I want to say thanks to Antgirl89, AmyNChan, and Eeveeon1105 for reviewing the last chapter. I also want to apologize for the fact that this chapter was more or less ready (minus a few tweaks) ages ago, but ended up being delayed by crap in my personal life: mainly the on-and-off health issues, the recent death of the my grandfather, and the fact that I lost my job- on my first day back after the funeral, no less!


Chapter 09:
"Look to the Stars"

Captain Jane Shepard of the Alliance Navy was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living room, in her on-base housing as she looked herself over. The woman's distinctive bright reddish-orange hair had been pulled back- off of her face and neck- and held with a simple hair clip. She was presently dressed in nothing more than a gray sports-bra and matching underwear.

Shepard was in the middle of removing the bandages that partially covered her arms and legs, as well as her mid-section. She smiled, seeing there was no fresh blood present, indicating that the skin grafts she'd received- after her ordeal to retake the Citadel- had fully taken to her body. Provided she took it easy on her skin, she wouldn't need to reapply new dressings to herself. She smiled to herself, noting that the tiny freckles (which Garrus seemed to find so interesting) were intact on her body.

She looked up as the front door chime sounded, knowing that there was only one person who could possibly be coming though the door. Since barring a serious disaster, the only other one after herself who could just walk in like this was a certain Turian she happened to be quite fond of...

Garrus appeared, the door closing behind him, inhuman blue eyes lighting up as he spotted the scantily clad human on the floor. "Oh, am I intruding?" He inquired.

"Oh, not at all." Jane replied, rising to her feat and smiling. "Quite the contrary, in fact." She added as she moved to intercept him in the entryway, wrapping her arms around him as rose up onto the balls of her feat to plant a kiss on his mouth, grinning inwardly at the contact. "I'm finally done having to wear all those annoying bandaged anymore." The human explained, gesturing to herself.

"I'm glad to see you in such a good mood." He replied suavely. "And before you think I simply came by just to pay you a visit," Garrus continued, taking a moment to return the kiss, eliciting a faint moan from her as his longer tongue made contact with hers. "I figured that you might be interested to know that our tickets have been booked." The Turian explained as he drew back.

"We've got passage booked on an upscale out-bound passenger liner, next week." He explained to her as he kept his hands on her waist. "I checked it out, and it's on the main route, so it'll take us directly to Ilium, where we'll meet up with my dad and sister."

"Hmm, sounds like fun." Jane purred. "Anything else I should know?"

"Actually," he started. "Primarch Victus contacted me recently, to say that he wanted to do something to express his gratitude for everything you did." Garrus revealed. "So he went and pulled some strings and set us up with special Diplomatic Clearance, so we're officially VIPs."


Jane Shepard, as both a Systems Alliance Captain and a Spectre for the Council, had special clearance that allowed her to travel through allied space with firearms and ordinance. Similarly, Garrus Vakarian, as a both a General and a bonafide "hero" within the Turian Hierarchy, was cleared to traverse Council space along with his own arsenal of weaponry and tech equipment.

Shepard looked over the reinforced travel case that held her vintage M7 Lancer Assault Rifle, custom M-90 Indra Sniper Rifle, and M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun. At the same time, Garrus's travel case held his burst-fire M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle and his M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle. And both of them happened to be carrying an M-5 Phalanx Heavy Pistol (in case "of trouble"). Their armor, coincidentally, would be packed up in storage, in the cargo bay of the ship that would bring them to Illium.

But then, she wasn't fighting any more, and she presently had far more immediate interests...

The redhead had already finished packing for the trip. But Jane was even more excited when her new formal evening gown had arrived the other day. Suddenly inspired, the human woman had wasted little time in slipping into a pair of stockings (and garter belt, for good measure) to try and give her fiance some idea of why humans made such of a "fuss" over leggings.

In the end, Garrus had- on coming home and making his way to the bedroom- seemed duly impressed when greeted by the sight of her wearing them as she lay on the bed. However, the Turian had been far more focused on the matching lacy black bra and panties she wore...

And yet, she really couldn't find fault in this. Especially when taking into account the end result of him seeing her all decked out in her lingerie. After all, it wasn't like she was going to complain, not over the fact that the intended end result was the same. Really, Jane could hardly be upset, not when Garrus had wasted little time fucking her so thoroughly that- for a moment, at least- Shepard was pretty sure she'd damn near forgotten how to walk by the time it was over!

Still in bed, Jane stretched and sighed contentedly. "Well, I have to say, tonight was certainly the best outcome that I could have hoped for." The human woman casually remarked to the Turian lying beside her, the bedsheets pooled around her waist as she spoke. "How about you?"

She was answered with a brief chuckle from the resting alien beside her on the bed, before Garrus then rolled over onto his side to face her. "I'm certainly not going to complain." He offered, brushing a hand across her cheek as he looked into her eyes. "Jane... I," he started. "I love you."

Shepard blushed, then smiled as she placed her hand over his own. "I love you too, Garrus."


"So, you and Garrus are heading to Illium to meet with your Turian in-laws?" Ashley asked.

Shepard nodded. "Yeah, we're heading out tomorrow."

"So," the other woman started. "What exactly is involved in this visit?" She asked. "I mean, I was one of four daughters in my family, so I can't really guess what it's like for the guy in these situations." The dark-haired woman offered with a rye look. "All I can really say is that I got the impression that Sarah's fiance was scared shitless of my dad at first- you know how it goes..."

The two women were dressed in civilian clothing, watching the Alliance ships coming and going from the runways of the Las Angeles Base. It was a clear day, but there was a also slight breeze, so Ashley's hair was pulled into a short ponytail in the back, while Jane's was held back in a bun.

The redhead smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing too serious." She replied. "I've already had a few extra-net chats with Garrus' dad, and he seems like a nice enough guy... if a bit straight-laced." Shepard offered with a chuckle, before falling silent, as a ship flew by.

"Garrus's mother died not long before the Reaper invasion, from health complications resulting from a neuro-degenerative disease- similar to Parkinson's or Myasthenia Gravis... While my father died over a decade ago, after loosing his battle with Stomach Cancer." The woman continued.

"Shepard...?" Ashley asked tentatively.

She exhaled and turned to her. "Sorry, I was just thinking about different things... like how I wish that our dads had lived long enough to meet each other." Shepard explained.

The brunette nodded. "Yeah, I'd like to think they would have gotten along." Ashley remarked, both of them watching another ship pass by. "I can't help but think how it sucks sometimes, the way life throws a monkey wrench into the works, screwing up how things should play out."

The redhead nodded. "Since we're talking," she started. "The last three and a half years- all the back to Eden Prime, to dying with the SR-1, to defeating Cerberus and the Reapers... Well, it's felt more like a decade by the end." Shepard revealed. "And the truth is, that I'm feeling pretty damned tired."

Ashley chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, well, if anyone deserves some peace and quiet, it's you."

"There's another thing." Jane added calmly. "Garrus and I have been talking... And, to be honest, we're both ready to settle down and enjoy a normal life." She explained. "And given the whole cross-species issue... Well, we've been thinking a lot about adopting- a human and a Turian, in fact."

"That's very admirable of the two of you." The other woman replied. "And the unfortunate truth is that, thanks to the Reapers and the Cerberus assholes, there's no lack of orphaned children."

"We'd like to adopt a boy and a girl." Shepard remarked. "And regardless of the species, we want to name them after my dad and Garrus's mom- Stephen and Tosanna." The Captain revealed.

"Wow, I never thought I'd hear you sound so... domestic." Ashley answered. "I guess, after everything you've accomplished, it's just easy to forget that you're still human in the end."

"I'm as human as you, Ash... well, as much as I can be, plus or minus a fits and pieces here there." Shepard replied, gesturing to herself with a grin. "But enough about me," she resumed. "What about you, Ash, how are things going between you and Vega these days?" She inquired, still smiling.

(- End of Chapter 09 -)

Well, this is it, the last chapter set on Earth (at least for the foreseeable future). The next chapter will lead directly into the start of the Vakarian side of things.