Chapter 1


Jade's POV

You had fallen asleep on your living room floor again! you where woken up by your phone ringing. you glance at the clock, its 4:13. I was asleep for 5 hours?! you have always hated haveing narcolepsy! You sleep through Everything! ... You sigh and grab your phone. You check the caller I.D, its Rose. You smile to yourself wonder if its about John?...

Her and John had been dateing for about a week now and you two seem to have grown closer too, with her calling you and gushing about every detail. You answer.

"Hi Rose!"

"Hello, I'm calling to invite you to a girls slumber-party this weekend."

"Oh! That sounds like fun! I cant wait!"

Rose smiles at Jades enthusiasm "Ok I'll see you then!"

You hang up and dance around excitedly, cant wait! you girls deserve to take a night off and just... be teenage girls for a change! you smile we've all had too much to deal with, this is a good idea! then it hits you... this is my first sleep-over! growing up on that island till you where 12 didn't exactly help you socialy... you shrug it off and decide not to tell that its your first sleep-over. no wonder you're so EXCITED!


John's POV

You sit in your room, bored out of your mind! You look around at your various movie posters around your room...your eyes find your computer sitting on your desk, making a soft wurrrring sound, wonder if anyone's messaged me on pesterchum? you sit at your computer, wait for it to glow to life and click pesterchum. Oh! Rose is on! And she is messiging you!

- tenticleTheripist [TT] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] [5:32] -

TT: Hello John.

TT: Are you available for a chat at the moment?

TT: ...

TT: Maybe some other time then...

EB: Oh! Sorry! I wasn't on!

EB: Hi Rose! :B

EB: Whats up?

TT: I've been working on planing a party.

EB: Really? For who?

TT: The girls.

TT: we're going to have a slumber party tomorrow.

EB: Well that sounds like fun!

So... the girls are having a sleep-over tomorrow huh? John grins to himself sounds like a perfect pranking oppertunity!

TT: Yes. I also believe it will be rather enjoyable.

EB: :B

EB: Sorry Rose, I've got to go!

EB: My dad is calling me...

EB: Bye!

TT: Goodbye John.

-ectoBiologist- ceast pestering -tenticleTherapast- [5:47]

You answer your dad, he's calling you for dinner...

you eat quickly then go back up to your room to work on your master prank, I should get Dave in on this! You decide to go over to his house right now and tell him all about your plan to prank the girls and crash their sleep-over. Now I just need to come up with the perfect prank! you thinks as you slip out your window. you shrug as you start walking to his house which is just on the next block... the perfect prank... I should be able to come up with something! I am the pranking master! you laugh a little. John Puases in the middle of the sidewalk, deep in thought for a moment... Just then he gets a great idea, A wide grin slowly spreads acrose his face... Perfect!

Just updating this chapter now... i almost have a third chapter done tho ;) any and i mean ANY ideas would be appreciated ::::)