This is the rewrite of The Language of Flowers and Poker Faces! Those of you who are new, it's nice to meet you, I'm Crescent T.! Everyone just calls me Crescent, or Cres-chan, and things like that though.

So...I guess an apology is in order. *does deep dogeza on the floor and touches head to ground* I deeply apologize for the long wait for this rewrite and the stuff I put everyone through on last time's wacky journey. Please accept my apology.

And so, may the Hanakotoba, Poker Faces, and Disorder KaiShin/ShinKai fic begin!

Pairings (I'm gonna switch it up a little):




HakubaXShiho/Haibara (New pairing!)


... I think that's it for now?

Chapter Name: Hatsukoi

Normal POV

It began with a date.

Shinichi couldn't deny that he had seen it coming.

Ran had dressed up with Sonoko's advice, going as far as to put on a little lipstick.

Conan frowned from his place on the couch as Ran put on some low heeled shoes, a small smile on her face as she hummed a new Okino Yoko song. If there was lipstick, the woman was open for a kiss. If there were shoes, she was considering a relationship with the guy. If there was perfume, especially that spring flower scented one, then she was trying to impress him and draw attention a little bit.

The miniature sleuth felt his brows knit tightly on his forehead. "Ran-neechan," He began sweetly, a small smile on his lips and innocent curiosity pictured on his face. "Are you going on a date?"

The young woman smiled softly as she turned around. "I am. There's this really nice guy in my karate club who asked me out to the new cafe around the corner." The brunette lifted her wrist to her chest and glanced down at the time. "I might be gone for an hour or two. You can order for takeout for dinner, if you want Conan-kun, but there's also some curry rice on the stove that you can just heat up. Don't let Otou-san have any takeout if you do order though." The teenager let a soft pout come over her features. "He lost my allowance yesterday at that Mahjong game, so no beer or takeout. Feel free to make him pay for the delivery." She girl smiled a bit impishly and winked at her young charge.

Conan pursed his lips a bit and looked up through thick lashes at his long time childhood friend. "What about Shinichi-niichan?" His words brought the girl to a slow stop and a bitter smile.

Ran knelt down to Conan's height and cupped his left cheek, a strange calming sensation and quiet aura surrounding them both. "Listen Conan-kun, I know how much you wanted Shinichi and I to work out. You were always comforting me when things went downhill." She paused for a little bit, and Conan saw tears gather in her blue orbs.

"But... I don't think I can wait much longer for him, you know? I thought it was weird. How do I know if Shinichi is the right guy for me if I haven't even tried anyone else? Most childhood romances don't work out like that. There's someone better for Shinichi then his childhood friend... and there might be someone better for me too. That's why..." She took a shaky, shoulder jumping breath. "I want to let him go. I can't keep chasing after his shadow like this forever. From what I've seen, he might not ever come back home."

Conan felt a lump in his throat as Ran embraced him tightly. "So thank you for your help, Conan-kun, but I want to move on."

Suddenly, a constricting sensation in his chest gripped his small heart tightly, and a prickling sensation gathered in his throat and behind his eyes. Conan hesitantly put his arms around Ran too, and buried his nose in the crook of her neck.

He smelled the flowery scent of her perfume and abruptly, he couldn't take it anymore. It was all over.

All the memories, all the times he had pushed himself through excruciating pain to see her smile at him without the glasses, all the times he had worn that bowtie to talk into his phone, all the times he had secretly went out to make her chocolate on White day, or even send her a text message when she was sick...

It went down the drain.

Conan was the one to break the embrace. It was too painful to even keep his breathing steady near her right now.

Ran rose and began walking away, opening the door of the house and preparing to leave downstairs. Just as she opened her mouth to say goodbye, Conan called after her.

"Ran-neechan, wait!" He shouted, a hand reaching out towards her.

Maybe he could turn this around. Maybe he could convince her that Shinichi was definitely coming back to see her again. Maybe he could think up some strange factoid off the top of his head about childhood romances. He could find a way around all of the things she had said if she just-

Conan froze in his desperate tracks.

"... but, I want to move on."

The faux child swallowed the words that had been about to tumble from his lips.

That was one thing he couldn't talk around. That was her desire to leave him. There was no way he could intrude on her feelings so cruelly.

Conan let his hand drop and limply hang at his side, letting his eyes focus down on the floor. His bangs covered his eyes and his shoulders slumped in defeat.

He brokenly looked up at his first friend, first love, and first sister.

"I think that the person you choose will make you happier than Shinichi-niichan ever could." He said softly. "Good luck on your date."

Ran frowned as the light in her little brother figure's eyes dimmed, and at the heartbroken expression on his face as he limply lifted his head so that his eyes could meet her own. At that point, she had a feeling that all of her suspicions of him had been correct. She didn't need proof anymore. All she needed to see were the wise and heartbroken eyes of her young charge.

The tall brunette smiled at him happily. "I really am happy that you understand. It took me a while to convince myself to do this to you." She came to Conan once more and placed a loving kiss on his forehead. "Thank you for all the memories. One day, we will look back and they won't be as bitter. They'll be the most precious memories in the world; ones that we wouldn't want to ever forget." She said softly, turning away from him before he could see her expression.

Conan stared after his beloved as she left. The sun was already going down, and the room was dyed in soft orange and red hues. He slowly walked over to the couch he had been so comfortable on and lied down, his face in the plush cushions so that he could suffocate himself.

They had parted with mutual feelings. They really had.

He was going to let her go himself... just as soon as he was ready.

But he wasn't. That's why he almost stopped her.

Conan didn't want to move at all. He should just let himself suffocate like this. Who else would he love anyway? There was no point in returning to Kudou Shinichi anymore. His parents were more than happy to let him go through childhood again, and have a "cute little Shin-chan" a second time to dress up and put through more soccer tournaments.

No one would be able to learn to see past these glinting glasses, which were now pressing rather painfully into his face.

Conan sat up with a small pout. He knew that even his behavior was becoming more and more childlike every passing day. He never used to pout or whine or sulk for long periods of time like a pouting child. Now he did one of these at least twice a day.

He threw off his glasses and let them land on the table as he sat alone in the now dark room.

Conan was determined to live out the rest of his life solving cases, and protecting the public. He would probably never separate from Haibara, since they were in the same position. He would never find love and never marry, except to his work, if he managed to find a place in the MPD. He probably would just die alone, if Haibara managed to be lucky enough to find someone that loved her as she was.

He, for one, could not stand the thought of dating someone his physical age, but he wouldn't mid Haibara doing it. Hell, maybe she'd choose Mitsuhiko-kun, since he was so passionately chasing after her.

Conan sighed heavily and turned so that he could stare at the ceiling rather than kill himself. It would be all over the news. "Beloved Police Mascot Commits Suicide! Death by Fluff!" or something like that. He sweatdropped at his own thoughts.

One thing was for sure: he wouldn't kill himself just yet. He couldn't leave Haibara alone here.


He had an organization to erase from existence.

Ran smiled at her date happily as he stood to go get drinks for them at the snack bar. She looked up through the window on her right and to the bright stars twinkling in the dark blue backdrop called the sky. Suddenly, all she could see was Shinichi's smart grin in the stars.

She smiled gently and fondly at the image, the memories she treasured glowing more preciously than ever before.

One day, when he came back, she'd give him a good karate chop in the head for making her wait so long.

A brunette sat at the desk in his room, and sighed satisfyingly as he set a unique fountain pen down next to a card-like paper.

Then, he turned out the light and slipped into bed with an excited smirk.

This round would be fun too.

End of chapter one! I'm so excited guys! I am keeping these chapters shorter than last time (*cough cough* 33,000+ words *cough cough*), so I'm limiting these chapters from about 1,500 to 2,000 words. Sound okay?

Thanks for sticking with me! Please look forward to next chapter!

~Crescent T.