A/N: Hi there! I am back after years! Hahaha I know, I know. I should finish my other stories first BUT! I just couldn't keep this idea outta my head! The manga is crazy! Noah Allen is just tooooo cool to ignore! I just had to write more about his coolness and sexiness! Okay, okay enough rambling.

So! This is a prologue. It's kind of like a test or something if I should continue this or if enough people will have their attentions caught.

So! Please, enjoy. :)

Lavi's POV

After we successfully retrieved the innocence, me and To-chan went back to the headquarters. The trip wasn't long and I soon found myself in front of the Order's gates. I skipped the gatekeeper's examination, knowing full well that I'd get detected.

"Yo, Komui!" I grinned, stepping in on the chief's office.

"Ah, Lavi! Welcome back. How did your mission go?" He asked, sounding all business-like for once.

"Easy. Here." I fished out the innocence from my pocket, scrunching my nose at it as it burns my skin. Komui took it immediately, knowing what pain the li'l thing is giving me. I shook my hand a bit and let the burn regenerate.

"Good work, as expected. You can go rest now, I will be taking this innocence to Hevlaska." He said with a fatherly smile. I chuckled and scratched my cheek, hesitating for awhile.

"Ah, yeah. I'll do that. Hehe."

"Is there something you wanna say?"

"Uh, yeah. You see, I was wondering about my synchro rate. Something weird happened on my mission." I sighed, unconsciously touching my left arm that got some damage earlier.

"Hmm?" Komui raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"My hammer. It burned up while it was deactivated. I immediately took it off my leg but the flames came crawling up my hand. Burned up my left arm."

This obviously caught his attention as he frowned. "What?" He turned quiet, probably thinking. "Lavi, come with me to Hevlaska."

I nodded. I followed chief out of his office and to the elevetor thingy. The room went darker and darker as we descended, but soon became illuminated by Hevlaska.

"Hevlaska, could you please check on our little Noah?" Komui asked, making my eyes roll at the pet name. Hevlaska didn't say a word, intead she wrapped her tentacle hands around me and lifted me up. The expected pain came as soon as she made contact with me. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back. She wrapped her tentacles on Tessei as well, pulling us closer until our foreheads touch. Damn. It hurts. I'm burning!

"Aahh! No, no, no! I might lose control!" I screamed, feeling my insides burning.

"52%... 78%.." She murmured. I feel like she's reaching through inside me and burning up my Noah. Shit. I'm gonna die!

"ARGH! SHIT! Put me down! Put me down, NOW!" I yelled, my skin beginning to darken and my eyes flicking and turning gold. I don't feel good now. If this keeps up I might lose control of myself! She only held me tighter.

" 98%.. 125%... 155%.."

"DARN IT! IT HURTS! IT FUUCKIING HUURTS!" I started to struggle, kicking and scratching and punching everywhere. This thing! She's killing me! I feel my skin and my soul burning!

"170%.. 195%..207%.."


"220%.. 255%..280%..310%.."

"GAAAAAHH!" Just as I feel the fifth stigmata form on my forehead, Hevlaska immediately put me down. I dropped to my knees on the elevator as I catch my breath. My golden eyes wide and my now black hair became a bit wavy.I removed my bandana, unconsciously touching the fifth stigmata on my forehead. Two more and I would've went crazy.

"Lavi! Are you okay?!" Komui ran to my side a bit cautiously. I growled in response, bringing one hand up to my face as terror is still written clearly on it. I almost..died. Or atleast my Noah almost died.

"D-Don't come closer.." I managed to blurt out. Komui seemed to understand as he stepped back.

"I apologize dear exorcist. I didn't intend to hurt you." It was Hevlaska. I know she didn't intended it but I was BEGGING! I was fucking tortured by that big creature of innocence!

"Well, you fucking did." I said, taking deep breaths and pushing myself from a kneeling position to a sitting one. I managed to make the stigmatas disappear and my skin is starting to lighten. I don't know about my hair.

"Ahem," Komui interrupted. "So, what did you find out?"

"His maximun synchronization rate is 310%. It went past the 200% mark and that's what it caused his weapon to release some of its energy. Just like a way of releasing off steam. It is nothing to worry about, if anything, it is a good news that his synchronization went unexpectedly high."

I heard Komui sigh in relief and thank Hevlaska. I stood up with an exasperated breath. Never again would I have her read my synchro rate.

As a Master, we don't have the responsibility of journeying the world in search of accomodators like the Generals do. We reside in the headquarters and are the main defense power in case of another invasion like that time when a hoard of level 3 came out of nowhere.

Yes, we are noahs. I am the 16th Noah, the Noah of Mischief. We joined the Order not so long after regaining our memories. We are lucky to be accepted, the higher ups accepted our deal. I don't know why. I would've never accepted some of my enemies to suddenly team up with us. They're probably using us.

No innocence is stupid enough to be compatible with us. So we forced it. We forced synchro with it and somehow modified it with our Noah genes. Its attacks still hurts us, but atleast we don't turn into a giant mutilated and beheaded angel and we can hold our anti-akuma weapons without being burned. Truth be told, we have no need for innocence. We can fight better with our abilities as Noah. This weapons and all are just for cover. Ya see, no other exorcists or staff know about us being Noahs. They don't even know that we are Masters and are higher than Generals. We wanted to keep it that way, we don't want them freaking out or trying to kill us in our sleep.

Thinking about it, it has been three years since I entered the Order.. That time I was 16, and my memories as a Noah just awakened..

3 years ago I live alone in a house on a town near the Order. At that time I was living independently as I am an orphan. A couple of months after my 16th birthday I started feeling sick. With no one to take care of me, I stayed in the town church with the father who willingly took care of me.

**Flashback.. 3 years ago..

"Ugh.." I groaned, clutching my body tightly. It hurts. It fucking hurts! What the hell's happening to me?! "Argh!" I threw my fist down on the bedside table, knocking the few things that was there. Damn it. When would it stop? Just kill me already, damn it! I felt my stomach twist badly, and the nerves on my temples began pulsing so bad that it hurts. I gasped as I clutch every part of my body that I could, asking to whatever God that's out there to stop the pain.


There is no God.

Or rather... I hate Him.

Darn. No. I am not the most religous but I didn't hate God. So why do I hate Him now more than anything else?! No. I must calm down. This must be the effect of the pain. I groaned. Flashes of images began flashing through my head in fast forward, like it's trying to fill up my already breaking head. Stop..please. YOU'RE GONNA BREAK MY HEAD!

Memories and disgusting images of monsters and killings came flashing through my head. It's outrageous. The images are making me want to throw up so bad. I held up a hand to cover my mouth, my other hand going around my stomach to clutch it.

Stop. Please.. Stop!

My head..it's gonna break with all these memories! I am already breathing hard that my ribs are in pain already. I tossed in turn in the bed, catching my reflection and his on the window. That shadow.. Since it appeared in every damn mirror that I came across the pain started. It must be that shadow causing this. Sweat are running down the side of my face and on my chest and back. I'm dying. I feel like dying. Just when I was about to give up and black out, the shadow came out of the window and stood beside me, his ever present wide grin still there. Then as if to comfort me, he reached out his hand and began patting my head.

Suddenly, I feel tired. Very tired.

Ah.. I feel so numb.

I wanna sleep.

And never wake up..

The last thing I remember before passing out is reaching for the rosary that the old priest gave me.

**Third POV

A knock came on the door before it opened, revealing Father Hertz, the priest who took the redhead in for the past week and took care of him.

"Lavi, here are some food for you." The old man called, noticing that the boy is awake. He had an arm covering his eyes and is holding something. Father set the food down to check on him closely.

"Child, are you okay? Are you hurting again?" He asked, inspecting the poor boy.


There was a sizzling sound, and the smell of something awful burning. Like..flesh. The priest wrinkled his nose and covered it with the back of his hand as he searched for the source of the smell. To his horror, it is coming from the boy's hand. He is gripping something, which appears to be the cross on the rosary that he gave him. He could see a trail of faint smoke emanating from his hand and the distinct sound of boiling flesh.

""B-Boy!" Father Hertz immediately pried his hand open, only to see the cross trying to burn his skin. He gasped and took steps backward, the rosary finally falling to the ground. He couldn't help but notice the quick mending of the boy's burned palm, completely recovering from the wound in just seconds.

"Oh.." The boy started, startling the old priest. "Someone finally took it off. It was beginning to make my head hurt." He got up, wearing an expression that he had never worn before.

"L-Lavi.. Are you okay?" The priest asked, fear and uncertainty clear from his voice. The boy slowly turned to him, wearing a demonic grin. He suddenly appeared before the priest.

"I never felt better." He thrust his hand through the old priest's chest. Blood came dripping out of his mouth. Lavi lost the grin on his face, and simply looked blankly at the priest as he grabbed for the boy's shirt. Lavi swatted his hand away, letting the man fall on the cold floor.

"Pathetic. Anyway, thanks for taking care of me while I was regaining my memories old man." He smirked. "Have a nice sleep." He raised his bare foot up, letting it transform into a twisted dagger, before stomping on the priest's chest. The old man gasped as he drew near to his death, shakily reaching a hand up to the boy.

"M-May God save you.." And with that, he died. Lavi only narrowed his eyes on him, before returning his foot back to normal and leisurely stretching as he sigh.

"Now I'm thirsty.. So thirsty.." Noticing the tray of food that the priest had brought for him, he took long strides towards it, calmly taking the glass pitcher of water and drinking directly from it, finishing it in large gulps.

"Aah.. I still feel a bit woozy.. And my head hurts.. Shit.." He ran a hand through his read hair, unbuttoning his shirt a little as he approached a mirror on the wall .

"Woah.. I still got red hair this time, huh? And green eyes.. Ah shit. Red and green. Like a christmas tree or something ." He sighed heavily at his reflection. "Oh well, this'll do."

He stared at his reflection as his eyes slowly turned gold, his skin began darkening and seven familiar stigmatas lines up his forehead.

"I'm back, Earl.."

**End of flasback

A/N: Weell? What do you think? Heheh. My original thoughts of this story is having Allen be with the Noah family and fighting the exorcists together with the sexiness of Tyki 3 but I changed my mind. Maybe I'll write another story for that.

Soooo what do you guys think? Kindly let me know through your thoughtful and appreciated reviews! I would love it if you guys loved it too! If I passed this test of prologue, the next chapter will be getting on the story line. Also, tell me what pairings would ya like!