Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.

Mitchie's POV

Mitchie was laying on her bed as she was still trying to process everything that was going on and what just happened. She slept with Tess, at the moment it didn't seem like such a bad idea. Mainly cause she felt like she was able to feel loved, be able to feel like someone actually wanted to be with her without regrets afterwards. But that was nothing but a lie.

Tess didn't care about her all she cared about was getting Alex upset. Alex...the one girl that Mitchie cared about was being tormented by the girl that she called a friend. She couldn't believe that she didn't get a chance with Alex because Tess was being her usual evil self and there was nothing that Mitchie could do about it. There was nothing that Mitchie could do about what Tess did. Mitchie felt like her world was crumbling down from what Shane told her.

Depression. That was something you can say was hitting the girl and she felt like utter shit. Never in her life did she think she would get used like this, maybe she deserved all of this..just maybe the beating she got from her dad to Alex not wanting to do with her to Tess sleeping with her to prove to Alex that she didn't have a chance.

As she slowly got up she made her way to the bathroom as she picked up a bottle of pain killers as she just stared at it for a little bit before putting it down. She then picked up a razor blade as she just stared at it before looking down at her wrist. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Alex's POV

I was just laying in my bed as I soon heard my phone vibrate as I looked down at it as Jason was calling me which confused the hell out of me as I don't know why he would call me but maybe he needed something.

"Hello?" I asked with a bit of confusion.

"Alex, oh my god thank god you answered. I need you, I need your help." He spoke with some panic in his voice.

"Jason..what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked as I quickly stood up.

"It's Mitchie..I think she did something stupid but she won't let me into the bathroom and just keeps crying saying she is sorry and that she never meant to hurt you and sorry about whatever Tess did." He spoke.

My face turned pale as he told me all of this, oh god what did Mitchie do and how did she know about the Tess thing.

"I'll be right over. Don't worry." I spoke before I hung up and quickly changed as I was soon out of the house before anyone could ask me where I was going. I couldn't believe something was wrong with Mitchie. I don't even want to know how she found out about Tess but maybe this was a sign that me and her did have another chance. But I knew that was something I shouldn't be thinking about. I should be thinking about if if Mitchie was okay. Cause Jason wouldn't call me unless something majorly was wrong.

As I got to her house I made my way inside and upstairs where I saw a panicing Jason.

"Thank god your here I thought that maybe she would open the door if she knew you were here but I just...please I need to know that she is okay." If you looked at Jason you could tell that he was crying which made my heart break even worse.

"Don't worry I will do what I can." I spoke in a low tone.

I made my way over to the bathroom door and knocked lightly on the door. "Mitchie..it's me Alex. Please open the door."

"Alex..please..no go away. You shouldn't be here, I don't deserve you to be here." She spoke before I heard another sob.

Hearing her cry broke my heart and right now I didn't care I grabbed a few hair pins before I unlocked the door and opened it but what I saw was something I prayed that I would never see. Blood was everywhere and tears were falling down Mitchie's face. She looked so broken but I couldn't believe she would hurt herself like this.

"Mitchie.." I spoke in a low tone.

"Alex please, I don't want you seeing me like this."

I just stayed quiet as I grabbed a few towels before wrapping them around her wrists before moving my arms around her as I just hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of let you go so easily. I should of known that you wouldn't just stop wanting to be with me. I'm sorry I let Tess lead me on..I'm sorry for sleeping with her." She broke down as she cried into my chest.

She slept with Tess?

That just broke my heart even more. I didn't even know what to say. She was just so broken right now that I didn't care what happened, cause right now we were together and I was going to do what I can to make her better. And I knew one thing that would help and that was to take care of the main problem of what caused all of this.

Tess Tyler.

She has gone to far this time and yes some of the last part was Mitchie's fault but I wasn't going to hold it against her as me and her would talk about it when things were well not like this.

I saw Jason standing in front of the bathroom as I just mouthed to get the car started as he nodded his head before quickly walking away to head to the car.

"Mitchie..you know we have to take you to the hospital cause I don't know how much blood you lost and I just want to make sure you are okay. And before you say anything I am not mad at you cause I forgive you." I whispered before I kissed her forehead.

"Thanks Alex." She whispered.

Later On..

Mitchie was at the hospital as they wanted to keep an eye on her cause of her attempt of killing herself but right now I wasn't to worried about it as we talked and I told her we will talk more about us another day.

Right now I was on one mission and that was to find Tess. As I was walking down the hallway my eyes soon landed on a familiar blonde. "Nate hold my bags, I have some unnecessary trouble I need to take care of."

"You sure this is something you should do..I don't know if Mitchie will be okay with you doing this.." Nate spoke.

"I need to, she need to know once and for all that she is done playing with Mitchie and Me and that she is going to need to move on with her life and this is the only way she was going to get a clear message." I spoke as he just nodded his head while Shane pulled out his phone as I made my way over to Tess.

"Tess we need to talk." I spoke with anger in my tone.

"Oh look its little nerdy Alex, what do you want loser? As you can see I have better things that I..." She didn't even have time to complete her sentence as my fist collided with her face.

"That was for what you did to me." I then kicked her. "And that was for Mitchie."

"What the fuck is your problem?" She groaned as she got up and moved closer to me as her face was a few inches away from me as I soon felt a sharp pain on the side of my face and that did it I just lunged at her and let's just say things weren't pretty as hair pulling was involved a few hits and scratches. Nate and Jason had to pull us apart before the principle asked for the both of us to go to his office. He talked to us individually along with a few other people. As my name was called I got up as I saw Shane walking out of his office.

"Everything is going to be okay, I told him what she did." He smiled a bit before walking out.

That did help me feel a little bit better, the next bit of time just felt like a blur as my mind was just on Mitchie and how I hoped that she was okay. All I got from what the principle asked was that I had detention for the next two weeks which I didn't mind cause it was totally worth it.

As I made my way to the hospital as I heard a familiar tone before I heard some yelling before I saw Tess walk out of the room with anger and tears running down her bruised up face as I just smirked and walked right past her and made my way inside the room as I knocked on the door.

"Knock knock." I smiled as I made my way over to the seat next to her bed.

"Hey." She spoke softly.

I smiled back as I took her hand, "So I saw that Tess was in here? What did she want?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She was just trying to tell me about how you ruined her pretty face and that she loved me and hoped that I would give her a chance." Mitchie rolled her eyes.

"And with how she looked when she was leaving I am guessing she didn't get the response she was hoping to get."

Mitchie giggled and shook her head, "No thats cause I told her I'm in love with someone else..who happens to be the girl that left that shiner on her eye." she spoke as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"We really should talk about were we stand." I spoke as I let out a low sigh.

"We should but I just want you to know that I will do whatever I can to be with you, you mean the world to me Alex and you are the only person that I want to be with and the only girl well the only person I ever felt this way towards and I hope you will give me a chance even after all the mistakes that I have made." She took my hand.

"You will have to be on probation though, cause I want to be with you too and this time I won't let Tess get the better of me..but I need to know why you slept with her though."

"I slept with her cause I guess I wanted to feel loved and she was the only person that seemed to want to give it to me even though all I thought about was you."

I just smiled as I nodded my head as I stood up and walked closer to the bed as I leaned down and gave her a soft, sweet kiss that she gladly returned before I pulled away.

"That's all I need to know, and with that cute face it's hard not to give you another chance even though we weren't together so I can't be mad at you for the things you did. We just have to be smarter to not let bitches like Tess take control of our lives." She giggled.

"Don't worry, Tess won't be bugging us ever again. I promise."

After a couple days Mitchie was soon released as we made our way into my car she scrolled through the station before stopping at a song. "Oh I love this song." Mitchie began to sing along with the song.

Oh Love, oh love
Won't you rain on me tonight?
Oh life, oh life
Please don't pass me by
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop when the red lights flash
Oh ride, free ride
Won't you take me close to you

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
I'm wearing my heart on a noose

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
Tonight my heart's on the loose

Oh lights and action
I just can't be satisfied
Oh losers and choosers
Won't you please hold on my life
Oh hours and hours
Like the dog years of the day
Old story, same old story
Won't you see the light of day

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
I'm wearing my heart on a noose

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
Tonight my heart's on the loose

Talk myself out of feeling
Talk my way out of control
Talk myself out of falling in love
Falling in love with you

I couldn't help but look over at her as we were driving who knows where right now, things really did seem to be fitting in. Mitchie looked over at me as she smiled as she continued to sing as I soon joined in.

Oh love, oh Love
Won't you rain on me tonight
Oh ride, free ride
Won't you take me close to you

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
I'm wearing my heart on a noose

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
Tonight my heart's on the loose

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
I'm wearing my heart on a noose

Far away, far away
Waste away tonight
Tonight my heart's on the loose

Tonight my heart's on the loose...
Tonight my heart's on the loose...

Our story wasn't the best of stories, it probably was like any cliche story out there cause of how the popular kid fell in love with the nerd but I don't care how cliche it was cause Mitchie was finally mine and I was finally hers and we both weren't going to let anything get the better of us and wasn't going to let no body get in the way of our relationship. And maybe this was the fresh start that we needed, no we aren't leaving town and starting in a whole new place. We were still the same two girls at the same school, just we were now a item and everyone will have to get use to it cause if someone wanted to mess with my girl I will just give them the treatment that I gave Tess.

If there is a god I want to thank him for Mitchie cause without her I don't know where I would be, I probably would still be the lost invisible girl at school. Oh and I definitely need to thank our teacher for setting us up for the project cause we probably wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for him.

Well there you have it.

The last chapter.

I know sad day but I don't know where else to go with it and thought that this was a good way to end it.

I hope you all liked the journey that they went on, I probably will make a couple one shots, depending on how free I am and if I get inspired to write any.

The song is Oh Love by Green Day if you didn't know.