A beautiful young girl of 15 was seated at a small writing desk, practicing her calligraphy. Absently she blinked dark brown eyes as she brushed thick silky hair of the same color behind her shoulder. This was the longest her hair had ever been, reaching all the way to the backs of her knees. Thinking back on the events of the day she sighed.

A nobleman's son had been brought to her with a disease she had only read about in her textbooks in her own time. She had used her powers that had since changed from a pink to a gold, curing the impurities in his body. Her Father was paid an amount of money that would be worth millions in her own time.

My own time. It's been many years since I've thought of that world.

Kagome, now called Yohime, was once the greatest miko alive, friend to both youkai and human. Her allies that had helped her defeat Naraku, her friends who had become her family, they didn't know what had happended to her. Now, due to an unselfish wish, she was truly a bird in a cage.

Yes, she wore fine clothes, had the noblewoman's daughter education and was treated like a princess, but oh, how she longed for the days of her past life.

Sadly those days were over as it had been over a hundred years since she fell down her family's well. She had discovered her immortally when Shippo, her adoptive son, had told her the scent of decay all humans carried, was gone.

Many things had happened before she decided to travel, but the pull of Fate had in the end forcibly dragged her to the house of a noblewoman, in Kyoto, who was in the middle of giving birth.

The mother and child had died, but Midoriko had told her an unselfish wish, and so she made her wish, the Jewel disappearing for eternity.

She took the place of the child who died, the nobleman gained a daughter, and for the next decade or two, she would be Yohime.

Thankfully, the gods had not bothered to remove her memories so she grew knowing of what she had done.

My human friends are most likely dead, and my youkai ones assume I'm dead, unless Shippo told them otherwise. Though that's unlikely as I specifically told him not to. I guess there really isn't anywhere for me to return to.

A slight tingle of a hostile presence alerted her to the rapidly approaching ayakashi. For a split second, she wished she could purify it as a strong warrior she once was. However, she merely screamed as it came through her doors.

"Forgive me!"

The ring of a sword, the sound of metal cutting through flesh, and the broad shoulders of a man.

Automatically, she checked her clothes for bloodstains, than standing quickly.

"Ahhhh, Yohime!"

Her father wrung his hands as he searched her for signs of injury.

"You're not hurt anywhere, are you? You are my treasure, if you had died, then I-!"

A pang to her heart. This man was only concerned with her healing ability to make him more money.

Nonetheless, she tried to smile and answer. Only he turned from her and began to speak with the man.

"I won't stand for things like this getting into the mansion when I'm paying you so much, Keikain-dono!"


The ayakashi finally died, lying in a pool of it's own blood.

Yohime returned her attention to the omyoji.

"Understood, I shall call upon the Keikain and erect a stronger barrier."

Though the Keikain did possess spiritual powers, the barriers were just rope. There were not many true Mikos in this age, and Yohime suspected she was the only one who knew of the old ways.

Bending down, she said a prayer for the soul of the ayakashi.

Youkai and ayakashi were vastly different, as youkai took after animals and the strongest ones had a human form. Ayakashi were originally from humans, and unless they came into the world by birth, they were once human. There were few exceptions as some from animals were considered ayakashi, most likely due to the fact they did not have a true form. However, as many difference they had, a daiyoukai was still a daiyoukai in any world.

The belief in 'Ikigimo'. There seems to be a story that long ago in China, ayakashi sought out the Ikigimo (the liver taken from a person while still living) from Buddhist Sanzou priests. It is said that the ayakashi believed the more scared the life, such as those of infants, princesses and mikos, would increase their strength and sought them out. And now they sought out the liver of Yohime, the beautiful noblewoman who could cure any illness.

Yohime stared at the beautiful blade Keikain-dono was offering her. Oh, she wanted to take it so badly. However, she paused.

"Yohime-sama, please take this Taimato."

Tilting her head to the side slightly, she questioned.


"It's a Demon Exorcism Sword, infused with the power of an omyoji. It was created in such a way that it gains power the more it cuts, either youkai or ayakashi. Those who seek your power are increasing each day, please take it, in case anything should happen."

After she had taken the sword and Keikain-dono had left her rooms, she held it in her hands, content with the feel of it.

However, the feeling of contentment quickly faded, replaced by sadness.

"My father has changed."

Because of my powers. First I was seen as a shard detector, then Kikyo, now a money making dutiful daughter. I think my heart is breaking

She felt the sting of tears, but before she could push them back, a smooth baritone broke her thoughts.

"Who knew a tormented, mournful face against the moonlight could be so beautiful?"

Reflexes she thought long forgotten, turned and dropped herself in a fighting stance. Well, as best she could manage in the heavy kimonos she wore.

"Who are you?! Villain!"

Before she could catch a good look, a calloused hands gently grabbed her chin and forced it to the side as she was pressed into a firm muscled chest. The sound of wood hitting the floor echoed in the room.

Gods! I didn't sense him, nor see him before he moved! Thank the kami I still have the sword!

But before she could once again move, gravity shifted rapidly and she found herself on the floor, a handsome ayakashi loosely straddling her, preventing her from moving.

Darn these kimonos!

"I see. Just as the rumors said, you truly are a peerless beauty. I want you."

The last words were said in a low, breathy tone.

Golden eyes locked on hers, darkening with desire.

Two-toned hair, blonde on the top, black on the bottom, defied gravity as it stretched out behind him. Slightly tanned skin, two marks of black under each eye, set on a gorgeous face.

Fear began to gather in the pit of her stomach. From the hand that was still holding her chin, although gently, was strong with long fingers and calluses.

A smooth chest, finely made, yet simple clothes, this was obviously an ayakashi of importance, especially to conceal his presence to where even she could not detect it.

The instructions in her upbring in this era told her there was nothing she could do, however she who had skills in fighting for her life told her if this ayakashi truly wanted her dead, there was nothing she could do. She doubted her powers, dulled after so many years of disuse could purify him in one shot.

What am I going to do?

A/N Yo, people! I noticed Nurarihyon/Inuyasha crossovers were almost non-existant. Whassup with that?! So I thought, 'Posh, I'll just write one myself."

Hehe. Enjoy, readers!

Reviews are the tails to my fairies.