I don't own Avatar, though I wish i did.

A/N: Hey everybody! This is my first fanfic that I have written. I had this story idea and originally was going to use it for something else, but decided to do have it with these characters instead! This is just kind of the opener, so please review if you like it and if you want more, thanks! Enjoy!

Gotta keep moving. Keep running. I don't know how I got there. I ran down corridor after corridor, not knowing where I was headed. I started shivering and became hyper aware of my bare feet slapping against the cold stone floor. Suddenly, a voice as sly and cool as night slithered into my brain, "you'd better hurry, because if you don't, he'll never see day light again."

My eyes flew open. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I gasped for breath. I looked around my room in a slight daze, my dream still burned into my brain. The sun hadn't risen, so it must have been around 5 in the morning. I wiped the crust from my weary eyes and noticed my back door was open, causing a cold breeze to loft through my room and my curtains to float. I staggered over and shut the door and slowly began to warm up; yet, I could not shake this feeling that something was out of place. I flipped on my light and let my eyes adjust. I stood there, frozen, my mouth a gap in a silent scream. From floor to ceiling, in a red liquid, were written two simple words: Time's up.


I sat bolt up in bed, my head inches from hitting the slopped ceiling as my heart threatened to burst from my chest. I heard a groan beside me and looked over to see sleepy green eyes looking up at me.

"What's wrong? Did Meelo light our bed on fire again?" Macy said in between a yawn.

Reality set back as i tried to shake off the dream and give my younger sister a smile.

"No sweetie, I'm sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep."

Macy yawned and nodded rolling over so her back was to me. I sighed and wiped my face with my hands shaking my head.

It was just a dream I told myself. nothing more.

I tried to believe it.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door, lighting the candles beside me. A shroud of untamable brown curls surrounded me as i took a handful of water and splashed it on my face. I stood drying my face and looked myself in the mirror. Piercing green and blue eyes starred back at me, contrary to my name. Fire Nation people are known for their golden eyes, so my siblings and I are considered abnormal. My parents don't have many friends in the village. The people don't approve of international marriage. My mother was born and raised in the Fire Nation, but fled when the war took her father and mother from her. She ended up in a small Earth Kingdom village, which is where she met my father. He was born in the Southern Water tribe, but was taken by the Fire Nation because he was a water bender. He was able to escape captivity and take refuge in the Earth Kingdom, not having a need to return home because everything he cared about was taken from him. Something my parents had in common.

I tilted my head at my reflection. My mother told me I had a figure that would be desirable by any man, but I didn't see that. No man looks at me because they all know about my parents. But I didn't really care. I sighed and extinguished the fire with a wave of my wrist and left the bathroom without a look back.