traveling over the bushes in try to spot even one of his so many men even though he couldn't sense more than three. Nami and Zoro only side eyed the rubber boy. Even Coby, who after the first shock passed saw through the lie, tried to figure out just how gullible Luffy really was.
"You know that he is lying right?" Nami asked after a pause.
"He is lying?!" The rubber boy cried out as he and Usopp stared at her in shock. "Y-you saw through it, this is bad…"
It took a few seconds before the long nose recovered from the shock and stood proudly again. "I may have exaggerated on the number, but I still have many strong and powerful comrades!"
"You mean these three." Name smiled smugly nodding her head in the general direction of the bushes, not seeing as Luffy sent her the same wondering look – he sent Zoro earlier – for a second.
"She found us!" three kids shouted as the jumped out of the bushes and run away screaming in terror. Usopp paled as he panicked and yelled after them. "WAIT! Don't run, guys!"
Picking up the projectiles from earlier, Nami inspected them between her fingers. "Pachinko. I have never heard of a pirate that uses them."
Luffy couldn't help but start to laugh, Zoro only chuckled lightly but smirked all the way while Coby only smiled lightly he was still a little too nervous to laugh. Even so it irritated the long nosed boy on the cliff and he pulled out his sling shot aiming it at Luffy. "Don't laugh! I am a man of great pride! Because of this pride, everyone calls me Usopp the Proud!"
"I thought it was The Great Captain Usopp…" Coby mumbled slightly confused, small traces of fear reminding but somehow… despite his nervousness he couldn't really take him serious. Though the Marine in training blinked at the air around him grew thicker and serious. Luffy had pulled his head down slightly, covering his eyes. Both Nami and Zoro picked up on his action and changed their stands slightly, making them seem more intimidating than before.
"As you saw earlier, my skills with a slingshot are better than any pistol!" Usopp barged, his eyes narrowed down at his target and arm steady as he readied to shoot. Yet a strange feeling filled his feeling as he noticed the change in them.
Slowly Luffy lifted his head only slightly. "Now that you've drawn your slingshot, are you willing to use it?"
Usopps grip on his ammunition slacked and his knees started to quiver. Why was this question unnerving him this much?
"That slingshot is not for threats, it's for action." The rubber boy ended in a threatening voice and a shiver run down not only the slingshot wielders back but the pink haireds as well as the orange haireds back.
Zoro only grinned as he watched before deciding to add in his own two cents, unsheathing one of his swords slightly with his thumb. "This person before you is a real pirate." He wasn't really lying… but the long nosed boy didn't need to know about the deal his captain had with the Marines because of his grandfather. Fact was they were pirates deal or no deal. That reminded him, did they tell Nami about it already? The swordsman brushed the thought aside. She would get to know sooner or later.
Usopp on the other hand gulped, his knees dropping to the ground as the pachinko dropped and rolled down the cliff. A defeated laugh escaped him, disheartened his eyes landed on the slingshot in his hands. "As I thought… a true pirate's speech is much more intimidating…"
With a large grin Luffy looked over to Zoro and a second later both burst out laughing. Even Nami giggled in mild amusement and after a sigh of relieve Coby too, laughed lightly.
"I only repeated what Shanks said." The rubber boy grinned brightly. "He is a pirate I deeply respect."
"Shanks… like in Red Hair Shanks?" Usopps eyes widened in disbelieve. "You know that great pirate?!"
Luffy nodded in confirmation. "Yasopp is your father, right?"
In surprise Usopp lost his balance on the cliff and tumbled down onto the sand, Luffy only kept on grinning happily. Maybe he found a new crewmate for his pirate crew already. But one think was sure, the rubber boy was going to make friends with the long nosed boy like his father, Yasopp, once suspected would happen if they meet. New crewmate or not Luffy had already decided on that.
A little while later the four plus Usopp found themselves in a local restaurant in the village, enjoying a nice meal. Luffy and Usopp were talking about Shanks and his crew or more specifically about Yasopp. It was obvious to everyone that the slingshot wielder was more than just excited to hear stories about his dad, even if Nami had to remind Luffy every now and then to not talk while chewing on a larger piece of meat.
Nami tuned their talking mostly out, only listening half heartily to gather information. But either way she found it rather amusing and also couldn't help but feel happy for Usopp that he was hearing of his father, before she remembered something again. "Do you happen to know someone who could provide us a better ship?"
Luffy and Coby blinked at her sudden question but shrugged it off turning toward Usopp, awaiting his answer. Said raven haired only let out a sigh. "Sorry but I don't think I will be able to help. The village is pretty small and I don't think anyone has that kind of ship you are looking for."
Zoro paused before taking a sip form his mug. His eyes focused on the slingshot wielder. "What about that mansion?" – His head nodding over to a window – "The one over there on top of that hill."
The swordsman noted how the boy started to sweat, his shoulders tensing and seemed suddenly rather nervous about something.
"Do you know them Usopp?" Nami asked hopeful leaning a little closer. "That mansion means they have money right? If you know them could you ask? I am sure they could help us find a ship, with all the mo-"
"You stay away from there!" Usopp yelled his hands slamming down onto the table. Silence fell upon them for a moment until his action registered in his brain and he coughed awkwardly as he stood up. "I… uh I just remembered something that really needs to be done. Stay and eat as much as you want it's on me."
Before they could respond at all he was out the door, leaving behind a confused Coby, a happily eating Luffy and suspicious Nami and Zoro. Something was up with that mansion and Nami was kind of curious to find out what it was. Whatever was up there, Usopp was clearly trying to prevent them from going there or finding out.
The silence, aside from Luffys continues munching, was destroyed once more by the door being burst open and three little kids storming in with drawn wooden swords. "THE USOPP PIRATES HAVE ARRIVED!"
The kid came to a stop at their table pointing their 'weapons' at them. "You filthy pirates, what have you done to our captain?!" The green apple haired of the trio cried out.
Luffy, with his one track thinking once food is involved, did not notice them at all as he swallowed the last piece of meat and leaned back in his seat, patting his stomach. "That meat sure was good!"
The children paled and it didn't take long for Nami, Coby and Zoro to figure out their thought process. "W-what meat?!" the light purple haired kid exclaimed stuttering a little.
The last of the trio, with blond onion like hair, stared at them with wide eyes. "Did they…" he didn't dare finish his sentence too scared to face the truth.
Now even Luffy started to realize what was going on as he joined his friends chuckling along them. A wave of amusement passed through the four, even though the pink haired was mildly shocked at the conclusion of the kids.
"What have you done!?" Horror and fear reflected in the green heads eyes as he stepped back from them together with his friends.
A sadistic smile appeared on Zoros face as he slowly turned his head to look at them yet a glint raging from amusement to playfulness rested in his eyes. "If you're looking for your captain well… we ate him."
Coby chocked and started coughing, Nami did her best trying not to start laughing at how frighten the three boys looked. They had taken a collective step back once more, hugging each other in fright… and was she imaging it or did it seem like they were going to wet themselves any second?
"CANNIBALS!" They screamed staring at the navigator like she was the one to be feared most.
"Why are you looking at me?!" She then yelled in their faces and just like that the three boys fainted on the floor leaving an angered navigator, two madly laughing young man and finally one nervous chuckling Marine in training.
"Movements of more Pirates from the second half of the Grand Line towards the first have seemed to have increased…
Vice-Admirals are required to be on higher alerted all over the seas…
Captain Morgan of the 153rd Branch has been arrested, after discovering the misuse of his position and power…
…the transport to prison will be done by Vice-Admiral Garp. His subordinate has reported Morgan to be in confinement and ready for transport…
Sightings of revolutionary soldiers seemed to have increased in the East Blue as well as the first half of the Grand Line.
Marine Admiral Red Dog personally requested more Marine support for the East Blue even if it is the weakest of the blues…
The revolutionaries… could they be the reason for Red Dogs action?"
Sabo slowly laid the papers down on his desk. He couldn't remember anymore how often he read through the stolen reports from the Marine Base already. Glancing at the other papers he had stolen from the base he frowned. Even though the once he just read through barely held any information about his little brother whereabouts… he couldn't help but give them more importance. A few things stated didn't make sense while others did in conclusion with other pieces of information he had.
Red Dog probably was being on guard, not only because of the revolutionary sightings but also because of them. Word of the Whitebeard Pirates being in the East Blue must have gotten out… not that it was easy to hide a huge ship like the Moby.
Garp being around was more or less because of his job… and maybe a little because of them. It was only a matter of time till the geezer would try to get to him and Ace. But no matter what they weren't going to let the old man do as he pleases any longer. They were going to free their idiotic little brother.
Shaking his head the blond cleared his mind once more before going over the other two things that were mentioned in these particular papers. Why were suddenly so many pirates coming back from the New World? There surely weren't that many rookies that got their ass handed back to them… but what reason would New World Pirates have to come to Paradise? It just didn't make sense aside from relaxing or vacations. None of them had business in Paradise if they aren't Yonko or Shichibukai.
But the last thing confused him the most. Why were the Revolutionaries in the East Blue let alone letting the Marines take notice of their presence? Sabo was more than sure that they were letting the Marines take notice of them. After all he had a brief encounter with them when he was ten. Dragon… that man saved his life, offered him a new place to stay and to even train him. But he had refused uncertain at first but strongly just a couple of days later. After all there were his brothers to worry about. If he didn't remembered three days after he woke up… if he had lived on oblivious to the bonds he had and stayed with the revolutionaries… Sabo didn't even want to image how different his live would have been.
But he did remember and it was Dragon after all who personally brought him back to his brothers… though it was strange that he only did so after he mentioned their names and described them a llittle.
Sabo crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair and stared out the bullseye, deep in thought. What were they after when they are making sure that they were seen? This all wasn't just a chain reaction to the famous Whitebeards being in the Blues, was it? Or were they trying to send out some kind of waring towards the World Government?
It bothered the blond. Something was going on that he couldn't warp his head around yet… something that he felt like he wasn't going to like. There was this borderline feeling in the pit of his stomach…
Marines… Pirates… Revolutionaries…
Something big was happening and whatever it was, Sabo hoped that it was in the far away future and had nothing to do with his brothers or anyone he cared about in general.
"Cat." Luffy said out of the blue staring at the man before them who had just adjusted his glasses.
The tension in the air disappeared instantly. Nami and Zoro stared at the rubber head like he had gone Nuts. Usopp and Kaya blinked in confusion and the kids didn't even know what to say. Coby on the other hand blinked looking from Luffy do the so called 'Klahadore'.
But only for a second Klahadore grimaced before he turned back to normal watching the rubber boy. "What did you say boy?"
"Cat." Luffy repeated sticking his pinky into his nose, digging around. "You remind me of one. Did you know that those buttons look like poop?"
Okay now Nami officially thought that the rubber idiot had gone nuts and she was pretty sure that she could understand that man's reason for suddenly developing an eye twitch because of the rubber idiot more than ever.
Klahadore let out a sigh. No point in trying to continue where he was so rudely interrupted. He adjusted his glasses once more and was about to 'kindly' ask them to leave this place as Luffy ever so kindly interrupted him before he could say anything.
"Now I remember why cat!" He pointed at the butler before him. "You look like that cat dude from that poster I saw!"
"Cat dude?" Zoro ask slowly, not sure if he wanted to understand. Nami only shook her head already giving up. None noticed how the butlers' eyes went wide just for the fraction of a second.
"Yeah cat dude!" Luffy nodded. "He was on a crossed out poster of-"
"I advise strongly that you people leave Miss Kayas estate this instant." Klahadore cut in his eyes hard and focused on the raven haired rubber boy. "I do not want to repeat myself."
There was a sudden change in the air and Coby gulped as he felt fear crawling on his back, the aura around the butler had changed and from the corner of his eyes he could see that he wasn't the only one aware of that.
"Klahadore, this really isn't ne-" Kaya started but was cut off as the man looked up to her window.
"Miss Kaya may I remind you that you need rest right now. So close that window, we do not want you to catch a cold." His words somehow didn't leave any room for arguments from the girls side and the air grew even more tense. Luffys eyes narrowed at the man. He could sense it.
Wordlessly the rubber boy turned and walked away.
"W-wait we did…" Nami started but Zoro shook his head following his captain and motioning for her to do the same. Coby instantly followed without complain, even he understood that something was wrong.
Usopp stared at them confused but then turned to say something to Kaya until he was suddenly pulled backwards.
"Wha…? M-me too?" Luffys hand had stretched back and grabbed his collar. The sniper was ungracefully pulled to the ground and dragged along the little group not even having the chance to say anything to his friend.
Yet 'Klahadore' did not take his eyes of the rubber boy but once they were out of sight he turned sharply. He needed to talk with a certain someone.
"What was that about?!" Nami screeched once the Luffy had stopped and turned to look at them. "I couldn't even ask about a ship you idiot!"
"N-nami…" Coby started but give up. It was saver not to get into her line of fire.
"They might have had a ship that could have been of use for us!" Nami raged on. No one noticed how Usopp inched away before he made his escape, how Zoro decided to nap against that wooden fence or how the three children huddled together in fear.
Luffy only shrugged before he grinned. "I am going for a walk." Followed by that announcement was him walking away with his hands behind his head.
Nami huffed and leaned exhaust against the fence. Things were not going as she hoped they would. "Great. What now?" She asked no one in particular as she leaned back. Maybe she could try convincing Klahadore into giving them a ship if they had one…
The walk Luffy decided to take on ended with him reaching a cliff that overlooked a part of the beach. He blinked as he thought that it looked similar to the one they harbored at. But he shrugged it off. Siding down crossed legged and watching the ocean.
He didn't understand the butler reaction. He was going to ask if he had been that cat dudes brother. It wasn't like he was the cat dude. Bogart had explained to him that crossed posters meant that these pirates were taken care of. Luffy wasn't as dumb as some thought. He knew that that meant they were either imprisoned or executed.
But that reaction was still strange.
"It must be great to be able to sail everywhere you want and have lots of adventures…"
The raven head looked up to see Usopp sitting down next to him on the grass. Luffy grinned brightly. "Want to join us then?"
"Eh? I don't think I could just leave like that" Usopp stared wide eyed at the rubber boy. "I-I mean the kids look up to me and Kaya…"
He stumbled over his own words, searching his mind for reasons why he just couldn't leave his home. He didn't want to say out loud that he wasn't sure that he was brave enough to travel the seas.
"So you don't want to leave your girlfriend?" The rubber boy concluded blankly yet it was obvious that he was only teasing. But still caused Usopp to splutter and deny what he said loudly. Luffy only laughed turning back to watch the ocean.
The two kept on talking about the sea and adventures. It was clear that those two were becoming friends quickly and Luffy knew now for sure that he wanted Usopp to become part of his crew. The rubber boy grinned brightly at his decision until the two suddenly noticed a ship in the distance.
"When did that get there?" The rubber boy asked out loud pointing at it. Usopp only paled slightly. Squinting his eyes at the ship and trying to see their flag, with no luck. It was only a little while later that they heard the crunching of sand. Their eyes turned down to the beach were a strange man pulled rowboat on the shore.
"Who is that guy?" Usopp stared at the strange man with blue trench coat, hat and red heart shaped glasses, trying to figure out if he was enemy or friend. He was about to get up to prepare his usual greeting for newcomers when Luffy beat him to it.
"Oi! Who are you?" The man turned surprised to look up at them and Usopp gulped while Luffy stared down at the man.
"Not good. Captain Kuro said that I shouldn't get noticed…" The man said quietly to himself, sure that the two up on the cliff wouldn't hear him. But Luffy's ear twitched. He had heard it.
"Are you a pirate?" He asked curiously, wondering if that man was the same as Shanks. Also that name Kuro did somehow sound familiar. The man reached into his sleeve.
"GET DOWN!" Usopp yelled shoving the rubber boy down to the ground and holding his head down only for the man to pull out a ring bladed pendulum. Luffy, a little annoyed shoved Usopps hand away and inched forward a little, ignoring the snipers warnings. Confused yet curious about what the man was going to do with it.
"This is not good. I can't have you find out who I am yet." The man said loud enough for them to hear.
"So you are a pirate!" Luffy shouted standing up once more to get a better look at the man. The man in turn nodded but help up his pendulum for them to see it better.
"Now listen closely." He said clearly. "You will fall asleep. One, two, Jango!"
Usopp covered his eyes and looked away not noticing that Luffy fell forward down the cliff. When he heard the impact he hurried to look down only to see that said rubber boy had landed head first on the ground.
"Oh, I didn't want to kill him yet." The strange man said pulling his hat down a little before looing up directly at Usopp once more. "But now there is one less person I have to deal with."
Usopp screeched as he stood up with shaky legs. Slowly he took a few steps backwards his heart racing as all his attention was on the man that watched him his pendulum swinging from side to side. With a flick of his wrist the blade was in his hands and sailing through the air. Usopp only dodged it narrowly, as it left a cut on his arm, and run away. He had to warn the village. He had to inform them. Whoever that man was he meant no well for them and if he was indeed pirate than that ship in the distance was that man's crew which meant even more danger for his village.
"Zehahahahahahahaha! I am glad we could find an agreement!" A man with long, thick, woolly black hair laughed and leaned into the chair, the receiver of a bloody red Den Den Mushi in his hands.
A few tied up Marines, in the corner of the room, grunted in distain and glared at the small band of pirates that captured their ship. "This means nothing, pirate scum."
"Now now, Admiral." A sickly skinned man said as he shifted his weight from one leg to another, leaning over his captains' shoulder a little. "You do not want to insult a future Shichibukai now do you?"
The Den Den Mushis eyes narrowed. "Don't think yourself highly. I will crush you scum the moment-"
"Zehahahahahahaha. Don't worry. As long as I get my spot I don't care about the rest!" The man in the chair laughed once more leaning forward towards the Den Den Mushi. "Just remember. King of the Sea Jinbes Shichibukai spot is mine."
The man hung up before an answer could be received. His eyes traveled over the few crew mates he managed to gather. They were strong, cruel and just what he had been looking for but he needed more crewmembers. A hand full was not enough. It was only a matter of time before THEY would find him once more.
The man frowned. How much time did he have left before they tracked him once more? It was already hard enough to avoid all the islands that were under HIS protection, especially when he needed supplies and a new ship.
He needed to change his plans a lot more than he thought he needed to. For now they were going to Paradise to plan and to get out of their radar for a while longer.
"You… you are alive?" Usopp said in disbelieve staring at Luffy who stood with crossed arms before him his head tilted to the side.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" The slingshot user gaped at the rubber boy trying to find the right words while pointing at the cliff behind them. "Y-you fell! Head first!"
"Like that could kill him." Zoro snorted. "A cannon ball couldn't kill him shot from close range."
"I am made of rubber!" Luffy responded proudly stretching his cheek before letting it snap back into place.
"You are still alive…" The information slowly sunk into Usopps brain as he sat down nursing the wound on his arm.
Nami looked at the boy in sympathy. She, Zoro and Coby had seen the villagers disbelieve. "Usopp… Why did you lie in the end and say you made everything up about the ship and that man?"
"I lead a few to the side where we saw the ship but… it was gone when we arrived there and that man was nowhere to be found. I am a liar, no one would believe me anyway…"
They watched wordlessly as Usopp clutched the fabric of his clothing with his hands. His eyes not looking up yet not focused on anything either. The dull pain in his left arm reminded him of the reaction of the villagers, of Kayas words and the betrayal in her eyes and most importantly of Klahadores face as he stood in the background with that knowing yet dark look.
"Even…" Usopp started slowly to speak up again. "Even if they don't believe me, even if they shot me, punch me, slap me. I… I still love my village and everyone. I have to save them. This place is my home. I… e-even if I have to fight alone I will…"
"We will help." Luffy suddenly said grinning, Zoro only smirked and Coby nodded, he wanted to help too. Usopp sent them a grateful smile as answer.
"I don't know when they will attack but we need to prepare." The three nodded in agreement and started to plan.
Nami couldn't help but smile watching. They were going to save this village and Luffy was ready to help without expecting anything in return. She could relate to Usopps feelings just a little as she joined in on their planning pointing out everyone's strong points she had learned about. In the back of her mind a small voice whispered to her that she could get help like this too but the small voice was downed out completely as they moved to prepare.
Hours later the at the south slope that leads towards the village the five stood before an oil floor, empty barrels to the side indicating that they had contain the oil before. In the distance the sun was raising but no ship was to be seen over the calm sea side.
Impatient foot tapping was heard as the orange haired navigator grew more and more annoyed with the passing time. "If they do not attack today than all this planning was pointless!"
"M-maybe they will attack t-tomorrow? Or… later today?" Coby flinched when Nami sent him a glare.
"The element of surprise would be gone if they don't attack at sun rise but in broad daylight." Zoro commented crossing his arms as he surveilled their surroundings. A fight was going to happen today he could feel it.
"I am sure they will attack here!" Usopp argued. "This is where the man anchored! I am sure they will attack from this side."
"From this side?" Luffy asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Well there is another slope that leads to the village on the other side of the island…" Once that information sunk in Nami wanted to strangle the sniper. Well she did grab his collar and shook him till his eyes spun in dizziness.
"Of course the money would come to her mind first." Zoro muttered earning himself a glare from the Navigator.
"W-wait we don't know if they attack t-today." Coby stuttered out, Nami still scare him.
"Right! I just need to get my treasure and put it somewhere else." Nami nodded agreeing.
Luffy just laughed it all off. Tho something in the back of his mind was tingling. Right before he could ask were exactly that other slope was Nami turned to look behind them. "Did you guys hear that?"
"Hear what, Nami?" The rubber boy tilted his head in confusion yet he sharpened his senses with Haki trying to figure out what she meant.
"Battle cries." Zoro said a smirk on his face, he couldn't wait to get some real exercise done.
"B-battle?" Usopp and Coby stuttered out staring at the two. No one noticed the thoughtful look Luffy had for a second eyeing his two crew members before he grinned brightly at the prospect of a fight.
"Usopp! How do I get to the other slope?" The straw hatted boy asked excitement clear in his voice.
"North! Just follow the path to the north!"
"Got it! North!" And gone was the rubber brain running up the path towards the village.
The once left behind shared a look before they followed, in their hurry it went unnoticed that Zoro did take a different turn or that Luffy had been running of towards the west and not the north.
Kong stared blankly at the people in his office. He questioned himself again of why he even had agreed with Sengoku to let them gather here. He didn't even remember the purpose of the meeting. All he knew was that Garb and Akainu were currently in each other faces, dishing out death threats with their eyes. They all were pretty sure if everyone else weren't in this room he would find one of the two either dead or beaten to a bloody pulp in here tomorrow, if his office would even survive that long.
"Care to repeat that Sakazuki?" Garp nearly growled a very dangerous glint in his eyes that Sengoku did not recognize ever having seen on his friend.
"Cursed blood lines should be eliminated." Sakazuki stated ignoring how the atmosphere in the room got colder with every second and for once that was not Kuzan's doing.
Tsuru tried to remember how their talk had gotten out of hand. All they did were talking about the recent movements of the revolutionaries. Oh right. Their leader was Garp's idiotic son. Then again it was only by chance that she and Kong knew about this fact.
She still remembered how Garp in his younger years showed of proudly pictures of his 'cute' son. The poor kid had looked more disgruntled on the pictures than cute. She also remembered his reaction to when she and Kong had told him of the revolutionaries very first wanted poster. A pissed of Garp did tent to ramble in his rage. Not to mention all the damage they had to repair after getting the info by accident. It still disturbed her slightly how nonchalant he had asked them to keep it a secret afterwards, despite knowing that they weren't the only one knowing that he had a son.
So now Kong, Sengoku, Kuzan, Borsalino and she were watching Sakazuki and Garp argue about the fact that Dragon was finally officially declared cursed blood. She knew what the consequence would be for Garp's grandchild. Thought there was one thing Tsuru was not completely sure about and that was of how much knowledge Akainu really had on Graps relation to Dragon or of the rubber boy.
The old woman frowned. They did not find any prove of Sakazuki's relation to the Lucci-incedent yet. Kong had true fully questioned Spandam yet he hadn't given them any useful information. If there was one thing the man was good at then it was keeping his position at all costs.
Especially when Kong mentioned that the Gorosei didn't see a reason to fire the man. It was slightly irritating yet expected. Maybe she should use her devil fruit powers to…
"THAT'S IT!" Kongs voice echoed through the office at the same time he slammed his hands on his desk. "Both of you sit down this instant! I have enough!"
"Wha-" Garp started as he blinked at the World Government Commander-in-Chief, but whatever Grap had to say was cut off by Kong once more.
"I said, SIT down!"
Sengoku let out a sigh when Garp finally sat down muttering. Even Sakazuki seemed to be grumpier as he sat back wordlessly. Kong eyed the two as he sat back too. "Can we continue this meeting now WITHOUT any more disturbances?"
"HE started it." Garp muttered lowly pulling out a pack of rice crackers. Kuzan's lips twitched upwards as he saw Sakazuki glaring at the Vice-Admiral briefly.
"Tch." The red suited man responded his eyes narrowing at the cracker eating Marine.
It was no wonder that the other Vice-Admirals weren't as willing as she was to take part in meetings were arguments like this could break out from the simplest of comments. Tsuru stifled a laugh as she watched these two grown man shooting subtitled glares at each other. "It feels like they are two school boys scolded by their teacher." Borsalino chuckled lightly in agreement and in amusement at that.
Kong on the other hand let out a long suffering sigh as he waved dismissingly with his right hand. "Let's just continue, calmly and peacefully."
Garp was about to say something in his defense but stopped at the look Kong was sending him.
"One wrong word and you will be kicked out of my office." The Vice-Admiral scowled and muttered something not understandable before he took a rice cracker from his pack and ate it quietly. Sakazuki gave the Marine a smug look about to give a winning response.
"IF you provoke him any more YOU will be kicked out too Admiral or not." Kong bit out glaring at the red suited man.
Borsalino and Kuzan chuckled lightly eyeing the third Admiral who was now scowling too while staring at the Commander-in-Chief. Sengoku let out another sigh covering his eyes with one hand in distress or tiredness, nobody knew. Tsuru only smiled and was about to comment once more how this all felt like some teacher-scolding-their-students when Kong gave her a stern look daring her to say anything not revolving around their discussion.
"Ooooooooh is Dragons blood line becoming cursed blood now?" Asked Borsalino to break the silence not seeing how Sengoku sacked into his seat, Kuzans lip twitched upwards once more, Tsurus eyes shined in amusement and Kong hung his head in defeat.
Because only seconds later Garp and Sakazuki were at each other again about how a cursed bloodline needs to die out and children shouldn't suffer for their parents crimes.
The man in yellow just deadpanned and scratched his cheek as he looked at his fellow Marines and the Commander-in-Chief. "That was the wrong question neeeeee?"
Nami, Coby and Usopp arrived at the North Slope only to be faced with a bunch of pirates wearing… cat ears (?), Usopp also recognized the strange man, he and Luffy had seen the day before.
"Where the hell are Luffy and Zoro?!" Nami screeched pulling out her staff in preparation eyeing the pirates at the shore, irritated that the rubber boy and the green haired swordsman were nowhere in sight.
"Halt this moment pirates!" Usopp suddenly yelled giving away their arrival. "I have an army of 100 000 000 men waiting to fight you if you should decide to step one more foot towards the village! I suggest for you to leave before we will force you to!"
"What are you talking about?!" Nami hissed at him but Usopp only glanced at her before he whispered back that he was stalling time. Only that Nami hissed back at him that that was a stupid idea.
"10…100 000 000 men?!" The strange man stepped back in fright.
"Uh… Captain Jango, I think that was a lie." One crewmember said pointing at the now arguing Usopp and Nami. Coby sweat dropped and laughed nervously trying the get the arguing pair's attention only to shriek as the pirates advanced towards them.
"GO ATTACK THE VILLAGE THEN!" Battle cries were heard again but soon turned to howls of pain as pirates stumbled backwards caltrops stuck in their feet. While the two that had been arguing high fived each other.
"We are not going to let you attack the Village!" Usopp said once more pulling out his sling shot and knocking out several pirates with well-aimed shots. But one pirate made it passed the caltrops and knocked the sniper out with a big hammer, injuring him to the point Usopp could barely stand upright.
It was then that Coby scrapped all his courage together and punched the goon to get his attention away from the already hurt Usopp. Nami too took up that chance to start fighting the on marching pirates that managed to avoid the caltrops. But it was clear that it was a losing battle.
Both where pushed back further and further, not having the needed strength to fight these pirates, let alone the right weapons to do so. A few even slipped their attention and passed them advancing towards Syrup Village but Usopp even in his hurt stage tried to stop them only to be kick further away from the fight.
The situation was looking quiet bad until the pirates that passed them were sent flying back down the slope taking a few of the ones, Copy and Nami had been fighting, down too.
"LUFFY! ZORO!" The two shouted in relieve as they saw the two walking towards them, though both of them looked rather irritated.
"Usopp! You didn't tell me where to go north!" The rubber boy complained as he rotated one arm as a warm up his eyes focused on the enemy.
"Why did you guys take the wrong turn? Because of that it took me longer to get here!" Zoro also mentioned drawing out his swards as he two was focused on the enemy.
Neither of the three was able to answer them as a yell from the shore drew back their attention towards the situation at hand.
"What are you doing?! Don't back away! If you don't attack this villiage soon Captain Kuro will be mad at us!" Jango yelled into the rounds of pirates. His pendulum was out already gaining everyone's attention. "You all will become stronger and stronger and so enraged that you can destroy anything in the way of your path! One, Two, Jango!"
Battle cries were heard once more and Nami watched in horror how one of them destroyed part of the cliff with one punch. She didn't know that hypnosis was able to do that towards people. She and Coby backed away from the pirates that were now running up the slope towards them.
Until a battle cry from a familiar voice toned them all out and an enraged Luffy stormed down the path. "GUM GUM NO GATTLING!"
None of these pirates stood a chance as Luffy mercilessly beat them down. Zoro sighed in disappointment seeing how the rubber boy took out most of them and didn't really leave anyone for him to fight. Coby was shocked that Luffy had taken out that many so easily and was now advancing towards the Captain. Nami just shook her head and Usopp, well the slingshot wielder was trying to get his bearing together. By now the rubber boy was attacking their ship for some reason.
"Well that's one way to deal with them." The orange haired girl muttered watching how Luffy stormed down only to fall asleep before he could anymore damage to their ship more.
"That… that was close. Now we need to hurry before…" Jango sighed but once he looked up towards the slope he froze, same as all the pirates that looked in the same direction. "C-captain Kuro!"
Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Coby turned not expecting to see the one who stood there.
"K-klahadore…" Usopp whispered barely heard by anyone. But the look in the man's face sent down shivers his back.
The butler only placed down the bag he had been carrying and adjusted his glasses with his palm. "Jungo! Why is my plan not in motion! The sun is high up and no one in the village died yet!"
Usopp paled not believing the words he heard. "K-klahadore you… you… YOU KNEW DIDN'T YOU?!"
"Knew?" Slowly the butler reached into his bag pulling out gloves that had a sword on each finger. Zoro tensed as he saw them and got ready to fight. "I planned this. Unfortunately I had to move up my plan a few months earlier than originally thought."
"WHY? KAYA SHE TOOK YOU IN! THE WHOLE VILLAGE WELCOMED YOU! ACCEPTED YOU!" Usopps voice gave out, he still couldn't believe it but 'Klahadores' whole stance and expression was enough.
Just as Usopp managed to get on his kness and wanted to stand up to punch the butler something surprising happened. It wasn't that Usopp punch the man but that Coby did it. The pink haired boys knees shook as stepped back.
"I don't like being punched." 'Klahadores' said quietly as he adjusted his glasses and vanished from side to reappear behind Coby, his head surrounded by the swords from his left hand. "Jango! I give you five minutes to beat these small flies or else I will be killing everyone here."
Hearing his name snapped said man out of his stupor and he looked around spotting the two that he needed. "Nyaban Brothers! Take care of them!"
But instead of attack Zoro and the other the Nyaban Brothers, Sham and Buchi, attacked 'Klahadores' revealing him to be their former Captain Kuro and believing him to have gone weak over the past 2 and a half years.
Warning fell on death ears. Nami, Coby and Usopp watched in horror how Kuro disappeared and killed the two mercilessly throwing them back towards the rest of the Black Cat Pirates as he adjusted his glasses once more. "4 Minutes left."
The pirates started to panic and started to attack. It was Zoro who took care of most of them yet Nami as well as Coby did their best but it was clear that they weren't as strong. Usopp was punching the ground slightly in frustration still not having coped fully with 'Klahadores' betrayal.
Even though Zoro didn't have much problem fighting Nami did see that he was getting worn out by them. More importantly with the speed Kuro had displayed she wasn't sure if he was even a match for that man. That was the moment she got a glimpse of Luffy's straw hat and she decided the rubber brain had to be woken up.
"1 Minute left." Kuros voice was heard and the attacks of the pirates became more frantic. Finding an opening Nami took her change and sprinted down the slope. Jango personally tried to stop her in whatever was her plan and injured her with his ring blade but she did manage to kick the rubber boy, just as Kuros voice was heard once more. "Time is up."
Every pirate froze and Nami sunk to the ground believing that it was over when Kuro started to sway in a strange stance. Fearful cries were heared among the pirates and soon Kuro vanished from side and the first pirates howled in pain slashes appearing on their bodies.
"No…" A massacre was happening before their eyes. A pirate captain slaughtering his own crew! Once more Nami was reminded why she hated Pirates so much they were nothing but cruel, selfish b-
"Nami? What happened?" Her head snapped to the side as she saw Luffy standing up.
"Luffy…" She looked back at what was happening before them seeing how Luffys eyes narrowed when he realized what was happening. Kuro stopped just at that moment attack his own crew and looked down at straw hat wearer.
"Luffy, can you fight for this village?" She paused for a moment seemingly wanting to add something but couldn't as she heard Luffy cracking his knuckles, a hard look in his eyes as all his attention was on Kuro.
"Of course I can."
A lot of you probably noticed it but I skipped Buggy's final fight, that was because the ending of the arc didn't change much or at all thats why I didn't retell it. I also tried to get the whole Kuro arc into this chapter because... Honestly I don't like this arc very much so I wanted to get it over with as soon as I could but still didn't put it in one Chapter because well I wanted to save the best of this arc for the next chapter.
I also skipped the whole Gaimon meeting at least Manga-Timeline based meeting. Since there is a difference there between Manga and Anime. In the Manga they meet him BEFORE Usopp joined in the Anime after he joined. For that I wanted to hear your opinions on it. If I nothing I will just go with the Anime-Based meeting, if I hear that you guys want the Manga-Based meeting it will appear in a flashback kind of chapter or as an extra.
Also there was supposed to be a New Years Themed Special here at the end but because its already February it kinda felt wrong. I could have lived with it if I had managed to update last week but now it kinda feels wrong. BUT! I will use what I wrote for a different special featuring the brithdays of each of the ASL.
lizziecats, I want to appologize to you personally since I could not hold to everything I said. I hope you do not mind waiting for that special a little longer.
I am also sorry that there won't be a review response this time around again. But I am short on time (while I am writing this note) but I do promise this time that I will do one in the next chapter. And I swear on my honor as writer that I will not break that promise.
Now one last thing...
Thank you all so so much for still reading this story, thank you for each review I got since I published this story, thank you for every favorite, thank you for every follower. Each review, favorite and follow helped me to keep me motivated to work on this chapter and this story in general but most importantly:
Now see you in the next chapter, I hope that won't take this long again.