I've done all I can…and now…we wait.

T made her way down the ramp of the drop ship and over towards the blazing fire. The teenagers gathered around, sucking up its warmth like leeches, as if it seemed to blaze a thousand times hotter than anything they had ever experienced before.

Which is saying something. On the Ark they literally had the sun as their neighbour.

There were some logs strategically placed around the fire that hadn't been there when she had left that morning. Clearly Bellamy didn't need to hang around camp to have his orders followed. Under him everyone was starting to get things done.

They landed on earth two days ago. It was hard for her to believe they had only been down here for seventy-two hours when she had experienced more in 3 days than she had ever thought she'd get to experience, ever.

She had spent her life in a cell after all. And as far as she had known, that was all she'd ever see in her life. The two-by-three confines of her cellblock.

Her small fists clenched slightly in anger. For some reason whenever the sun went down here, her blood felt like it was at a constant boil. She remembered things and felt things, several times more violently than she ever remembers feeling anything in her life! Maybe it was to do with the moon. She read books, so many books, and some recall the lunacy people suffer when in the presence of a full moon.

It wasn't full tonight. But maybe she felt this way because she wasn't use to its presence at all.

She wasn't sure.

T gave a sharp shake of her head, as if shaking would throw the fury ebbed thoughts out of her mind.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Her hand unclenched.

As she walked towards the fire she began to pick up on the general hum of conversation around the camp.

"Clarke is a total badass!" One girl exclaimed in awe, flicking her fiery red hair about as she talked.

"I know! The way she risked her life to go get some plant for Jasper! She's, like, amazing!" The girl sitting next to her responded, the small smattering freckles across her nose seeming to come to life as she became more animated.

"And what about Bellamy! I mean, he can hunt and he's totally in charge!"

"Yeah but Clarke knows heaps about medicine and stuff!"

"But Bellamy is the best at knife throwing and did you see him fire that gun! Definitely the coolest person at camp!"

T went and took the spare seat next to them. "Clarke and Bellamy are both pretty amazing people" she said, shooting a friendly smile at the girls. Both of them adjusted their positions to get a look at who was intruding into their conversation. They're expressions far from welcoming.

"And who asked you?" the one with the freckles sneered, her eyes without softness.

T felt herself blush under their obvious scrutiny. Her heart beating slightly faster. I must have accidently insulted them…oh but what did I say! It was not untrue to say T had never had the opportunity to practice her social skills. Being in isolation for her whole life, with the expectation of the nanny she had when she was younger, made it harder for her to relate to others. Maybe I should have introduced myself first! Maybe that's how it's done!

"Im T by the way" she held out her pale hand for them to shake, as she had picked up as customary when introducing oneself when she had read 'World Politics in the Twentieth Century'. "I came down on the dropship just like you guys" she blurted as an afterthought, trying to find anything she could to relate herself to these girls. She retracted her hand slowly after they refused to take it.

"Well duh!" the red head said. "We all did!"

"Wait, aren't you that weirdo who's been wearing the parachute around camp?" Freckles said, wrinkling her nose.

Both girls were now starring at her as if she had just grown a second head.

"No, well y-yes! But I-um oh well- you see! I was j-just-ah" Oh gosh oh gosh! What did I do now! I knew I would say something stupid. I should never of come out here! T could feel her face heating up, and this time the sun was not to blame, this was embarrassment.

I should just crawl back into the cabin of the drop ship and never both anyone ever-

"There you are" T flinched as she felt a sturdy mass drop down beside her. A slab of bark with several slices of meat were being shoved toward her, and she gingerly took it. "I've been looking for you everywhere"

For me? Why would he be looking for me? All I do is cause trouble…

T found her mouth was too dry to respond. The other girls didn't have any trouble.

"Hi Bellamy!" they chorused, with pretty smiles on their faces. He glanced over at them, a small smile on his face.

"Hey there Rebecca," he nodded towards the red head, "Evie". The girls tittered.

T was watching him now, her mouth slightly agape as their eyes met. He nodded at her, before wrapping his large hand around her bicep. "I'm going to have to steal T away for a moment if that's okay with you guys"

Rebecca and Evie looked at each other before giggling out their approval of the idea. Bellamy smiled as they left, pulling her along with him. They only made it a couple of metres away before she heard Rebecca snicker "keep her!"

T felt a pang in her chest. That definitely didn't go well at all...

She didn't even realise Bellamy had directed her into the crash cabin until he sat her down on one of the only seats still intact.

"You knew"

T blinked up at him. What…what was he talking about?

Seeing her confusion he elaborated. "You knew about the acid lake"

Ohhhhh…. "No," she shook her head "I didn't."

He gestured to himself with his hands. "Then why am I still alive?"

T was not in the mood for this. She wasn't quite sure…but she thinks her feelings might be hurt. Not having much experience in social situations she wasn't completely sure about this diagnoses…but at the same time, she didn't know how else to explain it.

A small pang in her chest.

There was no rhyme or reason for it.

And it started right after she began talking to those two girls, who clearly weren't receiving her well.

She was definitely upset.

"If you must know," she exclaimed, crossing her arms hesitantly "when you threw that knife and you missed I knew something was up, because you're BELLAMY BLAKE! You never miss! So therefore I ascertained something must be wrong with the tree. I searched it for anomalies and ta-da! I realised that the tree develops an evolutionary protective layer that is as tough as steel, and protects it against the poison. This special layer only went up so high though, so it could be assumed that above that point the protection was no longer needed, and it became a safe zone." T let out a massive breath. "That's all I did! Nothing special. A blind man could have seen it."

There was a pause between them.

"Am I blind?" Bellamy finally said.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked you, if you thought I was blind"

"Well…" T tilted her head to the side, taking a step towards him and taking his face in her hands. Bellamy flinched when her cool palm touched his face. She moved his head down, so she could look directly into his eyes. "Your pupils seem to be reacting well to the level of light present in the room, slightly larger than I would have thought necessary, but certainly nothing wrong with them. If you were blind there would be little change in the statuary position of pupil and iris. Plus" she shot him a goofy grin as she stepped back, pleased with the results of her examination "I don't think a blind man would have nearly such good aim."

Bellamy was not smiling, nor was he frowning. He wore such an incredulous look on his face she wasn't sure what to think. Until he spoke.

"No, he wouldn't. So I am not blind" he said slowly and deliberately "and you are not stupid."

"I don't understand what the correlation betwee-"

"T, for someone so smart, you are really thick" There's that pang again. That wave of hurt.

"I'm sorry…I'm being a nuisance again…I seem to bother everyone I talk to…" her face crumpled, her upset clearly visible. "I should-"

"No, you're not getting what I'm saying" Bellamy grunted exasperated. "You are special, T! The whole hunting party today would have been dead had it not been for you. Anybody wouldn't have noticed it. Just you"

"Bellamy…" she sniffed, unable to understand why he was being so nice to her.

"Yeah?" he grunted, one hand rubbing his tired brow.

"A-are you being nice to me because we are friends?"

He removed his hands so he could look at her straight in the eye. "I'm saying this to you because it's the truth. No other reason"

She nodded solemnly and began walking past him towards the little corner of the ship she had claimed as her own. "I've never had friends. I've only even known one living soul my whole life, besides my father. I-I don't know how to talk to people. I t-tried with those girls out there" T felt a small bud of water trickle down her cheek. She couldn't help it. "but they didn't like me. I don't know why…I must of done s-something to-"

She was interrupted by a comforting hand on her shoulder. "If you're talking about those girls out there, then you're wasting your tears. Those kind of girls don't care about others. They don't care about anything that doesn't benefit them. Don't measure yourself by their standards. Just be who you want to be" he's gazing at her rather intently now. When he realises this he takes a step back, scratching his dark hair awkwardly. "That's what I would tell my sister, anyway" he grumbles as an afterthought.

T sits in the small space she has claimed as her bed, and pulls one of the bright orange blankets up to her chin. Her trademark goofy smile envelopes her face and even in the darkness of the cabin the gold in her eyes shines. "Thank you, Bellamy."

He nods at her, his lips quirking up slightly at the edges in response to her own silly grin. "Now if you stop being crazy, I can ask you what I wanted to"

"Oh yes! Sorry! Anything I can do to be useful!"

"That's what I was hoping to hear. You're good with plants yeah?"

"I guess! I've read all fifty-nine books regarding flora that were on the Ark" she replied excitedly, a dreamy look crossing her face, as it did every time she even thought about books.

"Tomorrow I need you to begin collecting plants we can eat. We won't be able to have meat every day, hell, maybe not even every week! We need something else as a backup. Something that keeps."

"Right! I can do that! For sure! Oh how exciting! A proper purpose in life! You know, I've never been given any responsibility for anything before!"

"You'll do fine, T" he quickly interjected, knowing enough about her by now that a thought of self-doubt is always mere seconds away.

"I hope so" she murmured putting her had back against the jumper she had piled up beneath her, acting as a pillow. She didn't realise how tired she was until right now. The day had really taken it's toll on her body.

She heard shuffling and knew that Bellamy was heading for the door of the drop ship. Probably heading off to his own tent. There's a pause in his steps as if he's contemplating something.

He whispers a few words and then he leaves.

T was lying so far away that there should have been no way she could have heard him. Yet, as it came across as if he was whispering it right into her ear.

Thanks for today

"You're welcome, Bud" she yawned, shutting her eyes and drifting off, letting the cool air of the night refresh her hot skin and soothe her into what she hoped would be an undisturbed sleep.



Here is another update for you! I know I know! Still nothing too dramatic is happening, but im still sowing the seeds. There are hints in this chapter of things that will come later! But I don't want to spoil them just yet! But next chapter I think I'll put it in his point of view, just to mix things up a bit. Or maybe a mix of the two I'm not sure!

Im so happy you guys haven't abandoned me, and still dropped me a few reviews 3 you guys are the absolute best!

And to Little Bucky, who inquired why I changed the acid fog into an acidic liquid, I decided to that because I wanted it to be something that T could deduce the danger of and prove her worth and let her quirky intellect shine! IN saying that the Acid Fog is not going to be completely no existent in this story. But just in that notion I wanted it to be an acid river…Atom is still alive as well haha which is a small twist. But nothing much!

Anyway im off to bed. I adore you all! Read and Review and tell me what's up!

Happy reading guys!


Wisteria Clove