Disclaimer: I do not own The Mummy :(

So close to the end! I was having a really bad day so I figured the best way to combat that was to just bury myself in the world of words and ignore...you know...the real world. So here I am :)

Here we go!

Chapter Twenty: Better Believe it Buddy

I felt the entire city welcome me, waiting for my command. Then everything disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

I opened my eyes and could just make out the misty shapes of Imhotep watching Rick fight off Mummies and unchain Evy. But everything was muffled. The yells of the mummies, the cries of Evy, Rick, and Jonathan, all of it was as if I had cotton in my ears.

I felt the city rumble as Jonathan recited an inscription on the book of Amun-Ra and the pharaoh's guards marched out of a secondary chamber. I watched as Anuck-Su-Namun moved towards Evy and I knew I had to do something. As she swung a sword at an unsuspecting Evy I pushed with all my might to shove Evy out of the way. For a second I thought I was going to go straight through her but after a little give I managed to get a solid shove in. Anuck-Su-Namun writhed in rage as her sword sparked against the ground.

I turned to see the guards go after Rick and I quickly made my way over to him. He was just climbing down the stairs and I saw several of the guards jump down to catch him unawares. I pushed him and winced as he fell backwards into the stairs. I turned to the guards.

"Stop!" I commanded them. They paused but then Imhotep yelled at them to continue and they moved through me and after Rick who was scrambling up the stairs. I groaned in frustration. To them Imhotep ranked above me because he was the priest of the dead, I was merely a princess. I turned to find Jonathan. He needed to finish that inscription.

"I can't figure out this last symbol" he yelled, or at least I thought he did. If I hadn't seen his mouth move I wasn't sure I would have been able to guess what he said. I read over his shoulder as he moved his arms up and down.

"Ahmenophus" I said into his ear. He shivered and looked around wildly. "Ahmenophus!" I screamed.

"Ahmenophus" his mouth moved over the word.

"Yes!" I screamed. I turned to see Rick falling down the stairs and raced over to him to try to stop the guards. They paid no heed to me and stuck their weapons right through me.

I screamed in despair. Not Rick! Please not Rick. I turned, my eyes stinging with tears.

The tips of the blades were barely pressed into his skin and I let out a sob of relief. Jonathan had finished the inscription.

He quickly sent them after Anuck-Su-Namun and Rick picked himself up. I went to reach out to him but he walked right through me. I forced back the tears. He was okay. He was okay.

Imhotep was going after Jonathan as the guards made short work of Anuck-Su-Namun, the traitorous concubine. I pushed at Imhotep forcing him to drop Jonathan. He looked around him in disbelief.

"Amisi?" he whispered.

"Better believe it buddy" I muttered as I focused on shoving him again. He fell backwards again before a snarl of rage erupted on his face. He shoved his arms forward and to my shock I went flying. I growled and got up moving behind him and shoving again. He whirled around trying to guess where I was.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, little princess," he called out. I shoved him again but he quickly turned mid fall to shove at me with his powers. I fell backwards. How on earth was he doing that? I growled in frustration. I pushed my hands into the sand and asked the city for a little help. The ground began to shake, sending Imhotep to the ground. His eyes blazed as he glanced around trying to pinpoint me. Suddenly weapons were whirling towards him and he had to dive and dodge to avoid being cut to pieces. I turned to the guards.

"Your queen commands you to destroy him" I commanded. The guards glanced at me before turning to move past Evy and Jonathan who quickly backed away, to Imhotep. He fought them off for a while before finally managing to dispose of them. He glared at the direction he thought I was. I wasn't. I sent a statue hurtling at him before shoving him from behind. But I was getting tired.

The shove barely moved him and he turned around to grab at me. My reflexes had slowed and I couldn't move away fast enough. To my surprise (which in hindsight probably was the reason I ended up in that predicament) he grabbed my arm. Finding purchase he grinned evilly before going for my neck. His nails scraped my skin as he tried to find exactly where my neck was. It didn't take him very long. "Time to die, Amisi!" he grinned maliciously. He squeezed and I started to see stars when I heard an incantation cut through the fog.

"Paraduece, Paraduece!" Evy yelled and Imhotep quickly dropped me. I gasped for breath as my vision started to waver. I vaguely saw the blue chariot take away Imhotep's immortality and Rick stab him through the stomach. I did however see Imhotep glance at me. As if he could actually see me he looked into my eyes and said,

"Death is only the beginning," before he was completely swallowed by the underworld. I shivered before standing up and moving over to the three.

"It's time to go!" I yelled as loudly as I could. They all looked around wildly before I groaned and started shoving them to the entrance. Rick blinked before grabbing the other two and forcing them out of the room. I raced ahead to make sure all the exits were clear and safe.

After making sure they would be able to get out safely I went to where Ardeth and I would need to get out. I asked the city to make another tunnel for us before letting myself slip back. It was like falling backwards and then actually falling. I felt something warm catch me and instinctively knew it was Ardeth, my desert warrior. I looked up to see his dark eyes clouded in sadness and…was that a tear?

"Ardeth?" I asked sitting up and looking over at him. "What happened?" What could make him look so incredibly sad, so heartbroken? As if my words broke some spell he schooled his face into an unreadable mask.

You guys are the best! Please Review!

Lots of Love!
