I couldn't open that door. I couldn't step outside. I...was afraid...of what might be waiting for me...

I couldn't do it...

I couldn't do it...

I couldn't do it today...but...that's okay because...

I'll try again tomorrow...

Or the next day...

That's okay though...becsue I'm getting better at talking to people...

I'm getting better, gradually...


"Wow, Madotsuki...you live by yourself?" Sophie gazed around the small apartment in wonder.

"Yeah..." the other girl replied.

"Huh...I wish I could...but...I'm not old enough to...! Though I pretty much do."

"Neither am I...I just..."

They fell into an awkward silence.

"Well, I like it. It's small, but I guess it's all you need, right?" Sophie smiled.

"Uh huh." Madotsuki replied emotionlessly.

Sophie couldn't think of anything else to say. Madotsuki doesn't seem very happy today...I wish I knew why...

I made a new friend today.

Her name is Sophie. Sophie Grundler.

she's very nice, but...She doesn't seem very happy either.

She has insomnia.

She can't sleep.

I...we're almost complete oppsites!

It's strange...but...even though I sleep a lot and she barely even closes her eyes...We're both the same on the inside.


"So...you have insomnia?" Madotsuki asked.

"Y-yeah..." Sophie replied, staring at her pillow.

"That's weird, I can sleep for most of the day!"

"I...just can't. I have too much to think about, too much to worry about. I rarely, if ever, get even an hour of sleep. I...don't know what to do...It's so horrible!" Sophie's eyelids drooped. She closed her eyes and sighed. "You're the first person I can really talk to..."

"Same goes for you..." Madotsuki murmered. "I...don't actually like to leave my room...ever. I try to but...I'm...a little..." her voice trailed off. Sophie stared at her, wide-eyed.

"It's...okay," she said, smiling. "If you can't open the door and step outside today...then try again tomorrow! It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you get better, right? So...I guess that means I have to keep trying to rid myself of my worries...until they're gone! I need to confront them...somehow...You should do the same," she continued, looking considerably brighter. "and we'll finally be able to sleep peacefully at night."

Sophie's words rang through my head for the rest of the day.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"If you can't open that door and step outside today...then try again tomorrow!"

I'll keep trying, Sophie. I...really will...

I hope.

Sophie stepped inside the little house, glancing around furtively.

I feel like I'm being watched...

The inside of the house was quite cute-looking. A girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes was standing in the center, wandering around aimlessly.

"H-hello?" Sophie called.

Just like the snow woman, the girl didn't respond.

"..." Sophie stepped in front of the girl and waved her hand.

No response.

Sophie sighed and stepped away, feeling frustrated.

If no one will talk to me, how am I going to find a way out of this place? What if there's...no way out?

Suddenly Sophie had an idea. Maybe there's a certain way to get her attention...what about...flicking the lights?

Sophie headed towards the light switch and reached out her hand.

Something feels...strange...about this room...

She flicked the light off. The girl didn't respond. She tried again, flicking it back on. The girl continued walking around randomly.

Sophie continued flicking the light switch. Suddenly, as the lights were turned off again, she heard a strange sound. She whipped around and saw some sort of...thing...sitting in the place of the girl.

"YAAAAHHHHh!" Sophie squealed.

A strange sound seemed to be coming from the creature's mouth. It didn't move, just...sat there.

Sophie tip-toed towards it, not able to move her eyes from it.

She reached out a hand, and at the same time the door burst open. Madotsuki stood at the doorway. Her eyes were wide with fear. That was the last thing Sophie saw before she was whisked away in a blur of colour.