A/N: To provide you with a small amout of basic knowledge, Hans' brothers are (in order of birth): Klaus, Vicktor, Nikolaus, Fredbjorn, Alexander, Andrew, Derek, Damien, Grant, William, Linus, Robert, and then of course we have Hans.

Hans sat at his mother's feet while she sewed. His brothers were pretending he did not exist (again), so he had naturally come to his mother. She sang softly to him while she sewed, glancing down every so often to catch his gaze and smile. Hans could not help but to feel awed as he looked up at his mother. She was the most beautiful woman in the entire kingdom, and she was nice to Hans even when his brothers weren't. She always made sure Hans was happy, and Hans liked to think that he was the favorite. She finished her song, and set down the needle, cloth, and thread. She held out her arms and Hans climbed into them, settling himself down on her lap as she hugged him tightly.

"Your brothers only act the way they do because they are jealous of you." She murmured in his ear.

"Jealous of what?" Hans whispered back. His mother tilted her head towards him secretively.

"They are upset because you are the youngest. Everyone in the kingdom dotes on you, you are still allowed to climb into my lap and ask silly questions. They want to be able to do that, but they cannot because they are too old now." She whispered back to him.

"Really?" Hans' eyes grew wide.

"Really." His mother nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Promise?" Hans questioned, grinning back. She held out her pinky finger, and hooked it through Hans' own.

"Pinky swear." She said. "Alright, my darling, I need to go into town. Would you like to stay here?" Hans nodded. His mother picked him up out of her lap, and set him on her chair. He smiled at her as she walked towards the door. He stood up when she stumbled and had to support herself on the wall.

"Mother?" He asked. He ran to her as she began to slide down the wall. He was not very strong, but he managed to help her back into her chair.

"I'm alright, darling." She sighed. No sooner had the words left her lips, she slumped in her chair and her eyes closed. Hans shook her slightly.

"Mother? Mother, you said you were alright. What's wrong? Mother, wake up!" He began shaking her a bit harder, but still got no response. Hans backed away from her chair, before moving across the room to open the door. He leaned out and called to a passing maid.

"Yes, Prince Hans?" She curtseyed to him.

"It's mother, I don't know what happened, she was fine and she said she was fine but now she's just sitting there and she can't hear me and she won't wake up!" Hans told her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the room with her. She leaned down to see if she could hear his mother's breathing.

"Prince Hans, would you do me a favor?" She asked.

"Yes, whatever you need!"He practically yelled. It was not the time to get nervous about bossing a prince around. Hans was nervous and he had no idea what to do, so he would have taken direction from anyone at that point in time.

"Go to Prince Klaus. Tell him what is happening. Tell him to run and get the doctor, not the palace one, but the other one." Hans nodded at the maid's words and began to run. He flew through the castle, ignoring the scandalized glances of the different noblemen and politicians lurking about. He fell a few times, tripping over rugs and bumping into tables; every time he did not waste a single second, and remained in motion. He was heading to the wing of the castle which contained the rooms for each of the princes. At the end of that hallway was a large room where the princes usually stayed to keep out of trouble. Hans did not like this room, as his brothers always left him out, but he had to go in there. He burst through the door loudly, drawing the attention of everyone there. Once they saw it was him, though, they went back to their own activities. Hans did not take notice of the lack of acknowledgement.

"Klaus, please listen, it's an emergency!" He called to his eldest brother, who was currently refereeing over a game of chess. Nickolas and Grant were playing, and Nickolas always managed to find a way to cheat. "Klaus, please listen to me! Mother is hurt!"

Simultaneously, all twelve of his brothers stood up with wide eyes.

"What happened, Hans?" Klaus asked, stepping forward.

"I don't know. She was about to go to out, but then she almost fell, and she said she was fine but I think she fainted. I don't know what happened, I'm sorry, I should have helped her!"Hans told them, tearing up. "I told a maid and she said to tell you to go get the doctor, the other doctor, not the one in the palace." If possible, Klaus' eyes got even wider as he tore out of the room and down the hall. Hans turned back to see all of his brothers still looking at him.

"Hans," Linus started to say but was cut off.

"I know, it's my fault I should have helped her, I should have known what to do, I'm so sorry!" He wailed. Tears began streaming down his face. Fredbjorn stepped forward and put his hands on Hans' shoulders.

"There is nothing you could have done." He said simply, before he left the room to go find their mother. Everyone else followed, leaving their crying brother alone.

The thirteen princes stood crowed around their mother's bed. The "other doctor" as it turned out, was one who only dealt in life or death illnesses. Their mother was simply getting old, and being a Queen is a stressful job. Her heart was failing. They had all had a few moments alone to say goodbye to her.

"Klaus." Their mother said weakly. Klaus stepped forward and her hand.

"You are next in line. Take care of our kingdom. Take care of Hans. He needs a parent. Please take care of your brothers." She said. She called each of them forward and shared one last hug. As she wrapped her arms around Hans, he felt her arms go limp.

Royal Announcement from the Southern Isles:

We regret to inform you that the Queen of the Southern Isles passed away last night.

Her funeral service will be in two days time, and will be open to whomever wishes to attend. Those coming from long distances will be given housing. The queen will be remembered through her thirteen sons and the wonderful things she did for her kingdom.

One week after her funeral service, Prince Klaus, aged twenty-three, will become king in a coronation ceremony. It will also be open to the public, and again, those who wish to attend will be given housing and may stay from the funeral service to the coronation ceremony.

We thank you for your patience with the Royal Family and citizens of the Southern Isles during their time of mourning.

A/N: So this was just the prologue in case you hadn't gotten that yet. This is based off of MisticalSeaMermaid's Let Her Go/Let It Go video, which is the best fanmade video I've ever seen. I definitely suggest watching it. I definitely hated Helsa before I watched that. It's brilliant.

I literally wrote this over the course of a few hours. It has been rewritten three times, and I do not have a beta, so all mistakes are my own. I appreciate any review whether it's just to say "This story really sucks" (though if you do that, could you please list a few reasons why it sucks?) or to give an extremely long and detailed description of all the mistakes I made. I am open to suggestions, though I will be sticking to the storyline in the original video.

Thank you for reading!