A/N: Okay, I have so many other half written stories posted it is not even funny. I sure as hell should not be posting another story, especially one that has been done so many times. But screw it. This is a wrong twin-who-lived story. Harry's twin sister is the girl who lived. Dumbledore is manipulative, but in a well-meaning way. That is all I can really say right now without giving anything away. You just have to read and find out.


It was October 31, 1981 and the Potter family of 24 Godric Hollow were preparing for another quite night. As there was a Fidelius Charm on their house, James and Lily saw no reason to by candy for children who would never see the house. Lily had gone to the bathroom leaving her husband to prepare the twins, Leanne and Harry, for bed. Being the ever obedient husband, James simply transfigured their clothes into pajamas and entertained the children with colored smoke from his wand.

Lily scowled upon returning to see her children squealing loudly, sleep the furthest thing from their minds. Her anger didn't last long, however, as she did live with a Marauder and two toddlers. Besides, in her pocket were the results of the potion she had just taken, telling her that she was pregnant.

Since hearing the prophecy, she and James debated whether it was safe to bring yet another child into this world with the war and all. Ultimately, the young couple decided that they were as safe as they could get with Peter Pettigrew as secret keeper. Therefore, the Potters decided to let nature take its course. Lily felt a smile grow on her face just as James gasped in alarm.

Jumping to his feet, the dark haired man raced to the window and paled. "Lily!" He hollered in horror. "Lily, it's him! It-it's Voldemort! Grab the kids and run! I'll try and hold him off!"

Terrified, Lily grabbed the children and ran upstairs; taking them three at a time, one for every child she had to protect. Placing the twins in Leanne's crib, she rummaged through the closet for the bag they had packed the day they heard that damned prophecy. Throwing it over her shoulder, she grabbed the Muggle battery that two tell-all words (Wormtail traitor) would convert it into an emergency portkey that would take them to Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts. She had just lifted Leanne when she heard the door downstairs break opened.

Lord Voldemort quickened his pace as he saw Potter yell something to his Mudblood wife, who grabbed two children and bolted. He could not let the Potter twins get away, not when he was in their front yard. It ends tonight, the … man thought. Pausing only to check the shields on his mind, Voldemort aimed his wand at the door, blasting it opened.

Blocking the stairs was Potter himself who, despite looking furious, was clearly terrified. The fear in the man's eyes became more prominent when he reached into his pocket only to realize he had left his wand in the other room. Knowing that Voldemort was unlikely to wait patiently while he grabbed it, James did the only thing he could do to protect his family. Firmly planting a hand on each wall, he stood his ground and glared at Voldemort, waiting for death.

The red eyed man couldn't help but laugh. This pathetic excuse of a wizard too dumb to hold onto his wand? How this man bested him thrice was beyond even the Dark Lord, though he would rather destroy his own horcruxes than admit it. Still, however dumb, James Potter was a pureblood and a member of the Order of the Phoenix as well. With a flick of his wand, Voldemort Stunned Potter and stepped over him to reach the twins. He could take Potter Sr. with him upon his departure.

At the top of the stairs, Voldemort found the door to the nursery opened. Lily Potter turned to look at him in horror. In her arms was a red-haired baby girl with hazel eyes, while her black-haired, green eyed brother stood in the crib, watching.

Panicking, Lily stepped in front of her son and turned her daughter's petrified face away from the Dark Lord. Inching closer to the Portkey, Lily began begging with Voldemort in an attempt to distract him, even for a few seconds. "Please, not my children, not my babies! Have mercy!"

Voldemort only sneered at her, "Mercy? For a Mudblood and her filthy children? I don't think so. Stand aside, you silly girl. Stand aside now!"

At that moment, Leanne flinched at the high, cool voice of the scary stranger and kicked her feet. Lily watched in horror as the baby's foot connected with the battery, their lifeline, and sent it rolling off the dresser and under the crib. Tears streamed down the woman's face. "Please!" She cried, unsure if she were pleading with Voldemort, or God himself. "Have mercy!"

Voldemort continued to sneer. While her husband may be useful to him, Lily Potter will never be more than a Mudblood in his eyes. There was no point in sparing her life. With both children watching, Voldemort aimed his wand at the sobbing woman and bellowed "Avada Kedavra!"

The killing curse hit Lily square in the face, killing her instantly. The heat of the curse passing so close to the little girl's face burned her severely, causing her to shriek loudly in pain as her mother's body collapsed.

Harry watched the scene play out with wide eyes, before turning to glare at the red-eyed stranger, who laughed cruelly. Ignoring the corpse and screaming child, Voldemort looked down at Harry. "You are clearly the prophesized child. I'm afraid that I have very little time to enjoy your death. Dumbledore is many things, but he is no fool; by now he surely knows I am here. You first, then that brat sister of yours."

The child continued to glare at Voldemort as the later pointed his wand at Harry's forehead. As the Dark Lord casted the spell, he felt an odd, pulling feeling begin in his chest, then spread throughout his body. For the first time that night, Harry cried out as a blinding pain ran across his forehead. Voldemort had just enough time to note the cut on the child's head before his body crumbled. Silently summoning Nagini, he used his remaining strength to Disapparate. At the same time, the roof caved in, covering both children in the splintered rubble.

Albus Dumbledore Apparated into the Potter's living room. Glancing around, he saw James sprawled on the stairs. Without stopping to examine him, the elderly man raced to the nursery.

Mortified, he shifted through what was once the roof, finding Harry glancing at him with a cut on his head and a shocked expression. Dumbledore lifted him with a sigh; the boy had always made him uneasy, with his long stares and near-emotionless responses to situations. Looking around some more (and ignoring Harry who seemed to be pointing at something), Dumbledore eventually found Lily and Leanne. While Lily was clearly dead, Leanne was covered in scratches and a large burn on her face. The burn stretched from ear to ear and was shaped like the letter V.

Despite the situation, Dumbledore smiled. Leanne Rachel Potter was the Girl-Who-Lived. He scanned the children again; while he could heal the injuries, the twins would remain scarred for life. Now, Dumbledore had to decide what to do with them.

Going downstairs, Dumbledore nearly tripped over James. Shaking his head, the old man placed the children in a play pen and went to examine the man he had forgotten. To his shock, James was only Stunned, but otherwise unharmed. Dumbledore raised his wand to revive him, but paused.

If James were to wake up and see the children, he would never see reason. Dumbledore thought, putting his wand away. Leanne will need more attention, more training. Harry will feel abandoned, or worse, Leanne would never reach her full potential.

Waving his wand around, Dumbledore put charms on the building to keep others out and the inhabitant's safe while he left. With a shake of his head, the old man lifted the baby boy and Disapparated. James would never be able to choose between his children, so Dumbledore had to do it for him.

For his part, Harry was silent as the two appeared on Privet Drive. He glanced at the hairy old man who had a quill writing a letter next to him. As they approached the driveway of number 4, Dumbledore summoned a carrier and blankets. On the door steps, he swaddled Harry and placed him in the carrier along with the letter. Pointing his wand at the house, he murmured something under his breath. After a moment, Dumbledore turned and left Harry on the doorstep. Inside, Petunia and Vernon Dursley's few memories of the Potters were being modified. In the morning, Petunia would open the door to find her nephew, Harry Jameson.

Dumbledore had just taken down the last of the charms on the Potter house when Sirius Black came racing up the walk-way. Hitting James (who was still unconscious) with a silent disillusion charm, the old man greeted the younger man. "Dumbledore!" He cried, " Was it … the twins … James, Lily?"

Dumbledore took Sirius by the arm and led him to the couch. "It was Peter, Sirius. It was Peter the whole time. James and Leanne survived; she is the girl-who-lived. But …but Lily and Harry didn't make it. I'm sorry."

Sirius began shaking his head violently. Not Lily. Not Harry, his own Godson. And Peter, all Wormtail's fault. With a howl of anguish and fury, the Grim Animagus disapparated before the old man could stop him.

Needless to say, Dumbledore was unhappy. He knew that Sirius could and would kill Pettigrew, that he had no plans to stop. But he had the closest relationship to his Godson that Dumbledore had ever seen. If Harry were placed in a room full of Polyjuiced babies, Sirius would find the real Harry in minutes. The elderly wizard was positive that if he ever saw Harry in the future, he would recognize him in a heartbeat.

Dumbledore's originally planned to modify Sirius's memories of Harry so he would never look twice at him if there was ever a chance meeting. However, with everything going on, the old man was distracted and missed his chance. Therefore, he had to resort to plan B.

With a flick of his wand, James reappeared. Finally, after nearly half an hour, Dumbledore revived the younger man and had him Obliviated before he could sit up properly. "James," Dumbledore stated in a clear voice with a hint of pain. "Sirius was your secret keeper. He betrayed you and Lily. Voldemort found you. He has killed Lily and Harry. Leanne is the girl-who-lived. My sources indicate that Sirius has killed Peter."

James blinked, letting this information sink in. After a moment, the young man buried his face in his hands and sobbed. Dumbledore put a hand on his shoulder as Leanne sat in the play pen watching them. "I am so sorry."

A/N: Okay, prologue is done. Next chapter is in progress. Please feel free to review or PM me with questions or comments. Thank you for reading.