Note: I had to change the last sentence of the previous chapter so it could be accord to the manga… It wasn't something important anyway.

Note 2: From here on, I will ignore what happens in the manga (not completely) and make my own story.

Note 3: Should I keep writing? I mean, I feel as if no one's reading me… I know my English might be coarse, and that's why I want you guys to correct me… So tell me, do I continue or do I not?

Chapter 57

-Such an intellect… Situation's alright for the moment.-

Levi, from behind a tree, smiled. That was his old Master. Everything was going as planned. They would be presenting Eren to the real king in no time. After all, he was the one controlling every move made inside the walls.

Their plans had already failed once, when they sent those men to kill Mikasa's mother so they could blame Yeager… But that Eren brat had ruined their plans, and his father, anti-human supression squad's leader, Captain Ackerman, had been punished.

They had waited a very long time to get their chance, and once Eren's power became of public knowledge, everything just went easier.

-Levi. I will trust you, and only you, this last thing. We have to make sure both Eren and Historia meet Lod Reiss, the one who should be being the King. Fritz must be put on his knees. The sooner the better. Don't tell anyone the real purpose, alright? We know Eren could ruin everything.-Erwin had said while buttoning his jacket.

-Weren't you giving up on this if he had a good reason?-

-I'm still human. If there is a good reason, then I will gladly let them kill me after this. But yet so, I won't die before I take revenge on them.-

-Acknowledged. Why aren't you telling the brat about this?-

-It's not that I don't trust him.-Erwin closed his eyes.- I like how he acts, but sometimes he's just a stupid guy, acting with no purpose. So it is better if he doesn't know anything.-

-Understood.-Levi had said grabbing the door's handle.

-Poor stupid. I want to see the expression on his face when all of the Scouting Legion dies.-

-What did you just say!?-a female voice said, not surprising him.

Levi just turned around and smiled again.

-Hanji. I knew you'd be following me.-

The girl's face was a mix of surprise with hatred, disappointment and desperation.

-Why?-she asked, falling to her knees.- Why, Levi?-she repeated, embracing herself, crying.

-Come on.-he said as contempt as ever.- You are pathetic.-

-Why are you betraying us, Levi? You've been with us for years, did it mean nothing to you?-tears crossing through her face.

The Captain closed his eyes, laughing, and when he opened them again, he wasn't the Levi she knew anymore. He looked like some kind of monster. Just like the Brigade's men were.

-How can you wiseasses mean anything to me? You were just stupid men and women wanting to get out of these walls! Wanting to study the titans so you could understand them! Do you really believe they are something you can really understand? Come on! Look around you!-he said, still smiling.- Everyone you once knew is dead. Everyone but me and Erwin. He will soon die, and I am not on your side.-

-You monster!-Hanji tried to reach one of her blades, but Levi just kicked her face, making her hit the floor.

She screamed in pain. She screamed in pain like she never had. And Levi just watched and laughed.

-How fool can humans be.-he said, approaching to her, taking one of his own blades.-How pathetic they can be.-he was just at one step from her, Hanji desperately tried to get away, but Levi gashed her leg, to which she screamed more.-Don't make me do this.-he said, crouching.-Give me your word that you won't say anything about this and that you'll lie to Erwin.-

-Fuck you.-she managed to say.

-So be it. I wasn't going to let you live anyway.-Levi rotated the blade, tearing her flesh apart, and all she could do was to scream even more if it was possible.

Then, he raised his weapon to finally kill her.

-Good bye, Hanji. I never cared a bit about you.-

-Hey, you ass!-

-Huh?-both Hanji and Levi said, looking to where the voice came from.

It was the business man's son.

-I-I won't let you kill her! It's time for me to be a man!-

-Please.-Levi asked.- In order to be a man, you must have your balls well placed.-

Hanji put her eyes on the kid's hands. He was holding something. One simple movement and he would be dead.

And then, it happened all of a sudden.

The business man's son let something fall from his hand and tried to grab Levi's hands, but he was faster and sliced his head.

-What a shame.-was all he expressed before he saw Hanji running away as she could to grab something from the floor and use her 3D Maneuver Gear to escape.-And you think you can do that?-Levi shrugged before doing the same she did.

He only had to pursue her for a couple of hundred of meters. Then, he shattered her other leg with one of the harpoons of his 3DMG.

Again, Hanji screamed in pain before falling to the floor.

She rolled all over the floor until she hit her back against a tree, probably cracking a bone or two.

Levi approached to her silently, like a hunter that's going to kill a helpless rat.

-A job well done, as always.-a man said, appearing from the road's direction.-Rivaille Ackerman, I must admit it. You have us all impressed.-

-Ackerman?-Hanji whispered, trembling in fear.- Does he… Have something to do with Mikasa?-

-Well, obviously I'm the best.-Levi said taking another blade.- I was just asking myself when would you show up.-

-Hum. We knew you were about to betray us, if you haven't done it yet.-the man sentenced unsheathing two blades.

-You are nothing. You are pathetic. We are the ones who will win.-

-We? You are alone here, Rivaille.-

-There, is where you are wrong!-Mikasa said after jumping from a close tree and gashing his head right between his eyes before he could react.

-Was he alone?-he asked.

-No, there were two of them, but I killed the other too.-she explained, at the time Jean and Conny climbed down from the trees.

-Well done. Take the clothes and throw the corpse to the bottom of the pit, quickly.-Levi said to Mikasa before turning to Hanji.-Sorry, four eyed abnormal titan. I had to do all that to you.-

Hanji nodded at him, smiling.

-I know. I'm just glad you didn't have to kill me. Even when I was ready…-

Rivaille, however, had crouched to reach her face.

-I said sorry. Do you excuse me or not?-

She swallowed saliva.


-Alright then.-Levi stood up.-You hurry up, Ackerman.-

-How's that you share my last name?-she asked without an expression.

-You call me Ackerman again, you are fired.-was all he said.

-You're not shutting me up.-Mikasa fought him back.- You'll answer me someday.-

-Keep dreaming.-

-No, you keep dreaming, asshole.-she dragged the man's body to the edge of the pit.- You. Will. Answer. Me. Are. We. Clear?-

-I said no and that's the end of the story.-

-Forget it, guys.-Jean interceded.- We must hurry and intercept them. Conny, get dressed, I'll do the same. Mikasa, take Hanji to the house and then follow us as planned.-

-Got it.-she said angrily.- We're not done yet.-she added to Levi, to which he didn't change his expression at all.

-I don't care.-

Mikasa glared at him.

-Just forget it, guys!-

-This is really uncomfortable.-Conny stated.-This guy really liked to sweat.-

-Stop complaining.-Jean put a stop to him.- Start walking, we must reach them. Remember, we're both ruthless, implacable and tough guys. Use your normal voice, the men we killed had ones similar to us.-

-Yes. Stand after me and never get away.-Levi suggested.

They finally got out of the forest and faced the convoy, where their leader's father, Captain Ackerman, stood close to the royal cart.

The tree of them made a reverence to Ackerman, who approached to his son and said:

-Welcome back.-

-I just hate the fact of being useless to the King, Master.-

-So…-he looked at Jean and Conny.- He wasn't a traitor?-

They shook their heads. No one other than Ackerman and his son had the pleasure of talking, but sometimes the wanted their men to talk too.

-Talk.-he said.

Like this time.

-No.-both of them murmured.

Ackerman doubted it for a second, but then accepted their word.

-Then we should continue.-

Eren, inside the cart, tussled to get himself free, but they had done a perfect job tying him up.

"Damn it", he thought, "Damn it. I just hope everyone's okay."

Erwin's plan had failed. They had been expecting the Military Police, not this guys. And now, Levi was a traitor.

"Fuck it! I will kill him when I get the fucking chance… I will certainly kill him."

Suddenly, he remembered Jean's, Levi's and Armin's words.

"There's no telling that she's not dying tomorrow. There's no telling that you're not dying tomorrow."

Those weren't their exact words, but it did was their meaning.

"It's official. I'm talking with Jean and Armin after this. I'm not dying before I see them again. Gkh! My throat…" he felt blood in his mouth. That was a good signal. He wanted to open a gash in his throat, so he had swallowed the small knife between his inferior lip and his teeth. He could transform into a Titan at any time. But first, he needed to be sure that he wasn't killing anyone he cared about in the process. And if he just did it right away, he would probably kill Historia, something he did not want to do.

Eren forgot about all that, as for the moment he couldn't do anything, so it would be a waste of his strength to keep trying to get free.

"Shit. Why didn't I talk more to Mikasa the last night?!"

Remembering the scene brought him a great pain.

-Mikasa. I need to talk to you.-he had said after sitting down at her side.

-What is it, Eren?-she had asked kindly, the usual tone she used when she talked to him.

-Um… Well, it's, um… We have to speak about something. The dimension of this situation has gone too far. You… You know we could die tomorrow, right?-

She had raised an eyebrow. Obviously, she already knew that.

-Eren, we could have died since we started this fight.-Mikasa had made her point slowly, trying not to provoke him.

-Y-Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. I wanted to tell you that I don't really understand my feelings… For you, and…-her eyes widened.- If I didn't tell you this before, it was… It was because I felt it wasn't the time. But now I don't know any more when the time will be. With all this happening around, I… I can't be sure of nothing… Nothing but one thing.-Eren had memorized the text Armin had written for him to say.- I don't see you as a sister.-

-What are you talking about, Eren?-she said, hiding her cheeks with the scarf.- I do see you as my big bro…-

-No, you don't. And I know it.-he cut her off.- I know you were trying to kiss me back on the outside, and I must accept that I wouldn't have let you do it, but not because I don't like you, but because I'm not sure about this yet. Besides, I get it that you… Hey!-Mikasa had embraced him so hard that he felt the air abandoning his lungs.

-Thank you.-she whispered at his ear.-That… Means a lot for me. To know that you don't hate me… Thank you. But, Eren…-she moved her head back a little bit, looking into his eyes.-Please, promise me we'll see through this.-

-Mikasa! I…-"Don't let rage blind you, okay?" Armin had told him; he had been about to let his anger take control, but managed to win the battle against himself for once.-I swear we'll see through all this.-

She let her head rest on his chest, and he just stroked her soft hair.

-Don't dare you die tomorrow, Eren.-she had said, her voice trembling, a tear cutting through her face.

-Come on.-he had told her, taking the good guy role he had taken so many years ago putting the scarf around her neck that night.- Whatever you need, let me know, just as I tell you what I need.-

-You never told me such things.-she denied.

-I don't have to. Somehow… You just have to look into my eyes to understand. I want to be capable of doing the same, alright?-fuck Armin's discourse.

-Eren!-she exclaimed, moved by his words.- Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to do all that, because…-

-Shut up.-he responded, grabbing her shoulders roughly.-Shut up and let me be the support you always needed and I never was.-


-Mikasa.-he took both of her hands.- Stop. Let yourself enjoy all you can from now on, okay?-

She stared at him and then let out a smile. A smile she had never shown to anyone. Eren could feel the weight of her act punching him. How could have he been so idiot. All she needed was this, or a hug, or a simple word from him to be happy. Nothing more than that. "I can never forgive myself. Thank you, Armin… Jean… For making me open my eyes.

After that, he had gone to sleep."

"What's happening to me?" Eren asked himself, "Usually I don't cry for nothing."

When he raised his head, he found Historia's eyes on his. She was crying too.

Eren knew at that moment that he couldn't let anyone else die. Anyone else.

What was left of the travel elapsed without problems. Levi kept his father's attention upon him, Jean kept walking at the right side of the cart, with Conny at the other side. During the travel, Mikasa had joined them, following them from a prudence distance.

Finally, the convoy reached the royal palace, in the center of Wall Sina's territory.

The rest of the Scouting Legion, with the help of Marlowe, one of Annie's companions, disguised as members of the Military Police, had infiltrated the Wall as planned.

They had scattered all along and wide the Royal District, so they could quickly be ready to take control over the people and the soldiers. The men of the Military Police were nothing compared to the men of the Survey Corps.

Or so they thought.

When Captain Ackerman opened the door, Eren could see Levi, surrounded by three men and a woman.

The first he tried to do was to charge against his mentor, but two of the three men grabbed his arms roughly. Yet so, he kept trying to reach the bastard.

-Let him talk.-Levi ordered.

Jean and Conny, the ones holding Eren, looked at Captain Ackerman, who nodded and kept waiting for the kid to talk, so they took away the gag that was shutting him up.

"I need to speak slowly… Otherwise they'll find out about the gash in my throat…"

-Just tell me why.-he said to Levi.- Give me a reason.-Eren demanded.

-To fulfill my own purposes.-

-Perfect.-Eren swallowed blood.- Perfect.-he lowered his head, filled of rage and hatred.- I trusted you… Erwin trusted you…-he raised his eyes to reach his.- We all trusted you… And this is how you pay us?-

Levi closed his eyes and smiled mockingly at Eren.

-You think I care?-

-There must be a reason!-Yeager demanded, trying to keep the blood inside his mouth.

-A reason you don't need to know.-Rivaille grabbed Historia's arm and pushed her forward, she cried because of the extreme grip.-Walk, you whore. Don't waste my time.-

-You son of a bitch! I will make you pay!-he actually knew there was nothing he could do against Levi, neither as a Titan nor as a human.

-Bring him with us. Put the gag on him again.-Ackerman said starting to walk.

"This is it! I must transform into a Titan before they block mi mouth again and…"

-Eren.-one of the men said in his ear.- It's me, Jean.-

-And I'm Conny. Don't fight, not yet.-the three of them started moving, following Ackerman.

-We can't prevent you from turning into a Titan, but you first have to get an explanation from Reiss… I'll let you know when the situation has gone to hell, alright?-

Eren reluctantly nodded in agreement.

-But I'll keep an eye on you too, I'm not accepting anymore traitors.-he warned them while feeling the gag again block his teeth.

-Alright, alright, just move.-

When they took away the band blocking his eyes, the Titan Shifter could see the place.

"Is this where a king lives?"

A house whose walls were covered by vegetables and climbing plants was standing before him.

Is it really here where Lod Reiss is hidden?