Welcome to the new and improved story of Dragon Age Duty Love and Vengeance. A reader commented that the story was rushed and I agreed, so I went back and have made some changes.

Morning Spar

Her eyes searched his for an answer, anything at all. He couldn't see her face, just her golden eyes that shone bright in the light of the fire.

"No," he said it, but still she searched. Her eyes pleading with him to change his mind, but he would not. "I can't," he said again. Obviously hurt by his answer she turned away from him and started towards the door. He knew she'd be gone for good if she left, but he did not turn around, he just continued to stare into the fire.

"I love you," he whispered barely audible over the crackling flames as he turned to face her.

The high walls cast dominating shadows over the empty courtyard; due to the known fact the army would be moving south to Ostagar in the next few days. Unlike most mornings however this morning was different; the outside air was crisp and refreshing against his body, however, a sense of coming dread washed over the Lord who quickly shook it off as he picked up his two preferred practice swords giving them a couple of swings before turning to face his opponent. I don't have time to think of such terrible things; besides I'm probably just imagining it.

Jade's short red hair was up in a ponytail keeping what little length of free hair she had away from her face; he really liked it better down and on many occasion made it so. For all her beauty and grace without being armored and armed Aiden knew more than anyone how fierce of a warrior she was both on and off the battlefield.

Watching as she picked her equipment with the trained eye of a soldier and years of experience he didn't know what he was more pleased with; the fact that she was a woman who never took anything less than what she deserved and was totally kick ass or that they were together. Maybe a bit of both? I mean how can it not be. Jade is my best friend, aside from Bax, and the fact that my parents approve of us is another good thing. He thought as he watched her finish putting on her armor and decide to go with her sword and shield as per usual.

"I see you've gone rogue today. Favoring your quick skills over your hardheaded ones I presume?" Jade laughed as Aiden's pursed lips formed a small smile who was now taking place in front of her swords at the ready.

"What can I say?" he innocently asked, "Being trained as both a warrior and rogue has its perks and last time I checked you weren't complaining." He quipped with a sly smile as her cheeks flushed redder than her hair.

"I never said it was a bad thing, but sometimes a dashing young rogue is better than some white knight," she purred in a sultry voice that poured like warm honey from her mouth; then making the first strike hoping to catch him off guard.

"You always say that," Aiden mocked before he tucked and rolled away from her arching sword then rushed her from the side; the weight of her shield knocking her off balance as he ran into her like an angry bull. Planted on her back Jade barely had the time to block Aiden's blow before it caught her in the shoulder. Watching his blade connect with her shield she saw her moment and thrust her shield to the side along with his blade, but was hit by the flat of his second sword as she maneuvered back to her feet.

"You've gotten better than last time we did this. Have you been practicing without me?" Aiden fained a hurt look.

"I would never," she smiled innocently though her eyes told a different story.

"I see," he spoke as he knocked the shield from her grasp as she was distracted by the conversation they were having.

Armed with only her blade Jade took a defensive stance using both hands to wield her long sword; not the best approach, but Aiden could help her with that later. Right now was all about besting her. Launching into a momentum filled attack Aiden riposted, swept, and flurried as each strike she blocked moved her back up against the wall until she was cornered. The final strike from Aiden had her pinned knocking her blade from her hands his blades crossing making an x beneath her throat. With their faces mere inches apart the two locked eyes both breathing heavily.

"You've gotten better, but your footwork could be better," he informed bringing his blades down to his sides and turning away from her which she used to her advantage. Kicking him in the back of the knee she knocked him to the ground then straddled his waist as he rolled over before he could get up.

"Say that again?" Jade smirked with laughter alight in her emerald green eyes leaning down to kiss him which he returned with fervor.

Rolling over so Jade was beneath him he captured her lower lip between his teeth lightly tugging before moving to her jaw line lightly kissing down to the nape of her neck. Things started to heat up as Jade pulled him in closer running her still gloved hands through the young Lord's hair and over his bare chest. A slight silent moan escaped as he found the sweet spot he always made sure to take note of; he was just thankful no one was around to see them maul one another.

"Eh hem," someone coughed as a shadow of a man stood over them, "Jade."

Looking up from being interrupted they both stared slack jawed as her father Captain Gilmore stood cross armed over them a scowl giving him the look of living stone. Fuck. I'm. So. Dead. Like really, really dead. Aiden thought as he remained petrified at the sight of Jade's father only making to move off of her when she pushed him up.

"Captain Gilmore," Aiden greeted with an outstretched hand who took it in his own; a vice grip on his daughter's infatuation who squeezed back just as hard, "It's good to see you. I wasn't expecting a visit from the Captain of the guard today."

"And I wasn't expecting to see my daughter fooling around out in the open," the Captain said sternly giving them both a shameful look before smiling, "reminds me of when I was younger and her mother was just as beautiful."

"Father!" Jade exclaimed slightly embarrassed.

The Captain just gave a hearty laugh at his daughter's expense as he pretended to wipe a tear away, "Anyhow I'm here because I ran into your brother and the package you requested was delivered. He has it and I'm pretty sure you want to make sure it's the right one." He said with knowing and happy eyes though his face remained calm.

Yes it's here! It better be the right size, color, and have the right engraving; if it doesn't that Orlesian jeweler is getting a talking to. "Thank you Captain, I think I might just go and do that now." turning away from Captain Gilmore Aiden bid farewell to Jade who wanted to know what the package was because obviously her father knew and she didn't.

"I'll tell you later," the Lord said as he left through the gates making for his brothers room. I still can't believe the Captain gave his blessing. I was sure it was going to be a no, but he said yes and then said 'If you do anything to hurt my daughter I don't care what kind of Lord you are, I will break you.' Like that didn't give me enough incentive to not screw up, and I won't because I love her and I would do anything for her.

Running through the shoulder to shoulder traffic of the main corridor Aiden headed off to the left towards the castles inner Chantry hoping to avoid getting stuck between the servants, guards, and other important workers getting the army ready to march. However he was not so lucky; instead of finding a quicker path he ran into oncoming hordes of people. Really? Is there no easier way to get there? Studying his surroundings Aiden spotted a rundown ladder against an old wall someone had been fixing, that's my ticket out of here. Grabbing the ladder he propped it against the opposite wall and climbed up to the watchtower receiving a bewildered look from the new guard. Exiting the tower he ran until he found some stairs off the battlements that would lead him to their family's hall. Making his way through the last corridors the winded Lord took his time to catch his breath before knocking on his brother's room.

"Who is it?" a small voice called.


"Why it is I the Archdemon come to catch the little Grey Warden," Aiden played in a gruff voice, "do you know where I can find one?" he growled sliding a dagger down the door to make it sound as if he had sharp claws.

"Yes I do, but it shall be your end Archdemon not mine," Oren said excitedly as he opened the door and whacked his uncle with the wooden sword he'd made for his nephew.

"No! He got me! He got me!" Aiden boomed in a thunderous playful tone as he fell to the ground clutching his heart.

"Uncle," Oren cried poking the fained dead man on the stone ground.

"I thought I told you no sword play."

Crap, Oriana wasn't supposed to be back for another day at least.

"Where did you get the sword, Oren?" his mother asked with a raised brow who already had her sights set on Aiden.

"It was uncle, mother." Oren tattled dropping his sword; a wooden clanking sound reverberating off the walls before running off.

"Traitor!" Aiden called after his nephew crawling back to his feet dusting himself off, "It's great to see you sis, but what brings you back so early?"

"My husband is leaving with the troops soon, and being his wife I thought it be best I'm here to send him off. I was not aware though that he disobeyed my instructions to keep Oren from swordplay." His sister in law chided the young man who grinned and shrugged sheepishly.

"Yeah, well get a man drunk enough and he'll agree to anything," Aiden said proudly his sheepish grin becoming a full blown toothy smile.

"So did you get your package yet?" the Antivan woman asked as she stepped into her room followed by Aiden.

"That's why he's here love," Fergus replied to the question coming over to welcome her home, "it just arrived today along with a message for father." Fergus held out the black velvet box for his brother to take.

A little hesitant at first Aiden took the box from his brother's hand; the soft velvet box felt like course Mabari fur, its design plain and simple, but the real beauty of it lay inside. The box clicked open with a press of a button; the inside laced with the same shade of black only in satin this time, and held in the center of the box sat the ring. A flawless dark evergreen emerald set in a simple silver band with an engraving on the inside which read 'Sometimes Your Rogue, Sometimes Your Knight, But Both Forever Yours'

"It's perfect. No better than perfect," Aiden breathed as the ring shone in the light of the room. Now I just have to figure out how to pop the question. Do I do it while we're sparring, when we're in my room about to...nope definitely not then; that's not romantic at all. Damn I have the ring and now I just need the setting.

"Aiden? Aiden? Aiden!?" Fergus called slapping his brother from his thoughts, "did you not hear me, brother?"

"Sorry Fergus I was just trying to figure out where well...to you know? Ask?" The young man of twenty three received a perplexed look from both his brother and sister in law before they both started laughing, "I'm glad you both think it so funny, but honestly I never expected to do this. Three years ago before I came home it was no fewer than three if you please and now there's only one. Like. Forever."

"It's not that bad brother, and besides you're the one who decided it was time. I do see your point though: what you lack in planning you make up for in charm and skill, or so I'm told by many of our fine young human and elven ladies."

Oriana stared at her husband in shock, "It's a good thing your mother isn't around to hear this; it would be the death of her."

"Speaking of which," Fergus pointed to Aiden, "I think it's time you told them, don't you?"

Pretending to study the bookshelf in the back of the room Aiden walked over and pulled out a book flipping through the pages, "Yeah I think so, but mom's going to want to make a big deal out of it; especially since you'll be leaving soon, and father well, he's father."

Placing a hand on his brothers shoulder Fergus shook Aiden until he looked at the older man, "If you don't tell them before you ask you are going to be in far worse questioning than if you do; believe me I know, and you should remember how I tried to hide when mom came to ask me all the wedding details and such." they both laughed: the memory of Fergus hiding in Aiden's room until their mother left to check other places, "And if you don't tell them I will." Fergus threatened as Aiden's eyes locked with his.

"Fine I'll go right now."

A/N So hows the new beginning of the story (if you're a past reader) and if your new how do you like it?