Okay, so this is the final chapter for Ninjago is Frozen. I'm a little sad, because this is my first fanfiction, and it's ending. But, anyway, I never did own Ninjago or Frozen, or anything in this story or All about Us by He is We featuring Owl City, I was just adding my own tweaks. So, on with the chapter, I think you'll like it.
It was Zane Julien's coronation day. His brothers and sister were there, along with many residents of the other countries, including their friends from Arendell. Zane was standing up front and his siblings were respectfully standing to the side. Soon, it was time for the crown to be placed on top of his head, and he picked up the globe and scepter, and faced the priest said the chant, and when it was finished, he said very clear, "King Zane, of Oriborus." The crowed repeated. They clapped, and Nya saw Anna in the crowed, and gave a small wave, which Anna returned. Zane side glanced at Nya and smiled. Out of the two siblings he still had, Nya was the closer one to him.
Later at the party that took place, when it was time to introduce the new king, the subjects bowed. "King Zane, of Oriburous," one servant announced as Zane was walking calmly in front, his cape flowing behind him. "Prince Cole, of Oriburous," Cole walked just as calmly, and stood next to Zane. "Princess Nya, of Oriburous." Nya had a huge, warm smile on her face. "Prince Lloyd of Oriburous," the final sibling, but not by blood, walked up, and stood next to his wife. The crowd stood up straight, and clapped.
As soon as they were allowed too, Lloyd took Nya by the arm, and dragged her along by the arm to the floor to dance. Zane looked out to the crowd, hoping to see one specific face. He sighed and looked down when he couldn't find her. "Hello, King Zane," a feminine voice said. Zane looked up, and saw Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff, bowing. He chuckled lightly, and gave a slight bow as well. "I was hoping to see you today. I am glad you could attend," Zane said.
"Yeah, Zane could not stop talking about it!" Cole said, swinging his arm around his brother, whose pale face now had a rosy hue. "Kristoff, why don't we go find Lloyd and Nya!" Anna said dragging Kristoff by the arm, and pulling him away. "Why don't you follow them?" Zane offered Cole. "No, I think I'll stay and watch," Cole said slyly. Nya and Lloyd appeared, at that moment. "Hi, Elsa, we ran into your sister, so I figured that you needed me to do this," Nya said, and she grabbed Cole's arm and dragged him to the floor.
Elsa started laughing lightly. Zane was entranced by just her voice, but her laugh made him weak in the knees. "There is a reason why Nya is my favorite sibling," Zane said. "Would it be fitting if I offered you your first dance as King?" Elsa asked. "I don't dance," Zane replied. "Neither do I," Elsa smiled. Zane chuckled as a memory months old hit him. He stuck out his hand, and allowed himself to be lead to the dance floor, where they began in a slow waltz.
Nearby, both of the ice king and queen's sibling were standing off to the side. "Five bucks says that we'll be sister-in-laws by next month," Nya said to Anna. "You're on," Anna said, shaking her hand. "Do you want to know what really bugs me about this!" Cole was saying to Kristoff and Lloyd. "What?" they asked. "That I'm the only one without a girlfriend!" Cole said aggressively. He started to walk off, when he bumped into someone. "Whoa!" he said, grabbing the stranger's arm. It belonged to a girl with freckles and strawberry-blond hair.
He pulled her to her feet. "Thanks. I'm Liana, but I prefer to be called Lia," the girl, Lia said. "I'm Cole. Prince Cole," he said, trying to sound impressive. "I'm Alexus!" another girl with brown hair, that looked like she appeared out of thin air said, swinging her arm around Lia's shoulders. "And this is Rylan," a boy stepped up behind her, he wasn't scowling, he wasn't smiling either; more that his face was mutual. He had beautiful blue eyes, but they were nothing compared to Lia's.
"That's nice. I'm Prince Cole, of Oribourus," Cole said, absent-mindedly, never taking his eyes off of Lia. She gave a light laugh, which sounded to the most beautiful music to Cole. "You already said that," she pointed out, slightly smirking. Alexus looked between them. "Let's go over there, Rylan!" she said, grabbing him by the arm, leaving Cole and Lia alone. "Do you want to go to the dance floor?" Cole offered. "Sure," Lia said, giggling. "So," Cole started as they walked off, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Later on the dance floor, everyone was dancing. Zane was happy that he was no longer waiting by the pillar. Eventually, he went out to the court to greet his subjects. Night had fallen, a long time ago, and Zane ran to the center of the court. "Here is something that Queen Elsa of Arendell taught me," he announced, using his arm to gesture to the her. He slammed his foot down on the ground, and ice started to form.
The crowd cheered him on, and they started to slide on the ice. Zane looked around, and slid through the people, who were talking cheerfully. "Elsa!" he called when he saw her. He tried to run to her, but forgot he was on ice, so he almost slipped. A hand caught his arm, and stopped his fall. He was pulled to his feet, and he looked up. "Oh, hello again, Nya," he said to his sister. "Happy to catch you Zane. You think that you would be more balanced on your own ice," Nya said, a little slyly. "Anyway, I think you need a little shove," She pushed him, and since he was on ice, he slid forward.
He fell into a different set of arms. This time, Elsa caught him, and prevented him from falling on his face. He smiled, "Elsa," he said, slightly bowing. "Zane," she said, going into a slight courtesy. "I'm not sure if I have told you yet, but you look exceptionally stunning this evening," Zane complimented. Elsa bushed a little, and the two started to skate together.
"And do you Zane, take Elsa to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the Priest asked. It was three months after Zane's coronation, and Nya had given Anna the five dollars. Zane looked into Elsa's eyes, and there was only one thing he could say. "I do." Anna started crying tears of happiness, for she knew what part was coming up next. "Then, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you King and Queen. You may now kiss the bride." Zane swept Elsa off of her feet as they embraced. Many tears were being shed at this point, most of them belonging to Anna, Nya and Cole. Eventually, they reluctantly pulled apart.
Then, they cut the finely made cake, and they sat down. Some people were on the dance floor, and some people were sitting down, talking to one another. Zane looked around, and saw each of his siblings. Even Kai was there, he couldn't be at Zane's coronation because he was dealing with his brothers. Seeing everyone happy was all he ever wanted for them. He gathered up the courage, and stood up, and tapped his spoon against his glass to get everyone's attention.
"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," he said very confidently when he had everyone's attention. "I would like to inform you that I am stepping down from the throne of Oribourus to become king along side Elsa, at Arendell. But, I will pass on my crown, to the one sibling, I see most fit, Nya," He said the last part very suddenly. Her eyes widened as she stood up from her seat, and walked over to Zane. "I would like to pass my crown down to you, for I know that you will make a wonderful leader," he said.
The crowd cheered. "Sorry you did not get the crown, Cole, you just seem a bit absent-minded sometimes," Zane apologized later on. "Eh, no sweat, I think that if worst came to worst, Nya would definitely be the best leader," Cole replied. Anna and Nya were talking. "I'm glad that I have the crown, but I'm going to miss Zane," Nya was saying. "Yeah, now I have two siblings that are older than me, and have ice powers!" Anna said. "Speaking of ice, where's Olaf?" Nya asked, not seeing the snowman.
"Um, I have no idea, he was on the boat, but," Anna's voice trailed off. "What's the worst thing that could happen to Olaf, he can't be impaled, he can put himself back together, and thanks to Elsa, he can't melt," Nya said, checking the security that the snowman had off with her fingers. The more they thought about it, the more worried they became. "Let's go find Olaf," the said in unison, and they started walking together, calling his name.
"So, do you ever talk?" Cole was asking Rylan Siller. He was talking to him, Alexus and Lia. Rylan nodded, still silent. "He just prefers to think, he's just a little quiet," Alexus said. "A little quiet? I've never heard him say a single word," Cole pointed out. "Well, maybe he just doesn't like you," Lia said a little mockingly. "That's not the case, I just have a preference not to talk much to other people, I have no idea why, though," Rylan spoke for the first time. He had a soft voice with a slight British accent, which was very charming.
"Hi," a voice said, and a snowman appeared out of nowhere. Cole was surprised by Olaf's sudden entrance, and gave a shout of surprise. "Whoa, a talking snowman," Alexus said. "I remember you, we gave you directions to the castle back at Arendell," Lia said, snapping her fingers. "Oh yeah," Olaf said. "Hi Cole! Is this your girlfriend?" Olaf asked. Alexus started laughing as Lia and Cole started to get flustered. "Well, um, uh," Cole was stuttering as he was starting to turn red.
"There you are, Olaf," Anna said, walking up to the table. "Hey, Cole," Nya said, right behind Anna, and she looked at Alexus. "You look familiar, have I seen you before?" Nya asked. "Uh, I don't think so, I think I would remember talking to the princess, who was just, nevermind, sorry, when I get nervous, I tend to ramble on," Alexus was saying, and she was turning red as well.
Before she could go on, Nya held up a hand, "It's okay, we all get a little nervous," she said with a warm smile. "Alexus doesn't get a little nervous, she has panic attacks," Lia said under her breath. Alexus heard her, and went on the defensive. "Shut up, Lia!" she said. Nya and Anna laughed lightly, and Alexus slammed her head on the table and groaned.
"You just love tormenting her, don't you?" Cole asked Lia, as Anna and Nya walked off with Olaf. "Yes, yes I do," Lia said with a look of self accomplishment on her face. "Just you wait Lia, I will get my revenge someday!" Alexus declared. "Sure you will Alexus, just keep dreaming," Lia said.
The wedding wore on, and Lia had a sudden inspiration. She whispered her plan to Alexus. She turned a little pale hearing it, and asked, "Wait, what?" with panic in her voice. "Come on!" Lia said, and she took Alexus by the arm and literally forced Alexus to follow her. They stepped onto a small lifted area, and went over to the people playing on their instruments. "Play something medium dynamic, soft, and with a romantic feel to it," Lia requested. They nodded, and waited for the signal.
Lia pulled Alexus to the center of the stage, and Lia spoke up. "Attention, everyone," Lia started with confidence, while Alexus looked like she would pass out any second. Everyone turned to face the two girls, and Lia continued. "We would like to dedicate this number to all the couples out their, especially the king and queen." She pointed to the band, and they started playing, and soon, Lia started singing
Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance
I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down
Would you let me lead? You can step on my feet
Give it a try, it'll be alright
The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right
'Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining, it's shining on us
It's oh, oh, all
About uh, uh, us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us.
Alexus was slightly shaking her head frantically, but Lia only answered her with a small, eager nod. Alexus had no choice but to sing,
Suddenly, I'm feeling brave
Don't know what's got into me
why I feel this way
Can we dance real slow?
Can I hold you real close?
The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all, and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right
People started to walk onto the dance floor in front of them, and started slow dancing. Nya was smiling as Lloyd spun her around. Lia walked a little off of the stage, and grabbed Cole's arm, and started pulling him up, but he got a horrified look, and broke away. Alexus laughed before they started to next verse, together
'Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining, it's shining on us
It's oh, oh, all
About uh, uh, us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us
Do you hear that love? They're playing our song
Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it
Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?
Do you hear that love? They're playing out song
Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it
Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?
Lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining, it's all about us
It's oh, oh, all
Every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us
'Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining, it's all about us
It's oh, oh, all (all about us)
Hey, hey, hey(and every heart in the room will melt)
This is a feeling I've never felt
But, it's all about us
They finished their duet, and the crowd cheered. Lia and Alexus took a bow, and walked off of the stage. Later, when they were back with Rylan and Cole sitting at a table, Alexus said, "I seriously can't believe I let you talk me into that!" Lia shrugged, "It's not like you had a choice, I'm way stronger than you!" Alexus was about to retaliate, when Cole cut in. "Alright, alright, break it up. I don't get why you were so nervous Alexus, you sounded amazing! So did you, Lia, your voice was breath-taking," Cole said. He started to look into her beautiful eyes. "Really, all I got was 'amazing,' and she got a 'breath-taking?'" Alexus said. Cole and Lia ignored her. "I thought you had the most beautiful voice, Alexus," Rylan said.
Alexus looked into his eyes, and soon, both couples were just transfixed with each other. "Alright, girls, line up, it's time to catch the flowers!" Someone called, snapping them out of their trance. Lia and Alexus walked over with all the other girls to the vacant dance floor as Elsa stood on the rising. She turned around, and tossed the flowers. They sailed in the sky, and they were heading straight for Alexus! She outstretched her arms, and missed it completely. It went through her arms, and hit her in the face, were they bounced off, and landed on the ground as Alexus stumbled back a little.
Everyone started laughing as she bent over and picked up the flowers and went back to her seat. "Great catch, Alexus," Cole said, as she slammed her head down on the table before anyone could see her blush. "Shut up, Cole," she moaned, her voice slightly muffled. Without looking up, she held up the flowers to Rylan, and said, "These were for you." Lia came back at that point, laughing. "Great catch Ale-" she started, but Alexus cut her off. "Shut up, Lia!"
Rylan looked at the flowers, and took a single one out. "Watch this," he said, standing up, and going onto the, once again, deserted dance floor. Alexus lifted her head, and looked at his retreating back. He stopped at the dance floor without a single word. He held the rose up for the audience to see, as they stopped talking. He let go of the stem, but it stayed were it was, levitating.
He moved his hands around it, and the rose still held up. Suddenly, he grabbed the flower with one hand as it caught one fire! Someone screamed, but as suddenly as it came, the fire left, and in his hand was a paper mache rose. He held it out to the crowd as they "Ohhed" and "Ahhed." He repeated the process of it levitating it, but this time, when it caught on fire, it turned into a lily.
He tossed the lily aside, and Cole caught it. Rylan bowed, and as the crowd cheered, he went back to his seat without another word. "How did you do that?" Alexus asked when he sat down. "If there is anything that I wanted to learn from my father, is that a good sorcerer never reveals his secret," was all he said, winking at her.
Cole looked at the lily in his hand, and turned to Lia. "Of all the roses in the world, you are the lily, unique, and beautiful in its own way," Cole said, holding the lily out to her. "Aww," Alexus said, looking at them, ignoring the weird glances that Rylan, Cole and Lia gave her.
Eventually, the wedding was over, and Zane carried Elsa off to a boat that would take them to the spot of the honeymoon. As the ship sailed off into the sunset, everyone waved "bye." Elsa and Zane were going to be very happy together, and everyone knew that there was not a better match.
Years and years later, many things had happened. King Zane and Queen Elsa of Arendell were happily married, and everyone loved how they ruled. Kristoff and Anna had just as beautiful a wedding, which took some convincing to let Olaf give the best man speech instead of Sven. Queen Nya and King Lloyd had a beautiful black-haired boy, that absolutely loved it when they went to go visit his icy uncle. Lia, Alexus and Rylan moved into the castle of Oribourus, as Prince Cole's honorary guest. Jay wrote an apology letter, which Kai delivered. No one would ever forgive him for what he did, and the letter went unanswered, and made excellent for an evening fire.
Overall, everyone was happy, and they lived very peacefully until a small snake problem that happened in Oribourus, but it eventually was resolved. Generations later, when new land was discovered, and many new inventions came along, many people forgot just how happy life could be, and that story is yet to be written...
And that is the end of the story! So, first of all, I would like to thank all of you who have ever reviewed this story: Boogalee99, NinjaMelissa, Jay of Spinjitzu (- Harry Jones!), elfqueen13, ForeverDreamer12, Guest, Nicole Jett, The Gray Ninja246, NorthAmericanJaguar, and last, but certainly not least, NewRandomChild01! And, I have some announcements to make! First of all, I'm taking my pole down on July 5th, so get your votes in! Second, I'm going to start another story to replace this one, look out for it, it's going to be called: Rise of the Magic. For more info, look at my profile! Third, I am going to miss working on this story! And, so, a final farewell, I'm Samuraifan282, and this has been Ninjago is Frozen.