Disclaimer: I don't own Frozen.
Gone in an instant, in one single gasp of breath, in a blink of an eye.
She was gone from his line of view. She ran away. She was facing towards him and then she wasn't.
He remembered hearing Bulda's hopeful voice in his head, the words erasing every thought and taking residence in his mind, bouncing around in the vast emptiness like a single pebble in a glass jar on a bumpy ride through the country.
A true love's kiss, perhaps?
She was right there. Her hair was white and she was huddled into herself to protect what was left of her body heat, which made her seem even more fragile and smaller than she really was, but it was her. Blue eyes and freckles and everything he admired.
It only would have taken fifteen long strides to make it to her and save her. He only just met her and he believed he was in love. He was usually not one to give his heart away to someone he had just met but he had. He loved her and hoped that his love would, could save her.
And then she was gone.
She was ten paces too far and he was ten paces too slow, too late.
The shattering of an iron sword against solid, magical ice echoed across the frozen fjord. Her sister's grief-stricken cries immediately took its place. It concealed the sound of his own shattering heart.
A storm of anguish and anger swelled up within him and he allowed it to soak into the crevices of his broken heart. It pulled at his insides and threatened to break him apart.
Gone in an instant, in one single breath, in a blink of an eye.
And then she wasn't.