I missed writing about a month ago and I've already started chapter 7 of this and have written the next few chapters of other fanfictions which is good. I'm also taking a new writing course in school which makes me want to write more. So enjoy this!
Chapter 6. Scream
Song: Wait and Bleed - Slipknot
I awake to cold fingers running down my arms, and feel goosebumps appear. I open my eyes in fear of who could be doing this, but also with a tinge of hope that it's Eric. In the dark, I can't make out whoever it is but I reach towards them instinctively to grab their arm. It's strong and warm, unlike their fingertips. I hear them whisper something to me, but I can't make out what the words are. All I notice is that their voice resembles Eric's, and that sends a small tingling sensation throughout my body. I hear their breathing get heavier as they lean down towards me and steal a kiss from my lips. It's a nice, slow kiss that lasts forever in my mind and the shadow's hand reaches up to my chin to pull it closer. My heart rate speeds up.
"Eric," I whisper, out of breath, as the lips pull away from me. I want them back, I want them to never leave.
I hear a snicker. "Rise and shine, princess, remember?" More laughs, and the shadow seems to walk away from me. My blood runs ice cold. Fear instills itself into my mind, and stays for a long time as I see silhouettes exit the room. There's three boys, all decently tall, that walk out. I place my arms over my eyes and let tears drip down my cheeks onto my pillow. I furiously wipe at my lips with my sleeve as I break down alone, in the dark. I curl into a fetal position, wanting to die and never wake up. I try to cry silently in case someone else is in the room, but it grows louder and louder. As the crying gets worse, my anger grows and I dig my nails into my forehead while feeling as if I'm about to explode for the last time. Ten minutes pass before I cool down, and the feeling of sadness goes away. It's replaced with a certain numbness and slight anger that I've never felt before. A sudden urge to murder the immature, insolent boys that did this to me runs through my head.
I wipe the tears from my eyes and slowly sit up with a newfound self. I stride through to the door with long, calculated footsteps and inhale the scent of grilled food that lingers in the hall. The smell of food bids me to the dining area. On my way, I see Zeke coming towards me. He has a nice smile on his face as he reaches my side.
"How was your nap?" he asks politely. I shrug wholeheartedly and focus on how yummy the food smells.
"Great," I say in a sarcastic tone. Zeke turns and walks next to me. My walking increases while he tries to keep up.
"What happened?" he says.
"What do you mean?"
"Kate." Zeke pulls at my arm in order to make me stop walking. It works, and I end up staring straight into Zeke's eyes. I ponder for a moment, deciding the next best course of action. An idea comes to mind quickly.
"I'm fine," I say in a soft tone and subsequently lean in to give Zeke a quick kiss. He is surprised from the maneuver and stares at me in a dumbfounded way. "I'm just really hungry."
Zeke smiles lightly at me and curls his hand around the back of my neck. He pulls it close to his face and kisses me again, harder than before. His tongue finds its way into my mouth as his free hand grabs at my back to close the space between us. He smiles against my lips. After a few moments, he pulls away and looks at me with a heavy breath. I force a small grin for him.
"So…dinner?" I suggest. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the dining hall.
The dining hall is loud and filled with more Dauntless than usual. I'm about to ask if there's a special event going on tonight when Symphony intercepts my thoughts. Her pointed eyes narrow as she focuses on my hand in Zeke's.
"Hm," she says slowly. I quickly release Zeke's hand and cross my arms across my chest. She glances curiously at the movement.
"How was it, Symph?" Zeke asks the girl. She flips her hair behind her head and replies in a smooth tone.
"Hell. Literally. I was in hell."
Zeke lowers his eyes and mumbles a small apology. Symphony smiles. "It's alright though. I mean, Johnson has helped somewhat."
Her smile seems genuine, despite her nasty mood. I suppose it's just an effect of the serum and so I brush it off.
"Come on," Symphony says, reaching for my wrist. I let her grab it and Zeke reaches for my free hand. The two of us are pulled by Symphony until we are seated at a table full of initiated Dauntless. Zeke says hi to a few of them and sits down. I sit down on the opposite side of him and look around the area, letting my eyes travel over the people sitting around me. Zeke places his hand on my knee under the table, and I stiffen at the touch. My mind is focused on locating the boys. I subconsciously feel my lips, remembering how one of them had kissed me. However, looking through the crowd for someone who almost raped me and humiliated me proves difficult. I decide not to eat, as my stomach is full with anger and revenge and instead look forward to getting tattoos and the following event of capture the flag.
Zeke comes with me when I receive my tattoo, watching me carefully as a pad is pressed over my ribcage and the tattoo is created. I inhale sharply at the slight pain, but smile once the pad is removed, revealing my new tattoo. Zeke frowns at it.
"I thought you were going with the eye idea," he says.
I glance at my ribcage, seeing random shapes and markings. "I thought this looked cooler."
Zeke's smile returns.
"Okay," he says as I sit up and put my shirt back on. I shoot a direction towards the artist and thank her for the tattoo. She replies with a thank you as I walk away. Zeke's hand finds mine again, and he leads me towards the train tracks in order to play capture the flag. We pass Symphony and Johnson, who were giving each other side glances while receiving their tattoos. She seems happier than earlier, which I suppose is good.
Zeke and I make it to the train tracks before the other initiates are there. The sky is a dark blue with various clouds moving quickly. I hug myself to keep my bare arms warm. Four stands a few yards away from us next to Eric who casts looks down my way. I shift uncomfortably as he watches Zeke place his arm around my shoulder. After a few moments, Eric walks towards us.
"Zeke," he says, tilting his head to the side.
"Hm?" Zeke mumbles, rubbing my shoulder with his hand.
"Capture the flag is for the initiates. So go back to the Pit and try training some more." His voice is cold and demanding.
Zeke furrows his brow, but eventually removes his hand from my shoulder and says his goodbyes. He walks away from the tracks, leaving Eric standing in front of me. Eric looks over me for a quick second before reluctantly pulling the jacket from his shoulders and handing it to me. I quickly put it on and smile in his direction.
I part my lips to speak, but Eric turns his heel and bounds back towards Four. I watch his back as he walks away and frown lightly. Footsteps sound behind me and I realize that the initiates are on their way. I continue shivering in the cold weather despite Eric's jacket until Symphony stands behind me with Johnson. They plaster their feet on the cobble ground and look in my direction.
"Ready?" Symphony asks. I nod subtly. "Yeah, I've been wanting to get out of this compound." Shifting my gaze towards Eric, I realize that I want to get away from him. Or at least hurt him. A low rumbling vibrates down the rails of the tracks. Some of the initiates start to cheer in excitement and place one foot behind them in order to get good leverage. I peer down the tracks, looking for the first light of the train and see it a moment later. Symphony shouts in excitement while Johnson grabs her hand. The train slowly starts to speed up as it comes near us, and people to my far left start jumping on. The front of the train passes, the wind from it almost knocking me off my feet.
"Come on!" Symphony yells, starting to run alongside it. I regain my balance and catch up to her in a matter of minutes. Johnson jumps up and reaches onto a rail. He flings himself onto the train, along with Symphony. They enter it quickly and look out the side at me. My legs feel tired, so when the next entrance way comes up next to me, I jump swiftly onto the train.
Once inside, I stare at the face of excited Dauntless. Their eyes are bright with excitement as they watch the Dauntless compound disappear behind the train.
"Alright listen up," a loud voice rings. I turn towards it and watch as Eric digs through a bag of items for something. "We're playing capture the flag. Rules are simple, capture the flag. These are your weapons." Eric holds up a bright red gun-shaped object. Someone snorts at it. Eric instantly turns his head in their direction. The snorter, a large boy with blonde hair, shrugs.
"It doesn't look that harmful," is his excuse.
Eric doesn't hesitate, and quickly pulls back the slide. He pulls the trigger, emitting a long cylinder-shaped bullet that pierces the kids black pants. His body becomes limp and he falls down, releasing a loud shriek of pain. Eric laughs and I turn my back to the sight.
"These bullets emit the same feeling as a real one. Only lasts a few seconds though." He frowns distastefully at the device before looking at everyone in the train. "Four and I are captains. Four you can go first."
The two captains go back and forth for a few moments, picking people to be on their team. I expect Eric to choose me first, but when it comes down to me or Symphony, he chooses the latter. With confused eyes, I solemnly walk towards Four who hands me one of the guns and pats my back. Johnson and Symphony are both on Eric's side, so I'm left in the corner of the train, leaning against the metal wall while everyone else on the team decides a team strategy. I constantly find my eyes drifting towards Eric, who seems to be commanding his team in a hushed tone. They look excited, as if they have a good battle plan.
Eventually the train reaches the point where we jump off. I lose my footing on the jump due to the uneven weight of the gun in one hand, and nothing in the other. My knees are scraped by loose gravel which makes me grimace as I stand up. Eric's team heads off in the opposite of mine. He leads at the front. I stay at the back of my group, limping along the way.
We eventually make our way between what seems to be a church and an abandoned warehouse. The flag is hidden in the basement of the warehouse and once it is placed there, everyone who isn't guarding it stands together in a circle.
Four looks around at everyone. "Alright, what's the plan?"
Multiple people start shouting at once. I glance around the area thoughtfully, and raise my hand. Four chuckles when he sees my hand in the air.
"Go 'head," he says. Heads turn in my direction.
"We could get a good vantage point from the top of the church," I suggest, "from there we could figure out the best way to get their flag." However, loud battle screams signal the arrival of the opposing team and suddenly everyone scrambles. Small, blue darts shoot past my body as I duck and swerve away from them. I run past a few deserted buildings, my feet slamming hard on the asphalt. The sound of screaming grows quieter, and my heart beat pounds louder than the sound of the guns.
I pause next to an apartment complex that casts a long dark shadow over a park on the other side of me. I double over, grabbing my knees and inhaling deeply. The air smells sweet and musty, the mixture makes my stomach twist in knots. I'm able to brush the smell off and am soon able to stand up straight and breathe nice, normal breaths.
"Hey, Kate. What are you doing all the way out here?" I turn around, seeing Johnson with a gun in his hand. It looks strikingly different from the other ones, but I fail to notice. He raises it in my direction and I lift my hands up in defense.
"Hey," I say, "I'm just getting some fresh air. Come on, we both know the flag isn't out here so there's no reason to shoot."
Johnson watches me indifferently. "You know, I've always wanted to try this thing out," he says, shaking the gun in his hand. His face suddenly turns stern. My eyes grow wide as I hear the trigger being pulled. The sound is deafening; it's much louder than the other ones. Something tears through my torso. At first, I try to laugh thinking that it was just a dart and that I'll get Johnson back for it, but as I fall to the ground, the metallic smell of blood enters the already distasteful air.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
-jk rowling
Author's Note:
Well that concludes that chapter. I tried to end with a nice cliffhanger for all of you