Trying something different with this one...different for me. Rose is part TARDIS and'll have to read to find out. It's another Doctor/Rose with some twists thrown in. Some of the episodes go quite differently because there's no River, sorry River fans, but she's not in this and you have to read to find out why/how. :)

It features...Eleven, Rose, Amy, Rory, Jack and a blast from the past and I mean way past for the major villain. Might have some other past faces showing up too.

Jack stood within the perception filter a moment gazing out at the dark street. It was late, past midnight and, as usual, he was the last to leave Torchwood, but then there was paperwork and he had to run a final check, walking the halls, making sure everything was as it should be.

Before his mind could being to wonder, which it usually did at night, he stepped out onto the sidewalk and that's when two things happened at the same time. Someone appeared in front of him, followed by the electrical zapping and hint of ozone that told him they used a vortex manipulator and his eyes connected with a deep hazel pair he never thought he'd see again.

"Jack," she exclaimed, grinning at him. His own stunned face slid into a smile. "I found you."

"Rosie?" he asked.

Instead of answering she turned around gazing down the street, then at the sky, then behind him. "Where are we?" she asked and then answered before he could reply. "Cardiff, yeah? Oh, it's great, brilliant, haven't been here in ooh eighty-two years, no eighty-seven," she turned back giving him that excited, running for their lives grin that she often sported when they were, well, running for their lives.

Then she launched herself into his arms…almost literally. He caught her and pulled her into a hug, holding her just a bit longer than he knew the Doctor would like, but the Time Lord wasn't there.

"Eighty-seven years?" he asked, after he pulled back, sure he must have heard her wrong.

"Yeah," she grinned wider, leaning a hand on his shoulder, "Forgot about that stop over on Raxacoraca…Raxicorican…"

"Raxacoricofallapatorius?" he offered.

She beamed at him.

"That's the chap." Then she gazed up at the sky. "No, zeppelins. I can actually see the stars," she glanced back at him, "haven't taken the time to appreciate it what with all the running and hunting down that evil sod and then there was the dying and…Oh!" She beamed. "I am so glad to see you, Jack! You have no idea."

She was acting strange, he'd never seen her like this, maybe she was drunk or drugged or she'd stepped through or eaten some strange alien plant or food and now she was suffering the effects.

"Are you all right?"

"All right?" she asked, as if that was the most absurd question she'd ever heard. "I'm fantastic! Brilliant! Excellent!" She whirled around.

"Look…um…why don't you come inside with me? We could stop at the med bay and get you checked out."

She stopped and rolled her eyes in an over-exaggerated sort of way.

"Jack, I just said I was good, yeah? Why would I need the med bay?"

"Um…okay, then we could just sit and talk."

"Talk?" Another eye roll. "Talking's boring. I know! Let's skydive."


"Yeah, off Big Ben. Oh! That sounds like fun, doesn't it? Come on, say it does, you know you want to," she coaxed, leaning her arm on his shoulder and grinning at him in a…wait…was she…flirting with him? Not that he minded, but this was definitely not a very Rosie thing to do.

"That's it missy," he said, grabbing hold of her waist and moving to lift her off the ground, intent on taking her back into the Hub to find out what was affecting her because there had to be something, but she easily broke his hold and danced away from him.

"You are sooo not my best friend, Jack Harkness," she chastised and then grinned. "Ah, I can't stay made at you." Then she was behind him pinching his cheek. "You are sooo cute, look at those cheeks."

"Did you, maybe, walk though a field of strange alien flowers?"

"No, oh, but that sound like fun. Could we do that?" Then she stopped, eyes going wide. "No. Wait. How about surfing?"


"Yeah, we could go surfing with three hundred foot waves." She eyed him, excitement lighting up her deep hazel eyes. "How about it?"

"That sounds a bit dangerous."

"Pfff," she dismissed with a wave of her hand. "Since when have you been afraid of danger?"

"Okay, about those alien flowers."

"No, no fields of alien flowers, no woods, no pollen." She drew up closer to him and gave him a weird look, almost as if she was looking at something he couldn't see. "You know, he's right."

"Right? Who's right?"

Another eye roll.

"The Doctor, who else? Come on Jack, keep up."

"Right about what?"

"You, you're, well, you're wrong. My fault, I know, but still." She gave a bit of a shiver. "Yeah, definitely wrong."

"Well, thanks."

"Sorry," she said, leaning her cheek on his shoulder and giving him an apologetic look that then turned…why did she keep doing that?

Rosie flirting with him was definitely strange. Not necessarily a bad strange, but that coupled with her behavior worried him.

"Okay, back to the strange things. Food? Eat any strange food? Alien maybe?"

"Oh!" Her eyes grew wide. "Food. Oh, my God! Can we eat? I can eat! I can definitely eat!"

She grabbed his hand in the next moment and began sprinting down the street. Had she always been able to run this fast? It took him a few attempts, but Jack finally managed to pull her to a halt.

"Rosie, hold on," he said.

She turned an annoyed gaze on him.

"What?" she asked.

"It's after midnight and since I have a vortex manipulator I was thinking that we could just go back to my place and I could bring you some food."

"Oh, Jack," she said in a very flirty, very not Rosie sort of way. "Back to your place?"

She raised her brow.

"No, I didn't mean…that's not…"

She burst out laughing.

"I'm only teasing, yeah? You don't have to get so…scared."

"That's not funny! And I wasn't scared," she quirked her brow. "Okay, maybe a little, but this isn't like you."

She shrugged.

"Maybe not the old me, but this is the…" she paused. "New, new, new, new, new me. The old me was like, three me's ago…or was that four?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Food first then details," she insisted, looping her arm through his and giving him a…

"That's it, missy," he typed in the coordinates for his flat. "You're grounded."

They popped off the dark street and appeared in his flat.

"Promise?" she teased and he quickly disentangled himself from her arm to turn the light on.

"Okay," he said, "food. What do you want?"

She paused, thinking.

"I don't know, um…how about…pizza? Haven't had that for a while, at least I don't think I have."

"Okay, pizza," he said, typing in coordinates and vanishing with a zapping sound.

Rose only had a moment to gaze around his flat. Jack's flat. She'd never been in Jack's flat. It was a mess of paperwork and tech he'd brought back from Torchwood. Then he was back, zapping in with the sound of the vortex manipulator. He held a cardboard box that she knew contained the pizza. Cheese and pepperoni. She could smell it and smiled.

She followed him into the kitchen, but as soon as he sat the box on the table and turned to retrieve two plates she opened it and grabbed a slice. Oh. It smelled wonderful. She took a bite and nearly gagged.

Jack spun around at the sound she made.


And in the next moment she grabbed his blaster from the holster at his waist and shot the pizza.

"Rosie, what the hell?" he yelled, grabbing his blaster back.

She eyed him and shivered.

"Pizza's evil Jack," she eyed what was left of the pizza, "bad, bad pizza!"

"You just shot a hole in my table!"

"Yeah, well, it's lucky I only shot it once." She turned to him then, giving him her best smile. "Actually, I think I want pie. Apple pie. Apple pie sounds brilliant."

"Rosie, I'm not going to-"

"Please?" she begged, laying her head on his shoulder and batting her eyes. "Come on, Jack, please?"

He sighed.


She stood up with a squeal…wait…did she just squeal? He shook his head, typing in the coordinates and was gone a moment later.

She picked up the evil pizza, or what remained of it and dumped it in the garbage with a revolted shiver. Then Jack appeared with another box in hand. He sat it on the table.

"Now," he said, eyeing her, "you get the plates while I cut the pie."

She sighed.


She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out two plates, then grabbed two forks from the third drawer she opened. He dished them each a piece and sat down to eat his.

Rose took a bite and in the next moment she spit it out and then dropped her plate on the table.

"That's just…" she stood up and eyed him, "Are you trying to kill me?"


"How could you make me eat that?"

"You said you wanted apple pie."

"Then why'd you give me that?" she asked, pointing an accusing finger at the slice of pie as she eyed it warily.

"That's apple pie."

"Oh, that's terrible." She gave the pie an offensive glance. "How can they make people eat that rubbish?"

"Okay, there is definitely something wrong with you," he announced, standing up.

She rolled her eyes.

"There isn't anything wrong with me, Jack."

"Yes, there is. You're acting strange. You can't eat anything."

"I can eat Jack I just have to figure out what I want yet," she replied, as if he should know that.

"That…what? That doesn't make any sense."

"I'm making perfect sense you're just not keeping up."

"That!" Jack exclaimed. "That right there is exactly what I'm talking about. Rosie, the Rosie I remember would never say that."

"I'm still her, Jack, just…different."

"And there you go again, not making any sense."

She sighed.

"You know for someone who's lived over a hundred years you really are thick."

"Wait. How do you know how old I am?" he asked.

Rosie had no idea. The last time he'd seen her they hadn't even talked about it. Instead of answering she grabbed his hand and put it on her…he tried to pull away.

"What're you doing?" he gasped.

Not that he'd usually mind, but she was acting strange and for her to put his hand on her chest…wait…he moved his hand to the other side. Then his eyes snapped to hers.

"No," he whispered.

She grinned.

"Now he's getting it," she replied.

"But…" he dropped his hand. "How?"

"Come on Jack. A human with the power of the Time Vortex in her head. It would've killed me instantly."

"But, you're a Time Lord."

"Time Lady actually and no, not fully. Half Time Lady half TARDIS."

"Wait. Half what?"

"TARDIS, yeah, 's a bit weird, but…" she shrugged, "what're you going to do?"

"Have you been like this the whole time?"

She laughed.

"Nah, the Doctor's thick, but he's not that thick. He would've sensed another of his kind. I started changing the first time I died."


"A few changes each time I regenerated. Every time every cell in my bodied died and was reborn I'd come back with a few more changes, not sure why."

"But…no…but you look the same."

She grinned.

"Not exactly, but yeah, very close. Don't have to die my hair anymore and it came out," she picked up a strand and looked at it, "a bit honey gold. I like it though. Then there are the bits of gold in my eyes. I think I'm an inch or two taller. Oh, and there's a mole."

"A mole?"

"Yeah, you want to see?" she asked, reaching for the bottom of her shirt.

He held up his hands.

"No, no, really. I'm okay."

She shrugged.

"Suit yourself. Now, how about beans and toast?"

"Beans and toast?"

"No. Wait. I know what I need. I need…" she lifted her wrist and before he could stop her she typed in coordinates and vanished.

He stood there, dumbfounded. Rosie was a Time Lady…a completely mental Time Lady. Wait. Eighty-seven. That would make her…over a hundred, but that would mean. Her family. She must have lost them. Is that why she returned? Then she was back with chips and a container of something.

"Chips and custard," she said with a wide grin.

Standard Disclaimer.

Thank you to all my brilliant readers!

Reviews are always welcome. :)