A/N: Final chapter of my TTP fic. It is a few years later but finally done. I really enjoyed writing it and thank all the folks who took time to review and read it. The title is from the Miguel song of the same name and the lyrics in italics are from Duncan Sheik's awesome track "Half-life".

"'Cause lately something here don't feel right

This is just a half-life

Without you I am breaking down

Come on, let's fall in love


Sure Thing

He drums his fingers on the cold metal. He takes another deep breath and looks back over his shoulder. He resists the urge to text. Again. That is kind of verging on overkill. Plus, he doesn't want to make her anxious. It's stressful but not a potentially 'you could die' stressful moment. Well. Maybe.

Second quick scan of the perimeter. Two couples…less than ten feet away, both looking out over the water admiring the view. The man closest to him has a very bulky coat. Reminiscent of Ultra bulky and-Stop it! He inwardly scolds himself.

Shaking his head, he looks the other people on the walkway over. Couples…two old men conversing loudly about the Knicks game on Saturday, a group of tourists on some sort of guided tour, two women power walking, a kid wearing jeans two sizes bigger than they need to be skateboards by. He watches the second couple, walking closer to where he is, hyperaware of their movements.

He doesn't bother to tell himself to stop though. Observing surroundings has become a second nature for a Tomorrow Person. Even if things are better these days. He is about to do a pretend stretch and turn to get a better look, when his phone buzzes. Looking down, his frown turns to an almost grin when he sees the ID.

"Hey", he greets the caller, now using this excuse to turn back towards Couple #2. The guy is now taking photos of the lady as she poses near the signs.

"If you're taking time out to answer a call – from me, no less, then you're obviously not doing it right", the sarcastic response is followed by a laugh.

He rolls his eyes, "Always the comedian. I'm touched that you care enough to call and check in on me though. Thanks".

"Yeah, well. Someone has to keep your head from swelling even more on a monthly basis".

"Great. Well I consider myself deflated upstairs. Thanks. Anything else? Like, oh I don't know, maybe actual, real advice?"

There's a pause as the caller seems to be thinking. Then a loud crunching sound.

"Dude! What are you doing?"

"I'm eating the best kind of fried chicken that exists on Earth at the moment. However! I consider your request super serious. So, I am willing to dispense some age old advice for your current status. Or at least give you a heads up on how not to suck. Which is not that hard, considering its you. You ready man?"

"I guess…"

"Rip the band aid off". More crunching ensues.


"I'm sorry…What?!"

"You don't understand what I'm saying?" More crunching.

"No…Does anyone, ever?"

Laughter. Then, "I mean, just say it. Say what you want to. Be you. Lay it all out".

More silence.


Crunching has stopped. Thankfully. "Seriously though man. Just be you. And good luck".

"Thanks man. And…thanks for…you know…Checking and all.."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get all mushy. I am more concerned about her being stuck with you".

"Okay Russell! Hanging up now!"


The conversation ends and he looks at his watch again. He is about to pull out his phone again to call when he hears a voice. The voice that is always there – in his head. And his heart. Ugh. Mush!

"You should switch to a better network, given the amount of time you spend texting or calling me on that thing to check I have not fallen into the Hudson".

He looks up. She is standing two feet away from him, a little out of breath from half running from the station, but he doesn't care about that. He can't stop staring at her. He doesn't even care that he should be embarrassed because he always gets this way when she's around him but- She's wearing the dress! The same one as that night when everything changed. She is smiling as she walks over.

"Hey you…" her voice is softer now.

"Hey Astrid", he finally replies, swallowing away the butterflies.

"You look…amazing", he reaches for her hand, and she grabs it, allowing herself to be pulled closer towards him.

Blushing she shrugs, and smooths her dress down. She still gets embarrassed with receiving compliments. Even from him.

"Thank you! Well, all you told me what that we had to meet up here. That it was a 'special night' aaaaand – oh wow, this is going to sound so weird but tonight is exactly ten years after our homecoming dance that we never went to, I thought…why not wear this old thing?! Hahaha. I was just excited I can still fit into it!" She is excited, waving her hands around as she talks. He loves it.

They both laugh and he nods his head, still holding on to her with one arm as he looks down to admire her dress again.

"Well…it was a good idea. A really good idea", he smiles and she reaches up to straighten his tie. She knows it's probably crooked because he teleported here. Her money's on from The Lair. Still called the Lair but not a hideout anymore. Astrid smiles at him and thinks of how much things – life has changed over the ten years.

He smiles down at her and lacing her arm through his, they begin to stroll along the path. He looks over at her again. This amazing woman who has seen and done so much. For him. With him.

You can this…You got this! He tells himself as he-

"Um…Are you okay?" she cuts into his thoughts.

They stop walking as Astrid turns to look at him. She has her professional 'doctor checking you out' look in her eyes as she gives him the once over.

Shit! Now or never man.

He moves back towards the railing but faces her. Sensing he has something to tell her, she moves with him and waits.

"Astrid…do you remember the first time we met?"

Nodding she smiles, "Sure. You saved my backpack. Your mom…How scared she must have been for you. Your powers…Makes sense now."

He clears his throat, "Cara told me once…She told me that everything happens for a reason. Things that never made sense to me, suddenly did – when I found out who, what I am. For a while, I was focussed on that part of my life. All consuming. Selfish too I admit", his laugh is sheepish now.

Astrid shakes her head slightly.

"You had to be. Prioritising stuff was…is how you've had to live", she replies.

He shrugs. "Yeah I guess. But…I know that Cara was right. You and I meeting…Becoming lifelong besties, eating pork buns once a week, having each other's backs, taking on the world with our untapped awesomeness, and you not killing me for every dick move I have made, it was all meant to be. I..I know that now".

Astrid bites her lip and frowns at him.

"You sound a bit…reflective. What's happening to the world? Please tell me you're not dying. Again", she jokes.

He laughs along with her and shakes his head.

"No dying. At least…Not for a while I hope but, there is something I need to say to you and Astrid…At this moment, I feel more shit scared than I have ever felt before."

Astrid stops smiling. Her face fills with concern and she grabs his arm.

"No! Nothing like that. It's..Astrid. You came into my life for a reason. Not just to be a part of my Tomorrow People life. Not just a part of my 'normal' life, but because you are the one person I have never tried to be anything but who I am with – and you are still here. The last couple of years, things have changed for us. It took me the better part of twenty years to realise that you are the person I want to be with. I always knew that my feelings for you were more than what we had, but I was always so afraid I would lose you, and with our shitty timing. Cara...Hilary...You and John - geez, it isn't hard to admit there was a part of me that hated seeing you guys together. The fact he was the one you turned to, and not me. It was...Yeah. Timing! When I asked you out, you turned me down! Haha. Yeah, it took me a while to convince you to try it. Look at us now, five years later and we're still here. I love you Astrid. I always have. And you know that you are not just a part of my life, you are my life".

He pauses and looks down, Astrid has tears in her eyes and she smiles at him. He watches her eyes widen as he kneels down. Her hand flies up to cover her mouth.

Shit shit shit. Where is the ring?!

Fumbling in his jacket pocket he finally finds it. Holding it up to her, he continues. Voice somewhat shaky.

"Astrid Quinta Finch…Life is short. After all that we've been through, you and I know that better than most people. I can't give you definite answers to all the things you may want or need me to, but I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty. That you are the one person I would give everything away for to spend what is left of my life with. Forever. Soooo…do you think, maybe you want to get married and find out how long forever is?"

Astrid laughs and nods her head, pulling him up as he puts the ring on her finger before letting out a whoop of joy and lifting her off the ground, twirling her around as they both laugh.

People have gathered near them, clapping and cheering, offering them congratulatory messages.

"Of course I will marry you! But…I kinda need you to please lend me 100 bucks?" she replies, before laughing. He shakes his head in confusion.

"Sooo...I owe your brother some money for a fifteen year running bet on this very topic. Tonight, I lost", she admits sheepishly.

He looks down at her, muttering about how he has a good mind to ring Micah right now and convince him to call it off.

All these thoughts go out the window when Astrid pulls him closer towards her.

"You know he won't care about the money! He'll be too busy rubbing this in our faces for the next thirty years. Besides, I think in a roundabout way, I've already won", she says as he kisses her. It's a while before either of them can speak again.

"I love you Astrid Finch", he murmurs as he pushes a stray curl off her face.

"Back at ya Stephen Jamieson".

The End

A/N: Thank you folks for reading my story and the comments and views xx