AN; Okay... the story was actually supposed to just end in the previous chapter, but well.. I couldn't help myself, so well.. What the heck, what are fanfictions even for, am I right? Please consider this a bonus chapter, explaining a bit more about just how Gascon would go about his new duties as emperor of Hamelin.

Urgghh…. Dreading and groaning Swaine… no, Gascon, he supposed, was his real name after-all. Glanced at the massive gates in front of him, the only entrance into Hogtown, the big machine city.

All around them, they were surrounded by the fire fighters of Hamelin returned from battle, those whom hadn't gone to the city immediatly after the battle to deliver the news that they had won… and those whom had hurried to tell their crown prince had returned to them, in the form of a mysterious hero that had aided the chosen one in saving the world.

"Is it to late to change my mind?" Gascon asked.

"Brother, be calm. You will be fine." Marcassin assured.

"You know what, I have changed my mind!" Gascon exclaimed. "This sure was fun! But I better be off!" he stated turning around, only for Marcassin to grab his shoulder.

"Come on, we both know we you don't mean that." Marcassin stated shortly pulling Gascon with him.

"HEY LET GO!" Gascon exclaimed. "This is extraordinary rude treatment!" he stated, struggling from Marcassins grip. "I have thought about it, and I have concluded! This is a terrible idea! Simply, terrible!"

Around them the soldiers looked at the fighting brothers, then looked at each other.

"Is he really the crown prince?" One soldier asked the other.

"Oh I saw him flying out of the castle on that dragon! He was in there fighting!" The other soldier responded before looking back at them. "Though, that's not very obvious now." He then admitted and the soldiers around him all nodded.

"Now stop being a baby, and enjoy your moment." Marcassin stated pulling Gascon with him.

"Hey, who are you calling a baby pretty boy?" Gascon asked annoyed, as Marcassin pushed him towards, a giant float for transportation through the city, the exact same thing Marcassin had been riding on when he was still broken hearted and wearing a hog helmet through town.

Gascon blinked at it. "You want me to get unboard that thing?" he asked looking up at it. "Parading through town as a pretty boy?" he asked.

"It'll be what the people exspect." Marcassin told.

"Okay! That's where I am pulling my line!" Gascon exclaimed ripping his arm away from Marcassin. "If I am to return to this city, I don't want to return on that stupid thing!" he told pointing at it. "I've walked the world thin, using my own feet's, I've helped saving the world, by walking myself. And If I can't walk in there on my own two legs, I don't see a point of going in there at all." He told annoyed crossing his arms, looking challenging at Marcassin.

Stunned Marcassin looked at him, as he blinked slightly, the soldiers as well looked stunned, then he smiled amused. "It sounds like you have your mind made up."

"You're darn right." Gascon muttered annoyed crossing his arms squinting his eyes at Marcassin.

"Very well." Marcassin nodded, then held up his hand. "Please open the gates." He asked. "We are walking in."

"Thank you." Gascon then nodded, as suddenly, the massive gates in front of them, slowly started to open.

Slowly Gascon looked up at them, as the warm stream of light from the inside started to come through and bath the group of soldiers.

He had seen this happening many times before, and particularly recently when he had travelled here together with Oliver, Esther and Mr. Drippy as Swaine.. but this… this was indeed.. Quite different.

Gascon swallowed, as he looked up at it, squinting his eyes at the light. "Marcassin.. what am I even doing here?" he asked. "What the heck can I do you didn't do all-ready?" he asked.

"A lot." Marcassin stated placing a firm hand on Gascons shoulder. "You can start by arranging a informal meeting between all of the worlds leaders, they respect you a lot after they saw you tacking along-side Oliver. Then you can have a look of our production lines, honestly I never had any idea what so ever what to do with those." He told.

"You really have thought this through, havn't you?" Gascon asked.

"Well, had to make sure you wouldn't run of." Marcassin smirked as the door opened wide, and the two now stood in the centre of it, looking very small among the soldiers and in comparison to the massive gate.

The citizens inside at the plaza, curiously looked towards them, and then a womans yell suddenly sounded. "IT'S THEM!" she yelled. "OUR PRINCES HAS RETURNED! AND THE SOLDIERS TO!"

At ones Gascon and Marcassin had the attention of every-one, people simply dropped what they had in their hands and ran to get a better look.

"Is that crown prince Gascon?"

"Aww, I thought he would look more like Marcassin! But then I suppose he has his own kind of handsome. Quite handsome in fact! I Knew it!"

"Prince Gascon! I remember that lad, how he's grown. But there's no mistaking it!"

"Did you hear! He helped saving the world! He aided the chosen one!"

"Look at his belt! He has the sword of the emperor! It's him!"

Being in the centre of so much attention did not sit well with Gascon, as a thief, he had it implanted in him that attention, any kind of attention, was in fact bad. And nervously he stepped a bit backwards.

Only for the soldiers to step in place and shout. "STEP ASIDE! Make way for the rulers of Hamelin! The heroes whom helped saving the world! MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!"

And the soldiers made a formation, clearing a path for Gascon and Marcassin.

Hesitating Gascon looked at it, at all of these people looking at him, he felt exsposed and it was not a nice feeling.

"Come on." Marcassin nodded his head. "Walk proud now, you are a prince."

"I'll walk in what-ever way I like." Gascon snapped right back at him. "Urgh, this is so bothersome." He muttered annoyed, then at last, exhaled deeply, and took his first step inside, and then another one and then another, and then he was finally walking.

As all these people looked at him, talked, some yelled at him, different sentences, Gascon couldn't really make them out, all he could do, was to focus on his path and try to make it all the way to the palace.

What he had almost forgotten was that the palace were located at the bottom of the city, basically the basement, and as he reached the mainstreet, he only had to look up, to see masses and masses of people, up above, from the streets above, from the houses above, from what were basically audience places, like the one where Oliver, Esther and Mr. Drippy had seen Marcassins parade.

And people had been busy, calling each to each other, gathering the entire city to see. It was an ocean of people, high and low, and they were every-where looking at them.

Never had Gascon felt so small as he looked all around himself, then he looked beside himself, and among all of the people, he saw a little boy, no more than ten looked wide-eyed back at him. Gascon blinked and the boy gasped as he jumped up, and then tried to hide behind his mothers skirts. His mother whom smiled a little embarrassed, padding the boy on the head.

Gascon didn't know what it was, but some-thing about it calmed him down as he closed his eyes and looked down, folding his hand over his chest. "I need to speak to them." He then said quietly to Marcassin.

Marcassin nodded understandable, then raised his hand in a gesture, and then, he painted a symbol in the air, a magical symbol.

That at ones made every-body silence, because the spell Marcassin had just cast, were a spell that allowed people, standing where he was standing, to be heard much further away than usual. The spell itself meant one of them was going to speak, that was enough for the people to turn quite, and Marcassin nodded at Gascon.

Sighing deeply Gascon stepped forward, standing there at the bottom of the city, every-ones eyes looking at him as he looked down, then he looked up. "I know what many of you must be thinking, you must have a lot of questions. Am I really Gascon? And if I am, where have I been?" he stated. "The answer is, yes. The former emperor were my father, the great Sage Marcassin is my younger brother. And as to where I have been." He hesitated. "There is no story of grandeur there." He told. "The truth is, my father and my brother, are both great Sages. But I am not, and I never shall be, that is mere fact. It has been tradition since ancient times, that only a great sage could ever lead this empire. I can never be a great sage, there is no magic in my veins." He told. "That is why I left, on my own accord, while I was still a mere child." He told, making people look deeply confused at him. "From that day off, long ago, I've travelled the entire world, I've searched high and low, every-where. Though I didn't even know for what.. Then on my travels, I met a young boy, Oliver, the chosen one."

A great surge went through the crowd, now every-body listening intensely to him.

"Oliver had an impossible dream, that he was determined to see through. Though he was just a kid, he wanted to defeat Shadar, just to bring his mother back. An impossible goal." Gascon stated. "But yet he did it! I was there, and I saw him do it." He told. "As I followed Oliver on his journey, I realised. The journey was much more than just defeating Shadar, it was much more than just saving the world." He told. "It was uniting the world, uniting the people." He stated. "It was building a better future for this world! Maybe some would call that an impossible dream. But why not just try any-way? If you don't at least try and do your best, then what?" He asked. "On this travel, I came to realise how wrong I have been. It is my duty to serve this kingdom as good as I can, it has always been my duty! No matter what circumstance I find myself in. Oliver started his journey, for one single reason. To safe his mother." he told. "But as we had travelled so far, and found out that his mother couldn't be saved. Oliver were able to stand up yet, stand up and above his own despair and his own problems to see what was around him. He was the one able to see, that the world is so much bigger than that small quest. And he was ready to hand in his life, just to do the right thing, for the sake of every-one. Without expecting as much as a thanks, quite the opposite, he expected to die, and he was ready for it! I saw him, he asked my help to defeat his soul mate Shadar and thereby also end his own life. At that moment, I had to realise, I simply just had to do it, because it was the duty I had to the world." he told. "And also now, and in the future until the day I die. I have to do what my duty demands of me! No matter what came before, no matter what is to come next, it is simply a duty, my father entrusted to me long ago when he taught me how to create the final form of the Clarion, and he gave me this sword the very same day." He told, reaching for his sword and pull it out. "I can only beg for your forgiveness, for my neglection!" he stated loudly. "And promise that from now on! No matter what it is, no matter when! When Hamelins need help, I am right here to do what-ever I can!" he stated holding up his sword in straight arm. "For all of our sakes, and for the sake of the future of this kingdom and this world! I, Prince Gascon. Hereby offer my services, what-ever I can do." He told lowering his arm again. "If you will accept it." He then asked, bowing his head, then bowed his entire body, before he stood there, bowing for all of these people looking at him.

There was dead silence, as people looked at him, and then a yell sounded.


And a big shout sounded after it. "HURRAI!"

Stunned Gascon opened his eyes then stood up, and wide-eyed looked all around him, at the cheering people, a knot was forming in his throat, he could barely even breath, and then his damn eyes were betraying him turning wet. "Dammit." Gascon hissed turning around wiping the tears away.

"You did well Brother, I was impressed." Marcassin smiled.

"Shut up pretty boy, I do not need your sympathy." Gascon snorted as he stood up again, wiping away the last tear with the back of his hand. Then he groaned deeply looking up. "My days of the sweet carefree life are over aren't they?" he asked. "I have you know, I've grown rather fond of just laying in the shade of a try, listening to the birds. That's the sweet life, not that hunk of metal behind me." He stated pointing over his shoulder at the big palace. "I'm doing you quite the favour!"

"Of course you are." Marcassin commented in a slight eye-roll.

"Hey are you rolling eyes of me?" Gascon asked. "What kind of way is that to behave around your elder brother?" he asked.

The crowning ceremony took place shortly there after, not to say.. immediately! So the celebration that the world had been saved, the celebration of Gascons return and his crowning were all smacked into one glorious party.

For the first time ever, in the story of Hamelin, they now had two emperors, mostly because Gascon had said that if he was going to do this, Marcassin had to suffer with him. That pretty boy would be stupid to think he could be let go that easily!

And very soon, changes were begun to be made. Marcassin were now able to focus more on his role as a sage, deciding that it was time for him to find potential wizards and teach them magic.

It was time that magic talent got nurtured again in this country, in this entire world in fact, and it was the sages greatest responsibility to teach this magic so it could go on.

Khulan and Rashaad both agreed to his plan, and those three were off working on some-thing Gascon had no idea what was. Even the white Queen Cassiopea came knocking on their door, asking eagerly if she could help.

In spite of her many mistakes, it was impossible to dislike Cassiopea, she just had this childish innocen to her, making her come across way more as the small child Pea, than the white witch.

And she was always happy to see every-one. Some-times so eager she almost ended up tripping in her long dress, she always made sure to ask after Gascon, because he had been there with Oliver and made friends with her to, so they were friends right? So they should spend time together right? That was her eager explanation in any case.

That and Gascon got the sense that some-thing about him just amused this magic queen immensely, every-time he turned away he could swear she was laughing at him.

But it was hard to even mind that, she was just to likeable, and it was very nice to see this girl whom had been through so much despair, smile and laugh like that. It had been a very fun afternoon indeed, where Gascon had conqoured up a rose in his hand, the cheapest possible little illusion trick, easy for a trained pick pocket like him. And Cassiopea had acted like it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen, as if she wasn't all-ready the most magical being in the entire world herself.

Her business were though mostly, with the great sages. Counting her they were four again, and they were hard at work re-building this order of sages.

In the meantime Gascon was left trying to mend the bonds between the kingdoms, opening up trading lines again, speak for his country to the bigger industrial heads of the world and try to befriend all the leaders.

And as it happened, years of thieving and travelling actually did come to good use!

Gascon knew exactly what the different wares were worth, he could tell when some-one was out to cheat him, and was able to trick them right back. Manipulated them to the spot he wanted them to be in their agreements.

Showering those with compliments whom was taken in by that kind of stuff, keeping it to the pure numbers and cash that could be earned towards those whom was more like that.

Or kept it honest, explaining about the word situation, to those whom indeed, were just interested in the well being of their land around them.

He could recognise the self serving thieves from the honest work givers, and treated each accordingly. Always ending up with the better deal of any bargain, that would benefit both his own country and the partner.

He knew how to be charming when he wanted to be, and it became of great use, and then of course, Gascon had always had a natural nack for development and tools.

And he weren't beneath using dirty tricks at all, at one point he was stuck with a very obnoxious plantage owner, whom owned most of the Bambana growths of Mamoon, which made him ridicoulesly rich, but obnoxious.

As Gascon visited him was yelling high and low that some-one had miss-placed his key, kicking his servants around. Only for Gascon to notice the heavy bulk in his pocket where the key would have to be. Though instead of upsetting the owner further Gascon played I slick, as he easily slipped his hand into the mans pocket, there after to magically have that key appear in his hand. "Is this what you are looking for?" he asked. "Truly what clumsy servants to leave it laying on the floor like that."

"Well at least some-one around here has a bit of brains and eyes in their skull." The plantage owner grumbled, giving his own sort of compliment to Gascon. And suddenly, Gascon found himself a sweet deal with this industrial man.

Hamelin was of course an industrial kingdom, and Hogtown the navel of the world when it came to machinery.

It was absolutely, no competition, Gascons favourite part of his job, to meddle around with the machinery together with the long working machine masters. It was in those rooms, and in the study working on new blue prints, he could lay that entire 'emperor' person aside, and just be him the way he liked to be.

And not only did he have a nack for these things, he was brilliantly gifted, as the machine masters pointed out. An extremely skilled inventor and developer himself, with his help, soon they had a whole new line out and ready for shipment, of brand new designs for flying machines, air ships and hogtanks.

Swaine had even gotten a new idea, after he had visited Olivers world, and that Phill character had talked about some-thing.. a smaller vehicle able to transport single persons, without being an entire tank.

Oliver had called it 'A race-car' .. Gascon was not entirely sure about the name, but the concept seemed sound, and the possibilities were endless. Modes of transportations, both for the desert and the winthers isles, so you didn't have to walk, but could be carried by motor driven vehicles made specifically for the specific terrains.

It was to be the new thing coming from Hogtown, and turn their entire empire around again! Making up for all those lost years of trading.

What the former emperor had said, was indeed coming more and more true. Gascon and Marcissan was now working as a unity, together.

Marcassin doing all his magic business, making magic flourish again, protecting the kingdom from monsters with his magic, keeping in contact with the Sages, and Gascon doing all the fore mentioned stuff.

Indeed, they were a perfect team, complimenting each other perfectly, and being able to fill in exactly where the other lacked abilities.

Things went so fast, that it both seemed like for-ever and no time at all, though it had just been a few months, as the sage Rashaad came to visit the palace, specifically he came to visit Marcassin, to talk further buisness with him.

With Rashaad though, came his star apprentice and only daughter, whom was more than eager to see Gascon, so eager she couldn't keep quiet in front of Marcassin.

"So where is he?" Esther asked in a pout looking around the throne room as if she expected Gascon just to pop up out of no-where.

"I havn't even seen him these last couple of days." Marcassin admitted. "It's not always I know what he is up to."

"Probably lazing off I gather." Esther muttered. "Wandering around the fields, deep in his thoughts or you know, day-dreaming! That idiot! He would do that all the time while we travelled. He got no sense of responsibility! At all!"

Marcassin blinked. "I see." He commented. "Though, I don't think that, hmm." He frowned. "As I recall, he is not doing any foreign business at the moment, perhaps you should check our machine factory, he spends a lot of time there."

"Perfect place to dissapear to, to take a nap isn't it?" Esther asked with her hands on her hips, and Rashaad laughed amused.

"Why then don't go wake him up?" Rashaad asked.

"If he is even there." Esther snorted. "But I guess I'll better! Some-one has to pull in his ear don't they?" she asked turning around, heading out-side.

"Oh dear." Marcassin blinked.

"You think that's how she's going to catch him?" Rashaad asked.

"Not at all." Marcassin shook his head. "On the contrary, Gascon has been working very hard. All-ready now he's done countless things I couldn't possible do. I don't believe he deserves what-ever she has planned." He told.

And Rashaad laughed amused. "Esther can seem tough, but she's very kind. And they have been in life danger together on more than one occasion, I believe they will be fine. She has been extremely eager to see him again, it's all she could talk about on the way here."

"I see." Marcassin smiled. "Well that's very good to know then."

Esther could have fooled most though as she stamped into the factory. "Hey!" she addressed a man whom stood with a big bue print in his hands. "Is Emperor Gascon around here? I need to talk to him."

The man blinked. "He should be, I havn't seen him leave." He then commented.

"Do you know where he is?" Esther asked.

The man frowned. "Some-where in here." He told. "It's been an hour since I spoke to him last, but he is ought to be some-where."

"I knew it." Esther muttered. "Now where did he find his sleeping spot?" she commented looking around.

As she asked around, no one was able to tell where Swaine… Gascon, was specifically, and then finally Esther saw it, a pair of legs sticking out from under one of the tanks. "There you are." She smiled satisfied. "Lazing off! Well not for long!" and then she stomped over there and stamped of the feets. "HEY WAKE UP!"

A big clunk sounded from underneath the tank and a big. "AUW! What on earth?"

Esther blinked as suddenly she realised, that wasn't Gascons voice at all, and then the man rolled out, he was covered in oil, his entire torse, and he was holding a wrench in his hand. "What on earth are you doing? That could be dangerous! And some of us are trying to work!" he hissed annoyed.

"Oh god, I am so sorry!" Esther gasped holding two hands up in front of her mouth. "I thought you were some-one else!"

"Hey what's going on down there? Is every-one all-right?"

And Esther looked up at one of the big air ships in creation, obviously inspired by Kublais air ship. All the way up there, on the deck looking down, was a man looking down at them, his clothes were obviously good quality, but not way to fancy and looking quite handy and practical, he had taken off his jacket and wore just dark green trousers and a cream coloured shirt, with a open waist coat over it. His hair was slightly ruffled up after a days work, and he was wearing a paor of work goggles around his neck, smodged in oil. But he was clean and clean shaven, sort of like a mid-way between how Esther had seen him last, at last goodbyes going each their way, where he had been looking very fancy, and how he had looked while they travelled together, way more casually and relaxed, right there in the slap bang middle of those two looks did he look now, which was the best look Esther had ever seen for him. And Esther couldn't help herself as she gladly exclaimed. "SWAINE!"

"Huh?" Gascon looked down and then his eyes fell on her, and his mouth broadened in a wide smile. "Well I be. If that isn't Esther!" he laughed. "I had no idea you were coming!"

"I tagged along my father." Esther told. "He came to see Marcassin."

"Okay now I'm disappointed, you didn't come to see me at all, I'm just a detour to amuse yourself with while your dad is talking, aren't I?" Gascon asked from above.

"Don't be ridicoules." Esther muttered. "That's not nice at all."

Gascon smiled amused as he stepped on one of the wooden platforms of the air-ship, serving as a sort of elevator, grabbing the rope and lowered himself down, only as he was close enough to the ground, he easily jumped off and stood face to face with Esther, smiling. "My god, you haven't changed at all, have you?" He commented resting his hand on his hips, looking gladly at her.

"Can't say I can say the same about you." Esther frowned at him. "Are you working?" she asked, lifting an eye-brow.

"Is that so surprising?" Gascon asked.

"Yes." Esther told. "Yes it is."

"Oh come on! Give me a break." Gascon groaned. "Here I have been working myself to the bone, and you are acting like I am not being honest. Shesh, so much for faith in fellow man and second chances." He rolled his eyes. "I'm a changed man from the man you met at port Laffan! No more slacking around! Except for after six PM and on Sundays. Then I do what-ever I like, and I just happen to enjoy taking a rest." He stated, only for Esther to look at him.

"Okay you got me, it's a lie." Gascon muttered. "Apparently an emperor has to be ready for survives at any time at any day of the week. I am not allowed to just decide slacking off after six PM and on Sundays." He told, looking very annoyed by it. Making Esther blink.

"Oh." Esther realised, then smiled amused. "So, how's palace life treating you?" she asked.

"I miss travelling with Oliver! Fighting monsters all day long seems like a breeze in compared to this! This is awful." Gascon muttered. "I have to act nice and noble all the time, for public pictures sake, and no slacking around." He groaned rubbing his eyes. "It's not as relaxing as I would like it to be. All though." Then he looked up and met Esthers eyes, sending her a teasing smile. "It's actually not all that bad, I think I'm doing pretty well. Come on." He shifted his head, nodding at the hall-way. "Allow me to show you some of the things I have been working on." He asked.

"You, working on things?" Esther asked. "That'll be the day."

"You have no faith in me." Gascon muttered annoyed. "And here I was just thinking about you while developing this." He muttered walking to a machine covered in a cloth, only for him to take the cloth and rip it off, to reveal a strange sort of device, room for two passagers on the seet, it had no traditional wheels, more like these long flat black bands that went under the thing, it looked pretty impressive, at least in how much unlike it was any-thing Esther had ever seen.

"Wow, you made that?" Esther asked.

"Most of it any-way, I designed it and created the proto-type." Gascon commented.

"Wow… so what is it?" Esther asked only for Gascon to groan.

"It's dessert transport, isn't that obvious?" He asked annoyed.

"Dessert transport?" Esther asked turning to him with wide opened eyes.

"Indeed, I realised ordinary wheels would just sink into the sand it would be useless, still the only way to transport wares to the dessert are with sleds strapped upon animals. It takes for-ever and the animals gets thirsty. But with this, you would be able to carrie twice the weight in items and move three times at fast when transporting wares." Gascon told proudly knocking on the machine.

"Wow, that's really clever." Esther blinked stunned. "Though you do realise, it would be kind of useless as long as you can cast a travel spell, and just appear instantly where ever you want to be."

"Well excuse me little miss snooty, filled with magic, a sages heir." Gascon snorted. "Not all of us can just draw a symbol in the air and have any kinds of shit happen. And how often do you suppose a wizard just happens to be around willing to transport any randomn passerby back and ford?" he asked. "In case you have forgotten, wizards aren't that common any more. And those whom are there, are all following the sages around to learn some magic these days." He muttered annoyed. "See it's thinking like that that keeps back progression! Here I am showing you the future of dessert crossing and ware transportation! And all you have to say is, oh but magiiiiic." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh." Esther realised as she blinked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean."

"Hey, don't act like that now, it doesn't suite you." Gascon smirked as he shook his head. "You just worry about what you are good at, which is indeed magic. And let me handle the future for none magical people. All-right?" he asked in a blink.

"Heh, right." Esther beamed. "When you think about it, it's really good there is just one single leader of the world without magic. You are the only one aren't you? Even King Tom and the Kalifa has magic! And now the white Queen is there to. You has to be the first leader in our recorded history whom hasn't one single drop of magic in you."

"Hey, that's pretty rude to just point out like that, isn't it?" Gascon asked, in a slightly offended town.

"I'm trying to compliment you!" Esther snorted. "All the other leaders are so used to great magic that they can't even see things like you do. So it's really good you are there leading them in the right direction isn't it?" she asked.

"I know." Gascon smirked, and Esther realised she had been had, which made her mouth drop open. Then she hissed in a angry tone.


"I'm sorry who, you must have me confused, my name is Gascon." Gascon told, mindlessly rubbing his left ear looked bored in another direction.

"Why you." Esther hissed. "You're doing it on purpose now! That's not very royal behaviour!"

"Hey! If I can't be myself together with the person I faced death with on multiple occasions, then who can I be myself with!?" Gascon asked spreading out his arms.

"That's a poor excuse for teasing like that, and you know it!" Esther hissed.

"Fine then, I'll make it up to you." Gascon blinked. "Any plans for the rest of the day?" he asked.

"Actually.. not really." Esther admitted.

"Good, hey Lively." Gascon nodded his head at one of the workers that had been pretending still working around them, but had clearly very curiously been listening in. "Could I ask you to fetch my jacket and belt please?" he asked.

"Of course your majesty!" The young woman, a woman wearing overalls, smothered with oil, and her messy red hair in a horsetail stood up straight.

Only for Gascon to turn to her and looked at her with a pretty tired face expression. "Lively, I told you. Esther is not an offical, so you can drop it." He muttered.

"Oh, yes your Maje.. I mean Gascon!" the woman blushed deeply.

That made another man clear his throat as he stepped forward. "So Gascon, does this mean you'll be leaving for today?" he asked.

"Unless you have some pressing matters for me to look at all of a sudden." Gascon told, reaching down in his pocket to pick up a handkerchief he wiped his fingers with. "We are on schedule aren't we? Those air tanks should be finished on time for Kublai to receive them."

"Not only on schedule, we are ahead." The man told in a beam.

And Gascon smiled back. "Good job every-one, keep it up!"

Just as the woman came zooming back, now carrying a dark-green fine quality jacket, and a belt which contained Gascons sword he carried with him in the place of a crown. "Here you are Gascon!" the girl blushed offering him the items.

"Thanks Lively." Gascon exhaled as he accepted the items, and then blinked. "Oh by the way! I took a look at the blue prints you made. I think you got some-thing there, it's a pretty wild idea, but maybe it'll be worth looking into." He told. "Would you be able to take out some hours next week, maybe Tuesday, to go a bit more over it in detail with me, I am not quite sure on every-thing in your blueprints, I'm afraid you'll have to explain it to me."

Wide-eyed the young woman looked at Gascon, her head couldn't possible become any more red as she almost quacked. "Of.. Of course your maje.. I mean Gascon!"

"Great." Gascon smiled. "My study, twelve oh clock Tuesday then."

"Yes! Thank you!" The girl squirmed.

Wide-eyed Esther looked at it as people went each to their own again, and Gascon put on his belt, with the sword in it, now resting on his thigh again. "Wow, some-one has a crush." She commented.

"Huh?" Gascon looked at her, pulling his jacket over his shoulder. "You mean Lively? Come now, she's a very talented girl, but just because she's a woman doesn't mean I'll just be all over it."

"She is the one having a crush on you, you idiot!" Esther exclaimed.

"Really?" Gascon asked.

"How on earth couldn't you notice?" Esther asked.

"I don't know, it's every-one whom has been starting to act weird after I was made emperor." Gascon muttered scratching his chin. "To heck if I can see the difference."

"So stuff like this has been happening a lot?" Esther asked.

"More than I like to admit." Gascon muttered annoyed. "People acting weird, it's annoying."

"Huh, you're pretty well liked aren't you?" Esther asked.

"I don't know." Gascon shrugged. "I mean yeah, I guess most people have been pretty positive and welcoming. This here around you though, that's the place that feels most like home. This factory." He told in a deep sigh. "If just people would remember my rule. When there are no officials in here, drop the 'your highness' business, it's driving me insane." He muttered. "Out-side of here though, I guess there's just no helping it." He groaned, straightening out his jacket. "You have my deepest apologies if this is all going to turn into a 'your holiness' fest." Gascon muttered annoyed. "That's not exactly my idea of a good time."

"Where do you even intend to take us?" Esther asked.

"I don't know, I'll guess we figure some-thing out." Gascon shrugged. "I could use a walk myself and just relaxing with a friend, what do you say?" he asked.

"Well you are an emperor now aren't you? You can afford some-thing nicer can't you?" Esther asked.

"What do you want? The star treatment?" Gascon asked annoyed. "Can't we just have a nice quiet time?" he asked. "Please." He suddenly asked a lot more sincerely. "I would be the one appreciating that!"

"Well all-right." Esther smirked. "Hey I got it!" she grinned. "Why don't I cast a little travel spell, we can go visit fairy ground! No one will care the least you are an emperor there, and we can visit Mr. Drippy!"

"That's the most brilliant idea I have heard all month!" Gascon exhaled clearly deeply relieved and thankful.

"You're going to pay for any dinner and entertainment though." Esther lectured holding up a hand. "There's a few items I saw there the last time that looked very interesting, but we had to safe what-ever money we had back then."

"Pff, what-ever you want." Gascon snorted slipping a hand through his hair. "Lets just get out of here." He asked.

"All-right, stand still." Esther smiled reaching forward her harp, the instrument she used in the place of a wand.

"I get it, I've lost count on just how many times I've tagged along like this." Gascon muttered annoyed, and Esther chuckled amused as she broke a chord on a harp, soon a light engulfed them, and took away the sight of the entire machine room around them.

Then as they cleared up again, they were faced with bundles and bundles of fairies, and then a voice.

"What the heck!? Who's that using a travel spell to travel directly into the middle of a flipping city! That's dangerous mun!"

There was no mistaking that voice, Gascon and Esther looked at each other as they smiled, then suddenly, they both got a surprise as another voice exclaimed.

"HEY IT'S ESTHER AND SWAINE!" A young boyish voice grinned. "And I was planning to go see them next! And now they are here! How lucky is that?!"

Wide-eyed both twirled around, and was faced with a young red-haired boy and a fairy, sitting on a tree stumb, laughing loudly at them.

"OLIVER!" Both exclaimed, and then jumped up.

"Guys it's so good to see you!" Oliver laughed only for the two to raise against him, and all four fell to the ground in a big pile.

"OLIVER I MISSED YOU!" Esther exclaimed grabbing the boy in a crushing hug.

"It's been ages! You haven't been to good now have you?" Gascon asked amused.

"Hey what about me! I am here to!" Mr. Drippy exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Yeah but you we actually expected to see. Oliver was a complete surprise." Esther laughed making Mr. Drippy.

"You… You came here to.. To see me?" Mr. Drippy asked. "Oh darn mun, don't be all emotional now." He sniffed wiping away a tear.

"Well wouldn't feel like a complete reuinion without you now would it?" Gascon asked sitting beside the fairy, chuckling amused.

Shortly Mr. Drippy glanced at the sword in Gascons belt. "Is that.. That's the sword of Hamelin mun! You sure moved up in the world havn't you?" he asked.

"Don't remind me." Gascon muttered resting his cheek in his hand. "Yeah I'm an emperor now, but please. I came here to relax, so if you have any consideration… shut up about it." He muttered.

"Woah, a real emperor?" Oliver asked. "I bet you're good at it to!" he laughed, then frowned. "Well in your own weird way."

"Oi, thanks for the vote of confidence." Gascon snorted, then groaned as he shook his head. "Argh I missed you kiddo." He then admitted ruffling up Olivers hair. "Staying for long?" he asked.

"Just this week, my school starts again next Monday." Oliver beamed. "I'm going to a new school, miss Leila is taking care of me now."

"Well what-ever the case, you're here now Oliver! We're all here!" Esther grinned holding Oliver by his shoulder. "I knew it! Just because we aren't saving the world together any-more. We'll still always be friend."

"What are you daft?" Gascon asked. "When you faced despair and death together like we have done. There's just now way you just let that slip out." He shook his head.

"I guess you're right." Oliver chuckled. "It's nice to know though, even though we are doing different things, we can always go back and be like this again." He beamed.

"Now you're just stating the obvious." Gascon snorted. "In fact! I'll appreciate any distraction! You know what being an emperor means?" he asked. "No slacking off! Always having to be polite and keep up appearance, always ready to work, not allowed to steal."

"Why would you even want to steal, you're rich." Oliver blinked.

"that's not the point." Gascon muttered.

"He's lying his ass off again." Esther then informed the other two. "He's doing really well and he highly enjoys himself, I saw it myself. He was never that happy while travelling with us."

"Hey! You're ruining my speech!" Gascon muttered.

"It's true though isn't it?" Esther asked.

"Isn't it?" Oliver asked wide-eyed.

And at last Gascon exhaled deeply. "It's true." He then admitted. "I'm pretty busy, rebuilding a kingdom is no easy feet, but honestly.. this is a secret, don't ever tell Marcassin. I enjoy it a lot." He then admitted. "It feels quite good."

"Well that's it then isn't it?" Mr. Drippy asked. "Every-thing is well."

"Yeah." Oliver smiled warmly. "It is."