Title: A human's destiny

Characters: OC, Prowl, Jazz, Megatron, Optimus Prime

Genre: Adventure, Sci-fi, Romance

Description: Angel is a normal human being from a well off family with no memory of her past, until a certain Decepticon attack shows her true colours and her past is revealed. A collaboration with Fanatic97 from Deviantart and myself TFG1001.

My name is Angel Parker, and I believe that today of all days, my chance to show my college times and day. With college, its lots of work, developing, film processing, learning new workshops and lighting techniques, everyday we learn something new.

My favourite thing to do at college is lunch time with Midas and my friends. The whole hour and half passes so we can share lunch together, chat, hang out. I'll plan out my whole day yesterday, of Monday 31st March.

"Angel sweetheart, time to get up for school!"

Mum is always the one to wake me up. By time I wake up, dad's already on his journey to work, he's extremely busy all the time, so we most of time rely upon mum to wake us up. Sometimes she'd wake big brother up depending on his bus times, but rarely needs waking up. I'd get myself up and out of bed and make it, so its ready for night time, brush my long tri-coloured hair, I've dyed it a silvery white and some black in it too, my natural colour I believe is brown/brunette, so bonus to have different colours, similar to my name. *giggles*

"Need dropping off today honey?"

"No thanks mum, I'm meeting Midas to get the bus."

"Oh sweetheart, that's adorable."

"Yeah, we always meet up before lesson, he's so romantic in mornings."

"Is that so?"


"Only teasing you dear, have a good day at college."

"Thanks mum."

Mum likes to have a small tease with my boyfriend, but she's sweet towards the subject. She's not your typical mum of 'use protection!' 'beware of teenage pregnancy!' and those who go on and on about how to live life, she's supportive all the way. Either way, I'm still pure, as is Midas, we were the first for each relationship; he was my first boyfriend, I was his first girlfriend. We're not even thinking of moving to next step of our relationship; save that for when we graduate from college and maybe University.


"Morning Midas." *kiss on lips*

"As always meeting up to get bus together."

"As everyday hon so we don't miss it."

"I agree Angel my love." *kiss again*

Our bus will pull up, but normally we wait a couple buses a day because the bus drives by an important station busy with trains heading into the city, and so on, so most of the time the buses drive straight by our stop. It don't mind us long as we got each other, we do stuff together. When we do get bus, we always stand or sit together, no matter what, we're together.

"What do you think Paul will teach today?"

"He spoke of Low key lighting."

"That sounds like fun, something new."

"I nearly filled my progress book Midas."

"You love writing so much. Maybe photojournalism sounds right for you?"

"I love taking cityscapes and landscapes, but not like we get beautiful cityscape views in Jasper."

"We'll be together after college and forever more, we'll find a place that's perfect for our dreams in photography."

"You realy mean it Midas?"

"Anything for you my angel."

"Love it when you say that. But we'll find a place that benefits both of us."


4 months, 6 days we'd been dating, I still remember that moment we met, like butterflies in my stomach. When he asked me out, I instantly jumped at chance. We're already thinking ahead, and I know most of you would be like 'Oh need to know each other lot longer' or 'Finish education first before planning future', we're always one step ahead with our assignments and private lives. We're meant to be together, I could feel it.

"I assume you all had chance over past few days to do some research on Low key lighting?"

"I have done sir."

And so had Midas. People would say we're two halves of one whole. We always knew same things, said what each other was thinking most of time, I always got it right first time which I wondered how did I do that, we always did research for college, helped each other out in college, it felt amazing.

"Need you all to write up a 2 page explaination on Low key lighting, the advantages and disadvantages, effects of Low Key lighting."

Today was a challenge of learning this new Low Key lighthing, it should be fun right? I mean new techniques for continuing our education and to add to what we know to complete our photography assignments.

As today was Monday, the class would have another lesson afterwards. From 11am to 12:30, the class would then continue working towards our assignments. Firstly I would process my film with Midas.

"What's the roll of film?"

"Its Kentmere Angel."

"That would be... 6 minutes, nice and easy time."

Our developer was called HC-110, using a black and white Kentmere roll of film, so 6 minutes in this developer. It was fanastic... except the chemicals did have a small smell which smelt like vinegar... I disliked Vinegar... Midas wouldn't mind it at all.


"I'm always careful Midas." *giggles*

In went the developer, and by the way, loading the film in the dark is extremely hard indeed. Midas was the best in class at opening the rolls of film canister, I was best at loading onto the spirals. Developer went in, 1 whole minute agitation, then 30 second wait, then 5 seconds agitation. It was quick as time flew, we would chat while developing, makes it easier to not be on own in the developing. We'd sometimes play music if we had plenty of films to process, made time fly by listening to your favourite tunes.


"That was quick, and Linkin Park just finished."

"I love that song Midas." *unloads film*

"Got any images?"

"All of them came out. I love when that happens. Sir said consistency in all our films, so good to know all 36 exposures came out."

All terminology me and Midas knew, we had to speak in the correct terminology and terms as it would help towards our final grade.

"What's the correct exposure time?"

"For this print Midas, I did 15 second exposure on Aperture F8 with a Gradient of 3.5."

"Not long indeed, and the dodging you did really made difference."

"It did. I wanted the background to be that little bit darker than my model to make it stand out."

"Not bad idea, also might help to light up model too, show the clothing and features."


We didn't always talk about college work all time in correct terminology. We did talk about weekend plans, as we did get from Thursday to Sunday free from college. Sometimes we'd come in on Thursday to do work, sometimes Friday, but gave us weekend to date, cinema, movies, sleepovers, way romantic. Our bond was strong and I believe would be for many years; we're destined to be together forever.

"Lunch time everyone."

The brunette, white and black haired girl skips out the room joined by her navy blue haired boyfriend, both head to the college snack bar, with many treats, drinks and food for lunch.

A juicy sausage roll with hot chocolate; that was worth the wait in the long queue. Me and Midas would love to sit outside on the bench in the gleaming sunlight, just the right temperature and not too hot to relax. Sometimes we'd sneak out the back of the building to where the small hills and trees were, perfect spot for being out in the sun and enjoying the relaxation, to eat in peace.

"This is the spot?"


"Definitely quite cosy, warm, no one coming here."

"Told you." *giggles* "Its perfect. No one to come over and spoil our time. We got a whole hour here, so lets enjoy it."

Lessons ranged from 1 hour to 2 hours each, Monday's were an hour and 1 and half hour lessons. First half of day were the two 1 and half hour lessons, rest of day hour sessions. It was easy on us to allow enough breaks to get some air, enough time to get a drink, and so continue with contextual studies and techniques.

End of the day would be the best time for me and Midas. We'd get a couple hours to ourselves while outside home, go get some chips together, go to a park or watch a movie before going home. Then a long couple hours on skype chatting and texting, calling each other. Our voices for each other were last things we'd love to hear before going to bed.

But one day, one night... I went to bed, and was suddenly having the same dream again. It came to the 5 month anniversary of when me and Midas first got together, and I had the same dream; those 2 giant robots looking down on me. Who were they? Why did they appear in my dreams? But this time, I saw another 2 robots appear beside them, both these new robots were a lot smaller... One of them looked just like the silver mech, with some sort of visor of his eyes... the other looked feminine, she was a beauty, wings on her back like the black and white robot. But I still didn't get my answer of why this dream occured to me... maybe I'd meet them, or... they'd meet me.

The strangest thing happened the next day.. Doing research, no scientist had created, or was atempting to build a large giant 25 ft tall robot with a 'visor' or 'wings' but I came across this conspiracy website, users posting 'close encounters with aliens' and one caught my interest... It was a car with no driver... a yellow and black car... suddenly in a split second, it turned into a dancing monkey animation, the same animation popular on the web, and then website suddenly become an error, going blank. It must've crashed.

I know I may sound crazy... maybe the Government is hiding the truth on giant robots.. and sounds like 4 of these hidden aliens would become an important part of my life; why else would I have my dreams?

One day I promised I'd get to bottom of this mystery, and maybe find out the truth. Till then, college and my relationships are my problem.

Angel out.

New chapter with this twist at the end. ;) Who is the two new robots mentioned? Still not guessed the first two robots from her dream?

More chapters to come.