Author's note: welcome to my new story "Stuck on You". This story will be different. A good different. I'm only going to upload the first chapter and wait until my other story, "Los Angeles and Lost Loves" I over. If this story gets a lot of reviews, favorites, follows, etc. then, I'll upload the second chapter. This is random, but I love the movie "Frozen" My favorite character is, Anna.

I am updating the first chapter, with this AN, on January 14, 2015. When I started writing SoY, the first chapter was meant to mimic middlechild3's, "May". I did not think it would become a spin off. November of 2013, I was given permission by middlechild3 herself to do spin-offs of her stories. I am not stealing. And give this story a change. It may be a spin-off but there are many differences. So, don't review saying that I'm stealing or to change the plot. This is my story. I am allowed to. Thank you and good night.

Here's chapter 1 of, "Stuck on You" I don't own A&A.

Austin's POV

Today is October 14th, 2014. Also, known as the first day of school. For me, anyway. Let me explain myself. About two weeks ago I moved to Miami from New York City, with my parents, and my older sister, Jessica. And don't ever call her, Jessie, she really hates that. It's, Jessica. Or sometimes, Jess. Yesterday was Sunday, so I got a tour of the school. No one was there but my parents, sister, the principle, vice principle, and me.

"Don't Stop Believin'" by, Journey is playing on the radio. I'm really into classic rock n roll. Journey, Aerosmith, Kiss (Don't own any of those bands). You name it, I love it.

I'm actually really nervous. I've always kind of been a social outcast. I've had friends and a few girlfriends here and there. But no one that I really love, as a friend.

I approach the school. It's much different than my old school in New York. The weather is also much, much warmer than New York. In New York, it would be around 50 degrees. That's not that cold but, not 90 degrees like it is right about now. I really should take off my blue sweatshirt. I might hyperventilate. I'm currently wearing a gray tee-shirt, black jeans, and blue sneakers. I can't forget about my lucky dog whistle. Yes, I said dog whistle. I got it when I was 5. I stole it from my sister. She didn't find out about it until I was 8 and she was 13. Being the adorable blonde boy I was, she just let it go. I've always had a special bound with my sister. Sure, we fought, but what siblings don't. When I went on my first date, Jessica taught me how to talk to girls. The date was successful, she was my girlfriend for five months. Until my girlfriend, Avery, moved to California. It was a mutual breakup. It was best to see other people and not deal with a long distance relationship. I still remember her. Avery Isabelle Grayson, her birthday was February 17th.

Once I enter the school I immediately get looks. Everyone knows I'm the new kid. I see some probably seniors, which I am, in varsity jackets, talking way to loud. I see about six really pretty girls in cheerleader uniforms. The popular girls. Then, I notice a girl. She looks about 18 or 19, taking on the phone. I'm close enough that I can hear the conversation.

"I love you so much…have a very happy birthday…when I get home we can have some fun…okay, bye I love you." She hangs up. I wonder who she was talking to. Maybe a younger sister or brother. Thanks to my 20/20 vision I can see something tattooed in black on her left wrist. They're letters reading, "D.A.C." Right below that is, "Oct. 14. 10." I wonder what that could mean. I know that "Oct. 14. 10" is a date. Today is October 14th. And the person that she was talking to over the phone she told him or her, "Happy birthday" I'll have to ask her about the tattoos later.

Ally's POV

I see a boy walk by. I can tell he's looking at my tattooed wrist. But not with disgust or shock or anything like that. More like he's interested. I never get that look anymore. Ever since...I look at his face, very closely. Thanks to my 20/20 vision, I study his face. His face, I know that face anywhere.

He looks so much like…

It can't be…

But they could be twins…

Dawson! It's not him…


Austin's POV

I go to my locker. Locker 394. I attempt to put in my combination. 32 left, 8 right, 12 left. Over and over I put in the same combination. 32, 8, 12. Nothing works. I pound on my locker in frustration. This locker is a piece of crap. Suddenly, I hear a feminine voice whisper something into my ear.

"That locker is a piece of crap. Jiggle the lock. Put in your combo. Jiggle the lock again. Finally, set it to zero. It should open." the girl said. She sounds like the girl I heard talking to someone over the phone. With the tattoo.

I do exactly what the girl said to do. My locker opens. Thankfully.

I grab my things for next class. Creative Writing. I've always loved to write. The ironic thing is, I can't write songs. And I want to be a singer/performer. It's my dream. I try to find room: 406. I see a red-head that looks like he's going to the same place, I'm attempting to go to.

"Hi, I'm Austin, and can you show me where Mr. Cameron's room is?" I ask.

"I'm Dez. Just Dez. And follow me. I'm going to the same place." Dez said.

Dez told me on the way that we can sit anywhere we want. Normally, I would sit in one of the corers, but I sit next to Dez.

"Austin, can I talk to you?" Mr. Cameron said.

I walk up to Mr. Cameron's desk.

"Austin, welcome to Creative Writing. The class is working on a short story that's due tomorrow, so I'll exempt you from that. However you can start the next assignment. You have to come up with an idea for a movie and write the trailer for it. It can be about anything. Just make it school appropriate. Here's the rubric." Mr. Cameron said.

I already have an idea. The movie will be about a boy and his older sister's relationship. How she helps him get the girl. So basically what Jessica did for me and Avery.

After Creative Writing is over, Dez shows me the way to music class. I'm really excited for this class. Music is everything to me. I don't care that my dad said I have a bazillion to one chance of making it (Rockers and Writers).

Ally's POV

As I take my see in music class. Music. Music used to be everything to me. Until…

Mrs. Marano is taking with the new kid. I can really see what he looks like. Blonde hair. Brown eyes. He just looks so much like…

"Class, since the end of the quarter is coming, I have an extra credit assignment for you." I start to listen, my grade is barely passing, so I need this. In about every other class I have a, "A" in. "This assignment isn't limited to those who are failing or almost failing, it will work for everyone. Even my, "A" students can do this. What the assignment is, you have to write a song. It can be about anything, just no rapping and make it school appropriate. It was to be at least two minutes long. Finally, for 10 bonus points, on the assignment, you can play an interments with it. It will be due in two weeks. Rubrics are in the front." Mrs. Marano said.

I get up to get a rubric. I need this. I cannot let my older sister see me with a "D-" in music. I start to think of my song. I really need to do well. I don't want to be stuck in this hell hole for ANOTHER year.

Austin's POV

I look down at my schedule, I have math next. Room: 704. Man this school is big. Not as large as my old one in NYC. After about two minutes, I find the math room.

"Austin, hello, I'm Mrs. Ratliff. Today, the class is taking a short quiz so, you can just take a seat next to…hm Allyssa. She's at the last table on the right. Back row." Mrs. Ratliff said.

Allyssa is already there. She must be the girl I heard on the phone.

Ally's POV

Oh no. He's in this class. And I heard Mrs. R saying that he is sitting at my table. Our class had an odd number of students, so I was with nobody. The tables are big enough to sit two. Why does he have to look so much like…He sits next to me.

"Hi, I'm Austin." Austin puts his hand out. I shake it.

"I'm Allyssa, but everyone calls me, Ally." I say. Why am I telling him that?

"Ally, your…" Austin starts to say.

"Okay class, today we have our quiz. So remove everything from your table but a pencil." Mrs. R said.

Once I get handed the quiz, I start. Math is really easy for me. Within 10 minutes I'm done.

"Austin." I whisper.

"Yeah." he responds.

"Before Mrs. R interrupted you, you were saying that…" I say.

"I was saying that your tattoo is so…" Austin said.

"Let me guess, weird and abnormal." I say.

"No, it's different. I can't help but wonder, what does D.A.C. Oct. 14. 10, mean?" Austin said.

"Just-just nothing." I lied.

"Okay then, what about that one." Austin points to a shooting star on the inside of my forearm.

"Just a memory." I say.

Austin's POV

I go to lunch. Thank god, because I'm starving. I get a turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce, mayo, and bacon. I grab an apple, some potato chips, and apple juice. I get out of the lunch line. Now the worst part about being new: finding somewhere to sit. I see that red-head, Dez sitting with a shorter girl with long, curly, black hair. Maybe there dating. But, then I see, Ally. Sitting alone. Maybe she's a social outcast too.

"Anyone siting here." I point to the chair in front of her.

"Go ahead." Ally said.

I see Ally writing in a notebook. Constantly, crossing out words. I look up from my apple. Ally is staring at me. Not rudely, but noticeable.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you staring at me?" I ask.

"It's not rude at all. It's just you look like someone that I used to know. An ex-boyfriend." Ally said.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah, a lot like him." Ally said.

"I sense that you're not okay with me being here. I can leave if you want me to?" I say.

"No, it's just I'm kind of the school's social outcast. Or let down." Ally said.

"You are. How so?" I ask.

"Austin, I can see us becoming friends. But, I have a mysterious past. I'm just not comfortable tell you about it yet." Ally said.

"You can see us becoming friends?" I say.

"Yeah." Ally said.

As I get my things ready for Chemistry, Dez comes to me with the same short girl he sat with at lunch.

"Hey, Dez." I say.

"Hey, Austin. This is Trish." Dez said.

"Hey, Trish." I say.

"Wow, Trish, you must really love animal print." I say.

"Yeah, I do." Trish said.

Ally's POV

Once school is out, I drive to my three bedroom apartment. I climb the two flights of stairs to go to my neighbor and friend, Mason's, apartment. I knock on the door. In seconds, Mason and his blue eyes are at the door.

"Hey, Mason. How was he?" I say.

"He was great." Mason said, "Drew, your mom is here."

My now four year old son, Drew Ashton Collins, comes running out. I pick him up.

"Did you have fun with Mason?" I ask Drew.

"Mason let me play with his old toy trucks." Drew said.

"That's great. Come on, at home I have a birthday surprise for you." I say.

"What is it?" Drew said.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Now would it." I say.

"It wouldn't, mommy." Drew said.

I stare into my son's bright green eyes. I know what I'm going to do for my song. I'm stuck on him.

To me this chapter turned out pretty good. But I need your reviews to tell me so. Also, all the teacher's last names were that last names of some of my favorite celebrities. Can you guess who's who? Review it up. Until next time: Anna Rocks.