Hello and I made another story since this idea kept on popping in my head and so on.

Warning: Yaoi, but not really...since Akashi is a girl but he is a boy...you'll get it later. OOC-ness and other stuff.

Pairing: Mainly composed of AoAka, KiAka, AkaKuro(KuroAka), KagaAka and others with Akashi XD

Disclaimer: I don't own KnB it belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi

Oh and an advance thank you if you will like this story~

It was a nice morning. The sun was shining and the sky was practically very bright. It would be the perfect day for others but not for Akashi Seijuro

It was practically a nightmare. He was wide eyed looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes twitched in annoyance. "This must be a dream. Yes, this is not real." He said as he pinched his cheeks. He sighed. "I guess I have to tell this to someone." He then held his phone and searched for a contact.

"Just Reo. He might have something for me." Akashi said as he sent Reo a message.

To: Reo

Can you go to my house? I have something urgent.

He sighed as he sent the message to him. "I hope he won't barge in as usual." He told himself as he wore his uniform.

A while later someone knocked on the door. He sighed as he opened it revealing a wide-eyed Reo.

"S-Sei-chan? What happened? Y-You're a..." Akashi sighed upon hearing Reo's reaction. "I know Reo. I know. I don't know how, but when I woke up, I was already like this." He explained to Reo.

Reo's shocked espression were now replaced with a huge grin and then revealed a huge bag behind him. "Sei-chan, you are girl now! Do you know how happy I am? You really shocked me there. But what should you wear..." Reo said very hyper as usual.

Akashi sighed. "That's unusual. Anyways, do you have the girl's uniform?" He asked him. "Of course I have. I am gonna leave all of this girly outfits here, so you will have something to wear." Reo said as he handed the uniform.

"I don't know if I should be happy or shocked. You really brought all of these?" Akashi asked the other male.

Reo chuckled. "You already know that I always bring this bag when I come over."

"Should have known. Anyways thank you for your help Reo." Akashi thanked the other male, who was like fawning over how cute he was.

"No problem. Let's go or else we'll be late Sei-chan!" He said as he went outside making Akashi sigh once again.


When they got to Rakuzan, many people were staring at Akashi, most of them were boys. Reo chuckled. "Sei-chan sure is becoming popular." Which earned a glare from the shorter one.

"Reo-nee!" Someone yelled from somewhere. They both looked towards the direction and saw Hayama and Nebuya.

They both went to where Reo and Akashi was. Hayama was about to say something but then he noticed, there was a girl standing beside Reo.

"Reo-nee, who is that cute short girl with you?" He whispered to Reo, but it was so loud that even Nebuya heard it.

Akashi then flinched upon hearing cute and short. Reo felt the raging aura of Akashi beside him, who must have heard the word "short" from Hayama. He patted Hayama's shoulder. "Be careful with your words or else you might regret it later." He told Hayama.

Hayama looked at Reo, confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Please stop gossiping and move. I will be late for my class." Akashi said as he excused himself, as he moved forward he stopped beside Hayama. "For saying such things, I will triple your training starting today." He told Hayama as he walked to his class.

Reo laughed as Hayama stood there frozen. "Told you be careful." Reo told Hayama as they walked towards their class.

"You didn't tell me that was Akashi!" Hayama exclaimed as he was shivering in fear for their practice later. "I am doomed!" He said as Reo and Eikichi laughed at him.

"Why is he dressed up like a girl anyway?" Nebuya asked Reo.

"Not dressed up. He turned into a girl." Reo said as he entered the class' door. While other two slammed their faces on he door. Reo sighed as he looked at his now pitiful teamates. "I expected this reaction from them anyway." He thought to himself as he sat on his seat.

After classes it was now time to go to their respected class. Reo was now annoyed to Hayama who was now whining like a baby while being pulled by Reo and Eikichi.

"Noooo! I am too young to die!" Kotaro exclaimed while earning many stares from others.

"You know if staring could kill, I would have been dead still a while ago." Reo remarked making Eikichi agree on that.

While they were now walking with Hayama, whom they managed to get up from all of the pulling. They saw a certain red haired girl heading towards the basketball club.

"Sei-chan!" Reo immediately greeted making Akashi look at him.

"I see. So you are also heading to the club. Reo, I have something to ask you." Akashi told the girly looking boy.

"Sure Sei-chan. What is it?"

Akashi breath heavily as he began to speak. "I want you to be the captain for today. I can't possibly face the whole team like this. Somehow I will think of a solution, but for now, please be the captain. Is that okay?"

Reo smiled as he nodded. "It's fine Sei-chan. It's hard in your current state, now that you are a girl." He told Akashi, who seemed to be having difficulties accepting that fact and then he lightly smiled. "It's settled then." He said as he left them.

But before Akashi could go, the others looked at him, who seem to disapprove of the fact that Reo Mibuchi was made captain of Rakuzan temporarily.

"Are you sure Akashi?" Kotaro asked Akashi, not really minding the annoyed Reo in the background.

Akashi looked at him, now pointing his scissors. "Are you questioning my decision?" He said which made the other two but mostly Hayama frightened. "N-No sir."

"It's settled then. I'm heading off. Good luck Reo." Akashi said in his usual voice but...not really usual.

Reo laughed as Akashi went off. "I'm the captain~ Those who don't follow will crossdress whether they like it or not." He threathened the two, who was wishing for Akashi to comeback.

While Akashi was walking down the hall, he suddenly bumped into some boy. The boy immediately stood up and helped Akashi up.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." Akashi apologized to the boy.

"It's fine. It's also my fault since I was reading while walking." A very familiar voice said. Akashi looked at the boy. Well his hunch was right. He was now mentally cursing himself.

"I-I really need to go, nice meeting you." Akashi said as he bowed in thanks and sorry and he immediately headed off.

The guy was still mesmerized with Akashi's beauty and was stun for over a second. He glanced at the direction where Akashi head off.

"I wonder what was her name?"

Akashi was now outside the school, looking very tired from running. "In so many people I could run into, it has to be a teammate of mine." He said under his breath while still panting from running.

He then decided to take a stroll around the park. He smiled as he looked at the peaceful park. "I guess I should walk around more often." He told himself as he began to walk a bit more.

While he was walking pass a basketball court, something suddenly hit his head. He looked and it was a ball. His head was pounding in pain, since who wouldn't be hurt by a ball hitting your head. He then held his head in pain. "Ouch." He muttered.

Suddenly a girl went to her side. "Oh my gosh! Miss are you okay? Sorry for the ball." The girl told Akashi as she helped her.

Akashi just smiled lightly since his head is really painful. "I-It's okay." He said in a very low voice, he tried to stand up but his head can't keep so he lost his balance.

"Dai-chan! You injured someone with your aim a while ago!" The girl exclaimed to someone while helping Akashi sit to the nearest bench in the court.

"What are you screaming about Satsuki?" A tan-skinned boy said while holding the ball a while ago. Akashi tried to look but his eyesight was getting really blurry and before he knew it his eyes closed.

Momoi was now panicking and kept on blaming Aomine for the accident, while Aomine wasn't even listening to her, instead he was looking at the stranger, who was lying down beside him.

"Dai-chan! Are you listening? Hey!" Because of Momoi's very loud voice, he finally snapped back from his thoughts. "Y-Yeah." He replied.

Momoi stood up from the bench and told Aomine some things. "Well as I said earlier, if something bad or worse that will happen to his poor girl, I will definitely blame you and your carelessness."

"Like something will. She just fainted." He shrugged off.

"Even so. It's still your fault. If you weren't Tetsu-kun's copying ignite pass kai this wouldn't happen." She 'lectured' Aomine.

Aomine sighed. "Okay. It's my fault, now can you shut up." He told the pink-haired girl who was acting like his mother.

"Okay. Will you look after her then." She told Aomine.

"Why is that?" He protested.

"I'm gonna get something for first aid at the convenience store nearby."

"Whatever. Buy me a juice also." He ordered Momoi.

Momoi just sighed in defeat. "Okay. But don't do anything to her." She said as she left for the convenience store which left Aomine with the girl.

"Like I will."

"You are Aomine Daiki so it may happen." Satsuki last said as she went off.

"Tch. That Satsuki really. Why did she leave with this girl anyway? What does she think I am? This girl's caretaker?" He complained as he looked at the girl. "I guess she's pretty, but somehow she reminds me of someone I know...Ah never mind that! I'm just gonna play basketball!" He just then decided to play basketball not really looking after the girl...or Akashi to be exact.

A while later,.Akashi slowly opened his eyes, seeing the clouds and brightness of the sun. He then noticed that he was lying down, he slowly got up to sit down.

"Oh you are awake." He turned around and saw Aomine, who was just playing basketball looking at his direction.

His eyes suddenly widen. In so many people in the world, why did I meet with a former teammate of mine and it has to be Daiki. He mentally cursed Daiki in his mind.

"Thank you for your kindness. I should go now, since maybe I am bothering you." He tried to be a little girly and looks like Aomine bought it.

Aomine then suddenly held both of his shoulders. "Satsuki told me that if you wake up, you should wait for her." He said.

"Please I really need to go." Akashi insisted but Aomine is really stubborn and he knows that. Akashi tried to stand up but because his head was still aching, he suddenly fell down making Daiki fall also since he was holding him.

Akashi gulped at what happened. Daiki was in top of him...or her. Aomine couldn't help but stare into Akashi's beautiful eyes.

"Dai-chan...I told you not to do anything!" Aomine suddenly flinched when he heard Momoi's voice. He immediately got up and helped Akashi, who was now kinda flustered since he is a boy who is now a girl and that had to happen.

"I didn't do anything! It was an accident! Right?" Aomine looked at Akashi, hoping 'she' would save him from Satsuki's nagging.

Momoi looked at Akashi. "Is it or is it not?"

Akashi breath heavily. "It was an accident. I was gonna try to get up but I slipped since I lost my balance and then that." He calmly stated which earned a nod from Aomine.

"Fine. But miss, I am so sorry for the troubles my friend here has cost." Momoi apologized to Akashi, which made Aomine annoyed since she still puts it like it was his fault which is true.

Akashi lightly smiled which made both of them slightly blush because of the cuteness. "It's fine. It was not really intentional. Besides I should be the one saying that not you." He simply replied.

Momoi then noticed Akashi was wearing a school uniform. "Say miss. Where are you studying?" She asked him.

Akashi inwardly smirked. "Rakuzan High." At the school being mentioned, Aomine spat out his juice that he was drinking.

"R-Rakuzan?" Aomine nervously asked.

"Yes and may I have a word with you?" Akashi asked Momoi, which made Aomine wonder why.