Title: A human's destiny

Characters: OC, Prowl, Jazz, Megatron, Optimus Prime

Genre: Adventure, Sci-fi, Romance

Description: Angel is a normal human being from a well off family with no memory of her past, until a certain Decepticon attack shows her true colours and her past is revealed. A collaboration with Fanatic97 from Deviantart and myself TFG1001.

My name's Angel Parker

Im a 19 year old human who's studying at college for a masters degree in Photography. its my destiny to capture the most inspiring and fabulous photographs that cannot be recreated again.

For many years I do not remember my past, I presumed most people wouldn't remember their childhood unless told by their parents.. Then again my parents didn't tell me anything of my past. Why wouldn't they tell me? Don't I deserve to know?

Anyhow I continued on my life, puberty, boys, crushes, and romance, it was all fun to know, but I never had a boyfriend yet, and that way would remain the same for most of my life. But I did meet one boy who always stood out to me, a boy who I'd not known before and he caught my eye and interest. His name was Midas, also a Photography student in same course as me, but he was a 2nd year student, who was the year above me.

Some say that your life begins as a baby, the first cry to my parents must've been the most happiest time of my life, but I do not remember that time. As babies, I wouldn't know. I kept thinking that being born, I'd be destined for something good, and one day I didn't know it would come into reality. A day changed my life completely...

"Angel, girl, over here!"

A tall woman with brown hair, one side was white, bright yellow headband with her hair pulled back, the instand appearance of that of a angel from the skies, she had white wolly jumper on over a slightly greyish dress with red stripes on the side, wolly neck scarf and long black leggings with white boots. Her eyes shined with beauty, sparkles, personality of a gifted woman, who thought of others beside herself, others needs before her own, one who'd never know one day she'd find something special that'll be apart of her life for the future.

"I'll be there in a minute, finishing my blog video," she called out to her friends.

Yes, those are my friends, Midas was the tall dark navy blue hair boy with black clothing and grey leggings and black boots. He's incredibly sweet, we're dating for a few months now, and so far its all going well and so happy to have met him. Midas has helped a lot for my course and without him, where would I be? My others friends are my BBFs, Lucy, Danella and my 'college brother' Andrew. All 4 of these people were an important part of my life and we're the best of friends. Sometimes we're called 'Furious Five' for our pranks, but we have a laugh together.

If Im really honest with myself, my life, I feel like something is missing, something very important with my life. Sometimes I've noticed I can 'predict' somethings and they happen. Our class pal, Jody, she was far behind in her work for our assignment, I said 'Jody you have a star awaiting in the sky, pray tonight and you'll speak to that one person who means so much to you' and she did, her late father who passed away. She gave her assignment in on time. I've had odd happenings in my life, and so you, my bloggers, this is Angel Parker from my blog 'LivingwithanAngel' is my own time and work, my personal vlogs for you all, and so I thank you for your continued support. I thank you for listening, to my details, my life, and my ears for me. I love you all, and please continue to listen to my story.

Angel Parker out.

Hope you all like, this is a Collaboration with Fanatic97 on Deviantart. It'll be changed and update as we go along.

Thanks for reading, and I haven't forgotten my previous works, all will be updated soon.

Transformersfan01 - TFG1001 on Deviantart.