So...hi? I'm not dead? I know it's been nearly half a year since I last updated (probably more than half a year) - but since I only had one more chapter left, I procrastinated...a lot. And then I went through a period where my laptop broke and I couldn't find the motivation or the inspiration to continue writing.

But last night, I came to the decision to finally get on with it - and last night and this morning, I was working on this. Again, thank you for all of the amazing support - and for dealing with my long hiatus.


"Please tell me that's not what I think it is."

Merlin grinned, holding up the basket. "My mum made it this morning – she thought it was fitting."

Arthur groaned, throwing himself dramatically over the beach towel he was sitting on. "I swear to God the reason why I went through my chubby-phase was because of your mum's cakes. Do you remember that?"

"I remember you stuffing your face with them and then having to lie to your dad about a stomachache being the reason for not eating dinner," Merlin grinned. He sat down next to Arthur, opening up the basket. "Not that that was a direct lie, anyways. You really did have a stomachache."

"Don't remind me," Arthur said with a snort. "My dad got me to play football after that, don't you remember?"

"But that wasn't terrible. You're good at football," Merlin replied loftily, taking out a paper plate. "Meanwhile, you forced me to join you – and my head got hit by the ball more than my actual feet."

A playful grin spread across Arthur's face. "I remember that," he replied lightly. "But at least I got you to wear a helmet after that."

"I looked ridiculous."

"You did."

"I looked like one of those knight cosplayers."

"You're right. Leon and Elyan pulled it off much better than you did."

Merlin whacked Arthur lightly with a plate. "When did you say Morgana and Gwen were coming?"

Arthur snatched the plate from Merlin's hand. "They're driving up soon," he replied. He drummed his fingers against his plate, adding, "I think Morgana said something about wanting to clean up her apartment with Gwen before coming over. You know how she is sometimes."

"I always thought she liked a bit of clutter," Merlin mused, digging through the basket for forks.

"Not when she doesn't want it to be," Arthur responded with a snort. "She went through this whole phase –"

"When we were in uni, right," Merlin grinned. "She tossed a shoe at me one time about how messy our room was."

"It was messy, though."

"Only because you always forgot to put your dirty laundry away."

Arthur grinned again just as a car pulled up from behind. Both he and Merlin turned around to see Morgana and Guinevere stepping out, wearing identical sunglasses and smirks. (Well, Morgana was smirking. Guinevere was smiling, as she always did.) Morgana was wearing a pair of shorts and a bikini top, holding up a bottle of wine – while Guinevere was dressed modestly, with a cover-up instead of an actual top.

"Sorry we're a little late," Guinevere said apologetically, sitting next to Arthur. "There was some rotten traffic on the way here."

"Translation – I had to honk my horn at a few assholes who didn't know how to stay in their lane," Morgana grinned, plopping down on the sand. She spotted the basket, and her eyes lit up with glee. "Cakes!" She started to dive at the basket, only to fall short on top of Merlin's lap. Merlin was holding the basket over Morgana's head, saying, "Hey! Just wait for me to give it out!"

"Oh, come on," Morgana groaned. "I haven't eaten anything since lunch."

"Well, neither have most of us," Guinevere pointed out. "Not all of us need to eat all the time, Morgana."

"You're just jealous of my fast metabolism."

"I'm not even going to try to deny that."

Morgana smiled sweetly and rolled away from Merlin's lap. "Well, then," she said with exaggerated patience, "go on, Merlin. Get on with your cake distribution."


Merlin didn't want to see this as an ending – more like a turning page.

Guinevere and Arthur were both planning on staying in the UK, where they could focus more on their studies. Arthur, since he was always stuck in the palace, had the whole country to explore. And Guinevere didn't want to travel – she felt perfectly content with where she was, not to mention that she was particularly invested in studying politics on her own.

Morgana and Merlin, on the other hand, were both thinking of going to the states. Morgana had mentioned something about finding a new place in New York City ("everyone needs to live in New York at least once – it's a natural part of life!"), and Merlin personally thought going to the city would be a good idea for himself, too. Besides, he was thinking about pursuing medicine, and he was sure there were more than enough good medical schools over in New York. ("And someone needs to make sure Morgana doesn't do anything stupid," Merlin had told Arthur when the announcement came.)

They only had a few weeks before school would start – only a few weeks before they would all be off on their own adventures.

And Merlin – well.

It was a bit sad. It would feel unnatural to not have Arthur by his side – and he knew Arthur felt the same way. They had been together since they were little kids – gone through the worst and the best situations together – and Merlin couldn't imagine what the city would be like without his best friend with him.

But Arthur would be fine in England. He'd have Guinevere to keep him busy, and Merlin would have Morgana to hang out with.


Merlin's head jerked up to see Arthur standing in the water, his knees wet and his bright eyes shining from the evening sun. His cheeks glowed with a happy pink color, streaked only with a bit of sand (which Morgana must have tossed at him at one point or another).

"Come on! Don't just stand there!" Arthur grinned. He ran forward, pulling Merlin up by the hands. Merlin tumbled into Arthur, protesting, but his friend wouldn't have any of it. Arthur pulled Merlin along until they were both splashing in the cold water.

"Finally!" Morgana grinned, her head coming up from below the waves. She was much further out, bobbing up and down. "I was beginning to wonder how long it'd take you to come here!"

"The water's a bit cold, but you'll get used to it quickly," Guinevere said with a slight smile. She turned to Arthur. "Honestly, it wasn't too nice of you to bring Merlin in without a warning."

"He needed it," Arthur replied cheerfully, splashing some water in Merlin's direction. "Come on, Merlin, no need for the long face! Or are you worried we're not going to see each other after this?"

Merlin only flicked water in Arthur's direction. Before he could answer, Morgana called, "Of course he wouldn't be. If we weren't going to see each other after this, why bother celebrating in the first place?"

"Merlin?" Arthur swam up to Merlin's side, smile still on his face. "Come on." He nudged Merlin's foot under water. "See each other later, yeah?"

Merlin took a look around his friends. Morgana and Guinevere were still in the water, trying to outdo each other in a starfish formation. They were giggling to each other, their faces a complete expression of calm and glee. Arthur looked more relaxed than Merlin had ever seen him.

So he was the only one.

"Merlin," Arthur repeated, this time his brow furrowing. His voice softened. "We're going to see each other, aren't we?"

Merlin swallowed. "I think so," he managed to say. "Are we?"

"Of course we are." Arthur frowned. He paused. "…do you not want to?"

"No," Merlin replied automatically. "I just…" He looked back on the water. "A lot's been changing. I can't tell if it's good or not."

The laughter faded into the background noise. Merlin could only hear Arthur shifting from beside him.

Then, he felt Arthur's fingers twine around his hand.

"We'll just have to see for ourselves," Arthur said. "Like we always do."

A/N - I really wanted to start this story off light but then take on a slightly sadder tone - because I think in every friendship, there's always going to be the insecurity of an end to it all. Only that doesn't always apply - so I was hoping for that angle to become clear in this particular chapter.

And so that concludes this story. I started this story nearly two years ago, but after long procrastination breaks and continuous struggling, I'm finally done! Thank you all for sticking with me despite the inconsistent updates. ":)

Luv ya bunches,

katierosefun xx