Tandre lovers get your popcorn ready! Bade lovers your moments coming soon ;)

Tori strode into the hospital. Her heeled boots clanking down the cold tiled corridors as she walked at a determined speed. Her emotions were all over the place. Furious with the hospital for not informing her immediately. Excited that Andre was finally awake. And scared because she knew what she was about to do would either make or break their relationship.

She took a deep breath. Shaking off the negative thoughts for now. First and foremost she needed to make sure that her best friend was okay. She pushed open the door to Andre's room and stepped inside. Feeling a mixture of excitement and sick as she approached his bedside.

"Andre?" Tori whispered. She sat down in the seat next to his bed and took his hand into her own. His eyes were still firmly closed and he did not respond. Tori's heart sunk. She could not handle the disappointment if this was a false alarm, some kind of cruel mistake.

"Andre?" She repeated his name louder this time.

"Tor-" Andre croaked, his voice quiet and horse. Tori's eyes widened. He'd just been asleep.

"I'm here. I'm right here." Tori whispered, her grip on his hand tightened. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you woke up."

"Its okay." Andre reassured her. He'd been so confused and disoriented when he first woke up last night. He was kind of glad she hadn't been there to see him like that.

Tori stroked his arm soothingly. "Do you remember what happened?"

"I think so." Andre frowned.

Tori held her breath as slowly but steadily Andre opened his eyes. His kind brown eyes meeting hers for the first time in weeks.

"Hi." Tori smiled, trying but failing not to cry. She'd missed his eyes so much. Andre squeezed her hand as strongly as he could muster. He was still feeling really groggy but he could tell Tori needed his support.

"How are you feeling?" Tori asked softly.

"My leg is in agony." Andre answered honestly, grimacing. "How long have I been in here?"

"Almost two months." Tori admitted. Andre looked astounded then closed his eyes again, processing that information.

"What matters is that you're okay now." Tori reassured him, quickly. "Don't worry about the length of time, just focus on getting better."

"How's Milo?" Andre asked sadly. "I don't think we've ever been apart that long."

"He misses you." Tori told him truthfully, she gulped back her tears. "I've missed you."

"Come here." Andre gestured her into his arms. Tori leaned forwards and hugged her injured friend as gently as she possibly could. She was so relieved and so happy to finally be able to talk to him again. To finally be able to tell him that:

"I love you." Tori confessed softly, her arms still wrapped around his chest. Andre stopped in his tracks, astounded. He wasn't sure if he had imagined what he thought he'd just heard.

"You don't need to say it back or anything." Tori stammered nervously. "I just wanted you to know how I feel because not being able to tell you has sucked. And I know that I'm being selfish telling you this so soon after you just woke up but I just realised that life's too short and-"

"I love you too." Andre confessed, interrupting her anxious rant. He might be confused and have a pounding headache. But he had no confusion over his feelings for Tori.

"Really?" Tori blushed, butterflies in her stomach.

"Tori, I have loved you since day one. I just didn't want to risk losing you." Andre admitted. "And when Milo came along, I only fell in love with you more. You and Milo are my family."

"I don't want to waste anymore time." Tori shook her head, tears in her eyes. "I love you so much. When I thought you might die I couldn't bare it. I want to be with you so badly."

"Then be with me." Andre wiped a tear off of Tori's cheek. Tori nodded, unable to hide how happy she felt. They stared at each other for a moment until finally giving in to their feelings. Andres fingertips resting on Tori's cheeks as they kissed each other.

"Nothings felt right without you." Tori explained. when they eventually broke apart. "Ever since you and Jade got trapped in that fire. Its like everything's been thrown up in the air."

"Is Jade okay?" Andre questioned. His memory of the actual fire was barely there but he remembered enough to know that Jade was there with him.

"Jade is doing really well. She's out of hospital and so is the baby." Tori broke the news with a soft smile.

"She's had the baby?" Andre confirmed, astounded.

"A baby girl." Tori told him, smiling sympathetically at his bewildered expression.

Andre lay his head back on the pillow again, his headache worsening. It took a lot out of him to use his brain in any capacity at the moment and the past five minutes had been a whirlwind. Tori sensed he was starting to get overwhelmed.

"Everything is going to be okay." She reassured him, seeing the tension forming in his brow. She tucked the sheets closer to his chest and lay her head next to his.

"Sleep. I won't leave again. I'll be here when you wake up." Tori promised. She didn't care what the nurses had to say about it.

"Thank you." Andre mumbled sleepily. "I love you Tor."

"I love you too." Tori kissed his cheek tentatively.

It took a while for Andre to truly come out of his comatose state. He was confused and his memory wasn't what it was before. Tori visited him in the hospital as much as she was could, sitting with him and talking to him. He could only remember fragments of what had happened the night of the fire. Tori knew it was only a matter of time before he was coherent enough to question how the fire started in the first place and then they'd have to break it to him about Rae.

Physically, Andre wasn't much better off. His leg was so badly broken it was unlikely he would be able to walk for quite some time and he was on high doses of painkillers. The physiotherapist had been in to assess his mobility. At first he could barely sit up on his own but now he had full use of his arms and his good leg, but he wasn't allowed out of bed yet.

Beck and Jade arrived at the hospital a week later. They wanted to see him as soon as possible but they didn't want to overwhelm him. So they waited until he was feeling a bit better. Andre was sat up in bed when the couple finally arrived at his hospital room.

"Andre!" Jade ran over to the bed and without even thinking lunged into his arms, bursting into tears. She hadn't planned on getting so emotional but just seeing her roommate awake was enough to set her off.

"Hey, hey. Its okay." Andre rubbed her back soothingly. "We're both okay."

"I'm so sorry." Jade whispered, her voice cracking with tears.

"Its not your fault." Andre reassured her straight away. The memories were flooding back to him. The flames. Jade in labour. It was an experience that they'd shared but both wished that they didn't.

Beck entered the room carrying Amber in his arms. He walked over to the bed and held his daughter up so that Andre could see her.

"Andre, there's someone we'd like you to meet." Beck said with a proud smile.

"Oh my goodness." Andre gasped as Amber was placed carefully into his arms. The baby was sound asleep and immediately curled into Andres chest for warmth. Jade sat down next to Beck who put his arm around her waist caringly. For a few minutes they all forgot where they were and just enjoyed the moment.

"She's absolutely beautiful you two." Andre told his roommates genuinely. He was disappointed that he'd missed the opportunity to be there for his closest friends at such an important moment in their lives. But he was mainly happy that Amber and Jade were both okay.

Tori sat down next to Andre on the bed who pecked her on the cheek and she smiled lovingly back at him. This did not go unnoticed by Beck and Jade who immediately shared a suspicious look.

"So, any other major life events that I've missed since I've been out?" Andre only half joked.

The four friends spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. It almost felt like old times and it didn't take long for Beck and Jade to catch on to the fact that Tori and Andre were officially together. It was going to take a long time for the musician to build his strength back up and they all needed time to get over the horror of what had happened. But they were also ready to start the next chapter of their lives. And the next chapter meant finding a new home.

Thank you so much for all your reviews :)