(A/N: Hello again! This story contains a lot of OCs but I guess that's to be expected since it's pokemon hehe! Enjoy!)

There was fire everywhere.

They could hear gunfire in the distance as the three pokemon charged across the dusty plains. The cries of humans and pokemon alike pained and scratched at their ears, and while the two meeker pokemon on the back of a bouffalant winced cried back in fear, their mount was not as soft. He had to be strong for his friends.

"Hold on!" he yelled as he ran across the field, trying to stay to the side of the battle. His eyes were wide and wild, and he could hear his hooves pound against the scorched ground. He remembered when the land had been lush and beautiful. The memories only seemed like a distant dream now.

"B-Bouffalant," said the pignite, leaning forwards and clutching hard on the bovine 'mon's mane, "A-Are we gonna get out of here soon? Audino says she feels sick."

The pink pokemon holding onto Pignite's waist nodded weakly, though Bouffalant couldn't see her.

"Just make sure she doesn't lose the pokeballs," Bouffalant said in his usual rough voice, "Arceus knows what would happen to the rest of the team if we dropped them."

Actually, we all know they would die, he thought to himself. Scrafty wouldn't even forgive me in the afterlife if I let her die.

Thankfully they could see the entrance to Pinwheel Forest just ahead of them. Bouffalant heard Pignite let out a shaky sigh of relief as they approached it. They could make it, Bouffalant reassured himself. They would be fine. They would all be just-


The bovine pokemon stopped in his tracks as he felt a sudden pain torment his side. He heard Audino screech loudly as he fell to his side.

"H-He's been shot!" he heard Pignite say. Of course, he thought. Just my luck…

Everything went black.

(Cliffhangers! xD Anyways, please rate and review and leave some constructive criticism if you have any! Thanks for reading!)